- INDEX OF BABYLON 5 PICTURES - Effects directory
- This directory contains various special-effects shots from Babylon 5, both
- the pilot and the series.
- The file Index.jpg contains shrunken versions of the pictures here. If you
- like, use it to determine which pictures interest you. Thumbnail images of
- these pictures can be found in the "Thumb" directory.
- Pictures copyright 1992-94 Synthetic Worlds Ltd, PTEN, and Warner Brothers
- Domestic Television Distribution.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- cambot.gif A maintenance robot
- docking.gif Vorlon ship moving into docking bay
- newvorlon.jpg Vorlon mothership and fighters
- station1.gif A view of the station
- vattack2.jpg Vorlon mothership and fighters with weapons powered
- vorlon.gif Vorlon mothership with smaller ships
- vorlon2.gif Vorlon ship over planet with moons
- RENDERED DIRECTLY, FROM SERIES (very high quality)
- asteroids.gif Starfuries in asteroid field, from "Midnight"
- centauri.gif A Centauri liner
- cockpit.gif Starfury being fired on, as seen from the cockpit
- dock1.gif The docking bay from the inside
- dock2.gif The docking bay from the outside
- effects.gif Starfuries and station
- explode.gif Minbari warship exploding, from "Points of Departure"
- explore.gif The Skydancer, an exploration vessel
- flipped3.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
- flipped4.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
- flipped5.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
- flipped6.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
- flipped7.gif Babylon 5 flipped upside-down from normal orientation
- freighter.gif Narn freighter
- jumpgat2.gif Incoming jumpgate in mid-activation
- jumpget3.gif Incoming jumpgate
- jumpgat4.gif Outgoing jumpgate
- jumpgat5.gif Jump point about to form
- liner.gif Centauri personal liner leaving the station
- minbari3.gif A Minbari war cruiser
- narn.gif A Narn cruiser
- raider1.gif Starfury pivoting to face raider, from "Midnight"
- raider2.gif Raider and Starfury firing, from "Midnight"
- raiders.gif A raider ship
- rescue.gif Starfury with Starliner Asimov in background
- presidential.gif Earth Force One, from "Survivors"
- shadowat.gif Shadow ship attacking the White Star
- shadows.gif Two Shadow ships over a planet
- shadows2.gif A Shadow (SPOILER)
- shadows3.gif A Shadow ship in hyperspace
- ship1.gif Alien probe, from "A Day in the Strife"
- sky1.gif A blue nebula
- skydance.gif Catherine Sakai's ship emerging from a jump gate
- space.gif An astronomical backdrop
- space2.gif A nebula
- starfury.gif Promo shot of a starFury fighter
- strfury2.gif Starfury firing on raider ship
- starlit.gif Babylon 5 station lit by its sun
- station.gif Station against bright blue nebula
- station2.gif Station orbiting Epsilon 3
- station5.gif Station, upside-down from normal orientation
- swarm.gif Several starfuries flying from the station
- approach1.jpg Dual-pod ship approaching Babylon 5
- approach2.gif Vorlon ship about to enter B5 docking bay
- approach3.jpg Earth ship approaching Babylon 5
- attack1.gif Lots of Vorlon ships moving in to attack B5
- attack2.gif Vorlon ship charging weapons systems
- brake.gif Vorlon executing braking maneuver
- jumpgate.jpg Jump gate being activated
- jump1.gif Vorlon ship leaving jump gate
- jump2.jpg Active jump gate
- garden-night.gif A view down the Garden at night, from "The War Prayer"
- garden.gif The Garden as seen from the core, from "Mind War"
- line1.jpg Starfuries attacking Minbari cruisers, from "Sky"
- feeder.gif Na'Ka'Leen feeder, from "Grail"
- minbari.gif Minbari cruisers at the Battle of the Line
- minbari2.gif A Minbari cruiser
- planets.gif Some planets in front of a nebula
- station3.jpg Station in space, from CD booklet
- station4.jpg Station and planet, from CD booklet
- station8.gif Station with shuttle approaching
- station-sheridan.jpg Station in space, with Sheridan inset, from CD booklet