brennen / mirc-stuff
mIRC Script 0 0

Updated 5 months ago

Updated 3 years ago

A PHP CLI for printing an emoji roughly corresponding to the current moon phase.

Updated 3 years ago

Some Perl to generate Debian-style changelogs from git logs with tags for versions.

Updated 3 years ago

A small Slim application for returning a list of pages in a MediaWiki category, ordered by Dale-Chall readability scores.

Updated 6 years ago

Updated 6 years ago

brennen / mru
Vim script 0 0

Most Recently Used (MRU) Vim Plugin

Updated 5 years ago

Updated 6 years ago

unicode precipitation

Updated 6 years ago

A short example of using subtree for stuff.

Updated 6 years ago

Code and utilities for running and managing the server

Updated 6 years ago

a place for cheatsheets i make or possibly steal

Updated 5 years ago

brennen / vundle
Vim script 0 0

Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim

Updated 6 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Updated 6 years ago

Messing around with Prawn, may use it to generate invoices

Updated 6 years ago

brennen / wzrd
Python 0 0

a circuit playground express wizard staff

Updated 6 years ago

A C++ DAL / ORM code generation framework

Updated 6 years ago

QBasic Rockwars

Updated 6 years ago