- <!-- TITLE War Zone -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- As Earth reacts to the Drakh plague, the Excalibur sets out on its mission
- to find a cure.
- </cite>
- </blockquote>
- <pre>
- Production number: 108
- Original air date: June 9, 1999
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00061QJSK/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: December 7, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Janet Greek
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@929003660 Earth has been quarantined since the Drakh plague was
- released.
- <li>@@@929004549 The Excalibur has captured the first Drakh prisoner of
- war.
- <li>@@@929003660 Galen saved Gideon's life nine years ago, during the
- technomages' exodus from known space
- (<a href="025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows"</a>).
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@929003660 Why was Gideon's ship destroyed nine years ago?
- <li>@@@929003660 What are the new rules regarding telepaths? Clearly
- they aren't exactly the same as the old Psi Corps rules; Matheson, for
- example, wasn't wearing gloves. Who enforces the rules now?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@929081490 How strong a telepath is Matheson? Would he have been
- of any use in the interrogation of the Drakh commander? Or is such
- probing forbidden by the new rules governing telepaths?
- <li>@@@929003660 Gideon referred to the Excalibur as the most advanced
- warship ever built by humans. Is he aware of the Minbari involvement
- in the ship's construction?
- <li>@@@929004549 The Drakh commander referred to himself as a councilman.
- Is there a Drakh government distinct from the military? What is the
- relationship between the two apparently different species who make
- up the Drakh?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@929003660 Assuming the technomages all departed at once and weren't
- in transit for a very long time, this episode takes place in 2268.
- The technomages departed B5 in 2259
- (<a href="025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows"</a>)
- and Gideon said he'd been rescued nine years earlier.
- <li>@@@929003660 Explorer-class ships such as the one commanded by Gideon
- before he was assigned to the Excalibur were first introduced in
- <a href="026.html">"A Distant Star."</a>
- Their missions typically take them far beyond known space for
- extended periods of time, mapping out new systems and making
- contact with alien civilizations.
- <li>@@@929003660 The question of whether life ever existed on Mars is
- still unresolved in 2268.
- <li>@@@929004316 Effects oddity: the fire burning in front of the crashed
- Drakh ship is symmetrical.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@929037218 Just for the record: I think the first one -- the only one
- written directly at TNT's behest -- is probably the weakest one,
- certainly the one I find least interesting. It's lumbered with buckets
- of exposition, explaining things that don't need explaining, too many
- fights, too many explosions, too much swaggering around, all stuff the
- net wanted.
- <p>
- Then we go back to the show we wanted to make...Path of Sorrows is
- terrific, Well of Forever is a solid character story, The Long Road is
- just pure fun (that's pretty much reverse broadcast order, btw)...
- there's one or two in the bunch that are a bit slower than I'd like,
- but those are the exception rather than the rule.
- <p>
- Just to get my own feelings on this out there.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 My take on #1 is that this is the weakest of the bunch,
- because this is the only one written at the behest of TNT; it's
- exposition heavy, too much swaggering macho stuff, no real depth, just
- stuff blowing up. The ones that follow are much better.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 All that exposition is what TNT wanted...and one of the
- reasons was that they weren't going to rerun
- <a href="115.html">ACtA</a>
- before it...then they
- were, which made it all unnecessary...then they ran ACtA AFTER the
- ep...which makes NO kind of sense.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 "The mutiny was clumsy, but I like Gideon, Galen, Dureena
- and Trace. (And from the way it opened, my first thought was, "this
- must be some of the extra violence TNT wanted. Ugh.")
- <p>
- Ding.
- <p>
- "Will we find out why Gideon wouldn't have his exec scan the Drakh?"
- <p>
- The rules about unauthorized scans still apply. Matheson has to
- operate even under stricter rules re: privacy now than before. You'll
- see more on this later.
- <p>
- "The only really weak spots, to me were the " Earth in a panic"
- scenes, which looked an awful lot like newsreel footage"
- <p>
- TNT note: we need to SEE Earth in turmoil, if we just hear about
- it nobody's going to get it. They had us insert that.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 "The opening scene cracked me up. Look there's a fight,
- as close to wrestling as you can get on a starship."
- <p>
- Yep. That's one of the mandates they put on the first ep...they
- wanted to start with a fist-fight.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 <em>Were any of the riot scenes staged?</em><br>
- It was all real footage.
- <p>
- As for the exposition...one reason they asked for so much was
- because they said it was going to air months after ACTA, and nobody'd
- remember, and it wouldn't get rerun...then after we shot WZ they
- decided they *would* rerun ACTA before WZ...then a few weeks ago they
- decided to run ACTA -- which has all the info needed for WZ -- AFTER
- WZ.
- <p>
- Now perhaps you get a small sense of what we've been up against.
- <p>
- <li>@@@930036787 "I admit, I'm one of the folks who didn't
- particularly warm to the [riot] footage. It seemed not to fit."
- <p>
- It didn't. Moreover, the order for that stuff came in about two
- days before we were supposed to begin shooting, so we had to hurriedly
- redesign the set to include the wall monitor, and change other aspects
- of the filming, then hurriedly find some footage that would work
- (sorta).
- <p>
- "I suppose there were few options."
- <p>
- None. What you have to understand is that we were at this
- point, in the writing of this episode, on hiatus...awaiting the okay to
- go back into filming. And though it was never said overtly, there was
- always the undercurrent of "If TNT doesn't get this one script the way
- they want it, they may not give the OK. So give them what they want
- just this one time."
- <p>
- I did what I could with what they demanded, and tried to fight
- as much as I could. For instance, in one scene, where Gideon tells the
- others to meet him in the conference room, the TNT note was, "How does
- Gideon know where the conference room is? We should have a scene where
- he's shown the conference room."
- <p>
- My reply: "He knows where the conference room is because when
- he's escorted to the bridge by Matheson, *HE CAN SEE IT FROM HIS
- CHAIR*."
- <p>
- (It was one of those bang-your-head-against-the-wall moments.)
- <p>
- The overall problem, which many folks don't understand, is that
- in a script you have a finite number of minutes and pages. Let's say
- 42 pages. Now, the script is written the way you want, kinda, with some
- nice character moments and stuff. Then they want more exposition. You
- can't just append it to the page count, you have to stay at 42 pages.
- So you have to cut stuff *out* to make room for the stuff they want put
- *in*. The first thing out the door is character, followed quickly by
- humor.
- <p>
- There was, for instance, a nice clash with the senator and the
- intelligence guy over Gideon's background, why he's the wrong person
- for the job, why Sheridan picked him specifically for the job...which
- had to go in order to put in more exposition (and lengthen the opening
- fight scene in the teaser by about a third, another TNT request).
- <p>
- For me, a lot of what makes an episode fun are the character
- moments, but there was no longer room for them...they had to go out to
- make room for dry expositional stuff or stuff blowing up.
- <p>
- Which is why I picked "The Long Road" as the one to follow in
- the broadcast order...it's one big character piece, with a fair amount
- of humor, and just fun. A little expository in the second act, but
- nothing unreasonable.
- <p>
- Stil, I'm proud of what we did with "War Zone," because it was a
- little like someone handing you an inner tube and a tree branch and
- telling you to make a radio telescope out of it. It ain't pretty, but
- it does the job we had put in front of us.
- <p>
- (One aside...some folks on the net picked up my comments about
- War Zone made here earlier and said I was apologizing after the fact
- for the episode, once the reactions came in...but the date stamp on the
- message, here and on the nets, clearly indicate that I made those
- statements BEFORE the episode aired. I know *exactly* where the faults
- are in the eps, where they work and where they don't work, and have
- always tried to be the first one on record about them because that
- seems right to me. This is, after all, about the process of educating
- people about how TV works, the decisions that get made and how you deal
- with them.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@930036787 <em>Why did the scene with the senator and the
- intelligence guy have to be cut?</em><br>
- Because something had to go time-wise to make room for other
- stuff. If we'd kept *that*, then something ELSE of similar time would
- have to go, such as Dureena's scene in the cell with Gideon, or the
- like. The amount of air time we have per episode does not change.
- <p>
- Also...they said the senator scene was too long (which it
- *wasn't* before the big montage/video/the senator explains it all for
- you sequence was added in), and to cut stuff out of that scene and add
- it to the fight in the beginning.
- <p>
- <li>@@@930036787 <em>Why did Sheridan pick Gideon?</em><br>
- Sheridan picked him for the qualities that made him exactly the
- *wrong* person from their point of view...obstinate, difficult,
- independent, not prone to following orders from home, not politically
- astute...but he'll get the job done.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 "Somehow I get the feeling that the reason the Detroit
- Free Press reviewer said that Crusade looked "like it came from the
- planet Cheez-Whiz" can be summed up in 3 letters.... TNT.
- Unfortunately, if the first episode were all I had to go by I'd have to
- agree with him."
- <p>
- And I would as well.
- <p>
- That's the thing about all this...in the negative comments about
- War Zone -- and actually there have been far fewer than I'd anticipated
- -- there ain't much that I'd disagree with. If anything, they've
- tickled me because they reflect EXACTLY what I'd said when these things
- were asked for. It's been a massive validation.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 "Did they at least give you a blindfold and a cigarette? <wry>"
- <p>
- Not orally, no.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 "And the differences were SO transparent (the fist fight,
- the earth scenes, the posturing, etc.) I sure wish I could have seen a
- JMS script as opposed to a "JMS with TNT" script."
- <p>
- The other 12 fit the bill.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 "And yet I don't recall a scene in which you fragged the
- head of ITN or any other network."
- <p>
- No, but there were occasional little hidden messages in the
- episode, as when a character says, "We've had to make some compromises
- to get this show on the road." No one noticed that one, despite being
- rather literal.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221939 "In the scenes with the Senator on Mars I wasn't sure Cole
- was in the same room with the other two during the dialogue. Too many
- cuts back and forth and his eyes seemed to move around oddly. Was this
- scene editted back together from separate filmings?"
- <p>
- At one point in editing we needed some close-ups, and there
- weren't any in that part, so we kind of borrowed some from earlier in
- the sequence. We do this a lot, when there isn't coverage of some parts
- of scenes, rarely does anyone notice the eyeline difference.
- <p>
- <li>@@@930036787 <em>Why does Dureena give the impression she's
- never seen the Excalibur before?</em><br>
- Actually, she never gives that impression; her reaction to the others
- seeing the ship and being impressed is to shrug and say, "It'll do."
- She's not impressed because she's already been there.
- </ul>