- This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
- Straczynski in the Babylon 5 category. The posts are copyright by JMS
- (and compilation copyright is by GEnie).
- Posts are from late September 1993 through Oct 31, 1993
- ************
- Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
- SF-MARSHALL [Dave ] at 18:50 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - The Series (Non-Spoiler)
- Welcome to the Babylon 5 category and main topic for the new series. Here is
- the place for all general information on the series. Topic 2 is the location
- for SPOILERS. And please, NO STORY IDEAS are to be posted either.
- 616 message(s) total.
- ************
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 73 Fri Sep 24, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:33 EDT
- Just to clarify: we'll be delivering *finished* episodes as early as mid-
- October. That's everything, music, EFX, everything. PTEN doesn't begin its
- new "season" until January, so that's when they'll begin airing. But we'll
- have nearly a dozen or so episodes in the can when we begin airing.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 82 Fri Sep 24, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:30 EDT
- Jon...I sympathize. I generally carried a pretty heavy load in college.
- My next-to-last year, just to get the hell OUT of there, I managed to crash
- courses and evade the university limits and ended up with 28 units in one
- semester...and none of them basket weaving stuff, either...statistical
- analysis (imagine ME in that one), physiological psychology, 6 units of
- German, biology....
- I was, shall we say, insane....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 85 Sat Sep 25, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:47 EDT
- As an aside...one of the things that's been great to watch over the last
- few months is how the crew and cast have really come together. On a lot
- (though certainly not all) of shows, once you finish the day, the crew goes
- off in as many different directions as possible. Ditto with the cast.
- But now, on top of the B5 softball team, now there's a B5 golf team, both
- in-house for B5 tournaments, and to play others. Softball is on Saturday,
- golf is on Sunday. Groups of the crew get together socially on the weekends,
- have barbeques and dinners. When we wrap for the day, there is generally a
- large contingent that heads down to a nearby restaurant to hang out together
- and get coffee and something to eat. The other softball teams have been
- astonished because we generally have lots of cast come out to play as well.
- At the last game, Michael O'Hare, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs (pitching) and
- Andrea Thompson all showed up and played. (Jerry hit a homer.)
- There are always hassles, and last minute problems, and the occasional
- bursts of crankiness that come with TV production, but for the most part it
- seems that the cast and crew are genuinely having a good time on the show, and
- that's always a good sign.
- No special reason for mentioning it, except I was thinking about it, and
- it's kinda nice....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 97 Sat Sep 25, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:08 EDT
- So far, the team's 1 for 2; their first game against SeaQuest (our team
- came to play and have a good time, the other team came to WIN) went to the SQ
- team. Our people spent the week practicing between setups and at lunch -- we
- set up a milk carton for our new pitcher to practice his shot -- and this time
- we won over "Dave's World." Though I wasn't there -- everyone ELSE gets to go
- play, *I* have to stay chained to a keyboard -- apparently it was a repeat on
- one level, in that there were maybe 8 from the "Dave's" side in the stands,
- and we had something 50-60 people from our side show up to cheer on the team.
- (Though we had a core bunch of players, anybody who wanted to play, played.)
- Again Jerry, Andrea and Richard Biggs showed up; Michael was otherwise
- engaged.
- Just recently, btw, I gave Larry DiTillio a printout with just a little
- of the coming 5 year arc...if he's going to story edit, he needs to know what
- lines not to cross, and I can't ride herd on that all the time. He took it
- home, read it. Called me. Didn't even say hello. Began the conversation
- with, "You are out of your f'ing mind." I asked for some small clarification
- of his position. He indicated that he thought it was absolutely great,
- something that'll really go down in the rolls when the final tally is done,
- "But you GOT to be out of your f'ing mind to try and pull something like this
- off. It *can* be done...but it takes a lunatic to do it."
- Sounds about right.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 105 Sun Sep 26, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:22 EDT
- Brett...there was a situation in which the GEIs might have been called
- upon to make a whole lotta phone calls, send faxes, and do other stuff to save
- the project. There was one brief moment when it looked like things were going
- to fall apart. But they didn't. The crisis passed, and the details are
- really not worth getting into now. What's past is past.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 116 Tue Sep 28, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:35 EDT
- I've seen all of the episodes to date, and it ain't bad. It has a funky
- kind of quality that I find appealing. I rather wish we could SEE some things
- once in a while, rather than just getting glimpses out of the corner of one's
- eye (except for the landing field shot), but I kind of like it.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 118 Tue Sep 28, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:54 EDT
- It needs a rewrite.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 120 Wed Sep 29, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:19 EDT
- Friday night veg time, *definitely*.
- Well, we deliver our first final finished totally done episode on about
- October 8th. Christopher Franke has some *great* ideas on how to handle the
- music, and plans a curious blending of music and sound effects in some places,
- plus instruments from other parts of the world not normally heard in the US,
- to try and create a "new music" kind of sound.
- I'm in the strange position of writing the season end episode now, to
- shoot #12, since it's going to require a lot of post production work, and it
- definitely puts one in a very strange state of mind. I have to be careful to
- refer to things that've happened in the past episodes, from the perspective of
- the last episode of the season, but which haven't yet been written or filmed
- in real-time. So I'm writing the second half of some stories before having
- written the first half (though I obviously know where they're all
- going)...which really bends your brain around after a while.
- This episode is going to be highly classified; we're going to limit
- distribution of scripts, and parts of scripts, put canary traps in all of the
- scripts that *are* distributed, and otherwise keep this one quiet. All I can
- say is that we're going to kick over every table we've got. In any season
- finale, there are maybe 4-5 things you know when you sit down to watch the
- show that they'll NEVER ever do. So we're doing all of them. If this one
- doesn't keep you glued to your seats, you've lost your chair.
- Tomorrow morning I'll get to see an edited version of "Sky," and I can't
- wait. I think this one will take over from "Soul Hunter" as our strongest
- episode to date.
- BTW, for all you who ride the pause button and jack up the stereo volume
- (we're doing Dolby Surround, incidentally), I assigned Larry DiTillio to write
- a bunch of walla (background dialogue) for the Zocalo, the observation dome,
- customs and other areas. Some of it's sane...but the rest...oh, man....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 122 Wed Sep 29, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:36 EDT
- I am. I'm exhausted all the time...running on 3-4 hours of sleep a
- night, producing during the day, writing all night...but it *is* fun. The
- only hard part is that because of my close involvement in this show, and
- creating the characters, and assigning the stories, and working with the
- actors...I have Londo and G'Kar and Kosh and Garibaldi and all the rest
- running around in my head and yelling at each other 24 hours a day, and
- sometimes that can make you just a little nuts...you wanna tell them to shut
- the hell up for five minutes...and then they look at you with this wounded
- expression...you ever see a Narn sulk? It's not a pretty sight.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 133 Thu Sep 30, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:18 EDT
- No episodes have aired...unless your friends are operating in an
- alternate universe, in which case please have them send them to me so that we
- can save time and money producing them. I have no idea what your friends saw,
- but suspect their experience may yet end up on the X-files.
- Re: audience reaction...here's the sad part. When I'm up on stage, I'm
- in ***PERFORMANCE MODE*** thinking up the next line, setting up the next
- segment, whatever...and combined with the fact that despite what I cobble
- together in my JMS "persona" I'm actually very shy (as KAL will confirm)...I
- don't hear the applause. I'm so riddled with anxiety that I don't hear it.
- I'm thinking three beats ahead. It really is kinda sad at times, because
- afterward I have to ask someone -- usually Spousal Overunit -- "What did they
- think? Do you think they liked it?" because I have no recollection
- whatsoever.
- BTW, we're putting in some more cutting-edge tech equipment, including
- stuff that'll let us downlink dailies and cuts direct from the lab to our
- stage via fiber optic cable...computerized harry work (the adding of sparks
- and light effects usually done by painstakingly painting each frame, now to be
- handled by computers and software we're beta testing), and other stuff. We're
- right on the leading edge now.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 136 Thu Sep 30, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:16 EDT
- This system has nothing to do with CGI, so screamers aren't a part of it.
- This is other new stuff.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 144 Sat Oct 02, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:36 EDT
- Well, we finished casting for the role of Lennier, who is Delenn's
- aide/attache. We were looking for someone who could give us the most as a
- quiet, restrained, almost monk-like character, fairly innocent in his way.
- And in a very nice bit of synchronicity, the person who came in and
- knocked us out with his audition was Bill Mumy, who has now been cast in the
- role. Aside from his work in Lost in Space, Bill is a terrific actor whose
- role, I think, may sometimes have become a stumbling block from time to time,
- as did the roles of Shatner, Nimoy and others from Trek. Here he will be a
- very different kind of character, barely recognizeable beneath the Minbari
- makeup, and can show a very different sort of approach to his work. We're
- very excited to have him on the team. (I think it will also be good to have
- someone around from a prior successful SF TV series who can help our cast
- prepare for the reception this show is likely to receive...and I suspect that
- very few if any of them really understand yet what that will mean.)
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 148 Sat Oct 02, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:21 EDT
- The only thing that makes me more nuts than performing is seeing myself
- on videotape...or photographs...ick.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 156 Sun Oct 03, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:48 EDT
- I was going to swing by the box today, but ended up...well, here at the
- computer. Sigh. It's turned into "Next year in Israel...."
- Yeah...I dimly seem to remember making a GBs presentation that year, so
- that may have been me. (In fact, I lost my copy of the tape I brought with me
- in a hotel restaurant...which did contain special footage, and is thus gone
- forever, at least for me.)
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 161 Sun Oct 03, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:04 EDT
- Hmm...maybe I should amend it to "No cute kids, no cute robots, and no
- filkers, ever...."
- Nothing personal, but given the choice between listening to two hours of
- filking, and having my eyeballs scooped out, popped, spread on toast as jam
- and fed to me for breakfast...I'll take the latter.
- BTW, something I forgot to mention (and I guess this should really go
- under B5 Sightings, but I'm here, I'm lazy, and I'll forget again), Danica
- McKillar (I think I've got that spelling right) has a modest but interesting
- part in an episode we just finished filming. The crew from Entertainment
- Tonight came by and did some filming of her in wardrobe (as a young Centauri
- woman), and I think it'll probably show up Monday or Tuesday or thereabouts.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 162 Sun Oct 03, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:15 EDT
- Oh, yeah...something else, before I forget...Monday I'll finally be
- hearing some of the new B5 music from Christopher Franke, for "Soul Hunter."
- This, for me, is the really exciting part, because it's amazing how much good
- music can add to a show, and this signals the very last phase of post-
- production. I think we're doing our final mix-down on "Soul" around mid-week,
- with full sound EFX and music...and then that's it.
- We're now in the process also of storyboarding out our main title
- sequence, and we're hoping to do something a little different, if we can get
- the studio to sign off on the idea. It'll give the show a very unique look.
- And just so everybody knows...so you don't gig me on this later...I have
- spent more time than I want to *think* about lately talking with our sound
- people about the sound-in-space issue. We've literally spent HOURS locked up,
- discussing various options, middle grounds, extremes and some off-beat
- possibilities. I still don't know what we're going to do exactly, but for
- what it's worth, believe me, this has been examined to within an inch of its
- (and my) life. What it comes down to now is this: we will have all of the
- options we discussed available to us at the final mix-down, and we will try
- them in different combinations. Whatever works best is what we'll go with.
- And we won't know what that is until we get there.
- jms
- (And for those who inquired...yes, we'll be doing our final mix in full
- Dolby Surround Stereo.)
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 178 Mon Oct 04, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:39 EDT
- I haven't a *clue* to who will be watching the show, and to start
- thinking that way, frankly, is like asking the centipede which foot it moves
- first...it'll paralyze you every time. What I'm doing is writing and
- commissioning stories that I myself find interesting. If my instincts are
- right, others will like them as well...if not, well, that's showbiz. I hate
- the whole idea of demographics and testing, and generally won't listen when
- the subject is brought up. Tell the story first; if it's a good story, you'll
- get viewers; if not, not.
- Mumy's role, to answer that question, is a recurring role; I think he'll
- be in about half a dozen episodes or so for us. To the best of my knowledge,
- this won't interfere with any other obligations Mumy has.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 184 Tue Oct 05, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:17 EDT
- Well, we're currently in a one-week hiatus, to give our camera crew and
- cast a well-earned break, so we were missing many of our core members at the
- Sunday game, so Love and War won.
- Today, at Christopher Franke's, I heard the music for "Soul Hunter," and
- it's brilliant. It's very hard to describe...it's not rock, but it's
- aggressive, and powerful, not at all synth sounding. And I think that he just
- may have resolved the sound in space question for the most part. He tried
- some things we discussed, and it works great. So this may be the solution
- we've been looking for. (Though the first one who tells me there's no
- orchestra in space gets it in the eye.)
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 187 Tue Oct 05, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 05:01 EDT
- 1) No sound in space.
- 2) Surround sound in space.
- Pick one.
- You can't have both. I think I'll get gigged less with the former, and
- certainly the music and interior SFX can be surround.
- (This isn't a poll, only a response, just to be clear.)
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 197 Tue Oct 05, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:59 EDT
- Joe does not learn math in one episode. Joe does not learn math in one
- *year*. I took bonehead math in college three -- count 'em three -- times,
- and only passed the third semester because the class was taught by the same
- instructor, and the third time I wandered into his class, he siad, (or said),
- "Here...just go, I'll give you a C, just...leave."
- Brett: no idea if there'll be previews or not.
- Spent a very, very, very long day today in editing...not out of any
- problems, but because of the *astonishing* amount of detail we're putting into
- "And the Sky Full of Stars." Leaving out all the live-action shots, there are
- 25 CGI shots in one and a half minutes in one sequence alone. (By way of
- comparison, there were 55 or so in the full two hour pilot for B5.) So we go
- frame by frame, making sure that everything meshes properly, through some
- pretty intense logistics. You'll understand when you see it.
- I've never seen the like of this particular episode before. It's a real
- gem.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 200 Wed Oct 06, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:22 EDT
- "Surround Silence."
- Don't do this to me....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 209 Wed Oct 06, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:50 EDT
- If it works in one, it'll work in all, the way it seems now.
- BTW, add David Warner to the list of first-season guest stars.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 231 Fri Oct 08, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:23 EDT