- WareLogging. SourceCode. BASH is the BourneAgainShell. In terms of scripting, I tend to think it's considerably more sane to write Perl these days, but I promise you Bash is not going away any time soon.
- = keys & builtins =
- * Press ctrl-r for an interactive search of your command history. This is usually faster than arrow keys, and probably safer than guessing at a bang completion.
- * esc, . (escape, followed by a period) will pull up the last word of the last command
- * "cd -" - bounce back to the last directory.
- * Redirect STDERR: "command 2> file"
- = references & tutorials =
- * [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-bash.html Bash by example, Part 1]
- * [http://www.cs.uu.nl/wais/html/na-dir/unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot.html csh programming considered harmful]
- * [http://www.shelldorado.com/ Heiner's SHELLdorado]
- * [http://talug.org/events/20030709/cmdline_history.html Using Bash's History Effectively] - A few cool tricks here I wasn't aware of.
- ** export HISTIGNORE="&:ls:[bf]g:exit"
- ** 'shopt -s cmdhist' - record multiline commands as a single line in history
- ** history | grep -i "<search string>"
- ** !<history number>
- = aliases =
- To investigate: BashFunctions.
- From several versions of ~/.bashrc:
- # stack-based directory navigation:
- # c to change, b for back, u for up.
- alias b='popd'
- alias u='pushd ..'
- alias c='pushd'
- # frequent commands:
- alias m='mutt'
- # p used to be pine, but I quit using pine.
- alias p='ssh p1k3.com'
- alias v='vim'
- # these might break using GNU date(1), I should really check.
- alias t='cd /www/p1k3/archives/`date +%Y`/`date +%m`'
- alias tv='vim /www/p1k3/archives/`date +%Y`/`date +%m`/`date +%d`'
- # colorized & shortened ls
- alias ls='ls --color=auto '
- alias ll='ls -lh'
- alias la='ls -A'
- alias l='ls -CF'
- # for those MS-DOS kinda days
- alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
- alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
- # command prompt
- # user@host:working_directory$
- PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
- = .inputrc =
- This stuff is crucial: Kill the obnoxious beep, and cycle through possible completions rather than requiring 2 presses of the tab key to display a list of choices.
- set bell-style none
- set completion-ignore-case on
- set completion-query-items 150
- set mark-directories on
- set visible-stats on
- TAB: menu-complete
- = Constantly refreshing display of command output =
- I often want to monitor a file or service in real-time. This lets me do it:
- while [ 1 ]; do { clear; tail -20 /var/log/messages; sleep 1; } done
- This will display the last 20 lines of /var/log/messages on a blank screen, refreshing every second. Replace "tail -20 /var/log/messages" with the command that you want to refresh.
- <[[Brennen]]> As another approach, [http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_chapter/coreutils_5.html#SEC19 tail(1)] itself offers the -f / --follow option, so for example,
- tail -f /var/log/httpd/access.log
- At least some versions of tail support following multiple files at once. These may be GNU specific options; I'll look it up at some point.
- There's also watch(1), which is essentially the above loop for whatever command you feed it.
- <[[Brent]]> Very cool! I created the above trick because I've been on systems on which watch wasn't available, and I wanted to watch a process (say, "ps -ef | grep sql") instead of a file.
- It's also nice to have it clear the screen each time.
- = In-place Files =
- In attempting to automated FTP uploads, [[Brent]] has had trouble passing data to the ftp command. An easy solution:
- ftp -n -i (HOST) <<- endcommands
- cd wwwroot
- mput *
- bye
- endcommands
- The -n parameter suppresses auto-login, and -i turns off prompting.