- <!-- TITLE The Shadow Within -->
- <p>
- <strong>Written by Jeanne Cavelos</strong><br>
- Release date: April 1997<br>
- ISBN: 0-440-22348-2 (US)<br>
- ISBN: 0-7522-2339-9 (UK)
- <br clear>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Anna Sheridan receives an assignment to study the ruins on Z'ha'dum. John
- Sheridan takes command of the Agamemnon. Babylon 5 goes online and sees
- the arrival of its first residents.
- </cite>
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- Reader reviews, and online ordering, can be found at
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0440223482/thelurkersguidet">Amazon.com</a>.
- <p>
- <hr>
- <h2><a name="BC">Back Cover</a></h2>
- <h3 align=center>The Darkening Light</h3>
- <p>
- Anna Sheridan has two passions-- her husband, John, and the mystery
- surrounding some intriguing artifacts found during a mission on a
- distant planet called Z'Ha'dum. Now she gets orders to become the
- science officer on the follow-up mission scheduled for the spaceship
- Icarus. Happy, young, beloved, and brilliant, never has a woman had
- so much to live for. Or so much to lose.
- <h3 align=center>The Shadow Within</h3>
- <p>
- While John, recently promoted to the rank of captain, struggles with
- his new command on the Agamemnon, Anna begins to assemble her science
- crew... and makes her first mistake. She signs on Dr. Morden, a highly
- credentialed translator whose heart hides a weakness that can cost
- Anna her life... or her soul. Her second mistake is to underestimate
- the danger on Z'ha'dum. What is awaiting the Icarus near the rim of
- known space is an unimaginable horror. What is awaiting Anna Sheridan
- is an explosive destiny... and a dark future that can crush her husband's
- dreams and a terror that can come back to haunt us all.
- <H2><A NAME="SY">Synopsis</A></H2>
- <p>
- The book begins with Anna Sheridan studying an artifact found on an
- Interplanetary Expeditions (IPX) dig at Theta Omega 2, a planet once
- inhabited by the J/Lai, an offshoot of the Brakiri. It appears to be
- a biomechanical device, halfway between machine and living organism. As
- she studies it, she briefly makes contact with a quasi-consciousness in
- the artifact. She tells Dr. Chang, the head the expedition, but is unable
- to duplicate the effect for him.
- <p>
- They hire Terence Hilliard, a commercial telepath, to make contact with the
- artifact. As soon as he tries, the artifact activates, overheats and
- explodes. Hilliard is seriously injured, and falls into a trance-like state,
- repeating over and over again, "I am the machine." Anna and Churlstein,
- another IPX scientist, take Hilliard to Geneva City Hospital. As he is being
- tended to, they are approached by Donne, a Psi Corps representative looking
- into the incident. Donne insists on speaking to Anna privately; Anna tells
- Churlstein to go back to the lab and make sure nothing is touched before
- she returns.
- <p>
- Donne takes Anna to Hilliard's bedside. His physical injuries are
- superficial, but his brain is locked into a rigid, cyclical pattern. Donne
- says that Hilliard will be moved to a Psi Corps facility and dismisses the
- doctor, then questions Anna about the incident. Donne indicates that nothing
- can be done for Hilliard.
- <p>
- Back at the lab, the remains of the explosion have been cleaned up and all
- of Anna's reports and test results are gone. Dr. Chang tells her he has been
- ordered to take over the testing of the remains of the J/Lai "mouse" and
- related artifacts. He allows her to take her computer, with her notes in it
- intact, and a fragment of the mouse. Anna has dinner with Liz Sheridan, her
- sister-in-law, before leaving for Station Prime, where she and her husband
- are planning to celebrate their anniversary.
- <p>
- Meanwhile, John Sheridan has been in command of the Agamemnon for one
- month, and is struggling with a badly disciplined crew. He chews out Lt.
- Spano, a weapons officer, for not following regulations. Corchoran, the
- first officer, tells him they will be inspected when they arrive at Station
- Prime. Later, Corchoran suggests that the crew is envious of Sheridan's war
- record; the previous commander of the Agamemnon, Capt. Best, humiliated
- them by retreating at the Battle of the Line.
- <p>
- At Station Prime, orbiting Centauri Prime, Anna checks into the honeymoon
- suite of the Imperial Hotel. John calls her there to tell her he'll be
- delayed by the inspection. Then Chang calls, saying that an IPX probe
- has discovered the remains of a new, unknown civilization on Alpha Omega
- 3. An RNA scan of microorganisms there indicates they are related to the
- "mouse" from Theta Omega 2. Chang asks her to be on an expedition there,
- which begins in 10 days. Anna is surprised by the short preparation time
- but agrees to go.
- <p>
- General Lochschmanan's inspection of the Agamemnon goes well until the
- weapons bay, where the optical system has been left on line, creating a
- danger that the ship's laser cannons could fire if there were an explosion
- or fire on board. The Agamemnon fails the inspection, and Lochschmanan
- orders Sheridan to get the crew into shape as soon as possible. Sheridan
- cancels leave and institutes a heavy schedule of drills. The ship is also
- being outfitted with a new stealth technology.
- <p>
- John calls Anna and tells her that he won't be able to make it; Anna does
- not tell him about the new expedition. She checks the roster for the
- expedition and sees two non-IPX personnel listed on the archaeological
- team: Donne, and a Dr. Morden, an Earthforce linguist who six months
- previously took leave of his job and moved to Station Prime. Anna becomes
- suspicious of Morden's credentials and visits him. He works for an Earthforce
- division called New Technologies, and claims to have been called up by his
- superiors and added to the mission out of the blue. She notices an Anfran
- love stone in his collection of artifacts, and learns that it was given
- to him by his wife. He moved to Station Prime after his wife and daughter
- were killed in a terrorist attack on the Io jumpgate. Anna resolves to try
- and help Morden get on with his life.
- <p>
- Spano arrives late for a drill and Sheridan confines him to quarters. After
- the drill, Sheridan speaks angrily with Ross, the weapons chief, who is
- about to punch him when Lochschmanan arrives. Corchoran routes in a call
- from Anna. John speaks to her hurriedly, learning about the expedition, and
- returns to speak to Lochschmanan.
- <p>
- At the IPX mission briefing, Chang introduces the members of the
- archaeological team, then shows them pictures of the planet, including a
- series of inscribed pillars and an egg-shaped biomechanical structure which
- has biological similarities to the "mouse". Afterward, Anna learns that
- Donne and Morden have a deep distrust of each others' organizations.
- On the Agamemnon, John Sheridan gives Ross, Spano, and Watley, another
- weapons officer, a choice between transferring off the ship or being
- court-martialed if they continue to perform poorly.
- <p>
- As the Icarus leaves Station Prime, Donne asks Anna to try to make contact
- with a fragment of the mouse. She does so, experiencing an impression that
- it is still partly alive. Morden shares some preliminary translations with
- Chang and Anna: the pillars appear to say, "every light casts a shadow," and
- the largest inscription on the egg is "what is desired" or "all that is
- desired."
- <p>
- John Sheridan is woken up by a message from Lochschmanan. Homeguard, the
- group responsible for the Io jumpgate attack, is planning to blow up
- Babylon 5 during its dedication ceremonies with nuclear devices obtained
- from the Narn. The Agamemnon is ordered to intercept the Homeguard ship
- carrying the bombs.
- <p>
- Twenty days from Alpha Omega 3, Anna uses the IPX probe's remote control
- to explore a cave near the planned landing site, and finds two artifacts
- similar to the "mouse". Meanwhile, the Agamemnon stages a mock battle
- against the Hyperion. The Hyperion takes out the Agamemnon's targeting
- system. When Sheridan orders the weapons officers to fire manually, Ross
- does not fire, and the Hyperion goes on to "destroy" the Agamemnon.
- <p>
- Sheridan orders Ross arrested. He goes to Ross's quarters to see him
- detained, and finds him drunk and threatening to shoot himself. Ross tells
- Sheridan about his experience at the Battle of the Line. The Athena, Capt.
- Best's previous command, where Ross was serving, had its automatic targeting
- system knocked out. He fired at a fighter that appeared to be trying to ram
- them, and realized a moment too late that it was one of their Starfuries,
- trying to make an emergency landing. The resulting explosion disabled the
- Athena and killed 35 crewmembers. Sheridan takes the PPG away from Ross and
- gives him another chance.
- <p>
- The next day, Anna discovers that the IPX orbiter at Alpha Omega 3 has lost
- contact with the surface probe. The orbiter's log indicates that Chang was
- controlling the probe at the time. The probe logs have been erased back to
- when he used the probe the previous day. Anna tells Chang about this, and
- he orders her to give no indication that malfunction could have been anything
- but an accident. He also gives her a PPG, telling her he has another for
- his own defense.
- <p>
- Anna attempts to send a message to John on New Year's Eve, but the
- communications system is unable to send it. Hidalgo, the captain of the
- Icarus, tells her that the comm system just malfunctioned. Anna attempts to
- remove her message from the outgoing queue, and discovers Chang has also just
- tried to send a message, to Galovich, the mission's supervisor on Earth. She
- copies the message and views it. Chang is reporting that Donne and Hidalgo
- are planning to smuggle artifacts to Earth for Psi Corps to study. He also
- refers to the Shadow ship found on Mars, and a hypothesis of Morden's, that
- it returned on automatic.
- <p>
- Anna returns to the ship's New Year's party and tells Morden she has a
- present for him. They leave the party and she gives him the Anfran love
- stone, which she had taken from his quarters the day before and had put on
- a necklace. Morden is shocked that he went an entire day without noticing
- it was gone, and puts the necklace on to assure that he will never forget
- it. Anna asks him what he knows about Mars. He tells her about the Shadow
- ship discovered by IPX. When the ship was excavated and first exposed to
- sunlight, it transmitted a message. Morden was on a team from Earthforce
- New Technologies sent to study the ship at IPX's request. Anna tells him
- what she knows about the probe problems, and the smuggling arrangement
- between Donne and Hidalgo.
- <p>
- As B5's dedication ceremony approaches, the Agamemnon passes an inspection
- and is dispatched to intercept the Homeguard ship. Kosh Naranek contacts
- Delenn and tells her that a human expedition is going to Z'ha'dum, and it
- must be stopped. He directs his own ship toward Z'ha'dum, expecting to
- arrive just before the Icarus.
- <p>
- After planetfall on Alpha Omega 3, half the archaeological team, including
- Chang and Donne, go to investigate the egg, while Anna, Morden, and the
- others head for the cave where she found the mice. Morden has refined the
- translation of the pillar inscriptions to "Every light carries a shadow."
- Arriving at the cave, they find that the mice are gone and the hole they
- were removed from has been partially filled in. Anna, Morden, and Dr.
- Favorito explore deeper in the cave, and find a corpse that appears to be
- a biological creature inside a biomechanical one. As far back in the cave
- as they can go, they find a black sphere blocking a passageway. Anna tries
- to take a sample of it, but find her hand passing inside it, and then feels
- something waking up inside it. She jumps back and runs away, pulling the
- others along with her.
- <p>
- Delenn, on authorization from the Grey Council, contacts Sinclair at Babylon
- 5 and tells him the expedition is in danger and must be recalled.
- <p>
- Anna, Morden, and Favorito emerge from the cave into a sudden storm. They
- and their support crew head for the egg to rejoin Chang's group, but the egg
- and the entire group have vanished. A scan shows one link nearby; heading
- for it, they find Chang, who has been shot. Anna gives Chang's PPG to Morden.
- The two of them find a crevasse underneath where the egg had been, but it
- is too small for the egg to have gone through it.
- <p>
- At Babylon 5, Sinclair has contacted Senator Hidoshi about the expedition
- and been referred to President Santiago's science adviser, Dr. LeBlanc.
- LeBlanc is unaware of any expedition near the rim, but promises to check
- on it. The Agamemnon observes the transfer of explosives from the Narns to
- the Homeguard ship. Just before it comes out of hiding, Ross reports that the
- weapons system is nonfunctional. A component has been removed from the
- optics system.
- <p>
- On the Icarus, Hidalgo announces that communications have been restored.
- Anna has taken charge of the archaeological team, and splits them up for a
- search of landing area. She gives her PPG to Dr. Razor, who is on the
- team that includes Hidalgo, and tells him about Hidalgo's plans for
- smuggling artifacts. She sends a message to Gulovich, and then searches
- Donne's quarters. Inside a roll of lingerie, she finds a collection of
- small body parts and a Psi Corps badge with a black square in the center.
- She recalls that a patch of Chang's hair was missing, and concludes that
- Donne killed Chang and took the hair for her collection.
- <p>
- When Anna returns to her quarters, she finds Morden waiting for her. He
- already believes that Donne killed Chang. When she wonders why Psi Corps
- is going to such lengths, Morden tells her that not only was Hilliard
- affected by the mouse, but every telepath at or below his P-rating within
- a three-mile radius was left in the same state. Psi Corps covered it up,
- but Earthforce-- or at least Morden's division-- quickly figured out what
- had happened.
- <p>
- Dr. LeBlanc calls Sinclair back and tells him the expedition will not be
- recalled. She suspects that it may discover something powerful that can
- be used against the Minbari. Sinclair tells Delenn the news, and she
- informs him that sending any further ships to Alpha Omega 3 will be
- considered an act of war against the Minbari.
- <p>
- Sheridan orders Corchoran to interrogate the weapons officers about the
- sabotage, but Spano is missing from the mess, where they had been ordered
- to wait. Spano is tracked down in the gym. He complains that he was bored.
- Ross reports that the primary mirror in the optics system has been
- destroyed. Spano repeatedly denies sabotaging the system, but finally
- admits that he left his post during his watch to get a snack. Sheridan
- charges him with insubordination, desertion of post, and dereliction of
- duty, and has him confined to the brig.
- <p>
- Anna decides to make contact with the creature inside the sphere. She and
- Morden return to where it was, but it has vanished. In the passageway
- beyond, they find a generator that could have come from the IPX probe. As
- they talk, Morden suddenly reaches for his PPG. Anna knocks him down as
- he fires, and the blast triggers a cave-in. Donne appears and tells Anna
- that Morden destroyed the probe.
- <p>
- Ross tells Sheridan that the optics damage is worse than he thought, and
- he can't repair it on his own before the Homeguard ship reaches Babylon 5.
- Sheridan grits his teeth and assigns Watley and Spano to help him. Spano,
- feeling chastened, suggests that Sheridan consider people who had previously
- served as weapons officers. He specifically mentions Corchoran. Sheridan
- asks Corchoran for information on officers who had been weapons officers,
- but Corchoran does not send it. Sheridan orders security to detain Corchoran.
- <p>
- Anna realizes that Morden had been aiming at Donne. Donne says that Morden
- hid the mice; Morden says that Psi Corps wouldn't have left anything for
- Earthforce to study. The three of them search for another way out of the
- caves, going through a section that appears to have been artificially
- enlarged. Donne believes that the egg was sending out a telepathic
- attraction, which she was able to block once she became aware of it. She
- says that when Chang's group reached the egg, some of them climbed into
- openings in it, and the openings vanished. When everyone except Chang and
- Donne had gone into the egg, it reached for Chang. Donne shot him, and it
- lost interest. It didn't appear to notice her, possibly because of her
- blocking. It then changed shape and oozed away down the crevasse.
- <p>
- With twenty minutes left before the Homeguard ship reaches the B5 jumpgate,
- Ross reports that the optics are repaired. Sheridan orders Ross to engage
- manual targeting; the automatic system won't let them fire on an Earth
- ship. Sheridan transmits a warning to the Homeguard ship, which simply
- accelerates and does not acknowledge the message. Sheridan orders Ross to
- fire, but nothing happens and Ross does not respond. Then he hears Corchoran
- on the link, taunting him.
- <p>
- Donne leads Anna and Morden to a chamber below the crevasse, where they
- see what appear to be cryogenic chambers, one for each person on the Icarus,
- and the egg. As they watch, the egg lets out Razor, who is taken away,
- struggling, by three pale humanoid aliens. They hear a drill, and screams
- from Razor. Anna sees some kind of wiring attached to the face of the
- person in the nearest chamber and realizes the aliens are preparing the
- humans to become part of the biomachines. Churlstein, apparently unharmed,
- comes upon them and tries to take the PPGs away. Donne is immobilized by a
- telepathic attack.
- <p>
- Sheridan orders all blast doors closed and the outer parts of the Agamemnon
- evacuated. There is a struggle in the weapons bay, but Ross is able to
- fire on the Homeguard ship's engines. The explosives are touched off, and
- the Homeguard ship is destroyed. The Agamemnon suffers some damage, but no
- casualties. As a reward for a job well done, Lochschmanan assigns the
- Agamemnon to be part of the honor guard at the dedication of Babylon 5.
- <p>
- Churlstein says that he is now an emissary from the resident aliens, who
- are willing to share all their technology if their existence is kept secret.
- Anyone who serves them willingly will be rewarded with their greatest
- desires; anyone else will be forced to serve unwillingly. New, spidery
- aliens begin to materialize all around. Donne shoots Churlstein, then the
- roof of the passage, creating a rockfall that buries Anna and Morden up to
- their shoulders and kills Donne and the humanoids. The spidery aliens
- continue to surround them. Anna and Morden try to set off one of the mice
- to destroy them. As the mouse awakes, through a telepathic link, they
- see an image of Morden's wife and daughter caught in a hyperspace vortex,
- still alive and in pain. Morden breaks contact and tells the aliens he
- will help them, if they can end his family's suffering. Anna is left to
- become a part of the machine.
- <p>
- Above the planet, Kosh sees the Icarus take off, empty. It broadcasts a
- distress signal and then explodes. At Babylon 5, the dedication ceremony
- goes smoothly, except for Kosh not being able to be present. At the end
- of the ceremony, Sheridan gets a call from Lochschmanan, telling him
- about the loss of the Icarus. Anna has been installed in a Shadow ship.
- <H2><A NAME="UQ">Unanswered Questions</A></H2>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Homeguard must have massive resources to be able to destroy a jumpgate,
- purchase enough explosives from the Narn to destroy a 5-mile-long space
- station, and get a ship big enough to hold those explosives. Where is
- that support coming from?
- <li>
- Was the mouse found on Theta Omega 2 meant to be used against J/Lai
- telepaths?
- <li>
- Is the egg's attractive signal related to the Eye?
- <li>
- Morden mentioned having worked with IPX twice before. One time was when the
- Shadow ship was found on Mars; what was the other?
- <li>
- How was Morden able to erase the probe's logs?
- </ul>
- <H2><A NAME="AN">Analysis</A></H2>
- <ul>
- <li>
- The crew of the Icarus seen in the underground chamber was undergoing the
- same procedure used on the telepaths in
- <a href="/lurk/guide/058.html">"Ship of Tears."</a>
- <li>
- The image of the Icarus's crew entering the cave that Kosh shows Sheridan in
- <a href="/lurk/guide/038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"</a>
- may be genuine, since Kosh had presumably arrived at Z'ha'dum by then.
- <li>
- Kosh could also have sent the destruct signal that Lyta later sent in
- <a href="/lurk/guide/073.html">"Epiphanies,"</a>
- but as Sheridan pointed out in
- <a href="/lurk/guide/072.html">"Into the Fire,"</a>
- if the Shadows were simply destroyed, they would never know that the Vorlons
- were right.
- </ul>
- <H2><A NAME="NO">Notes</A></H2>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Sheridan's previous command was the Galatea, a heavy cruiser.
- <li>
- The snow globe Delenn dropped at the end of
- <a href="/lurk/guide/065.html">"Shadow Dancing"</a>
- was a souvenir
- from John and Anna's honeymoon.
- <li>
- John and Anna Sheridan were married on December 3, 2249.
- <li>
- The Battle of the Line involved over 20,000 Terran ships; 200 survived.
- <li>
- The Vorlons discovered that the Shadows were awakening in late 2253 or
- early 2254.
- <li>
- Both the egg on Z'ha'dum and Kosh's ship sing to their inhabitants.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">The Author Speaks</h2>
- <ul>
- <li>
- So, Allen Wilkins asked about my scheduled bookstore appearances, where
- I'll be reading from the book and answering questions. Here's my schedule:
- <p>
- March 15, 3-5pm, Pandemonium Books & Games, Cambridge, MA<br>
- March 29, 3-5pm, Space-Crime Continuum, Northampton, MA<br>
- April 5, 1-3pm, Books & More, Marlborough, NH<br>
- April 12, 2-4pm, Enchantments, Lexington, MA<br>
- April 20, 2-4pm, Mystery Trek, Brattleboro, VT<br>
- April 24, 7:30-8:30pm, Water Street Bookstore, Exeter, NH
- <p>
- If you plan on going to the Pandemonium appearance, or if you plan to run
- to your bookstore on March 11 to buy the book, BEWARE: Dell has just
- informed me that all Bantam Doubleday Dell books for April (release date
- 3/11) may be a week or more late in reaching the stores. They have
- switched to a new production procedure, and this has thrown everything
- off. I don't think this has ever happened in the history of BDD--release
- dates on books are very important. So you may want to wait until the end
- of March or call your bookstore first.
- <p>
- Jay Denebeim and Bob P. both asked how messages could be addressed to
- me. Since my name is often misspelled, I think it would be easiest to
- put in the subject line, "ATTN: JC." I will look for messages with that
- designation.
- <p>
- Eschel Hamel asked several questions about the book:<br>
- <p>
- Here's what happened, as well as I can remember without digging through
- my records. I wrote a synopsis of THE SHADOW WITHIN (actually called THE
- SHADOW AWAKES back then) around 11/95. It was about 15-20 double-spaced
- pages. I submitted it to Jacquie Miller, the in-house editor of the
- books at Dell. She read it, liked it, and sent it on to JMS. She
- reported back to me that JMS also liked it, but that he had
- already decided on authors for the current three B5 books under
- contract. She also relayed several comments he'd made about my synopsis,
- areas where I had diverged from his view of the story of the ICARUS. (I
- had just made the whole thing up, based on the little information we had
- from the series at that point. So it was actually pretty amazing that
- only a few points troubled him.) So my outline was held over to be
- considered when the next three books were being developed.
- <p>
- In 8/96 Jacquie contacted me and said JMS had approved my synopsis for
- the next batch of books. Dell wanted a complete manuscript in 5 weeks.
- I was actually homeless when this occurred. My husband and I had moved
- out of our rental home and our new house, which was still being built,
- wasn't going to be ready for three more weeks. We were living at Motel
- 6. The idea of writing a novel in 5 weeks was terrifying enough; but the
- idea of writing it when my computer and my notes were all in boxes and I
- hadn't even thought about the synopsis in 9 months sounded like too much
- even to dream of. I negotiated up to 8 weeks, and we made a deal.
- Jacquie returned my original synopsis to me with some comments on it from
- JMS. He'd made maybe about ten notes on it, all fairly minor, a number
- of them filling in blanks I'd left (e.g., Sinclair calls Senator _____),
- others giving me a little information or pointing out something. (I'll
- try to dig this up so I can tell you some of his notes.) He also changed
- the title to THE SHADOW WITHIN, for reasons that became obvious to me as
- I did my B5 research into Shadow references.
- <p>
- At that point I started trying to recreate what the HECK I had been
- thinking when I'd written this nine months ago. I decided the only way I
- could be sure to have a finished manuscript in time was to write a
- detailed scene-by-scene outline that would tell me everything that had to
- happen in every scene, so there would be no surprises and no omissions.
- As I worked on that, I realized I still had a lot of questions about the
- arc and various aspects of the show that I needed answered to write a
- book consistent with these things. I also heard a rumor around this time
- that an upcoming episode was going to feature Anna Sheridan, and that she
- was going to be played by Melissa Gilbert! I pretty much flipped out at
- that point, since no one had told me, and here I was working on a novel
- with time ticking away. I asked Jacquie at Dell to get a copy of this
- script for me. She asked Warner Brothers. There were delays. I finally
- sent a panicked fax to JMS, swearing myself to secrecy if only he would
- send the script. It came by overnight mail. That helped a lot. But I
- still had a number of unanswered questions. I asked Jacquie if I could
- talk to JMS. She asked, and he agreed. (I believe I'm the first author
- to be able to ask JMS questions directly. I think one other author may
- have asked a few questions through e-mail.) We had a conference call
- that lasted maybe an hour, basically where I asked questions and he
- answered. Most of my questions were of the variety of "Is it okay if I
- do this?" And most of the time he said yes. A few times he gave me a
- little information, explaining why something is or isn't true, but JMS
- plays these things pretty close to the vest. I felt very lucky, though,
- that I had this opportunity, because it allowed me to get the doubt out
- of my mind that something or other was wrong and proceed. It also
- corrected a few things that wouldn't have been consistent with the arc.
- (I'll see if I can dig out my notes on this phone conversation too, if
- you're interested.) My biggest problem coming out of this phone call was
- with Morden. I had asked JMS, "What is Morden's first name? Or can I
- just make one up?" JMS replied that he'd never given Morden a first
- name. He'd always thought of the character simply as Morden, and wasn't
- really comfortable with the idea of giving him a first name. This was
- tough for me, since Morden plays a large part in the book and he becomes
- fairly good friends with Anna. So I had to find a way around it, which
- you'll see in the book.
- <p>
- After that, I did a lot more research. Lots of B5 research--watching
- videotapes repeatedly (many key episodes provided by Phil Farrand, the
- author of THE NITPICKER'S GUIDES to Star Trek, of which I edited the
- first two), referring to THE A-Z OF BABYLON 5 (I got a British edition
- from Dell), the Lurker's Guide (and the Lurker himself, Steven Grimm, who
- would answer my questions at any time of day), and calling other B5
- experts, like Michael A. Burstein and Nomi Burstein. I'd have lists of
- questions, such as how many guns does the Agamemnon have, where, and what
- kind are they? (John Sheridan is in command of the Agamemnon during the
- book.)
- <p>
- I also did as much research as time would allow on other topics. I read
- sections of about eight archaeology books, spoke to a UNH professor of
- archaeology, the New Hampshire State Geologist told me all about caves
- (important in this book), and an old friend from the Cornell astronomy
- program served as an expert on lasers. I also had numerous people read
- the book and offer feedback on it. Two were members of the military who
- read for accurate military procedures and conduct.
- <p>
- I don't really have any "dirt" on Joe (and that is what people call him,
- though I've stuck to the conventional JMS here). I've told you some of
- my experiences with him above, and perhaps can come up with some more if
- asked. I think the way he worked with me on the book was just right, in
- that he guided me so that my book would fit into the B5 universe as a
- whole, but he gave me a lot of freedom to create the vision I had and
- write the story I wanted. For example, when we were talking on the phone
- he mentioned that he'd always imagined Morden to be a low-level
- technician on the Icarus, who was jealous of Anna's education and success
- (or something to that effect). This is significantly different than what
- I had in my synopsis. But he never asked me to change Morden from the
- way I'd envisioned him.
- <p>
- <li>
- Rodent asked if I have watched B5 in its entirety.
- <p>
- As the freelance editor of the novels, it's kind of neat that watching
- B5 is something I must do for my job. If only all jobs had such fun
- requirements. That said, I can't swear I haven't missed any episodes.
- It took me a while to get used to the new episode/repeat schedule, which
- I deeply dislike. A few times I've missed episodes. I don't have any
- special access to a bank of videotapes or anything. I try to catch the
- episodes I miss when they are rerun. But I think a few may have
- slipped through the cracks. I'm still waiting for one of the season
- 4 episodes to be rerun that I missed earlier. I'm not sure of the
- name of it, but we learned something major about the Vorlons in it.
- I have to admit that I'm not a trivia expert. I love the show for
- its wonderful stories and characters, for its overall feel and
- themes, for its complex concepts. I'm not one to memorize the name
- of every ship that appears on every episode. That said, if I need
- to know a piece of trivia (and I needed to know a lot of it to write
- THE SHADOW WITHIN, hitting stores next week), I know who to call to
- find out (and I don't mean JMS, since he is too busy to deal with
- this stuff. I have a network of B5 fans I call on to find the
- answers to continuity questions regarding the novels, and they
- usually know--or can find out--the answers). I tape the episodes, but I
- do miss some, and I'm very bad about labelling things, so again, when I
- need to see an episode (several episodes were key to the writing of my
- novel), if I couldn't find it in my collection I called people to send me
- copies. They were very nice about it.
- <p>
- Rodent's next question was whether I had any quick comments on the 5-year
- story arc.
- <p>
- Really, my only comment is my personal reaction. When I first heard
- about the arc, around the time the pilot aired, I became extremely
- excited. It seemed as if this was an incredible development in sf
- television, one that allowed a series to be more like a great epic
- novel. This is part of what fueled my love for the show and part of what
- motivated me to start the line of B5 novels at Dell Publishing. As I
- watch B5, each year it seems to get better and better. As the arc
- progresses and our understanding of events deepens (as it only could with
- an arc), the show seems to become more meaningful and enjoyable. I was a
- bit disappointed with the quick end to the Shadow War, but other than
- that I felt the arc has more than lived up to its promise.
- <p>
- Rodent's third question was whether I had worked with JMS before.
- <p>
- My relationship with JMS began around the time the pilot aired. I was
- then a senior editor at Dell Publishing. I saw the pilot and felt
- something exciting was starting. I called Warner Brothers, asked for
- JMS, and told him Dell was interested in doing a line of B5 novels.
- We've had a number of phone conversations and discussions since then, and
- I perhaps can tell you a little about those, but I can't claim to be a
- close friend or anything like that. When I left Dell in 1994 to escape
- NYC and become a freelance editor/teacher/writer, Dell asked me to
- continue editing the B5 novels as a freelancer, so my relationship with
- JMS continued, though we had little direct contact. Working on this
- novel, asking him questions about what I could do, was my most extended
- contact with him.
- <p>
- Rodent asked, "How much did JMS 'get in the way' of your writing THE
- <p>
- As discussed earlier, JMS didn't really "get in the way" at all. He
- mainly okayed ideas I had for the book and pointed out minor areas where
- I wasn't consistent with the show. Really only two significant points
- were changed from the outline due to his feedback. First, I wanted to
- work the nuking of San Diego into the book, having it occur around 2255.
- JMS said no, this occurred 40 years ago. Interesting. It slightly
- inconvenienced me, but it was easy enough to think of another
- catastrophe. The other point was that I wanted Dr. Chang to arrive at
- Z'ha'dum in one ship, and then have Anna Sheridan come in another,
- follow-up ship. JMS said they all came in one ship. This again was only
- a minor inconvenience, and I agreed that he was right to make me stick to
- one ship.
- <p>
- Really the thing that gave me the most trouble was when I asked JMS what
- Morden's first name was. JMS said that he'd never given Morden a first
- name and that he wasn't really comfortable with the idea of giving one.
- He'd always thought of Morden as just Morden. This ticked me off for a
- while, since I figured Morden had to have a first name, and how was I
- going to present him in informal, social scenes without his first name?
- I finally thought of a solution to the problem, as you'll see in the book.
- <p>
- JMS did also change the title of the book. I had called it THE SHADOW
- AWAKES. He changed it to THE SHADOW WITHIN. After I got heavily into
- research with my trivia experts, I realized why he had done this.
- <p>
- <li>
- I'm responding to the debate over how to check for scientific accuracy in
- an sf novel. The best way to check most of these things is to speak to
- an expert. Asking people on the net or sf readers is not a reliable
- method. Someone will always think they know the answer when they don't.
- In writing THE SHADOW WITHIN, I consulted archaeology, geology, and laser
- experts, among others. Hopefully this has prevented any glaring
- scientific errors from getting into the book.
- <p>
- I'm sure I'll get flamed again for this, but I have to say that when I
- edit a B5 novel (through the rushed process I described in another post),
- spotting scientific inaccuracies is very far down my list of concerns.
- In my opinion, B5 is not a scientifically accurate show. And I don't
- think that being scientifically accurate is one of the show's main
- concerns. It is a story about people (and aliens), about how we get
- along with each other and what it all means. I'm much more concerned
- with the issues that are most important to B5.
- <p>
- <li>
- As I've said before, I wish I had had
- more time to do a better job with all the B5 novels. I did the best I
- could, and contrary to popular belief, I am good at my job, according to
- publishers, editors, agents, authors, and readers of sf and other
- genres. And according to the people who gave me the World Fantasy
- Award. And according to JMS.
- <p>
- I certainly wish that all errors, inconsistencies, weak spots, etc. had
- been fixed and the books made perfect before they were published, but
- there simply wasn't time. Doing a job that takes a minimum of 4 months
- with regular books in 3 days just doesn't allow for much.
- <p>
- The truth is some scientific errors didn't get removed from books I
- edited. I'm human. Amazing! I think we could have more constructive
- discussion here.
- <p>
- On the topic of educating sf writers in science, I had an interesting
- experience with my Odyssey class. I run Odyssey, a six-week summer
- writing workshop for writers of fantasy, science fiction, and horror.
- The first week I had Hal Clement come in to talk about creating a
- scientifically realistic setting. He talked about the various concerns
- when creating a planet for a story, and how the setting could actually
- inspire the story and control the plot. He knows his stuff backwards and
- forwards, and the session was fascinating. But after he left, many of my
- students came up to me and said, "I loved Hal Clement. He really knows
- his stuff. But I had no idea what he was talking about after the first
- half hour."
- <p>
- Many people interested in writing sf don't have a very strong knowledge
- of science, and this is a problem. But there are books on how to create
- realistic sf settings as well as many other resources, as Neil points
- out. This is the gruntwork (or the fun work, as your mindset goes) that
- sf writers (and ALL writers, for that matter) have to do.
- <p>
- <p>
- I found my notes from my phone conversation with JMS, which I thought
- might interest you. This conversation occurred while I was fleshing out
- the synopsis JMS had approved into a detailed, scene-by-scene outline.
- Mainly JMS okayed various things I wanted to have in the book, but he
- also gave out a little information. He told me that IPX headquarters
- were in Geneva, that Anna was a freelancer for IPX, and that he didn't
- want Morden to have a first name.
- <p>
- I think I may have caught JMS on one point:
- I asked him why, in the footage of the scientists from the Icarus finding
- the Shadows on Z'ha'dum, the scientists were wearing EVA suits. While in
- the episode Z'ha'dum, Sheridan and Anna only needed to wear breathers
- (this episode had not yet aired, but JMS had sent me the script and it
- specified breathers). There was a long pause at the other end of the
- line. Finally, in a halting way, JMS said something like this:
- "Well...when the Icarus went there...they didn't know a lot about the
- planet...they weren't sure...if there were hazards.... You can say...it
- was standard procedure...for a new planet. That's it. Call it standard
- first contact protocol." His voice gradually picked up speed as he went,
- figuring his way out of the problem. That was kind of fun.
- <p>
- <li>
- <em>Why were the B5 regulars included in the story?</em><br>
- I chose to include those other characters, for several reasons. First, JMS
- had said at one point in history that a B5 novel should not be about a minor
- character (this was a general comment, not about my book). I agreed with
- that idea. It would limit the number of readers who could enjoy the
- book, and lose the flavor of the series. Second, it seemed I had to
- bring John in to some extent, and it seemed like a copout to say he was
- busy and not explain why. Third, I wanted a sense of history in the
- making, of Anna's fate being tied to larger events in the universe, and
- of the impact of the past on the future. Bringing in John, Sinclair,
- Delenn, and Kosh did that, I thought.
- <p>
- <em>Were the two storylines written at the same time?</em><br>
- I wrote them one at a time.
- <p>
- <em>In "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum," Delenn said she asked Kosh whether
- the Shadows had returned to Z'ha'dum, and he said yes. Why are the Shadows
- there already?</em><br>
- This confused me also, which is why I had originally titled the book THE
- SHADOW AWAKES. When JMS changed the title, at the synopsis stage, I
- started looking into the issues you raise. They led me to believe that
- the Shadows were awake before Anna arrived (there's their attempted
- destruction of B4 also). It seems as if some of them have been there a
- while when Anna arrives. More could definitely have come from
- *somewhere* at some point. When Delenn asks that question, they could
- already have been occupying Z'ha'dum for a while. I don't believe they
- were in hibernation.
- <p>
- <li>
- <em>Why did Morden speculate that the Shadow vessel that excavated the
- buried ship on Mars might have been on automatic?</em><br>
- It was because they were guessing that Alpha Omega 3 was uninhabited,
- from data sent by the probe. I don't know if the ship was on automatic
- or not. . .
- <p>
- <li>
- <em>Do Shadows fly their own ships?</em><br>
- I don't know. I kind of thought that at least one Shadow was aboard
- every Shadow vessel. I didn't think of the telepaths as pilots, but as
- part of the ship.
- <P>
- <li>
- I'd like to respond to just a few points. Gharlane mentioned that the
- plot of my novel could not be praised since it was "prescribed in a
- provided outline." This is inaccurate. I had no outline. Nothing was
- provided. All I knew was how Anna's story had to end. I don't believe
- that's an outline.
- <p>
- The RNA thing came from a biology professor. I wondered why he didn't
- mention DNA, but I figured he had his reasons.
- <p>
- The question of why I used first names for three characters and last
- names for others is simply answered. Point of view. I used first names
- for the point of view characters (Anna Sheridan, John Sheridan, and
- Jeffrey Sinclair) to help the reader feel closer to them, and last names
- for everyone else. Another reason for this was to differentiate between
- Anna Sheridan and John Sheridan. If I'd called them both Sheridan, that
- would have been a bit confusing. One person who read an early draft
- didn't understand why I didn't called John Sheridan "Sheridan" and Anna
- Sheridan "Anna." To him, this seemed the obvious way this issue should
- be handled. This, unfortunately, has been the standard for a long time.
- The man is known by his last name while the woman is known by her first.
- I found this totally inappropriate. Anna and John are equals, and should
- be dealt with on an equal level. This left me with first names, which I
- felt gave a nice feeling of intimacy to the story and made both Anna and
- John seem more like real people.
- </ul>
- <h2>JMS Speaks</h2>
- <ul>
- <li> The first book is by Jeanne Cavellos, following Anna Sheridan and the
- Icarus to Z'ha'dum; the second follows Vir and Londo to Centauri Prime
- at the time of the events in these first six [season-four] episodes; and
- the third follows Sinclair to Minbar after leaving B5 and setting up the
- rangers. This time out, I decided to assign out the stories, to make
- sure they were accurate and in continuity. The first one up may be the
- best to date, I'm 2/3rds through it and haven't made a note yet.
- <li> The other books...in broad strokes, I accept they happened, but
- in the details, and how they're treated, and some incidentals...they
- haven't hit all the right cylinders. This time, with this batch, I got
- more directly involved and I think they're definitely improved...though
- the Cavelos novel had the least need for input, since she *really* knew
- the show.
- <li> The story of the Icarus as presented in this book is considered
- canon.
- </ul>