- <!-- TITLE And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Londo uses G'Kar and Vir to gain power in the
- Centauri Royal Court. Sheridan is consumed by his analysis of the Shadows'
- strategies.</cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Turenne,+Louis">Louis Turenne</a> as Brother Theo.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Forward,+William">William Forward</a> as Lord Refa.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/064">8.71</a>
- Production number: 320
- Original air week: September 8, 1996 (UK)
- October 14, 1996 (US)
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00009OOFK/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: August 12, 2003
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by David Eagle
- </pre>
- <h3>Watch For</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>A Centauri guard leaving his post.
- <li>@@@904014086 <a href="#NO.jesus">A musical allusion.</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Backplot</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> The Minbari have been constructing a fleet of warships based on the
- White Star design. They are manned by Rangers.
- <li> Sheridan has stayed away from Delenn up until now because "she has
- enough problems of her own."
- <li> There is a thriving underground on Earth opposing President Clark.
- <li> Na'Toth is believed to have been on Narn at the time of the Centauri
- attack
- (<a href="042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle."</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> What does the countdown to Z refer to?
- (See <A href="#AN.z">Analysis</a>)
- <li> Why didn't Delenn inform Sheridan of the fleet of White Star-class
- ships before now?
- <li> How long have the Minbari been building the ships?
- <li> How big is the White Star fleet?
- <li> What will Sheridan use the data crystal given to him by the Reverend
- for?
- <li> Will Virini use the data crystal that Londo gave him? Will it result
- in Refa's family being discredited?
- <li> Will G'Kar respect Londo more now that he has freed the Narns,
- or does he see Londo's ploy as purely self-serving?
- <li>@@@845932780 How did Londo get G'Kar to listen to him long enough to
- describe the plot, and how did he convince G'Kar it wasn't a trick?
- <li>@@@845932842 Virini mentions that Londo's house is gathering a lot
- of funds. Where is Londo getting the money?
- <li>@@@845972766 Did Refa's telepath find out about any of the activities
- Vir has been involved in, such as his work to help the Narn?
- <li> What is the real reason for the Shadows' attack pattern?
- <li> Is Na'Toth in fact still alive?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> It seems likely that the "Z Minus..." times refer to Z'ha'dum,
- but they might also refer to a more specific "Zero Hour." The
- question remains, what happens at Z? A Shadow offensive?
- An offensive against Z'ha'dum? Someone's arrival on or from
- Z'ha'dum?
- <li> G'Kar, in cooperating with Londo and
- killing Refa, has become an unwitting help to Londo in serving the
- Shadows. His desire for revenge against Refa and his need to save a
- small number of his people seems to have served the Shadows' greater
- purposes, at least to the extent that Londo's good fortune is part
- of their plans.
- <li>@@@846748219 G'Kar may have been in on Londo's plan even before he
- left Babylon 5, possibly even before Vir spoke to him. The story about
- Na'Toth
- was solely intended to lure Refa to Narn; there was no need for Londo
- to deceive G'Kar about his intentions, since G'Kar would almost
- certainly have been willing to risk a trip to Narn for the sake of
- two thousand prisoners.
- <li> If the already-poisoned Refa could be considered "one who is
- already dead," Londo may have just passed by one of his prophesized
- chances for redemption.
- <li> Neroon's statement in "Grey 17 is Missing" that non-Warrior
- Minbari had constructed <i>ships</i> may have been foreshadowing of
- the fleet revelation.
- <li>@@@846749879 Why did Delenn find Sheridan's attempt to think like
- the Shadows so abhorrent? Are there things about them she knows
- but hasn't revealed yet that would cause that reaction?
- <li>@@@846746161 Delenn said that the first wave of White Star-class ships
- was now ready. How many waves are planned?
- <li>@@@846747247 Now that Londo thinks he has avenged Adira's death
- (<a href="059.html">"Interludes and Examinations"</a>)
- will he be less eager to continue dealing with the Shadows? And will
- he ever discover that it was Morden, not Refa, who arranged to have
- her killed?
- <li>@@@846891016 A few readers have commented that since a replica of the
- Centauri throne room is being built on Narn, perhaps that's where
- Sheridan's flashforward
- (<a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two"</a>)
- takes place. That's unlikely, though, since Londo forces Sheridan
- to look out the window and see the devastated landscape of Centauri
- Prime.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> The
- <a href="#JS.song">song</a>
- from which the title is derived, "No Hiding Place," refers to the
- Book of Revelation, in which man attempts to hide from the wrath
- of God in mountains and rocks.
- <a href="http://www.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?language=English&version=NIV&passage=Revelation+6:15-17&search=&showxref=&showfn=">Revelation 6:15-17.</a>
- <li>@@@904014086 <a name="NO.jesus">During Refa's death scene,</a>
- as the vocalist sings, there's a closeup of G'Kar just as she
- sings the name "Jesus." G'Kar-as-Jesus allusions are found elsewhere
- in the series as well, but this may be the most direct one.
- <li> The mass driver attack affected the climate of Narn much as
- it's theorized a nuclear winter or asteroid/comet strike would
- affect Earth: the particles thrown up by the asteroids used in the
- bombardment have created a layer in Narn's atmosphere blocking out
- the sunlight and altering the heating of the atmosphere,
- which has disrupted the wind patterns on the planet.
- <li>@@@846006824 Refa's death scene may be a homage to "Cabaret," one of
- JMS' favorite films. See
- <a href="#JS.cabaret">jms speaks.</a>
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> <a name="JS.song"><em>Where does the title come from?</em></a><br>
- It's from an old gospel song/spiritual.
- <P>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>Did Harlan Ellison suggest it?</em><br>
- No, as a rule, Harlan doesn't suggest titles; "Rock" came from the
- quote from the Bible, which was later made into a gospel song, used in
- the show. So it's a real song, though I did write 2 for "Walkabout."
- <p>
- <li>@@@865189277 Why's it called that? Because it's quite appropos.
- How do we fit it? Not a big deal. Longest title up to now was one I did
- for MURDER, SHE WROTE, a quote from Moby Dick, "To The Last Shall I
- Grapple With Thee."
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 The song in "Rock" is an old gospel song. I've always
- had a soft spot
- for old gospel songs and spirituals because of their wonderful use of
- language and imagery, and you can dance to 'em. Not that I dance, but
- the theory is there, at least.
- <p>
- <li>@@@844403652 My own take on "And The Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place,"
- which airs tomorrow in the UK...I like it. The Brother Theo stuff is a
- tad stilted in a couple of places, but it's only a couple of minutes,
- and the rest works real well. It's a very subversive episode in its
- way, and a part of it still creeps me out.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 I like symmetry...both as a word, and as a concept.
- It plays into the show a lot, showing the balance that the universe
- tends to impose whether we like it or not. What goes around, comes
- around.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864607027 <em>Some of the Narn buildings looked like Hiroshima after
- the atomic bomb. Intentional?</em><br>
- Yes, there was some element of that. It's not a moral judgment thing,
- but a referential point. As for Narn architecture overall, I told them
- I wanted sort of an alien culture as the Soviet Union might've designed
- it.... everything tending toward the blocky, the functional, less
- aesthetic than you would find on Minbar. This is a culture that has
- crawled up from war, and functionality is more important.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>Was there a Narn standing in the queue of
- telepaths?</em><br>
- Not in the queue, but providing security within the station... remember,
- many of the Narns have joined B5 security.
- <P>
- <li>@@@843940517 We're generally very careful about what aliens show up
- in what scenes.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>Was the fact that the countdown started at
- 14 days an intentional reference to the season finale being two
- weeks later?</em><br>
- Somewhat intentional; in the long run, the show will end up either
- aired daily, or stripped weekly, so either way the 14 days until climax
- works well, as it does now for the UK.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 The countdown aspect does add a lot to this, gives it a
- forward momentum and a kind of subliminal ominousness. And as for the
- Refa situation presented in counterpoint...I love how that came out.
- It's almost subversive in a way...just gives me the quiet chills.
- <p>
- <li>@@@845932780 Re: the rabbi singing the gospel song...a couple of
- points. First, if you're visiting someone's church, it's only
- considered polite behavior to go along with what's there. I have a
- number of Catholic friends who would sometimes go to temple with Jewish
- friends...and when it came time to sing, would do so. Why should it
- not work the other way around?
- <p>
- Second, as I seem to recall, the line about "no hiding place" is taken
- from the Old Testament, which forms a substantial portion of Judaic
- teachings (but not the whole of it, a mistake many make). Yes, there's
- some later stuff worked in, but the heart of it is from a common ground.
- <p>
- <li>@@@845932780 Waitaminnit...I retract part two of my reply...I think I
- just stooged the origins of that song.
- <p>
- (whaddyawant from me, I just spent 12 hours putting my hard drive back
- together....)
- <p>
- <li> <em>About the juxtaposition of Refa's fate with the song</em><br>
- It's comical...and it ain't comical...it's designed to elicit
- conflicting emotions, between what you *are* feeling, what you *should*
- be feeling, and so on. I like uneasy laughter....
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 That was one of those scenes which, when you do it,
- you know it's gonna stay around for a while....
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 When I thought of that one, I just sat there and
- grinned. It's so perverse, but yet so appropriate, all at the same
- time. Just to further add a bit of creepiness to it, in the sound mix I
- had the editors verb up the music toward the fade out, so it had a
- slightly distorted edge to it. The details are everything in a scene
- like that.
- <p>
- <li>@@@845974553 Vir has to be *very* careful...he's on the razor's edge
- these days. The higher up you go, the more you know, the higher the
- stakes and the greater the risk of choosing badly.
- <p>
- Re: "funny yet chilling," those are the scenes I love most...the
- ones where you're utterly conflicted, it's grotesque or frightening on
- the one hand, and comic or absurd on the other. It leaves you
- uncertain which way to jump emotionally, and I love that
- feeling...caught betwixt and between.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846006824 <em><a name="JS.cabaret">Originally in response to</a>
- <a href="054.html">"Severed Dreams."</a>
- "Cabaret" is one of JMS' favorite movies.</em><br>
- In a sense, it's going from one emotion or thematic
- element to a very different, but equally strong one, either as bookends
- or through intercutting. Going from the high of the victory, to the
- sudden shot of the dead troops, is thematic counterpoint.
- <p>
- Here's another...in "Cabaret" you've got a scene where the
- performers in the Cabaret are doing the sort of German dance where you
- slap your knees and thighs and chest...and they take it a bit further,
- slapping one another, it's all for comic effect...but during this,
- you're intercutting the owner of the cabaret being beaten to within an
- inch of his life by some Brownshirts outside. You go from comic to
- brutal and back, with the result that the happy little dance suddenly
- takes on ugly characteristics, and the beating takes on the sense that
- the participants are having a sick kind of fun, that it's all just
- another kind of dance, a ritual.
- <p>
- That's what you have to look at as a writer...how this scene
- works, and how it interacts with the scenes in front, behind and
- "beside" it (for things happening simultaneously). Sometimes, with the
- proper counterpoint, you can add whole new levels of meaning to a
- scene, or make the scene much stronger than it would've been on its
- own.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846748723 <em>That was an elaborate scheme if the goal was simply
- to have Refa killed.</em><br>
- Londo points out that he could easily
- have killed Refa elsewhere...as he says, the point was to do it on Narn
- so that he could dishonor his house back home.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>Was William Forward the one who said, "Why me?" as
- mentioned in one of your Usenet messages?</em><br>
- Yes, it was with the actor who plays Refa that I had that conversation.
- He was initially bummed out, figured I was doing what I was doing in
- "Rock" because I wasn't happy with his performance or something. So I
- pulled him aside and explained the situation, and indicated that we'd
- likely use him again as an alien character, under prosthetics. If he
- hadn't done such a good job, this wouldn't have happened, because no one
- would've cared about the character.
- <P>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>You said a major character would die in season 3.
- Refa wasn't major.</em><br>
- Well, given that Refa has been around for two years, and Keffer was
- only in a few in one season, I'd hardly put them in the same league.
- Part of all this is how you define "major." Usually, I've refrained
- from using that term...I would say someone you've seen since the first
- year, for instance, or an important character.
- <p>
- Certainly I was primarily referring to Kosh in my original note about
- all this...but a lot of folks took that and extended it past that point,
- which I just let go rather than correct, because the show should do any
- correcting.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 I think the message of mine you're referring to are the
- ones I wrote with Kosh in mind, not Refa. But since I obviously
- couldn't say that at the time, some of it sloshed over into how folks
- viewed later episodes.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>Will 500 Narns die in retaliation?</em><br>
- Except, of course, that going on at length about the death of Refa
- would require revealing what he was doing there...and I doubt very much
- that the Royal Court would like even the suspicion that one of its own
- was making deals with the Narns to become public knowledge...so it's
- extremely unlikely that there would be any retribution. This is one the
- Centauri would prefer to sweep under the rug, I think.
- <p>
- <li>@@@845974432 <em>Why didn't Refa's allies help him?</em><br>
- Bear in mind that all of Refa's people were *back on Centauri
- Prime*. He didn't bring them with him; to send word to Centauri Prime
- to bring them all the way out here, then on to Narn, would double the
- time required to get there, and by then the "rescue" would've been
- over. That was part of Londo's scheme...he wouldn't have much time, he
- had to get in and get out. Refa only brought a few with him, and they
- were needed to watch Londo and guard Vir.
- <p>
- As for the Centauri back home...you proceed from the assumption
- that all Centauri act as one. I'm basing this somewhat on the early
- Roman civilization and government, where one side would sell out the
- other, arrange for deaths and murders, turn people over to their hated
- enemies as long as it advanced their position, or if they were allied
- with persons of power on a particular side. Why did the Roman guards
- escorting Tiberius (a much less worthy emperor) kill the heir to the
- throne in "I, Claudius" (a much better leader, and well liked among the
- military)? Because they were told to do so.
- <p>
- SF in TV has the tendency to portray aliens as monolithic...they
- put the good of their species as a whole above everything else. Some
- do that; some do not. Just as with humans.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864607027 Refa had a flashlight, not a gun.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864607027 Refa was his last name/family name.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864607027 <em>Minister Virini looked disappointed by the
- outcome.</em><br>
- Not sure it was so much a look of disappointment as..."Okay, I know
- something here isn't on the level...but he's got it very well
- surrounded...and is it worth sticking out my neck to get into this?"
- <p>
- <li>@@@848346057 <em>Why wasn't Na'Toth replaced?</em><br>
- I briefly considered giving G'Kar a second, after the revolving door
- Na'Toths, but as I looked at it...as you say, the others all DO have one
- like that, and I figured it might be good to have someone *without*
- that...especially after the fall of Narn, when the staff would be
- canceled. And there's something I like about G'Kar being alone in all
- this. Anyway, it varies the mix a bit.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>Why did G'Kar help Londo?</em><br>
- Well, you combine the release of 2,000 prisoners, many of whom were
- likely resistance fighters, and the payback to one who orchestrated the
- bombing of Narn, and that adds up to a pretty good incentive to get Refa
- even WITHOUT Londo's presence in the deal.
- <p>
- <li>@@@845974106 I wouldn't say they hate one another any less now than
- before; and yes, he would've sent word to G'Kar and arranged a private
- meeting, just the two of them.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864607027 These two characters, Londo and G'Kar, are linked at
- the hips. That is their beauty and their tragedy. And you will see
- some new colors to this in the first part of season 4. This story is
- as much about them as anyone else.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846748219 I think that if Londo sent word via the Babcom unit
- that he wanted a one-to-one with G'Kar, and that thousands of Narn lives
- were on the line, he would come. G'Kar has nothing to fear from Londo
- as long as he's on B5...and if anything, I think he'd be amused if Londo
- did try anything.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>Wayne Alexander was listed as playing G'Dan. Which
- one was he?</em><br>
- He was the Narn who first met G'Kar on their homeworld; the only one
- with any lines.
- <p>
- Wayne has a considerably larger role in year 4 as an alien named
- Lorien.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>Why doesn't Vir leave Londo now?</em><br>
- I don't know if Vir really has anywhere else to go....
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>John and Delenn kissing in front of a big group of
- warships seemed a little odd.</em><br>
- I guess it's really a matter of perspective. It depends on what the
- fleet is *there* for, as well.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843940517 <em>Why didn't Delenn mention the fleet before?</em><br>
- Well, as she indicates, she didn't *have* them before.
- <P>
- <li>@@@845932780 I don't think she was so much withholding the
- information, as they just weren't ready yet, and the need for them
- wasn't there yet.
- </ul>
- <p>
- Originally compiled by Jason Snell.