The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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INDEX OF BABYLON 5 PICTURES - Effects directory
This directory contains various special-effects shots from Babylon 5, both
the pilot and the series.
The file Index.jpg contains shrunken versions of the pictures here. If you
like, use it to determine which pictures interest you. Thumbnail images of
these pictures can be found in the "Thumb" directory.
Pictures copyright 1992-94 Synthetic Worlds Ltd, PTEN, and Warner Brothers
Domestic Television Distribution.
cambot.gif A maintenance robot
docking.gif Vorlon ship moving into docking bay
newvorlon.jpg Vorlon mothership and fighters
station1.gif A view of the station
vattack2.jpg Vorlon mothership and fighters with weapons powered
vorlon.gif Vorlon mothership with smaller ships
vorlon2.gif Vorlon ship over planet with moons
asteroids.gif Starfuries in asteroid field, from "Midnight"
centauri.gif A Centauri liner
cockpit.gif Starfury being fired on, as seen from the cockpit
dock1.gif The docking bay from the inside
dock2.gif The docking bay from the outside
effects.gif Starfuries and station
explode.gif Minbari warship exploding, from "Points of Departure"
explore.gif The Skydancer, an exploration vessel
flipped3.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
flipped4.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
flipped5.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
flipped6.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
flipped7.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
freighter.gif Narn freighter
jumpgat2.gif Incoming jumpgate in mid-activation
jumpget3.gif Incoming jumpgate
jumpgat4.gif Outgoing jumpgate
jumpgat5.gif Jump point about to form
liner.gif Centauri personal liner leaving the station
minbari3.gif A Minbari war cruiser
narn.gif A Narn cruiser
raider1.gif Starfury pivoting to face raider, from "Midnight"
raider2.gif Raider and Starfury firing, from "Midnight"
raiders.gif A raider ship
rescue.gif Starfury with Starliner Asimov in background
presidential.gif Earth Force One, from "Survivors"
shadowat.gif Shadow ship attacking the White Star
shadows.gif Two Shadow ships over a planet
shadows2.gif A Shadow (SPOILER)
shadows3.gif A Shadow ship in hyperspace
ship1.gif Alien probe, from "A Day in the Strife"
sky1.gif A blue nebula
skydance.gif Catherine Sakai's ship emerging from a jump gate
space.gif An astronomical backdrop
space2.gif A nebula
starfury.gif Promo shot of a starFury fighter
strfury2.gif Starfury firing on raider ship
starlit.gif Babylon 5 station lit by its sun
station.gif Station against bright blue nebula
station2.gif Station orbiting Epsilon 3
station5.gif Station, upside-down from normal orientation
swarm.gif Several starfuries flying from the station
approach1.jpg Dual-pod ship approaching Babylon 5
approach2.gif Vorlon ship about to enter B5 docking bay
approach3.jpg Earth ship approaching Babylon 5
attack1.gif Lots of Vorlon ships moving in to attack B5
attack2.gif Vorlon ship charging weapons systems
brake.gif Vorlon executing braking maneuver
jumpgate.jpg Jump gate being activated
jump1.gif Vorlon ship leaving jump gate
jump2.jpg Active jump gate
garden-night.gif A view down the Garden at night, from "The War Prayer"
garden.gif The Garden as seen from the core, from "Mind War"
line1.jpg Starfuries attacking Minbari cruisers, from "Sky"
feeder.gif Na'Ka'Leen feeder, from "Grail"
minbari.gif Minbari cruisers at the Battle of the Line
minbari2.gif A Minbari cruiser
planets.gif Some planets in front of a nebula
station3.jpg Station in space, from CD booklet
station4.jpg Station and planet, from CD booklet
station8.gif Station with shuttle approaching
station-sheridan.jpg Station in space, with Sheridan inset, from CD booklet