- BashTricks. I always forget how to do this, and I'm sick of looking it up for that once every two months when I need it.
- * [http://partmaps.org/era/unix/award.html useless use of cat award]
- * http://db.ilug-bom.org.in/Documentation/abs-guide/loops1.html
- * http://anton.lr2.com/archives/2005/03/24/using-a-bash-for-loop-to-wget/ - Slurp up some of this info.
- for arg in [list]
- do
- command...
- done
- Don't feel like you have to string this all together on one line when you're doing it in an interactive shell. Just hit enter after each line.
- To steal an example:
- for planet in "Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto"
- do
- echo $planet
- done
- Note that [list] can be the output of a given program - just use backticks, like so:
- for doc in `ls *.doc`
- do
- file $doc
- done
- A real world example:
- for release in `ls`
- do
- iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 ./$release ../converted/$release.html
- done
- You probably should use globs instead, though:
- for release in *
- do
- foo ./$release
- done