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import groovy.mock.interceptor.MockFor
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.*
import groovy.util.GroovyTestCase
import org.wikimedia.integration.Pipeline
class PipelineTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testConstructor() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
blubberfile: "bar/blubber.yaml",
directory: "src/foo",
stages: [
[name: "unit"],
[name: "lint"],
[name: "candidate"],
[name: "production"],
execution: [
["unit", "candidate", "production"],
["lint", "candidate", "production"],
assert pipeline.blubberfile == "bar/blubber.yaml"
assert == "src/foo"
assert pipeline.execution == [
["unit", "candidate", "production"],
["lint", "candidate", "production"],
void testConstructor_defaults() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
directory: "src/foo",
stages: [
[name: "unit"],
[name: "lint"],
[name: "candidate"],
[name: "production"],
assert pipeline.blubberfile == "foo/blubber.yaml"
assert pipeline.execution == [
["unit", "lint", "candidate", "production"],
void testGetDefaultNodeLabels_build() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
stages: [
name: "foo",
build: "foo",
assert pipeline.getRequiredNodeLabels() == ["blubber"] as Set
void testGetDefaultNodeLabels_run() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
stages: [
name: "foo",
run: [
image: "foo",
assert pipeline.getRequiredNodeLabels() == ["blubber"] as Set
void testGetDefaultNodeLabels_publishFiles() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
stages: [
name: "foo",
publish: [
files: [
paths: ["foo/*"],
assert pipeline.getRequiredNodeLabels() == ["blubber"] as Set
void testGetDefaultNodeLabels_publishImage() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
stages: [
name: "foo",
publish: [
image: [
id: "foo",
assert pipeline.getRequiredNodeLabels() == ["dockerPublish"] as Set
void testRunner() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
directory: "src/foo/",
stages: [],
def runner = pipeline.runner()
assert runner.configPath == "../../.pipeline"
assert runner.registry == ""
assert runner.registryInternal == "docker-registry.discovery.wmnet"
void testRunner_currentDirectory() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
directory: ".",
stages: [],
assert pipeline.runner().configPath == ".pipeline"
void testRunner_customRegistries() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [stages: []])
pipeline.dockerRegistry = "registry.example"
pipeline.dockerRegistryInternal = "internal.example"
def runner = pipeline.runner()
assert runner.registry == "registry.example"
assert runner.registryInternal == "internal.example"
void testValidate_setupReserved() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
stages: [[name: "setup"]],
def e = shouldFail(Pipeline.ValidationException) {
assert e.errors.size() == 1
assert e.errors[0] == "setup is a reserved stage name"
void testStack() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
stages: [[name: "stageA"], [name: "stageB"], [name: "stageC"]],
execution: [["stageA", "stageC"], ["stageB", "stageC"]],
// Expecting:
// stageA
// ⇗ ⇘
// setup stageC ⇒ teardown
// ⇘ ⇗
// stageB
def stack = pipeline.stack()
assert stack.size() == 4
assert stack[0].size() == 1
assert stack[0][0].name == "setup"
assert stack[1].size() == 2
assert stack[1][0].name == "stageA"
assert stack[1][1].name == "stageB"
assert stack[2].size() == 1
assert stack[2][0].name == "stageC"
assert stack[3].size() == 1
assert stack[3][0].name == "teardown"
void testValidate_teardownReserved() {
def pipeline = new Pipeline("foo", [
stages: [[name: "teardown"]],
def e = shouldFail(Pipeline.ValidationException) {
assert e.errors.size() == 1
assert e.errors[0] == "teardown is a reserved stage name"