- Babylon 5 posts by JMS on GEnie for April 15-30, 1994
- This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
- Straczynski in the Babylon 5 category. The posts are copyright by
- JMS (and compilation copyright is by GEnie).
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- Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
- SF-MARSHALL [Dave ] at 18:50 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - The Series (Non-Spoiler)
- Welcome to the Babylon 5 category and main topic for the new series. Here is
- the place for all general information on the series. Topic 2 is the location
- for SPOILERS. And please, NO STORY IDEAS are to be posted either.
- 503 message(s) total.
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 351 Thu Apr 21, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:37 EDT
- Steve...nothing personal, but...what the *hell* are you talking about?
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 386 Sat Apr 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:13 EDT
- I was asked to keep quite about this until April 23rd, which is when the
- announcement is to be made at the Nebulas, but now that it's indeed the 23rd,
- and that announcement either has been made or is being made now, I'm pleased
- to report that the Babylon 5 pilot movie, "The Gathering," has been nominated
- for a Hugo.
- Since we're up against Jurassic Park, I think I pretty much know where
- THAT award is going...but it is a tremendous honor and everyone involved with
- the show is very pleased by it.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 417 Sun Apr 24, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:27 EDT
- Thanks. As it turns out -- I today saw the list of nominees -- B5 is the
- ONLY TV-SF nominated for the Hugo. The rest are all feature films (JP, Addams
- Family, Nightmare Before Christmas, Groundhog Day).
- As for questions for Mira...we'll play it by ear, and leave it to her
- discretion.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 422 Mon Apr 25, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:18 EDT
- Abbut was not -- repeat, NOT -- an imitation of Harlan, as some have
- suggested. It was originally written for Gilbert Gottfried, who we later
- learned was unavailable.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 451 Wed Apr 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:54 EDT
- Agreed, the pilot movie was much darker...unfortunately, it was SO dark
- that we actually veered into what're called "illegal blacks," that is, the
- picture is too dark, and this causes problems with foreign distributers.
- (This is what they tell me, and through an act of faith I have come to believe
- them.) We're still about a half-stop or full stop below what's typical. Be
- advised that many stations, when they broadcast the show, pump up the
- brightness a *lot*. They just dial it up.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 479 Fri Apr 29, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:19 EDT
- My copies here at the house are SVHS, and they're a *quantum* jump over
- what I see over the air. So I can only guess what more would come out on
- disk. Eagerly awaiting the day. As for the pilot...I ordered a copy (yes,
- folks, I have to pay for one just like everybody else) some time ago; still
- hasn't come in yet.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 2 Wed Nov 20, 1991
- STARR [Arne] at 19:41 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 -- The Series!! >>SPOILERS<<
- Babylon 5 offically became a series on May 28 '93. There will be 22 hour eps
- for season one (in addition to the pilot). Airs Wednesdays at 8PM in most
- places starting Jan. 26 '94. This is the SPOILER topic where anything goes.
- 459 message(s) total.
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 315 Tue Apr 19, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:53 EDT
- I knew there was something I liked about Stern. (And proper that he
- played a sound "bite.") We sent Howard a B5 cap today, we'll see if it
- actually gets to him or not.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 321 Wed Apr 20, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:43 EDT
- Jim, your thesis comes from the underlying assumption that, as in the
- Trek universe, All Things Must Be Done Fairly, the government must in the end
- be wise and fair and sensible.
- That ain't our universe. That ain't even *this* universe.
- Sinclair must follow orders. He didn't want to escort Deathwalker off
- and on to Earth, those were his marching orders. *The same marching orders
- would be given to an ambassador representing Earth*. So your career diplomat
- would be in exactly the same position. What, do you think that career
- diplomats are independent agents of goodness? They all work for SOMEone,
- representing their interests.
- Earth put in the majority of the money required to build and operate B5.
- They have the right, as such, to appoint a provisional governor, nad (and)
- that is the function that Sinclair mainly serves. He runs this place, AND he
- is responsible for maintaining good relations with other representatives. He
- is also on a short leash. And in some cases, as in "By Any Means Necessary,"
- other people are sent in to handle certain kinds of negotiations.
- Yes, it is a conflict of interest. So what? Do you think Earth cares
- much about that? Is it awkward? Yes, of course. It *should* put him in
- moral quandries. The Earth Government is constantly getting him into binds.
- What they wanted him to do in "Deathwalker" was more or less of a dubious
- nature. But in the end, he found a fairly moral solution to the problem.
- That's what he does. He finds an honorable way out of very difficult and
- morally ambiguous situations. What you suggest is that we remove the moral
- ambiguities. Ehhh. I find that boring as hell.
- Do the other species like it? Of course not. Okay, so what're they
- going to do? Boycott B5? And let other species take advantage of all the
- economic and political benefits the station provides? Let others grow in
- familiarity and form alliances that might in time turn against them? Not a
- chance. Fair or not, it's the only game in town.
- So I don't buy your solution because I don't think it's a problem. You
- do. That's life. Political situations are rarely fair, or logical, or
- ethical. If politics were based on ethics this would be a MUCH better world.
- But politics are generally based on who has the power, and the money, and the
- guts.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 324 Wed Apr 20, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:28 EDT
- Jose: you are deliberately mischaracterizing the events in "Midnight."
- Sinclair did not -- repeat, did NOT -- "tell Ivanova to defy Earth's orders
- and deceive the council." He set up a situation in which he would say that he
- was unable to catch up with her and pass along the Senator's instructions
- before he had to leave. Her line would be that "The Commander never told me,"
- and he would back this up. (And that he would hedge the truth this way is
- hardly "perfect.")
- Defying the Senator's orders would be telling them that the vote will NOT
- be made as ordered. That never happened.
- Y'know, I don't mind if folks criticize, but it would be nice if what
- people criticized had actually HAPPENED...like the similar problem over in 19,
- when it was stated that the line, "There's a shuttle leaving in one hour, be
- on it" was made in three different episodes...when in fact it only happened in
- one.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 335 Thu Apr 21, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:34 EDT
- Just to clarify...the Vorlon ship destroyed only Deathwalker's ship, not
- an EA vessel. And the Vorlon ship waited until Deathwalker's ship was far
- from B5, just before entering the gate, before coming out to strike. At that
- range, it couldn't miss, and at that distance, B5 couldn't react fast enough.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 352 Fri Apr 22, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:15 EDT
- The suspect was a) catatonic, b) a missing person's life was at stake, c)
- the next of kin gave permission, d) the information was not used at trial, was
- not admissible, and only the pertinent information on the missing person was
- ever used.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 362 Sat Apr 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:07 EDT
- Tolkien's work had a *profound* effect on me in college; as I later read
- all of the background material, the reams and reams of "history" that he wrote
- to background his novels, I began to realize that *that's* the way to do it.
- So I tried to take that kind of approach, filling out as much as humanly
- possible about the universe, characters and history. It's the only really
- sensible way to tackle something this large.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 371 Sat Apr 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:12 EDT
- Bugs...very well done. You're paying attention.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 376 Sun Apr 24, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:16 EDT
- My notes would have to be *seriously* reworked to be made publishable.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 382 Sun Apr 24, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:45 EDT
- If you count "Deathwalker," then 9 episodes have aired so far.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 395 Mon Apr 25, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:47 EDT
- Lennier is not in the cargo area during the beating, nor is he in BG
- during the negotiations. That's a Minbari of the worker class. (You can
- generally tell from the orange-ish smock-thingie they wear.) Sorry.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 400 Tue Apr 26, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:16 EDT
- The type of Minbari flyer used is a one-person (at most two) ship; she
- came alone to the station, and left alone. (You'll see this kind of ship, and
- the limit of space, more in another episode.)
- Psi Cops are *authorized* to carry firearms. The Knights had an in with
- Security, and by virtue of high government contacts, got their stuff on board.
- Those seem to me not requiring much explanation.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 415 Wed Apr 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:55 EDT
- On the "predictable" argument...I can only shrug. The kid has a 50/50
- chance...he'll survive or die. And guessing the end isn't, for me, the key;
- this isn't a who-dunit; it's how our characters react on the way there, and
- what it *does* to them, I think.
- And yeah, TV generally doesn't do this kind of ending. Which is why we
- did it...and our liaison at Warner Bros. deserves a lot of credit for letting
- us do it.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 418 Thu Apr 28, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:40 EDT
- Since I suggested the ending to David, right down to the candles, I
- suppose I'll take the rap...but the question you're raising isn't the issue.
- There are only two possible results: the kid lives, or the kid dies, there
- ain't much in-between. You ask, "Who on earth is going to side with people
- who kill their own child?" The audience isn't being asked to *side* with
- anyone, there IS no easy solution, and no one is 100% in the right.
- There is a wonderful short story, which we adapted for Twilight Zone,
- called "The Cold Equations," where a small shuttle is going from point A to
- point B. There is enough fuel for the shuttle, and one pilot, and no more.
- The ship is bringing medicine to save 500 colonists. A young girl has stowed
- away on the ship to see her brother. She's discovered. If the pilot does
- nothing, the ship won't arrive, and he and the girl will die, and the
- colonists will die. If he sacrifices himself, she won't be able/won't know
- how to guide the ship to its destination. The only way out is to ask her to
- enter the airlock so he can space her and continue the mission. And that's
- what happens. You can't argue with math.
- Sometimes, there are no-win scenarios. And what matters then is how your
- characters react, what they do and say, and how it affects them. That,
- really, was the thrust of the episode. And to go back to your question, "Who
- on earth is going to side...."
- The operative word in your question is "Earth." No, no human is going to
- side with them (although I'd point out in the Bible that there is the story of
- Abraham, who was quite willing to murder his own son at god's request).
- They're not humans. They have a wholly different mindset, cultural background
- and belief system. People ask for ALIEN aliens, then judge them by human
- standards, and feel it's wrong if they don't behave like humans. These
- didn't. That's who and what they are. If humans side with them, or accept
- them, doesn't enter into it.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 432 Fri Apr 29, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:25 EDT
- I can't believe this "explain how the guns get aboard" discussion is
- still going on. This isn't the Enterprise, to use the cited example, which
- is a *military vessel*, and only the occasional rare civilian gets on board.
- There are a QUARTER MILLION PEOPLE on board at any given moment. (People =
- humans and aliens.) Not staying there, but in a state of flux. Going and
- coming. Anywhere from 50 to 100 ships per day dock at B5. Thousands upon
- thousands of boxes, crates, cargo loads, pallets, you name it. If you stopped
- and inspected every single box that came through, the system would grind to a
- halt. So you do the best you can, you catch whatever you can, scan as much as
- possible, and accept that some stuff is bound to slip through.
- Further, this is the kind of explanation that has nothing to do with a
- story, only with someone's need to have something explained to them. I think
- the time is spent better elsewhere.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 444 Sat Apr 30, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:18 EDT
- I know from pfingle eggs...I let David have the reference because...
- well, I don't know anymore...I think water torture was involved.
- Drys...no. The choice *had* to be either/or. That was the point; to put
- the characters in a situation of conflict and see how they handle it.
- Sometimes in life there are ONLY two choices, neither of them good. Your
- message comes from a position of trying to avoid the hard choices. But the
- episode is ABOUT hard choices. It *has* to be either/or.
- To support your thesis, you bring up the "Cold Equations" alternate
- ending of the pilot cutting off both his legs to make up the weight
- differential. Lemme explain something to you. I was there. When we turned
- in the script, by Alan Brennert, MGM went nuts. "You can't have a sympathetic
- young woman commit suicide! It'll kill the ratings!" So they (the studio
- exec) suggested various "fixes." One was that instead of stepping willingly
- out the airlock, the pilot shoots her and has to deal with the guilt. (This
- by them is a *better* idea?) The other was the notion of the guy cutting off
- his legs to make up the weight.
- First and foremost, it was a dumb idea because he'd be in no shape to
- pilot the ship. Second it wouldn't be enough weight. And finally, the very
- *nature* of "The Cold Equations," what the very TITLE means, is that there are
- some occasions in which the choices are stark, and there is NO way around
- them. If the ship has X-weight, and the fuel is for Y weight, and Y is less
- than X, then you've got a problem that can only -- ONLY -- be resolved by
- someone walking out the airlock. (And yes, they tried dumping things, but the
- ship is lean, not much to get rid of.) That's why it's the COLD equations;
- not the LUKEWARM equations.
- I fought like hell to retain the original ending, and won. (You probably
- read about this, btw, in my articles for TZ Magazine.) This is studio-think,
- let's find a nice, unthreatening, safe, middle-ground where we can resolve
- this without anybody being upset, threatened or offended by the story. I'm
- sorry, but life sometimes hands you hard choices, there ARE either/or
- scenarios, in which nobody really wins, and SF should be exploring those as
- well as the fuzzy feel-good stories. It's time SF grew up a little, damn it,
- and started confronting hard questions that can't always be resolved by
- reversing the polarity on the metaphase unit.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 445 Sat Apr 30, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:34 EDT
- Afterthought: I just wandered into the kitchen, still ranting (as I am
- wont to do), explained it to Kathryn...who brought me up short (as *she* is
- wont to do) by pointing out the antecedent to BOTH stories. Th ultimate
- "hard choice" example in SF-TV is of course "The City on the Edge of Forever,"
- from ST. There are only two choices, both hard: either Edith Keeler dies, or
- the Nazis win WW II. Kirk *has* to let her die; there's no other choice.
- It is, at the same moment, gratifying and annoying to have someone around
- who's smarter than I am....
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 452 Sat Apr 30, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:14 EDT
- Owning your own space ship isn't cheap, but it also isn't as expensive as
- it might be. The investment is about the same as starting up your own
- business. There's not a lot of civilian "touring cars," for lack of a better
- term; better to use the liners and shuttles. But for businesses, surveyers,
- explorers, traders and the like...yeah, they're within one's grasp. And these
- sorts of ships are pretty much all run by computer. No crew required. Just
- go from place to place. If it's a scientific survey ship, then you'll have
- some more.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 3 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:09 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Computer SFX Tech-Talk
- Some of the new computer EFX used in BABYLON 5 will be revolutionary, a new
- approach never seen before on this scale. It's all new tech, and this topic
- will try and address the new technologies involved.
- 492 message(s) total.
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- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 481 Tue Apr 26, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:35 EDT