ISN sends a team to do a second story about Babylon 5. Jeff Griggs as Dan Randall.
P5 Rating: 7.56 Production number: 408 Original air week: February 17, 1997 DVD release date: January 6, 2004 Written by J. Michael Straczynski Directed by Stephen Furst
In fact, the names cited are based on actual people blacklisted in the 1950s. Beth Trumbo is likely a reference to writer Dalton Trumbo, Adrian Mostel to producer Adrian Scott and actor Zero Mostel, and Carleton Jarrico to writer Paul Jarrico.
@@@878169371 Paul Jarrico died in an automobile accident on October 28, 1997, the day after receiving a standing ovation at a Hollywood ceremony honoring the surviving blacklisted screenwriters.
The final shot was strictly described in the script; the monitor POV, the relative positions of everyone, the slight fisheye look and the absolute silence.
Waste not, want not...
And not just in the voice quality...look at the footage again. He's sitting in a different chair, in a different room.
Thing to remember, though, is that this isn't ISN as we've known it in the past, at least not to this extreme. If anything, this ep should point to the difference between journalism, albeit biased, and propaganda, which is all ISN is now, and how only an informed viewership can prevent the one from sliding into the other.
And yeah, I know people who were harmed in the blacklist, and I've seen others, and myself, sometimes harmed by those who like to twist things around to their own benefit.
I appreciate the sentiment, so don't take this as lack of gratitude on my part; I'm happy you perceive it that way.
But courageous? No.
Courageous as an apellation belongs to the South American writers who insist on telling the truth about their governments, who risk death on a daily basis for doing so...and to other writers doing similar work in other countries.
Yeah, it was kind of a shot to the midsection for some groups, with a certain element of biting the hand that feeds you, but the truth is, ain't nobody gonna come to my door in the middle of the night with death squads, take me away, and torture me. If you want to hear about real courage, join PEN International, or Amnesty International. They can always use the help.
Funny thing is, I've since received several requests from instructors at various colleges asking if they could use the show in their classroom to illustrate the points raised. Kinda nice....
In "Midnight on the Firing Line," we had a reporter there doing a straight-ahead story; in "Point of No Return" we had the Good Journalists fighting to reveal the truth even as Clark was shutting them down.
There have been favorable portrayals; it's just that under the current regime, they don't have access to the media.
The third name was Jarrico, after Paul Jarrico, also blacklisted.
There was a distinct anti Minbar/Minbari sentiment among this particular crew, as evidenced by the later parts of the show, and it isn't hard to imagine that the bumping was at the behest of the wand wielder. If Lennier was simply annoyed, advantage ISN. If he reacted violently, advantage ISN. I'm sure that footage will be used on another ISN propoganda broadcast. (You can see it on Channel 134 of your cable)(Oh, sorry, Channel 134 is not availbale in all sectors after curfew)
George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5