- <!-- TITLE The Illusion of Truth -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- ISN sends a team to do a second story about Babylon 5.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Griggs,+Jeff">Jeff Griggs</a> as Dan Randall.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/074">7.56</a>
- Production number: 408
- Original air week: February 17, 1997
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000DGBEY/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: January 6, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Stephen Furst
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@856161850 Clark has reinstated the Earth Senate in some form. It
- has begun investigating alleged alien influence in the entertainment
- industry and extracting confessions and lists of collaborators from
- writers and directors.
- <li>@@@856161850 Sheridan's father was a diplomat. The family farm has
- been burned to the ground, and his father's whereabouts are unknown.
- <li>@@@856161850 Earth, according to ISN, is slowly retaking Mars from the
- rebels who took over when Clark's forces attacked
- (<a href="054.html">"Severed Dreams."</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@856161850 Will the newscast prove convincing to people on Earth?
- <li>@@@856161850 Where is Sheridan's father? What about his mother?
- <li>@@@856652157 What names did Sheridan give his father?
- <li>@@@856652157 Is Garibaldi's salvage business as it appears, or is he
- using it as a cover for other activities?
- <li>@@@856810832 How did Randall get into the cryogenic freezer area? If
- it's really restricted as he says, someone must have let him in.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@856651781 Psi Corps presumably now knows the fate of the telepaths;
- two of their names are plainly visible behind Randall (see
- <a href="#NO.names">Notes.</a>)
- Will the Corps try to come after them? What about the allies of
- the Shadows, who may have some interest in the telepaths' implants?
- If Shadow ships were left behind (not unlikely, considering there
- were lots of them buried underground) they'll need pilots who've
- gone through the proper preparation
- (<a href="052.html">"Messages From Earth"</a>)
- and the telepaths are ready-made candidates.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856651781 Garibaldi seems to have turned against Sheridan
- completely, going so far as to allude to him as "the devil." Is that
- a direct result of his programming (or whatever was triggered by the
- message in
- <a href="073.html">"Epiphanies"</a>)
- or is there some other reason?
- <p>
- <li>@@@862901244 ISN's new title sequence reflects the provincial,
- Earth-centric views of the Clark government: after a flight through
- space, the sequence ends up centered on Earth and the Moon.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@856652157 The newscast was broadcast on April 12, 2261. Four
- historical events were cited as taking place on the same date:
- Yuri Gagarin's flight into space (April 12, 1961,) President Clinton's
- establishment of a "Commission on the Future" in 1999, the start of
- construction of the first lunar colony in the Sea of Tranquility in
- 2018, and the founding of the Psi Corps in 2161.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856735671 The confession of the director bore strong resemblance to
- the confessions extracted by the House Un-American
- Activities Commission in the US during the 1950s. In that case it
- was Communists and homosexuals, not aliens, but the focus on
- entertainers was the same, as was the practice of demanding lists of
- collaborators. Those who refused to cooperated were "blacklisted," and
- found themselves unable to get work in Hollywood.
- <p>
- In fact, the names cited are based on actual people blacklisted in the
- 1950s. Beth Trumbo is likely a reference to writer Dalton Trumbo,
- Adrian Mostel to producer Adrian Scott and actor Zero Mostel, and
- Carleton Jarrico to writer Paul Jarrico.
- <p>@@@878169371
- Paul Jarrico died in an automobile accident on October 28, 1997, the
- day after receiving a standing ovation at a Hollywood ceremony honoring
- the surviving blacklisted screenwriters.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856201937 <a name="NO.names">Two names</a>
- are visible on the cryogenic freezers during
- Randall's report. One, Carolyn Sanderson, is Bester's love
- (<a href="058.html">"Ship of Tears."</a>)
- The other is John Flinn III, one of the show's directors.
- <p>
- <li>@@@924983666 The psychological phenomenon of hostages sympathizing
- with their captors is the Stockholm syndrome,
- not the Helsinki syndrome as stated in the episode. Some readers
- have commented that both names are correct, but that appears to not be
- the case according to psychological literature. For example,
- "Stockholm syndrome" appears 30 times in the journals of the American
- Psychological Association from 1887 to 1999, but "Helsinki syndrome"
- isn't mentioned even once.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857324834 The newscast misspelled Yuri Gagarin's name; it was
- spelled "Gargarin" on the screen.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@865288546 It's a good and creepy episode. I like it when things
- get creepy.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856650112 Stephen has directed before, yes, though he hasn't done
- that much episodic TV work.
- <p>
- The final shot was strictly described in the script; the monitor
- POV, the relative positions of everyone, the slight fisheye look and
- the absolute silence.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857326170 <em>Was Garibaldi's flashback shot in advance?</em><br>
- Somtimes, yeah, we'll gang together shots in one location that will
- spill across several episodes, and definitely did that in Garibaldi's
- case. I just figure out what's coming, and write those specific
- additional scenes prior to the rest of the scripts.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856812947 <em>Where did the Starfury model Sheridan was looking at
- in the war room come from?</em><br>
- Actually, I think the Starfury model was an illegal one we confiscated.
- <p>
- Waste not, want not...
- <p>
- <li>@@@856650112 <em>Was the psychologist reading from a
- teleprompter?</em><br>
- Actually, no, he wasn't reading off a teleprompter at all.
- His eyes may have been moving, but there was no reading involved.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856734326 "In the Delenn/Sheridan interview, there is a
- change in the vocal acoustics of the journalist
- for the "new" questions he asked."
- <p>
- And not just in the voice quality...look at the footage again. He's
- sitting in a different chair, in a different room.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856337819 <em>About the names cited in the confession</em><br>
- Yes, they're based on the real names of writers who were
- blacklisted, Dalton Trumbo and Paul Jarrico.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856556184 Parks (the person who's naming names) was also named after
- one of those who testified before HUAC.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856914572 <em>Were the names dubbed in?</em><br>
- Only Jarrico was dubbed, because it was mispronounced.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856432607 It's a period too few people really know much about,
- and it never hurts to point to the past in order to warn about the
- future.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865288546 This ep is one that'll be discussed a lot, but not
- rewatched a lot, because it's just really hard to watch, knowing what's
- coming. It really does tend to upset people.
- <p>
- <li>@@@856557332 If it's a little close to home...you have to remember I
- came out of journalism, that was where I cut my teeth as a writer,
- working for newspapers and magazines. You see a lot of the tricks, some
- good, some not so good, used for purposes that are sometimes good or not
- so good, distortions on the left and distortions on the right. So it
- wasn't hard to just tweak it a bit.
- <p>
- Thing to remember, though, is that this isn't ISN as we've known it in
- the past, at least not to this extreme. If anything, this ep should
- point to the difference between journalism, albeit biased, and
- propaganda, which is all ISN is now, and how only an informed viewership
- can prevent the one from sliding into the other.
- <p>
- <li>@@@861327215 <em>Aren't there networks besides ISN?</em><br>
- ISN is the one network that can handle *interstellar*
- broadcasts, which reqire a massive amount of energy, logistics,
- setup...there are other, local, planetary networks around Earth, and a
- few specialized channels for military and some commercial use...but ISN
- is the biggest, and because of that is very much in Earthgov's pocket.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857326119 It was most definitely difficult and painful for me to
- write. I I am as much involved with these characters as anyone else, and
- doing this kind of thing to them is hard. And you have to put yourself
- in the minds of those doing this, and that's a dark place to be.
- <p>
- And yeah, I know people who were harmed in the blacklist, and
- I've seen others, and myself, sometimes harmed by those who like to
- twist things around to their own benefit.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857334668 "FWIW, that was your most courageous episode yet, IMHO."
- <p>
- I appreciate the sentiment, so don't take this as lack of
- gratitude on my part; I'm happy you perceive it that way.
- <p>
- But courageous? No.
- <p>
- Courageous as an apellation belongs to the South American
- writers who insist on telling the truth about their governments, who
- risk death on a daily basis for doing so...and to other writers doing
- similar work in other countries.
- <p>
- Yeah, it was kind of a shot to the midsection for some groups,
- with a certain element of biting the hand that feeds you, but the truth
- is, ain't nobody gonna come to my door in the middle of the night with
- death squads, take me away, and torture me. If you want to hear about
- real courage, join PEN International, or Amnesty International. They
- can always use the help.
- <p>
- <li>@@@857981577 "This B5 episode should be required viewing in University
- media and history classes."
- <p>
- Funny thing is, I've since received several requests from instructors at
- various colleges asking if they could use the show in their classroom to
- illustrate the points raised. Kinda nice....
- <p>
- <li>@@@857334746 I don't make any blanket condemnations of journalists.
- For one thing, there's a difference between portraying journalism in a
- relatively free society, and one that's operating under a dictatorship,
- a la President Clark. It's the difference between journalism and
- propaganda.
- <p>
- In "Midnight on the Firing Line," we had a reporter there doing
- a straight-ahead story; in "Point of No Return" we had the Good
- Journalists fighting to reveal the truth even as Clark was shutting
- them down.
- <p>
- There have been favorable portrayals; it's just that under the
- current regime, they don't have access to the media.
- <p>
- <li>@@@861086670 I am definitely *not* anti-reporter...I'm against the
- *control* of truth by any government or political agenda. We are made
- stronger by a multiplicity of voices, and the more those voices are
- allowed access to a level playing field, the more often the truth will
- come out to play.
- <p>
- The third name was Jarrico, after Paul Jarrico, also
- blacklisted.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864846949 The ISN cameras are not capable of autonomous operation,
- but they can be progammed within a parameter set. The wand is a control
- device to change those parameters. Thus, one operator, two cameras (or
- more!)
- <p>
- There was a distinct anti Minbar/Minbari sentiment among this particular
- crew, as evidenced by the later parts of the show, and it isn't hard to
- imagine that the bumping was at the behest of the wand wielder. If
- Lennier was simply annoyed, advantage ISN. If he reacted violently,
- advantage ISN. I'm sure that footage will be used on another ISN
- propoganda broadcast. (You can see it on Channel 134 of your cable)(Oh,
- sorry, Channel 134 is not availbale in all sectors after curfew)
- <p>
- George Johnsen<br>
- CoProducer, B5
- </ul>