This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
Straczynski in the Babylon 5 category. The posts are copyright by JMS
(and compilation copyright is by GEnie).
Posts are from late September 1993 through Oct 31, 1993
Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
SF-MARSHALL [Dave ] at 18:50 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 - The Series (Non-Spoiler)
Welcome to the Babylon 5 category and main topic for the new series. Here is
the place for all general information on the series. Topic 2 is the location
for SPOILERS. And please, NO STORY IDEAS are to be posted either.
616 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 73 Fri Sep 24, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:33 EDT
Just to clarify: we'll be delivering *finished* episodes as early as mid-
October. That's everything, music, EFX, everything. PTEN doesn't begin its
new "season" until January, so that's when they'll begin airing. But we'll
have nearly a dozen or so episodes in the can when we begin airing.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 82 Fri Sep 24, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:30 EDT
Jon...I sympathize. I generally carried a pretty heavy load in college.
My next-to-last year, just to get the hell OUT of there, I managed to crash
courses and evade the university limits and ended up with 28 units in one
semester...and none of them basket weaving stuff, either...statistical
analysis (imagine ME in that one), physiological psychology, 6 units of
German, biology....
I was, shall we say, insane....
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 85 Sat Sep 25, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:47 EDT
As an aside...one of the things that's been great to watch over the last
few months is how the crew and cast have really come together. On a lot
(though certainly not all) of shows, once you finish the day, the crew goes
off in as many different directions as possible. Ditto with the cast.
But now, on top of the B5 softball team, now there's a B5 golf team, both
in-house for B5 tournaments, and to play others. Softball is on Saturday,
golf is on Sunday. Groups of the crew get together socially on the weekends,
have barbeques and dinners. When we wrap for the day, there is generally a
large contingent that heads down to a nearby restaurant to hang out together
and get coffee and something to eat. The other softball teams have been
astonished because we generally have lots of cast come out to play as well.
At the last game, Michael O'Hare, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs (pitching) and
Andrea Thompson all showed up and played. (Jerry hit a homer.)
There are always hassles, and last minute problems, and the occasional
bursts of crankiness that come with TV production, but for the most part it
seems that the cast and crew are genuinely having a good time on the show, and
that's always a good sign.
No special reason for mentioning it, except I was thinking about it, and
it's kinda nice....
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 97 Sat Sep 25, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:08 EDT
So far, the team's 1 for 2; their first game against SeaQuest (our team
came to play and have a good time, the other team came to WIN) went to the SQ
team. Our people spent the week practicing between setups and at lunch -- we
set up a milk carton for our new pitcher to practice his shot -- and this time
we won over "Dave's World." Though I wasn't there -- everyone ELSE gets to go
play, *I* have to stay chained to a keyboard -- apparently it was a repeat on
one level, in that there were maybe 8 from the "Dave's" side in the stands,
and we had something 50-60 people from our side show up to cheer on the team.
(Though we had a core bunch of players, anybody who wanted to play, played.)
Again Jerry, Andrea and Richard Biggs showed up; Michael was otherwise
Just recently, btw, I gave Larry DiTillio a printout with just a little
of the coming 5 year arc...if he's going to story edit, he needs to know what
lines not to cross, and I can't ride herd on that all the time. He took it
home, read it. Called me. Didn't even say hello. Began the conversation
with, "You are out of your f'ing mind." I asked for some small clarification
of his position. He indicated that he thought it was absolutely great,
something that'll really go down in the rolls when the final tally is done,
"But you GOT to be out of your f'ing mind to try and pull something like this
off. It *can* be done...but it takes a lunatic to do it."
Sounds about right.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 105 Sun Sep 26, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:22 EDT
Brett...there was a situation in which the GEIs might have been called
upon to make a whole lotta phone calls, send faxes, and do other stuff to save
the project. There was one brief moment when it looked like things were going
to fall apart. But they didn't. The crisis passed, and the details are
really not worth getting into now. What's past is past.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 116 Tue Sep 28, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:35 EDT
I've seen all of the episodes to date, and it ain't bad. It has a funky
kind of quality that I find appealing. I rather wish we could SEE some things
once in a while, rather than just getting glimpses out of the corner of one's
eye (except for the landing field shot), but I kind of like it.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 118 Tue Sep 28, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:54 EDT
It needs a rewrite.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 120 Wed Sep 29, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:19 EDT
Friday night veg time, *definitely*.
Well, we deliver our first final finished totally done episode on about
October 8th. Christopher Franke has some *great* ideas on how to handle the
music, and plans a curious blending of music and sound effects in some places,
plus instruments from other parts of the world not normally heard in the US,
to try and create a "new music" kind of sound.
I'm in the strange position of writing the season end episode now, to
shoot #12, since it's going to require a lot of post production work, and it
definitely puts one in a very strange state of mind. I have to be careful to
refer to things that've happened in the past episodes, from the perspective of
the last episode of the season, but which haven't yet been written or filmed
in real-time. So I'm writing the second half of some stories before having
written the first half (though I obviously know where they're all
going)...which really bends your brain around after a while.
This episode is going to be highly classified; we're going to limit
distribution of scripts, and parts of scripts, put canary traps in all of the
scripts that *are* distributed, and otherwise keep this one quiet. All I can
say is that we're going to kick over every table we've got. In any season
finale, there are maybe 4-5 things you know when you sit down to watch the
show that they'll NEVER ever do. So we're doing all of them. If this one
doesn't keep you glued to your seats, you've lost your chair.
Tomorrow morning I'll get to see an edited version of "Sky," and I can't
wait. I think this one will take over from "Soul Hunter" as our strongest
episode to date.
BTW, for all you who ride the pause button and jack up the stereo volume
(we're doing Dolby Surround, incidentally), I assigned Larry DiTillio to write
a bunch of walla (background dialogue) for the Zocalo, the observation dome,
customs and other areas. Some of it's sane...but the rest...oh, man....
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 122 Wed Sep 29, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:36 EDT
I am. I'm exhausted all the time...running on 3-4 hours of sleep a
night, producing during the day, writing all night...but it *is* fun. The
only hard part is that because of my close involvement in this show, and
creating the characters, and assigning the stories, and working with the
actors...I have Londo and G'Kar and Kosh and Garibaldi and all the rest
running around in my head and yelling at each other 24 hours a day, and
sometimes that can make you just a little nuts...you wanna tell them to shut
the hell up for five minutes...and then they look at you with this wounded
expression...you ever see a Narn sulk? It's not a pretty sight.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 133 Thu Sep 30, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:18 EDT
No episodes have aired...unless your friends are operating in an
alternate universe, in which case please have them send them to me so that we
can save time and money producing them. I have no idea what your friends saw,
but suspect their experience may yet end up on the X-files.
Re: audience reaction...here's the sad part. When I'm up on stage, I'm
in ***PERFORMANCE MODE*** thinking up the next line, setting up the next
segment, whatever...and combined with the fact that despite what I cobble
together in my JMS "persona" I'm actually very shy (as KAL will confirm)...I
don't hear the applause. I'm so riddled with anxiety that I don't hear it.
I'm thinking three beats ahead. It really is kinda sad at times, because
afterward I have to ask someone -- usually Spousal Overunit -- "What did they
think? Do you think they liked it?" because I have no recollection
BTW, we're putting in some more cutting-edge tech equipment, including
stuff that'll let us downlink dailies and cuts direct from the lab to our
stage via fiber optic cable...computerized harry work (the adding of sparks
and light effects usually done by painstakingly painting each frame, now to be
handled by computers and software we're beta testing), and other stuff. We're
right on the leading edge now.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 136 Thu Sep 30, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:16 EDT
This system has nothing to do with CGI, so screamers aren't a part of it.
This is other new stuff.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 144 Sat Oct 02, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:36 EDT
Well, we finished casting for the role of Lennier, who is Delenn's
aide/attache. We were looking for someone who could give us the most as a
quiet, restrained, almost monk-like character, fairly innocent in his way.
And in a very nice bit of synchronicity, the person who came in and
knocked us out with his audition was Bill Mumy, who has now been cast in the
role. Aside from his work in Lost in Space, Bill is a terrific actor whose
role, I think, may sometimes have become a stumbling block from time to time,
as did the roles of Shatner, Nimoy and others from Trek. Here he will be a
very different kind of character, barely recognizeable beneath the Minbari
makeup, and can show a very different sort of approach to his work. We're
very excited to have him on the team. (I think it will also be good to have
someone around from a prior successful SF TV series who can help our cast
prepare for the reception this show is likely to receive...and I suspect that
very few if any of them really understand yet what that will mean.)
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 148 Sat Oct 02, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:21 EDT
The only thing that makes me more nuts than performing is seeing myself
on videotape...or photographs...ick.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 156 Sun Oct 03, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:48 EDT
I was going to swing by the box today, but ended up...well, here at the
computer. Sigh. It's turned into "Next year in Israel...."
Yeah...I dimly seem to remember making a GBs presentation that year, so
that may have been me. (In fact, I lost my copy of the tape I brought with me
in a hotel restaurant...which did contain special footage, and is thus gone
forever, at least for me.)
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 161 Sun Oct 03, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:04 EDT
Hmm...maybe I should amend it to "No cute kids, no cute robots, and no
filkers, ever...."
Nothing personal, but given the choice between listening to two hours of
filking, and having my eyeballs scooped out, popped, spread on toast as jam
and fed to me for breakfast...I'll take the latter.
BTW, something I forgot to mention (and I guess this should really go
under B5 Sightings, but I'm here, I'm lazy, and I'll forget again), Danica
McKillar (I think I've got that spelling right) has a modest but interesting
part in an episode we just finished filming. The crew from Entertainment
Tonight came by and did some filming of her in wardrobe (as a young Centauri
woman), and I think it'll probably show up Monday or Tuesday or thereabouts.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 162 Sun Oct 03, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:15 EDT
Oh, yeah...something else, before I forget...Monday I'll finally be
hearing some of the new B5 music from Christopher Franke, for "Soul Hunter."
This, for me, is the really exciting part, because it's amazing how much good
music can add to a show, and this signals the very last phase of post-
production. I think we're doing our final mix-down on "Soul" around mid-week,
with full sound EFX and music...and then that's it.
We're now in the process also of storyboarding out our main title
sequence, and we're hoping to do something a little different, if we can get
the studio to sign off on the idea. It'll give the show a very unique look.
And just so everybody knows...so you don't gig me on this later...I have
spent more time than I want to *think* about lately talking with our sound
people about the sound-in-space issue. We've literally spent HOURS locked up,
discussing various options, middle grounds, extremes and some off-beat
possibilities. I still don't know what we're going to do exactly, but for
what it's worth, believe me, this has been examined to within an inch of its
(and my) life. What it comes down to now is this: we will have all of the
options we discussed available to us at the final mix-down, and we will try
them in different combinations. Whatever works best is what we'll go with.
And we won't know what that is until we get there.
(And for those who inquired...yes, we'll be doing our final mix in full
Dolby Surround Stereo.)
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 178 Mon Oct 04, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:39 EDT
I haven't a *clue* to who will be watching the show, and to start
thinking that way, frankly, is like asking the centipede which foot it moves
first...it'll paralyze you every time. What I'm doing is writing and
commissioning stories that I myself find interesting. If my instincts are
right, others will like them as well...if not, well, that's showbiz. I hate
the whole idea of demographics and testing, and generally won't listen when
the subject is brought up. Tell the story first; if it's a good story, you'll
get viewers; if not, not.
Mumy's role, to answer that question, is a recurring role; I think he'll
be in about half a dozen episodes or so for us. To the best of my knowledge,
this won't interfere with any other obligations Mumy has.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 184 Tue Oct 05, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:17 EDT
Well, we're currently in a one-week hiatus, to give our camera crew and
cast a well-earned break, so we were missing many of our core members at the
Sunday game, so Love and War won.
Today, at Christopher Franke's, I heard the music for "Soul Hunter," and
it's brilliant. It's very hard to describe...it's not rock, but it's
aggressive, and powerful, not at all synth sounding. And I think that he just
may have resolved the sound in space question for the most part. He tried
some things we discussed, and it works great. So this may be the solution
we've been looking for. (Though the first one who tells me there's no
orchestra in space gets it in the eye.)
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 187 Tue Oct 05, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 05:01 EDT
1) No sound in space.
2) Surround sound in space.
Pick one.
You can't have both. I think I'll get gigged less with the former, and
certainly the music and interior SFX can be surround.
(This isn't a poll, only a response, just to be clear.)
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 197 Tue Oct 05, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:59 EDT
Joe does not learn math in one episode. Joe does not learn math in one
*year*. I took bonehead math in college three -- count 'em three -- times,
and only passed the third semester because the class was taught by the same
instructor, and the third time I wandered into his class, he siad, (or said),
"Here...just go, I'll give you a C, just...leave."
Brett: no idea if there'll be previews or not.
Spent a very, very, very long day today in editing...not out of any
problems, but because of the *astonishing* amount of detail we're putting into
"And the Sky Full of Stars." Leaving out all the live-action shots, there are
25 CGI shots in one and a half minutes in one sequence alone. (By way of
comparison, there were 55 or so in the full two hour pilot for B5.) So we go
frame by frame, making sure that everything meshes properly, through some
pretty intense logistics. You'll understand when you see it.
I've never seen the like of this particular episode before. It's a real
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 200 Wed Oct 06, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:22 EDT
"Surround Silence."
Don't do this to me....
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 209 Wed Oct 06, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:50 EDT
If it works in one, it'll work in all, the way it seems now.
BTW, add David Warner to the list of first-season guest stars.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 231 Fri Oct 08, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:23 EDT