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package build
// Phase enum type
type Phase int
// Distinct build phases that each compiler implementation should pass to
// PhaseCompileable configuration (in the order they are defined here) to
// allow for dependency injection during compilation.
const (
PhasePrivileged Phase = iota // first, copies/execution done as root
PhasePrivilegeDropped // second, copies/execution done as unprivileged user from here on
PhasePreInstall // third, before application files and artifacts are copied
PhaseInstall // fourth, application files and artifacts are copied
PhasePostInstall // fifth, after application files and artifacts are copied
// PhaseCompileable defines and interface that all configuration types should
// implement if they want to inject build instructions into any of the defined
// build phases.
type PhaseCompileable interface {
InstructionsForPhase(phase Phase) []Instruction
// Phases returns all build phases in the order to be compiled.
func Phases() []Phase {
return []Phase{