BashTricks. I always forget how to do this, and I'm sick of looking it up for that once every two months when I need it. * [ useless use of cat award] * * - Slurp up some of this info. for arg in [list] do command... done Don't feel like you have to string this all together on one line when you're doing it in an interactive shell. Just hit enter after each line. To steal an example: for planet in "Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto" do echo $planet done Note that [list] can be the output of a given program - just use backticks, like so: for doc in `ls *.doc` do file $doc done A real world example: for release in `ls` do iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 ./$release ../converted/$release.html done You probably should use globs instead, though: for release in * do foo ./$release done