Babylon 5 posts by JMS on GEnie for April 15-30, 1994
This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
Straczynski in the Babylon 5 category. The posts are copyright by
JMS (and compilation copyright is by GEnie).
Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
SF-MARSHALL [Dave ] at 18:50 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 - The Series (Non-Spoiler)
Welcome to the Babylon 5 category and main topic for the new series. Here is
the place for all general information on the series. Topic 2 is the location
for SPOILERS. And please, NO STORY IDEAS are to be posted either.
503 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 351 Thu Apr 21, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:37 EDT
Steve...nothing personal, but...what the *hell* are you talking about?
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 386 Sat Apr 23, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:13 EDT
I was asked to keep quite about this until April 23rd, which is when the
announcement is to be made at the Nebulas, but now that it's indeed the 23rd,
and that announcement either has been made or is being made now, I'm pleased
to report that the Babylon 5 pilot movie, "The Gathering," has been nominated
for a Hugo.
Since we're up against Jurassic Park, I think I pretty much know where
THAT award is going...but it is a tremendous honor and everyone involved with
the show is very pleased by it.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 417 Sun Apr 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:27 EDT
Thanks. As it turns out -- I today saw the list of nominees -- B5 is the
ONLY TV-SF nominated for the Hugo. The rest are all feature films (JP, Addams
Family, Nightmare Before Christmas, Groundhog Day).
As for questions for Mira...we'll play it by ear, and leave it to her
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 422 Mon Apr 25, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:18 EDT
Abbut was not -- repeat, NOT -- an imitation of Harlan, as some have
suggested. It was originally written for Gilbert Gottfried, who we later
learned was unavailable.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 451 Wed Apr 27, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:54 EDT
Agreed, the pilot movie was much darker...unfortunately, it was SO dark
that we actually veered into what're called "illegal blacks," that is, the
picture is too dark, and this causes problems with foreign distributers.
(This is what they tell me, and through an act of faith I have come to believe
them.) We're still about a half-stop or full stop below what's typical. Be
advised that many stations, when they broadcast the show, pump up the
brightness a *lot*. They just dial it up.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 479 Fri Apr 29, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:19 EDT
My copies here at the house are SVHS, and they're a *quantum* jump over
what I see over the air. So I can only guess what more would come out on
disk. Eagerly awaiting the day. As for the pilot...I ordered a copy (yes,
folks, I have to pay for one just like everybody else) some time ago; still
hasn't come in yet.
Topic 2 Wed Nov 20, 1991
STARR [Arne] at 19:41 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 -- The Series!! >>SPOILERS<<
Babylon 5 offically became a series on May 28 '93. There will be 22 hour eps
for season one (in addition to the pilot). Airs Wednesdays at 8PM in most
places starting Jan. 26 '94. This is the SPOILER topic where anything goes.
459 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 315 Tue Apr 19, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:53 EDT
I knew there was something I liked about Stern. (And proper that he
played a sound "bite.") We sent Howard a B5 cap today, we'll see if it
actually gets to him or not.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 321 Wed Apr 20, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:43 EDT
Jim, your thesis comes from the underlying assumption that, as in the
Trek universe, All Things Must Be Done Fairly, the government must in the end
be wise and fair and sensible.
That ain't our universe. That ain't even *this* universe.
Sinclair must follow orders. He didn't want to escort Deathwalker off
and on to Earth, those were his marching orders. *The same marching orders
would be given to an ambassador representing Earth*. So your career diplomat
would be in exactly the same position. What, do you think that career
diplomats are independent agents of goodness? They all work for SOMEone,
representing their interests.
Earth put in the majority of the money required to build and operate B5.
They have the right, as such, to appoint a provisional governor, nad (and)
that is the function that Sinclair mainly serves. He runs this place, AND he
is responsible for maintaining good relations with other representatives. He
is also on a short leash. And in some cases, as in "By Any Means Necessary,"
other people are sent in to handle certain kinds of negotiations.
Yes, it is a conflict of interest. So what? Do you think Earth cares
much about that? Is it awkward? Yes, of course. It *should* put him in
moral quandries. The Earth Government is constantly getting him into binds.
What they wanted him to do in "Deathwalker" was more or less of a dubious
nature. But in the end, he found a fairly moral solution to the problem.
That's what he does. He finds an honorable way out of very difficult and
morally ambiguous situations. What you suggest is that we remove the moral
ambiguities. Ehhh. I find that boring as hell.
Do the other species like it? Of course not. Okay, so what're they
going to do? Boycott B5? And let other species take advantage of all the
economic and political benefits the station provides? Let others grow in
familiarity and form alliances that might in time turn against them? Not a
chance. Fair or not, it's the only game in town.
So I don't buy your solution because I don't think it's a problem. You
do. That's life. Political situations are rarely fair, or logical, or
ethical. If politics were based on ethics this would be a MUCH better world.
But politics are generally based on who has the power, and the money, and the
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 324 Wed Apr 20, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:28 EDT
Jose: you are deliberately mischaracterizing the events in "Midnight."
Sinclair did not -- repeat, did NOT -- "tell Ivanova to defy Earth's orders
and deceive the council." He set up a situation in which he would say that he
was unable to catch up with her and pass along the Senator's instructions
before he had to leave. Her line would be that "The Commander never told me,"
and he would back this up. (And that he would hedge the truth this way is
hardly "perfect.")
Defying the Senator's orders would be telling them that the vote will NOT
be made as ordered. That never happened.
Y'know, I don't mind if folks criticize, but it would be nice if what
people criticized had actually HAPPENED...like the similar problem over in 19,
when it was stated that the line, "There's a shuttle leaving in one hour, be
on it" was made in three different episodes...when in fact it only happened in
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 335 Thu Apr 21, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:34 EDT
Just to clarify...the Vorlon ship destroyed only Deathwalker's ship, not
an EA vessel. And the Vorlon ship waited until Deathwalker's ship was far
from B5, just before entering the gate, before coming out to strike. At that
range, it couldn't miss, and at that distance, B5 couldn't react fast enough.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 352 Fri Apr 22, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:15 EDT
The suspect was a) catatonic, b) a missing person's life was at stake, c)
the next of kin gave permission, d) the information was not used at trial, was
not admissible, and only the pertinent information on the missing person was
ever used.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 362 Sat Apr 23, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:07 EDT
Tolkien's work had a *profound* effect on me in college; as I later read
all of the background material, the reams and reams of "history" that he wrote
to background his novels, I began to realize that *that's* the way to do it.
So I tried to take that kind of approach, filling out as much as humanly
possible about the universe, characters and history. It's the only really
sensible way to tackle something this large.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 371 Sat Apr 23, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:12 EDT
Bugs...very well done. You're paying attention.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 376 Sun Apr 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:16 EDT
My notes would have to be *seriously* reworked to be made publishable.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 382 Sun Apr 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:45 EDT
If you count "Deathwalker," then 9 episodes have aired so far.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 395 Mon Apr 25, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:47 EDT
Lennier is not in the cargo area during the beating, nor is he in BG
during the negotiations. That's a Minbari of the worker class. (You can
generally tell from the orange-ish smock-thingie they wear.) Sorry.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 400 Tue Apr 26, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:16 EDT
The type of Minbari flyer used is a one-person (at most two) ship; she
came alone to the station, and left alone. (You'll see this kind of ship, and
the limit of space, more in another episode.)
Psi Cops are *authorized* to carry firearms. The Knights had an in with
Security, and by virtue of high government contacts, got their stuff on board.
Those seem to me not requiring much explanation.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 415 Wed Apr 27, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:55 EDT
On the "predictable" argument...I can only shrug. The kid has a 50/50
chance...he'll survive or die. And guessing the end isn't, for me, the key;
this isn't a who-dunit; it's how our characters react on the way there, and
what it *does* to them, I think.
And yeah, TV generally doesn't do this kind of ending. Which is why we
did it...and our liaison at Warner Bros. deserves a lot of credit for letting
us do it.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 418 Thu Apr 28, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:40 EDT
Since I suggested the ending to David, right down to the candles, I
suppose I'll take the rap...but the question you're raising isn't the issue.
There are only two possible results: the kid lives, or the kid dies, there
ain't much in-between. You ask, "Who on earth is going to side with people
who kill their own child?" The audience isn't being asked to *side* with
anyone, there IS no easy solution, and no one is 100% in the right.
There is a wonderful short story, which we adapted for Twilight Zone,
called "The Cold Equations," where a small shuttle is going from point A to
point B. There is enough fuel for the shuttle, and one pilot, and no more.
The ship is bringing medicine to save 500 colonists. A young girl has stowed
away on the ship to see her brother. She's discovered. If the pilot does
nothing, the ship won't arrive, and he and the girl will die, and the
colonists will die. If he sacrifices himself, she won't be able/won't know
how to guide the ship to its destination. The only way out is to ask her to
enter the airlock so he can space her and continue the mission. And that's
what happens. You can't argue with math.
Sometimes, there are no-win scenarios. And what matters then is how your
characters react, what they do and say, and how it affects them. That,
really, was the thrust of the episode. And to go back to your question, "Who
on earth is going to side...."
The operative word in your question is "Earth." No, no human is going to
side with them (although I'd point out in the Bible that there is the story of
Abraham, who was quite willing to murder his own son at god's request).
They're not humans. They have a wholly different mindset, cultural background
and belief system. People ask for ALIEN aliens, then judge them by human
standards, and feel it's wrong if they don't behave like humans. These
didn't. That's who and what they are. If humans side with them, or accept
them, doesn't enter into it.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 432 Fri Apr 29, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:25 EDT
I can't believe this "explain how the guns get aboard" discussion is
still going on. This isn't the Enterprise, to use the cited example, which
is a *military vessel*, and only the occasional rare civilian gets on board.
There are a QUARTER MILLION PEOPLE on board at any given moment. (People =
humans and aliens.) Not staying there, but in a state of flux. Going and
coming. Anywhere from 50 to 100 ships per day dock at B5. Thousands upon
thousands of boxes, crates, cargo loads, pallets, you name it. If you stopped
and inspected every single box that came through, the system would grind to a
halt. So you do the best you can, you catch whatever you can, scan as much as
possible, and accept that some stuff is bound to slip through.
Further, this is the kind of explanation that has nothing to do with a
story, only with someone's need to have something explained to them. I think
the time is spent better elsewhere.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 444 Sat Apr 30, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:18 EDT
I know from pfingle eggs...I let David have the reference because...
well, I don't know anymore...I think water torture was involved.
Drys...no. The choice *had* to be either/or. That was the point; to put
the characters in a situation of conflict and see how they handle it.
Sometimes in life there are ONLY two choices, neither of them good. Your
message comes from a position of trying to avoid the hard choices. But the
episode is ABOUT hard choices. It *has* to be either/or.
To support your thesis, you bring up the "Cold Equations" alternate
ending of the pilot cutting off both his legs to make up the weight
differential. Lemme explain something to you. I was there. When we turned
in the script, by Alan Brennert, MGM went nuts. "You can't have a sympathetic
young woman commit suicide! It'll kill the ratings!" So they (the studio
exec) suggested various "fixes." One was that instead of stepping willingly
out the airlock, the pilot shoots her and has to deal with the guilt. (This
by them is a *better* idea?) The other was the notion of the guy cutting off
his legs to make up the weight.
First and foremost, it was a dumb idea because he'd be in no shape to
pilot the ship. Second it wouldn't be enough weight. And finally, the very
*nature* of "The Cold Equations," what the very TITLE means, is that there are
some occasions in which the choices are stark, and there is NO way around
them. If the ship has X-weight, and the fuel is for Y weight, and Y is less
than X, then you've got a problem that can only -- ONLY -- be resolved by
someone walking out the airlock. (And yes, they tried dumping things, but the
ship is lean, not much to get rid of.) That's why it's the COLD equations;
not the LUKEWARM equations.
I fought like hell to retain the original ending, and won. (You probably
read about this, btw, in my articles for TZ Magazine.) This is studio-think,
let's find a nice, unthreatening, safe, middle-ground where we can resolve
this without anybody being upset, threatened or offended by the story. I'm
sorry, but life sometimes hands you hard choices, there ARE either/or
scenarios, in which nobody really wins, and SF should be exploring those as
well as the fuzzy feel-good stories. It's time SF grew up a little, damn it,
and started confronting hard questions that can't always be resolved by
reversing the polarity on the metaphase unit.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 445 Sat Apr 30, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:34 EDT
Afterthought: I just wandered into the kitchen, still ranting (as I am
wont to do), explained it to Kathryn...who brought me up short (as *she* is
wont to do) by pointing out the antecedent to BOTH stories. Th ultimate
"hard choice" example in SF-TV is of course "The City on the Edge of Forever,"
from ST. There are only two choices, both hard: either Edith Keeler dies, or
the Nazis win WW II. Kirk *has* to let her die; there's no other choice.
It is, at the same moment, gratifying and annoying to have someone around
who's smarter than I am....
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 452 Sat Apr 30, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:14 EDT
Owning your own space ship isn't cheap, but it also isn't as expensive as
it might be. The investment is about the same as starting up your own
business. There's not a lot of civilian "touring cars," for lack of a better
term; better to use the liners and shuttles. But for businesses, surveyers,
explorers, traders and the like...yeah, they're within one's grasp. And these
sorts of ships are pretty much all run by computer. No crew required. Just
go from place to place. If it's a scientific survey ship, then you'll have
some more.
Topic 3 Tue Nov 03, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:09 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 - Computer SFX Tech-Talk
Some of the new computer EFX used in BABYLON 5 will be revolutionary, a new
approach never seen before on this scale. It's all new tech, and this topic
will try and address the new technologies involved.
492 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 3
Message 481 Tue Apr 26, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:35 EDT