- <!-- TITLE Atonement -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Delenn is recalled to Minbar to resolve a problem concerning her relationship
- with Sheridan, and must finally face up to her role in the Earth-Minbari War.
- Sheridan sends Marcus and Franklin to Mars on a secret mission.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Carpenter,+Brian">Brian Carpenter</a> as <a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Characters/callenn.jpg">Callenn</a>.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Schone,+Reiner">Reiner Schone</a> as Dukhat.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/075">8.55</a>
- Production number: 409
- Original air week: February 24, 1997
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000DGBEY/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: January 6, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Tony Dow
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@856745633 After the last Shadow War, Valen, who was still genetically
- partially human
- (<a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two,"</a>)
- had children. The children, fearing persecution because they weren't
- pure Minbari, fled Minbar until after Valen's death. They returned
- and had children of their own, spreading human genes through the
- Minbari population to the present day.
- <li>@@@856745633 Valen's body was never found after his death.
- <li>@@@856745633 Delenn is a descendant of Valen, and as such had some
- human DNA even before her transformation in
- <a href="022.html">"Chrysalis."</a>
- <li>@@@856745991 The Grey Council elected not to make contact with humans,
- who they heard about through the Centauri. When the Grey Council's
- cruiser came upon the human convoy some time later
- (<a href="057.html">"A Late Delivery from Avalon"</a>)
- only Delenn, who had researched humans in the meantime, knew which race
- they belonged to. Dukhat realized that the Minbari practice of
- approaching with gun ports open could be dangerous, but before his
- order to close them could be carried out, the Earth ships attacked.
- <li>@@@856745633 Enraged over the death of Dukhat, Delenn gave the order
- that started the Earth-Minbari War. She was later unable to stop it
- from proceeding.
- <li>@@@856745633 The Triluminaries used by the Grey Council were
- made specifically for Sinclair. They activate in the presence of
- Sinclair/Valen's DNA.
- They were made on Epsilon 3 and brought back in time by Sinclair
- (<a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two."</a>)
- <li>@@@856979209 Franklin has given G'Kar a prosthetic eye, which can see
- and transmit images to G'Kar's brain even when it's not in its socket.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@856745633 Why was Valen's body never found? Is he perhaps still
- alive or in suspended animation?
- <li>@@@856809066 In
- <a href="020.html">"Babylon Squared,"</a>
- Delenn was given a triluminary and told there were still two left.
- Why was Sinclair given three of them, when only one was required to
- operate the chrysalis machine?
- (<a href="022.html">"Chrysalis,"</a>
- <a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two"</a>)
- <li>@@@856809127 Did Delenn maintain the secret of Valen's human DNA,
- allowing Callenn to cover up for her as he suggested?
- <li>@@@857554159 Exactly what is the dreaming? Does it have a will of its
- own, or does it simply stimulate the dreamer's subconscious?
- <li>@@@856979209 How far can G'Kar's eye transmit? Is it useful for
- spying purposes?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@856745633 Callenn said the number of Minbari with traces of human
- DNA were beyond measure. A rough estimate can be made, however. If
- Minbari couples have, on average, two children, and have children at
- age fifty (since Minbari have longer lifespans than humans, a longer
- delay between generations is plausible) then in a thousand years,
- there would be twenty generations of Valen's descendants, the most
- recent numbering about 1,000,000. That estimate assumes no
- interbreeding among his descendants, and a variation in the number
- of children of the first few generations could greatly alter the number.
- Still, it's a useful discussion point.
- <p>
- 1,000,000 probably works out to a tiny fraction of the Minbari
- population, which, it's not unreasonable to assume, is many billions
- of people spread across various worlds despite Lennier's claim
- (<a href="023.html">"Points of Departure"</a>)
- that Minbari population has been on the decline for some time.
- <p>
- On the other hand, if Valen's descendants
- were markedly more prolific than average Minbari, e.g. with a 30-year
- generation time rather than a 50-year one (and both numbers are
- pure conjecture!) there'd have been 33 generations, with 8,600,000,000
- in the most recent, in which case the term "countless" would easily
- apply. Obviously interbreeding, very probable in a population that
- size, would reduce the number markedly.
- <p>
- Either way, a substantial percentage of the Minbari population most
- likely still has pure Minbari genes. This is supported by Dukhat's
- reaction to the triluminary glowing when Delenn touched it; if Valen's
- progeny were in fact a large percentage of the population, presumably
- previous Grey Council members would have triggered the triluminary.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857892773 Callenn's horror at the prospect of human DNA mingling
- with Minbari genes parallels the newscast in
- <a href="074.html">"The Illusion of Truth,"</a>
- which attempted to suggest that Delenn and Sheridan wanted to
- introduce Minbari genes into humans. In fact, just the opposite has
- occurred.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857586065 David, Delenn and Sheridan's son
- (<a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two"</a>)
- will be a direct descendant of all three of The One.
- <P>
- <li>@@@877199700 Dukhat's conversation with Delenn is echoed years later
- when Lennier arrives on Babylon 5
- (<a href="005.html">"The Parliament of Dreams"</a>)
- and she tells him the same thing Dukhat told her: "I cannot have an
- aide who will not look up. You will be forever walking into things."
- <p>
- In
- <a href="079.html">"Rumors, Bargains, and Lies,"</a>
- Delenn said she'd been training Lennier as Dukhat trained her.
- Delenn eventually succeeded Dukhat as leader of the Minbari, both in
- this episode and in
- <a href="020.html">"Babylon Squared,"</a>
- though she turned the position down in both cases. Will the parallel
- between Lennier and Delenn in her youth continue into the future? Is
- Lennier destined to a prominent place in Minbari society?
- <p>
- <li>@@@865624085 Dukhat said he could override the Council's decision
- to avoid contacting the humans. What is the relationship between the
- Council and the leader? Do they simply serve as an advisory body,
- with the final decisions ultimately made by the leader?
- <p>
- <li>@@@857586446 Lennier's pledge to Delenn, to be by her side through
- fire, storm, darkness, and death, echoes the pledge of the Nine to
- the One in the Minbari ceremony in
- <a href="005.html">"The Parliament of Dreams."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@865732097 Delenn feels responsible for the Earth-Minbari War. Her
- father committed suicide, heartbroken over the war
- (<a href="063.html">"Grey 17 Is Missing."</a>)
- Does Delenn thus feel personally responsible for her father's death?
- <p>
- <li>@@@857335050 Why did Dukhat suspect Delenn was descended from Valen?
- With so many descendants, he couldn't have followed Valen's entire
- bloodline, even assuming it was all documented. Perhaps he simply
- researched the heritage of all the acolytes working with the Grey
- Council.
- <p>
- <li>@@@875586691 Delenn's childhood vision
- (<a href="040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations,"</a>)
- in which a figure appeared to her in a temple and said he wouldn't
- allow "any of my little ones" to come to harm there, takes on new
- significance now. If the figure was some kind of manifestation of
- Valen, "little ones" might have referred to his descendants, and
- the vision might have been Delenn's first clue that she was
- somehow related to him. If so, the vision was probably a powerful
- motivating force for her, perhaps even the source of her belief in
- her own destiny.
- <p>
- If Delenn told Dukhat about the vision, or he found out about it
- some other way, that might explain his suspicion that she was a
- descendant of Valen.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857335050 Did Dukhat know Valen was part human? Callenn was aware
- of it; was it common knowledge among the Grey Council after Sinclair
- was interrogated and the triluminary indicated his relation to Valen?
- (<a href="008.html">"And the Sky Full of Stars"</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@857890134 Do Valen's descendants have distinguishing features?
- Perhaps the presence of human DNA explains why a small number of
- Minbari men have facial hair, e.g. Dukhat, Draal
- (<a href="018.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness"</a>)
- and Kalain
- (<a href="023.html">"Points of Departure."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@857326883 In
- <a href="002.html">"Soul Hunter,"</a>
- the soul hunter recalls that the Minbari made a wall of bodies to stop
- Dukhat's soul from being taken. Although soul hunters appeared as the
- battle began, no attempt to stop them was shown, and Delenn was
- seeminly unaware of them as Dukhat lay dying in her arms. Perhaps the
- soul hunter was speaking metaphorically; there were so many Minbari
- dead that their ability to sense death didn't lead them to Dukhat in
- particular. However, since the soul hunter recognized Delenn years
- later, he must have arrived at Dukhat at some point, perhaps after she
- ordered the attack on the humans.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857889258 Zack's discomfort with his new uniform mirrors his
- discomfort with the Earthforce uniform in
- <a href="049.html">"Voices of Authority."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@857325791 G'Kar is wearing rags around his eye in the flashforward
- in
- <a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two."</a>
- Where was his eye? Destroyed or discarded, or simply recharging or
- sending him images from somewhere else?
- <p>
- <li>@@@857325791 Ivanova is likely still the leader of half the Drazi
- on Babylon 5. She wore the green leader's sash to the party.
- Presumably the fact that all the formerly green Drazi are now wearing
- purple
- (<a href="025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows"</a>)
- didn't cause any problems.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@857326883 One of the heavy cruisers in the Prometheus convoy is the
- Hyperion
- (<a href="019.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part Two."</a>)
- The name can be seen briefly on the side of the ship in one scene.
- According to coproducer George Johnsen, that was intentional, not
- just an accidental reuse of a computer model,
- implying the Hyperion escaped from the Minbari counterattack on the
- Earth base.
- <li>@@@900954390 More than five days may have elapsed between the first
- scene, Zack's fitting, and the second, the arrival of Callenn and his
- entourage.
- (<A href="112.html#chron">"Thirdspace"</a>)
- <li>@@@856981120 <a name="NO.0g">A slight inaccuracy:</a>
- The ship carrying Franklin and
- Marcus is shown to have zero gravity. But the exterior shot shows its
- engines firing. The resulting acceleration (in the vacuum of space,
- any thrust will result in acceleration) would have pushed all the
- objects in the cargo hold toward one of the walls. Of course, it's
- possible the engines were glowing but not actually in use; perhaps
- they were in some sort of standby mode.
- <li>@@@857891914 Continuity glitch: During the conference scene with
- Sheridan, Franklin, and Marcus, Franklin is reading over his documents
- with the folder flat on Sheridan's desk. When the view shifts to show
- all three characters, Franklin is holding the folder.
- <li>@@@875231634 The tune sung by Marcus is
- <a href="http://math.idbsu.edu/gas/pirates/html/p13.html">"I Am the Very
- Model of a Modern Major General,"</a>
- from
- <a href="http://math.boisestate.edu/gas/pirates/html/p13.html">"The
- Pirates of Penzance"</a>
- by Gilbert and Sullivan. Marcus misquotes the song slightly: he
- says, "quote the facts historical," when the original lyrics are,
- "quote the fights historical."
- <li>@@@857376446 Delenn's family name, Mir, may be a reference to Mira
- Furlan's first name.
- <li>@@@859361670 Sheridan's line about his true face being mashed up
- against a pillow and drooling was based on a
- rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated message commenting on
- <a href="065.html">"Shadow Dancing,"</a>
- where the Minbari ritual was first introduced.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@857554603 <em>Did Dukhat come out the way you imagined him?</em><br>
- Yeah, that's pretty close to how
- I saw him in my head. Definitely a bigger than life fellow.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857685549 When I introduce a new character, I just kinda see a
- sense of the character in my head, an outline...if you take off your
- glasses, and you're nearsighted, that will give you some sense of it.
- When an actor comes in and hits it, the character goes into sharp focus.
- <p>
- <li>@@@850297586 <em>Will Delenn appear in flashbacks with her pre-chrysalis
- appearance?</em><br>
- Yes, Mira got into the original year-one makeup. It's
- funny...when I walked out onto the set, and saw her in that prosthetic,
- the first words that came out of my mouth were, "It's *you*! I haven't
- seen you in almost three years, how've you been?"
- <p>
- I don't think Mira quite knew what to make of me.
- <p>
- <li>@@@855996679 Actually, though the tougher Delenn is in flashbacks in 2
- weeks [referring to this episode], the foreground/contemporary story
- has her very tough, and very
- smart. Basically, the next mini-arc sequence focuses a LOT on
- Delenn...she has many facets, and while part of that is the
- relationship, there's steel there as well, and we're going to explore
- that. As she at one point comments to Sheridan, "I appreciate that you
- have come to care for what I have become... but never forget who I am,
- or what I can do."
- <p>
- After this arc of hers, nobody's ever going to make that
- mistake.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857376321 <em>How could Dukhat override the Grey Council, if he was
- simply a member?</em><br>
- There's the One, and the Nine...when Dukhat was alive, there
- were 9 grey council members and him as the head of it, making ten.
- (Look at the picture and count the number of people.) 1 and 9.
- <p>
- Valen called together the Grey Council, formed the first one;
- until then the castes had been in constant competition. He wanted to
- operate outside of that a bit, so he made sure he was not one of the
- Nine. That tradition has continued.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857547292 <em>But when he introduced Delenn, there was an empty
- spotlight.</em><br>
- No, if you keep watching Dukhat comes in, followed by Delenn,
- through the opening (the empty spot) and then another Minbari comes in
- to fill that spot.
- <p>
- (Sudden thought...I have to check to see if we *used* that shot
- or if it was just in dailies...but if you count the Minbari there at
- the end of the scene, you'll find the count is correct.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@857328008 Calenn was not Delenn's brother; the grey councilor speaks
- of brothers in the generic sense.
- <p>
- Draal, in his first appearance, also had a small beard.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857554509 Other Minbari have had facial hair; including Draal
- v1.0 and Kalain in "Points of Departure." It's certainly not common,
- though.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857547292 <em>Who were the other ships at the battle?</em><br>
- Those were Soul Hunters, who in the first season we learned
- showed up to attempt to grab Dukhat's soul...they were prevented from
- successfully boarding the ship by the Minbari, who threw up a wall of
- bodies to stop them (which is why there were few around with Delenn and
- Dukhat; Soul Hunters are a pretty advanced sort, the terror of Minbari,
- and it took a lot to stop them). After Dukhat died, Delenn went down
- and joined in, confronting them about this.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857554776 Others in the Council died, as was noted when the one
- says, "Our brothers?" "Dead," Delenn says. So there were others.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864693044 <em>Won't Sheridan be upset when he finds out Delenn
- ordered the war?</em><br>
- "Listen, honey, while you were out I went to the store and I
- bought some new candles, you know how we're always running out, and
- Lennier took the cat in to be cleaned, and oh, did I mention I was
- directly responsible for the deaths of two hundred and fifty thousand
- of your best friends and fellow officers? Pass the sugar."
- <p>
- She'll never tell him.
- <p>
- Because it's over...what would be the point, except to ruin what
- they have now.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864693194 The reality is...in war, one does what one does.
- Afterward, as we heal, we try to forget what we did, and what they did.
- He killed as many Minbari as he could; she was on the Grey Council that
- directed the war. One doesn't go into it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857889979 <em>Why didn't Sinclair leave Dukhat a message warning
- him about meeting the humans?</em><br>
- He could have left Dukhat a message...but tampering in the
- future is VERY chancy business, and could even make things worse, for
- all we know.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857889418 <em>Did the triluminary sense Sinclair?</em><br>
- Yeah, we showed it glowing when Sinclair was catpured. Since
- it happened with Valen, they assumed it was because he had a Minbari
- soul, maybe Valen reborn.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864692860 Dukhat was not descended from Valen; yes, the Grey Council
- now knows who Sinclair was; and general knowledge of what happened
- would certainly have an upsetting effect on Minbari society, so they
- will continue to keep it indefinitely back-roomed....
- <p>
- <li>@@@859454397 Some Minbari on the Grey Council think that Sinclair opened
- up the "soul door," for lack of a better term, and Delenn's actions can
- be seen as a kind of back-fire, closing the door again. Ain't
- necessarily what's true, but what they believe.
- <p>
- And yes, they would've had Delenn remain childless, but would be
- allowed to marry a Minbari. And, again, it's a matter of marrying a
- non-Minbari with or WITHOUT kids...it's a very inflammatory sort of
- thing from a cultural perspective.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857376321 <em>Did Delenn's human DNA allow her to undergo the
- transformation? Will this be important in the future?</em><br>
- Yeah, the human DNA definitely helped...and overall, this isn't
- so much the arc as the overall story and history. It's filling out the
- world.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857547292 <em>Is it a coincidence that Delenn's family name is
- Russian for "peace?"</em><br>
- Yeah, there's that, and it nicely intersects with the fact that
- Delenn is portrayed by MIRa Furlan. It's kind of a bank shot.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857554225 Mir is her family; you are generally born into a caste
- unless you at some point decide that the calling of your heart is
- elsewhere, at which point you enter training for that other caste (with
- the permission of your caste leaders) until such time as it's finalized
- that that's what you want, at which time you're assigned to a clan
- within that caste. If you choose to stay in the caste you're born
- into, you automatically are in your familiy's clan.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865731956 Lennier is religious caste; and all members of a given
- clan belong to one caste.
- <p>
- There are, for instance, no religious caste members of the Star
- Riders (military caste) clan.
- <p>
- <em>This seems to be contradicted by
- <a href="036.html">"There All the Honor Lies,"</a>
- in which Levell, a warrior, was a member of Lennier's clan.</em>
- <p>
- <li>@@@857554509 <em>How does the dreaming know whose memories to probe?
- Is it whoever drinks the drug first?</em><br>
- I think the order or dominance of the drug is probably
- determined by the contents of the script....
- <p>
- <li>@@@856981247 "My question is, since we can see that the ship's engine
- is running, why aren't all of the objects in the hold laying against
- the bulkhead as a result of the ship's movement? Aside from that, it
- was a pretty neat effects shot."
- <p>
- Because it's accurate; it's the same reason you don't see everything
- slammed up against the back wall of the shuttle even though it's
- circling the earth at thousands of miles per hour.
- <p>
- <em>Ed. note: This is wrong; that effect does occur on the shuttle
- when its maneuvering thrusters fire, which is why shuttle crews lock
- everything down during maneuvers. See
- <a href="#NO.0g">Notes.</a></em>
- <p>
- <li>@@@857325171 The ship with Marcus and Franklin *wasn't* spinning...
- hence, no gravity.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857327683 <em>Coproducer George Johnsen</em><br>
- Re: your comment that the Hyperion was more likely a re-used computer
- model. All of the models used in the show are stored "nameless" with a
- link to the naming/numbering file that has to be activated to add the
- name to the ship to avoid this kind of problem. (Instigated when it
- happened on an earlier episode). The ship in the picture is the
- Hyperion 'cuz Joe wanted it that way.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857554509 There was the Prometheus, which was there; and others,
- including the Amundsen. The one you saw, which looks a bit like the
- Aggy but without the rotating section, is another, smaller class of
- destroyer also seen, I believe, in [Severed] "Dreams."
- <p>
- <li>@@@874689595 <em>How did the Earth ships hit the Minbari ships, if
- human targeting systems can't lock on? Why weren't Franklin and
- Marcus floating?</em><br>
- They targeted visually, it was close enough to do so.
- <p>
- A hit with full guns of a major destroyer and accompanying
- ships will kill damn near any single ship that does not have some kind
- of defensive screen going (fighers or counter-lasers or missiles or the
- like).
- <p>
- The fightes were launched in main while on approach.
- <p>
- Franklin and Marcus *were* strapped in, which if you look more
- closely you can see.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857889979 <em>In your comments on
- <a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two,"</a>
- you said Valen had no children. Is your message right, or is the
- episode?</em><br>
- What airs is considered canon; in 15 years, nobody's gonna be
- hauling these messages around. But the show will still be on the air.
- If it airs, it's canon.
- <p>
- And in another one of those posts, I did mention that on just a
- couple of small occasions, I have fibbed when asked major story arc
- questions to protect future storylines from being deflated....
- <p>
- <li>@@@862818943 If you check the archives, when people said, "But what
- about the relationship between Sinclair and Delenn we see?" (and this
- is back a long time ago), I said that there is a relationship there,
- yes, but it isn't what you think it is. Now we see what it was.
- <p>
- <li>@@@859316095 <em>Minbari society doesn't seem to have been affected
- much by the loss of the Grey Council.</em><br>
- The problems caused by the breakup of the Grey Council
- will form a major part of the story arc about mid-season.
- <p>
- <li>@@@860558543 <em>Was the song Jason Carter's idea?</em><br>
- The song was in the script; Jason then had to learn it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865288657 <em>What was involved in using the song in the end
- credits?</em><br>
- Nothing, really...we just grabbed one of the audio bits from the
- day's filming and dropped it in.
- </ul>