Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
  1. " vim -u test/vimrc
  2. set nocompatible
  3. set nowrap
  4. let root = '/tmp/!vundle-test/bundles/'
  5. let src = ''
  6. " let src = '~/.vim/bundle/vundle/.git'
  7. if !isdirectory(expand(root, 1).'/vundle')
  8. exec '!git clone '.src.' '.shellescape(root, 1).'/vundle'
  9. endif
  10. filetype off
  11. syntax on
  12. runtime macros/matchit.vim
  13. exec 'set rtp+='.root.'/vundle'
  14. call vundle#rc(root)
  15. Bundle "gmarik/vundle"
  16. " vim-scripts name
  17. Bundle 'molokai'
  18. " github username with dashes
  19. Bundle 'vim-scripts/ragtag.vim'
  20. " original repo
  21. Bundle 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
  22. " with extension
  23. Bundle 'nelstrom/vim-mac-classic-theme.git'
  24. "
  25. " invalid uri
  26. Bundle 'nonexistinguser/yupppierepo.git'
  27. " full uri
  28. Bundle ''
  29. " full uri
  30. Bundle ''
  31. " short uri
  32. Bundle 'gh:gmarik/snipmate.vim.git'
  33. Bundle 'github:mattn/gist-vim.git'
  34. " local uri stuff
  35. Bundle '~/Dropbox/.gitrepos/utilz.vim.git'
  36. " Bundle 'file://Dropbox/.gitrepos/utilz.vim.git'
  37. " with options
  38. Bundle 'rstacruz/sparkup.git', {'rtp': 'vim/'}
  39. " Camel case
  40. Bundle 'vim-scripts/RubySinatra'
  41. filetype plugin indent on " Automatically detect file types.
  42. set wildignore+=doc " should not break helptags
  43. set wildignore+=.git " should not break clone
  44. set wildignore+=.git/* " should not break clone
  45. set wildignore+=*/.git/*
  46. " TODO: helptags fails with this
  47. " set wildignore+=doc/* " should not break clone
  48. " set wildignore+=*/doc/*
  49. au VimEnter * BundleInstall
  50. func! s:assert_bundles() abort
  51. for b in g:bundles
  52. if (!isdirectory(b.path().'/.git/'))
  53. throw' not installed'
  54. endif
  55. endfor
  56. endf
  57. call s:assert_bundles()