- Date: 2 Oct 1995 02:20:19 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 and ST: the men
- "...wearing the red silk dress, like we'd agreed...."
- Oh.
- YOU were supposed to be wearing the red silk dress.
- Then I definitely got the message confused. Most unfortunate, though
- several nice men *did* buy me drinks that night....
- jms
- Date: 3 Oct 1995 03:13:26 -0400
- Subject: attn: JMS after B5, Azimov?
- I think the rights to all Asimov's works are taken, alas.
- jms
- Date: 3 Oct 1995 03:13:29 -0400
- Subject: = ATTN. JMS: New Story Editor?
- No, there is no story editor currently on the show; nothing to do with
- ego, just not enough outside work to really merit it.
- jms
- Date: 3 Oct 1995 03:25:12 -0400
- Subject: Re: Space:Above&Beyond (Opinio
- Saw the second installment of "Space" the other day; very good, I
- thought. Vastly encouraging. Continued good luck to them.
- (One aspect of this general discussion...when the B5 area goes up on
- AOL, and then later on the web, it's designed to have sections dedicated
- to *other* SF shows as well, to encourage folks to check them out, on the
- theory that other shows in the genre are not a threat, but a bonus for
- everyone, healthy competition.)
- jms
- Date: 5 Oct 1995 03:43:50 -0400
- Subject: Delenn And Sherdian
- You're assuming, of course, that the Delenn/Sinclair relationship was
- based on romantic love...might be something just as deep, but very
- different....
- jms
- Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:56:29 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS:'Fall FX Question (TF
- A wire harness was used; and the effect you ask about was a mix of
- CGI, live action, and rotoscope.
- jms
- Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:58:48 -0400
- Subject: KBHK (San Francisco Ch 44) B5
- There must be an error in your transcription, because "Matters of
- Honor," season 3's debut, should be on the list between "Fall" and
- "Convictions."
- jms
- Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:59:01 -0400
- Subject: JMS:Re: Space:Above&Beyond (Op
- I agree; SPACE has a great deal of potential. I watched the second
- episode, and enjoyed it.
- jms
- Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:59:16 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Question on script w
- You have to write toward the act breaks, so that each act ends on a
- strong point or hook to bring the audience back after the commercial.
- jms
- Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:59:38 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Cards Illustrated gi
- Great news about the review; let me know when it appears.
- jms
- Date: 6 Oct 1995 19:11:38 -0400
- Subject: Schedule in LA?
- The first of the final four airs next week in LA on Wednesday 9 p.m.
- jms
- Date: 6 Oct 1995 19:36:07 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS on Compuserve: October
- Of course, bear in mind that there *is* no correct answer to
- Sebastian's question...because no matter what answer you give, the
- question will be repeated. It's a process, not a goal, designed to
- tear down the artifices we construct around ourselves until we're left
- facing ourselves, not our roles. At some point the "answer," such as it
- is, must transcend language.
- Since the episode aired, I've received many notes from philosophy
- teachers and religious instructors and those who ran the Synanon game
- noting that they've used that technique as well, or intend to do so from
- now on.
- jms
- Date: 6 Oct 1995 19:36:17 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS : today ?
- Jeez...I've already forgotten much of what I've done today, it goes
- so fast, but....
- Grabbed a few hours sleep (dropped at 3 a.m., a bit early for me
- most days), came in for a production meeting, which is when we bring in
- all the department heads and go over the script page by page one more time
- before getting ready to shoot. Went over specifics on extras, types of
- wardrobe we're going to need, monitor playback stuff, endless details.
- Proofread the first issue of the B5 collector's magazine for error
- and revisions (should be out shortly from Sendai). Made last minute
- revisions to script for "Messages From Earth" prior to shooting. Viewed
- dailies. Returned calls to Warners and others. Spoke with PR person about
- series launch, getting copies of the first two year 3 eps to reviewers in
- time for print deadlines. Finalized outline for my next script, title not
- yet set. Lunch. Went over contracts for B5 fan club that have finally
- come in, making revisions on a couple of points, hope to announce this
- formally soon.
- Jumped to script 10 and made some revisions I'd been thinking about
- last night. Walked on set and spoke to the director, made sure the scene
- was going right, also checked with Jason Carter on a few things. Took
- care of some fan mail. Finalized casting on "Messages." Booked director
- for the two-parter, Adam Nimoy, whose first ep for us is dynamite, and
- checked on casting for several episodes down the road, to make sure the
- actors would be available.
- Made final changes to new main title, and met with Christopher Franke
- to go over his first pass at the new music, made some suggestions, and
- he'll get a new version to me over the weekend. Received and reviewed
- director's cut of "Dust to Dust," in preparation for going in next week to
- edit the producer's cut. Went over new costume designs for some cast
- members with wardrobe, made final suggestions. Approved some new patches
- for use down the road, and additional artwork for parts of the station.
- Gave interview for article.
- Called several actors to go over various things with them; met with
- the director for "Messages" again to go over some possible new EFX; ditto
- later with another EFX person. Got first draft of #10 "Severed Dreams"
- out the door to WB/PTEN.
- Approved casting breakdown so it could go out to casting agencies for
- #9, "Point of No Return."
- That's it for so far today; it's now 4:00 straight up, and I've still
- got another 3 and a half hours to go (I generally leave the studio about
- 7:30 p.m., go home, grab a fast bite, and get to writing.) Oh, yeah, and
- took a moment to log on (big cluster of new messages finally, about 500 or
- so), and plow through some of them, including the one to which this is a
- response.
- jms
- Date: 6 Oct 1995 20:01:29 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: your Foundation arti
- As I have not yet received my OWN copy of FOUNDATION that has my
- extensive B5 article in it (hello? Mr. Edward James, Editor and
- Publisher? are you out there?), I can't exactly help others finding the
- darned thing....
- jms
- Date: 6 Oct 1995 20:01:53 -0400
- Subject: How did Billy Mumy connect wit
- Bill Mumy came in to audition, same as everybody else. It was known
- then that it was a recurring role (contrary to his recollection of things),
- and when he walked in the door, I knew he was right.
- jms
- Date: 6 Oct 1995 20:14:10 -0400
- Subject: Re: Majel Barrett-Rodenberry
- Patrick: at Toronto Trek, Majel told an assembled crowd that she
- felt badly about the misunderstanding, and wanted to call and apologize;
- she went to either Berman or Pillar to get my number (can't recall now
- (3v`Wr$dwhich she said)...and told a very funny story of what happened then.
- jms
- Date: 6 Oct 1995 20:14:21 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: "The Sky" as deliber
- Some references to the sky are just that and no more; other times
- it is a process of playing to archetypes and sensibilities. There are a
- number of recurring images and thematic elements in the series, which
- sometimes combine into new elements. This coming year we'll hit the
- topic of pride quite a bit, and loyalty, and what loyalty *means* when
- the house of cards begins to fall apart...my sense is that for all the
- stuff going on on the surface, there has to be an equal or larger amount
- of subtext, stuff going on sub rosa, like a shark gliding beneath the
- water. 'Cause that's where all the *really* interesting stuff happens.
- jms
- Date: 8 Oct 1995 04:47:46 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS IS FULL OF SHIT!!! (Wa
- Since this has come up, I went back and checked the source, and did
- a verbatim quote of the article that appeared in a recent (this past week)
- edition of the Los Angeles Times. Because nobody should accept info minus
- attribution and provenance. The comments came from Kerry McCluggage, the
- head of the Paramount Television Group; other comments were from Berman.
- jms
- Date: 8 Oct 1995 04:59:40 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS - Season 4: we'd all
- All you can do is make your voices heard at the local level; station
- programmers are required by FCC rules to operate "in the public's interest,
- necessity and convenience." So they have to be responsive to letters and
- petitions. Beyond that, it's all beyond my control; only local voices will
- make a difference.
- jms
- Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:00:01 -0400
- Subject: JMS: 3rd Season Questions
- B5 does not get new 'furies in the premire; the Asimov will likely
- return, though not a big story point; the Aggy does have 'furies aboard,
- yes, and it's considerably more powerful than the Hyperion, though both are
- jump capable.
- jms
- Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:25:37 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: dubbing of Delenn in
- Nothing was changed per se; I trimmed the scene by a few lines here
- and there for time, something that happens a lot, so that's probably what
- you're noticing, a bridge between snippets.
- jms
- Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:25:40 -0400
- Subject: Two B5 movies coming?
- Formal reply: NO B5 movies are currently "in the pipeline," not one,
- let alone two. It's something Doug (my partner) has said he'd like to do
- someday, but then he'd also like to fly under his own power. There have
- been NO formal discussions on this at all.
- jms
- Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:37:38 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS IS FULL OF SHIT!!! (Wa
- Dave Thomas: exactly...a rumor is exactly that, and sometimes it's
- a way of testing the waters. If DS9 fans want to make sure the show stays
- around, they need to support it. Right now, nothing's been decided, and
- I made that eminently clear in my original message about this. There's
- much still being discussed; even Berman in that LA Times article worried
- that they may have "gone to the well too often." I think they're going to
- wait until the 30th anniversary hoopla is over before making a final
- determination.
- Meanwhile, thanks for confirming what I said, that this stuff is out
- and in the streets around town, as well as being indicated in industry
- related articles.
- jms
- Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:37:42 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS Another scripting q
- Act Breaks: FADE OUT, [End Act One] - new page - [Act Two] FADE IN:
- B5 as teaser, acts 1-4, tag.
- Establishers aren't numbered in a treatment, or called out.
- Credits aren't listed in a script; and don't worry too much about
- the margins being *exactly* right; they vary considerably.
- jms
- Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:37:45 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS! Question from a tre
- Majel will appear in year 3 episode 9, "Point of No
- Return."
- jms
- Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:37:50 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS on Compuserve: October
- BTW, to Jeannette, Laura, JM Egolf, Sarah, all the others, thanks
- for openly discussing what are surely difficult issues; it's been very
- instructive, and helpful for the future. And the discussion itself has
- been moving and insightful; thanks for risking and giving in this way.
- jms
- Date: 10 Oct 1995 22:01:47 -0400
- Why did I post it? Real simple. I was in the midst of an ongoing
- discussion on the STAR TREK forum on Compuserve. I wasn't in the B5
- area. The topic at hand was Voyager, and people wondering about it and
- its relation to DS9, the latter not generally getting the respect that
- they feel it deserves. Having just heard the story around town that the
- friendly folks at Paramount are worried about DS9 pulling viewers away
- from Voyager/UPN for a second time in just a few days (from a high ranking
- person with Star Trek), a concern that others have confirmed here has been
- floating around for a while now, that they too have heard...and having
- just had a number of articles coming out in the mainstream press asking
- very similar questions about whether or not there's too much ST around
- (including the LA Times and TV Guide), it was timely, it was of potential
- interest to ST fans, it was in the ST area, so I mentioned it...the same
- as I'd mention any other piece of news. No more, no less.
- There can be no agenda because there's nothing to achieve that would
- be to the detriment of ST or the elevation of B5. The implicit
- assumption is that if ST folks want DS9 to continue, they should make that
- eminently clear via continued support. That is the only possible result
- of that information. Yes, indeedy, one can clearly see how that benefits
- B5, can't we?
- The other day, in a similar ST topic, I mentioned that I *very much*
- liked the episode of VOYAGER that aired on Monday. Heaven only knows
- what dire conspiracies that comment will imply to some with no fucking
- life (viz: Mr. Thaxton). I mentioned it on CIS for *exactly* the same
- reason that I mentioned the bit on DS9...because I figured it might be
- of interest to the readers, and because that's what was on my mind at
- that time.
- As opposed to the estimable Mr. Thaxton, who has been spreading all
- kinds of vicious rumors here which ARE destructive, which are and have
- been hurtful, and which are without support. It seems to me more than
- a little hypocritical that someone who does nothing but spread lies,
- gossip, rumor, character assassination and innuendo would go into
- meltdown over a rather reliable story that has been picked up by major
- newspapers, and confirme by others here.
- And then, when these facts come out, he falls back on the only tool
- he has left: to villify, impugn or otherwise call into question the
- motives for doing so. Never mind that it's actually a Real Thing, why
- did you SAY it? For the reasons given. If that's not enough for some
- pinheads among us, tough.
- And haven't we all gotten tired of the game by now? Ford or one of
- his few netbuddies posts something outrageous, eliciting responses taht
- are justifiably angry, and then proceeds to make fun of the replies because
- their anger is perfectly in tune with the offense.
- This is the classic bully's tactic...hit you and hit you and hit you
- until he gets the reaction he wants, and then he makes fun of your
- reaction, hoping to get another one.
- How much longer does this have to go on before people catch wise to
- his game? How much longer can one justify falling for the old "pull my
- finger" gag?
- If you're doing this on my behalf...don't. Just *ignore* the man; I
- get FAR more upset when I see others being attacked for the simple crime
- of defending me against baseless attacks than I ever would get over the
- original attack, in large measure because I simply Do Not Read his posts
- anymore. He is irrelevant to my life, to the life of anyone involved
- with the show, and to the show itself, and to all of you.
- We all know that no matter what is said or done, somehow he or one
- of his three or so ilk (and that's ALL THEY ARE), will attempt to twist
- it around to make it sound somehow dubious. That's because they are
- sick, lifeless, twisted individuals who have nothing else to do. So if
- we know this is always going to happen...why even bother reacting to it?
- I have 543 messages sitting in my mailbox right now; the majority of
- them are the "SHIT" thread in one of its various incarnations. Is this
- really the best use for this rec.arts area?
- If you have killfiles...use them. Don't you understand that by
- responding in any way, manner shape or form, you are giving him *exactly*
- what he wants...and *encouraging* him to do more of it? You are creating
- the problem by giving him validation...validation that only comes in the
- form of the echo caused by his voice. Stop being the echo.
- I don't read his posts anymore; if I see it come up on the header,
- I just delete it. The only way I know something's going on is when I
- see a big thread, and sometimes run across an imbedded quote. And
- y'know, I'm much happier about it.
- You must understand that this is simply what he does. One of the
- benefits of being one of his many targets is that you tend to hear from
- others...people at record industry magazines, radio stations, other
- composers and producers who have been targeted by Ford, harrassed and
- more you ignore him initially, the more outrageous, defamatory, libelous,
- smarmy and ultimately desperate his comments will become. But eventually
- if he is frozen out, he will go away in search of new prey.
- This is how he gets off, people. Pure and simple. Some of the horror
- stories I've heard from others similarly targeted would curl your hair.
- And along the way, I've learned a lot about Mr. Thaxton, more than I
- really wanted to know. More, I suspect, than he would be happy to know
- that I know.
- We have new episodes beginning this week. Ignore the jerk. I ask
- this as a personal favor; I get more upset by seeing this drag on, and
- seeing others get hurt and insulted, than by *anything* Ford can ever say
- to me.
- Because anything he has to say is a fiction, or simply irrelevant.
- So stop this. Please. As a personal favor.
- jms
- Date: 11 Oct 1995 05:30:21 -0400
- Subject: ATT: JMS -- WAS JMS on Cmpsrv:
- "What's the difference between 'having a Minbari soul' and 'having
- been a Minbari in a previous life'?"
- The difference, Jamie, is *huge*. And extremely significant.
- Here, I'll give you a freebie...there's something massively,
- mind-bendingly significant in a throwaway line in one of the first three
- episodes of year three that seems to have little bearing on this, but in
- fact is hugely involved in this *exact* issue.
- You'll know what it was much later in the season. But this heads-up
- might point you in the right direction. Suffice to say there's a very
- definite reason I phrased that as I did.
- jms
- Date: 11 Oct 1995 05:42:45 -0400
- Subject: > ATTN. JMS: Ratings and Reru
- Franklin: I'm sure they still think it was a good idea.
- If you need me, I'll be on the roof....
- jms
- Date: 11 Oct 1995 05:55:13 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS You Got Competition
- I'm quite happy to have competition. The more the merrier. As an SF
- fan myself, I love nothing more than seeing good SF on the air, and I have
- to say I *very* much enjoyed the last Voyager episode, I'm quite happy
- with X-Files, I'm in love with a lot of the dialogue and camerawork on
- American Gothic, I've enjoyed all the Space episodes to date...the more
- voices, the more competition, the leaner and better the overall result.
- jms
- Date: 12 Oct 1995 03:59:34 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: (Spoilers) Divided L
- No, the Ivanova revelation in "Loyalties" has nothing to do with
- replacing Talia; that is a moot point in many ways, since Lyta is back,
- and since other things happen which take that issue off the table in
- any event.
- jms
- Date: 12 Oct 1995 03:59:44 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Inquisitor Question
- I'd say there's a very good chance that the Vorlons have more than
- one Inquisitor.
- jms
- Date: 12 Oct 1995 04:11:38 -0400
- Subject: Ellison CITY Note
- Harlan Ellison has requested that I post this in places where
- those likely to have ordered the forthcoming CITY ON THE EDGE
- OF FOREVER limited-edition hardcover can find it.
- Message begins:
- Here is the answer to the question of why a three-week delay in
- shipping THE CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER became necessary.
- A minor production glitch.
- Nothing more mysterious or ominous than that.
- Once the book had gone to Thomson-Shore in Dexter, Michigan for
- printing, and was in production, it was discovered that more
- than 150 corrections to the text--some significant, others of a
- niggling nature--but all troublesome to a greater or lesser
- degree--had slipped past, and had not been integrated.
- Tom Monteleone of Borderlands Press was out of the country. But
- his concerns for shipping on time--we've been paying the price
- for a premature announcement of this title four years ago ever
- since that miscalculation was made--were preeminent. Nonetheless,
- because of my insistence that this book (a book of great personal
- importance to me) be as close to perfect as possible, I took
- the necessary action to hold the production at a pre-final stage
- till Tom returned and we could get the changes made.
- That has been accomplished. Tom Monteleone has been very
- gracious in accommodating my concerns, and the book is back in
- the tube at Thomson-Shore right now. Three weeks max is what
- Dave Raymond, Customer Services Manager, tells us. Three weeks
- and the book, a beautiful beautiful package, will be in the
- hands of those who've ordered it.
- It is unfortunate that Tom Monteleone's interim message on the
- Borderlands Press 800-order line has been misinterpreted by
- some people. All is well, and the CITY is on its way to waiting
- eyes and hands. Thank you for asking.
- Harlan Ellison
- Date: 12 Oct 1995 04:24:28 -0400
- Subject: Attn: JMS Bab5 Soundtrack Seas
- Actually, there is some year two music on the CD, on the last two
- suites. No schedule yet on disks.
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 01:45:53 -0400
- Subject: Attn: JMS -- why were specific
- They tended to go from what photos and art was available from WB, and
- in large measure...that ain't a lot.
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 06:06:32 -0400
- Subject: The Great War of rastb5
- "Somebody please tell me what the hellis going on?"
- Easy. Somebody accidentally let humanity in here.
- Noisy lot, aren't they?
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 06:18:58 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: B5 Comic #11 -- Mark
- There's nothing that I'm aware of in comic #11 that would place it
- after "Confessions." It's a general pamphlet prepared by Psi Corps some
- time before.
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 06:33:41 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS' powers of prediction
- Actually, the plan to run TNG originally for just 5 years was
- specifically *stated by Paramount* to the news media, nothing to do with
- predicting anything. Also, at that time, I knew a lot of folks who were
- working over at TNG as writer/producers, and that was what they had all
- been told was the case. When the show finally began to kick into gear,
- ratings-wise, they decided to extend it to seven years, and it took quite
- a bit of finageling to get everyone back on board (that was why they did
- the Borg two-parter with Patrick Stewart...if he had decided not to sign,
- they would've used this as a means of getting rid of the character); you
- don't have to do this IF YOU HAVE OPTIONS ON THE ACTORS.
- There was no predicting involved. I reported what was being said by
- those directly involved with ST:TNG at the time, what was in the press,
- and what was being told to agents. Nothing more, nothing less. Five
- years WAS the original plan; check the first newspaper articles about the
- show, it's all over the place.
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 06:33:56 -0400
- I disagree with the term ego in this connection. (Big surprise,
- right?) On one level, anyone who is involved in any aspect of the arts
- has exercised ego in the sense of, "I am going to make little black marks
- on this piece of paper," or "I am going to make colored brushstrokes on
- this canvas, and they will be sufficiently impressive that you will want
- to pay money for them." That aspect is part and parcel of working in any
- form of the arts.
- But B5 specifically? I don't think so. First off, there's a great
- deal of misunderstanding in this discussion about how television works.
- In a TV series, the story editor *NEVER, EVER* rewrites the executive
- producer. It would be a hideous breach of protocol. On MURDER, SHE WROTE
- or JAKE, or other shows, I *never* touched my exec's scripts. The network
- puts an executive producer/writer on premises for one singular reason
- (not counting the one billion others): to set the tone for the writing for
- everyone else to follow. They rely on YOU to absolutely govern that
- aspect, or you're not doing your job, and betraying your commitment to the
- network.
- So when someone says "It's ego not to let the story editor revise the
- executive producer's scripts," that betrays a total lack of understanding
- of how television production works.
- Finally, working 5 years to get B5 produced had nothing to do with
- ego and everything to do with obsession. There's this story that I like,
- which I hope others will like. The ONLY way that this story will ever be
- told is if one person fights for it tooth and nail for every day of every
- year required to tell it. I have an obligation to this story to see it
- through. Getting doors slammed in your face for five years takes its toll
- on the ego; ego says, "Screw it, go find a nice cushy job on another show
- where nobody'll slam the door on you." Obsession says, "Keep going."
- Ego hates to fail. Obession *requires* that you fail from time to time,
- in striving for something greater.
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 07:25:13 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Production Question
- Flashback scenes are usually part of a prior scene, and thus are
- shot in color, shown the first time, and transferred to black and white
- for flashback use.
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 08:20:45 -0400
- Subject: Re: jms is anti-Trek?
- "JMS loves the fact that you worship him...."
- Yessir, boy-howdy, and there ain't nothin' like signing onto your
- account and seeing ten gazillion messages titled JMS IS SOMETIMES / ALWAYS
- / GENERALLY / 99.9% FULL OF SHIT to make you feel like the living
- reincarnation of Thor hisownself.
- "you ain't never gonna be on the show" ... actually quite a few folks
- on the nets have come by the Babylon 5 stages, have been paid to edit music
- videos, have even come to *work* for us...PwdrdTstMan from AOL now works at
- the B5 stages, another internetter known to most folks here is now working
- at WB on the B5 AOL page, others have come here as well, even as extras a
- few times.
- "and you ain't havin' dinner at Master JMS' estate." As soon as
- Master JMS *gets* an estate instead of a fairly simple 3 bedroom house in
- a reasonably nice neighborhood, I'll let you know if this happens or not.
- In the interim, I've had dinner and lunches with folks from the nets for
- quite some time now.
- "thrill of a lifetime feeling that they are actually interacting with
- their 'god'" See paragraph 2 above. Amazing how if anyone does anything
- of merit, and some folks acknowledge that, others have to characterize
- that in Deity terms. Is there no in-between? Oh, silly me, it's just a
- rhetorical device to deride the issue at hand; sorry, for a moment there I
- thought you were interested in accuracy, Ross. My apologies.
- And frankly, if I were ANY kind of deity, I'd have a LOT more hair and
- a *MUCH* deeper voice.
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 20:25:13 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS Your opinion on comi
- I wasn't terribly pleased with the artwork on 9 and 10, I thought it
- could've been much better. As for the story, David Gerrold had proposed
- (and written) that as an outline for an episode; I said I didn't think it
- worked for our show. Which opened the door for DC to pick it up, and since
- he felt so strongly that it *did* work, I figured I'd let him proceed.
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 20:37:22 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS- Peter David.
- I'm certainly open to his doing more for us.
- jms
- Date: 13 Oct 1995 20:37:35 -0400
- Subject: Re: jms is anti-Trek?
- To John Lawrence Morgan: no, I don't get to watch ST very often;
- that's because doing this job is a 25-hour-a-day responsibility. I'm at
- the B5 offices from early in the day until 7:30-8:00 at night, I grab a
- fast meal, sometimes just a sandwich, and charge into my home office and
- start writing. I try to break away for a very few shows; American Gothic,
- Space, the Simpsons, X-Files and 60 Minutes during the course of the week.
- I have no time for anything else. That's why I log on here often at 3 a.m.
- because that's the only time I have left after work. (Today's an
- exception; I get to work at home today since we've given the crew a couple
- days off to catch their breath.)
- And yeah...given the choice between spending those last couple of
- hours vegged out watching TeeVee, and coming on-line and hanging out with
- people, almost my last vestige of human (sorta) contact...I choose the
- latter. What in this do you have a problem?
- jms
- Date: 17 Oct 1995 04:15:18 -0400
- Subject: JMS: You did it to me again!
- Ben....we try.....
- jms
- Date: 17 Oct 1995 04:27:54 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Lyta's P Rating (Dis
- Didn't say Talia WAS a psi-cop, Talia said she *interned with* the
- PsiCops. Bear in mind that you're going to need support staff, lower
- level liaisons, and a bunch of other positions as well as the actual cops.
- jms
- Date: 18 Oct 1995 06:17:43 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: B5 Comic #11 --
- Tritium: you actually believe *anything* in a PsiCorps propaganda
- booklet? Only about 10% of what's recorded in that booklet is true, and
- even that's distorted. The character in the booklet is totally fictional.
- jms
- Date: 18 Oct 1995 06:18:05 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS on Compuserve: October
- Jamie: I don't consider myself an "abuse survivor." I think that
- term has been so over-used, exploited and trivialized in some corners by
- application to the smallest of problems ("My father once hit me when I
- was 12 so now I'm an axe murderer/going through regression therapy in
- search of one more time when it might've happened") that it takes away
- from people who've had terrible, mind-bendingly awful backgrounds with
- serious personal violence, sexual violation, psychological torture and
- other aberrations. I'll probably get roasted for this, but it does seem
- to me that talking about one's "abusive childhood" has become the newest
- trend, and one more way of denying personal responsibility for who one is
- and what one does...and, ultimately, detracts from the attention and
- needs and real problems of those who *have* suffered terribly.
- Yeah, I had a crummy childhood, followed by a crummy adolescence;
- vast sections of it were a nightmare. Fundamentally...so what? I never
- considered that anyone's had a Leave It To Beaver childhood. Some were
- better, some were worse. Doesn't mean I still don't get pissed about it,
- doesn't make me any more willing to have contact with my family, but I
- have never considered myself in the light of those two words. That, to
- me, is one more manifestation of the victim mentality that seems to be
- all OVER the place.
- People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much
- energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and
- not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past,
- and getting on with their lives.
- And, again, I *very carefully and specifically* exclude from this
- discussion, and the preceding paragraph, those who've gone through true,
- serious abuse in childhood, who must spend years rebuilding their lives
- and their trust and their emotional infrastructure.
- jms
- Date: 19 Oct 1995 07:02:42 -0400
- Subject: TLTS: Opinion (no spoilers)
- Dennis: thanks, we're starting to get better at this stuff. It's a
- nifty episode.
- jms
- Date: 19 Oct 1995 07:09:00 -0400
- Subject: To JMS: Congratulations!! <DL
- Christian: I quote Mark Twain: "The test of any good fiction is that
- you should care something for the characters; the good to succeed, the
- bad to fail. The trouble with most fiction is that you want them all to
- land in hell, together, as quickly as possible."
- jms
- Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:34:11 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS : Important KOSH ques
- The more people who have to *see* Kosh as one of their own, the
- greater the strain on Kosh, as you'll note in the first ep of year three.
- jms
- Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:36:14 -0400
- Subject: JMS: dumb DL question (really
- What was the passwor? I'm hideously tempted to say, "Z'ha'dum."
- jms
- Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:36:48 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Murder1 & B5
- I for one would love nothing more than to claim that B5 "paved the
- way...for Murder One," but truth is...the network folks probably haven't
- even noticed. From all I hear, Murder 1 has more to do with the long
- term fascination with the OJ trial than anything B5.
- jms
- Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:37:50 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Going to Loscon?
- I'll be at LosCon over Thanksgiving because, well, I have no life;
- if anyone else attends depends on their schedules.
- jms
- Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:38:11 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS:Metaphysical question
- Nia: I'd say you're reading WAY too much into this.
- jms
- Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:38:39 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Back door into plot?
- Yeah, originally it was the Kosh-scan that would've gotten Lyta in
- trouble; the TK aspect was originally going to come in from another angle,
- but I was able to collapse the two in Talia, and then bring Lyta in from
- a different direction, as you'll see in one of the first batch of new
- year 3 eps.
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 06:10:48 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Explain editing proc
- Film is shot on the stage, then transferred to video, which is then
- digitized onto the Avid computer editing system, which holds every take of
- every scene. A scene is shot many times from various angles: wide master
- shot, three-shots (3 people), two-shots, singles, raking twos, close
- ups, medium shots, extreme closeups and sometimes downshots (as well as
- CGI and composite shots).
- John Copeland and I then go in and work on the version of the episode
- edited by the director to do the producer's cut. We sit down with the
- editor, and go scene by scene. The usual construction is as follows: you
- get a wide master shot so we know the geography, where we are, and where
- everyone is in relation to that. Gradually you go closer, into threes or
- twos, then singles or closeups for dramatic emphasis, coming out into the
- master from time to time when someone has to move, or to break the sense
- of claustrophobia.
- When you get in close, you have over-the-shoulder shots, meaning
- you're shooting past one character's shoulder to the other. Then you do
- the same thing in reverse, so you see both sides of the conversation.
- You do these one at a time, for lighting purposes; you light one side of
- the room for the scenes looking left-right, then move the camera and the
- lighting around for the scenes when you're on the right side looking
- left (or, phrased differently, you light for Susan looking at Talia,
- then Talia looking at Susan). The actors then do the scene again, with
- the camera on the other side.
- The actor has to be very careful to always repeat each movement
- exactly; if he picks up a teacup on the word "quibble," he has to make
- absolutely sure he picks up the cup on exactly that same word, every
- time, in every take, in the same way, in the correct hand. If the
- actor slips (and this sometimes happens), when you go to show the other
- side of the scene, you suddenly find you have a matching problem; in
- the shot over Talia's shoulder to Susan, the actor raised a hand; in
- the shot over Susan's shoulder to Talia, the actor (generic term that
- includes women) *didn't* raise a hand. So when you edit the two, you
- have a matching problem. You can sometimes avoid this by just staying
- on one side of the shot, but then you can't get the other character's
- on-face reaction to what's being said. And in that scene in particular,
- we *needed* to see both sides.
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 06:10:55 -0400
- Subject: Query: Will the Shadows attac
- Babylon 5 is still needed for their own purposes, as an easy way to
- keep an eye on things and get to the people they need to get to, so
- there's no need for them to attack B5. They certainly wouldn't do so
- just because Morden was busted...that's beneath their concern, as long
- as he keeps his mouth shut. Which he did. Doesn't mean, though, that
- in fairly short order they won't take steps to be as sure as they can be
- that, in fact, the secret *is* still secure....
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 09:31:04 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: You got some bad, BA
- Two things transcend all human understanding: the concept of god,
- and PTEN publicity.
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 19:34:27 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Question (& mild SPO
- In part it's John's take on the character, but what I indicated to him
- was that Draal's gone through some considerable changes by entering the
- heart of the machine; it's given him greater understanding, and the freeing
- aspects of greater humor. It's almost like -- and I hate to even use the
- reference because somebody'll say "Oh, that's what he's doing," and I ain't
- it's just a point of comparison -- Tom Bombadil in LoTR...quite funny, but
- also someone not to be trifled with.
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 19:34:29 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS - A few questions...
- Land armies, deliberating Shadows, probably not, for various reasons;
- gloss off CGI, 3D starmaps, new tech and better rendering, yes.
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 19:57:37 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Internauts coming fo
- There's not much sense to it; it just happens with some folks.
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 20:09:14 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Scripted Facial Nuan
- Generally, you don't so much indicate the face (with some exceptions)
- as the mood...in parentheticals in dialogue (growing horror) (with
- meaning) (sotto voce) and in narrative description (his face fall as he
- sees Morden enter).
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 20:09:17 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Rehearsals and Takes
- The number of scenes varies depending on the amount of action
- required. On balance, the average TV script has about 60-75 scenes or
- shots in it. From time to time, in B5, we've gone as high as 130 shots
- in episodes like "Twilight" or "Fall." I think we just blew out our
- record here with "Severed Dreams," which has close to 140.
- Number of scenes shot on any day depends on how long the scene; you
- can do 4 really long shots or 8 fairly short scenes. The amount of
- rehearsal varies depending on the scene, how many extras or what kind of
- action/stunts are required. The more action, the more you rehearse, to
- ensure nobody gets hurt.
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 20:20:54 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Episodes 19 &20
- No, Divided precedes Twilight.
- jms
- Date: 21 Oct 1995 20:32:29 -0400
- Subject: Attn:jms authorship of B5?
- For starters, I have problem with the auteur term. What most folks
- forget is that this term originated with the Cahiers du Cinema (I think I
- may have hideously misspelled that) which actually began a series of
- screenings/presentations on each aspect of film-making, the writer, the
- director, the cinematographer...started with the director...and basically
- got so caught up in that aspect that they dropped the rest.
- So let's stick with "author" for the moment. To that question, yes,
- I do consider myself the author of the B5 story, the creator of itsz
- characters and universe. Insofar as we enter other areas, my position is
- that of navigator...I point to a spot on the horizon, and say "That's
- where we're all going." Each department/artistic aspect of the show,
- from props, to costumes, to the director, works to most accurately create
- what I see in my head. The most common question is, "Is this what you had
- in mind when you wrote it?"
- I keep an eye on every aspect of the show, to make sure it's what I
- see in my head. If something isn't right, it's redone until it *is*
- right. Nonetheless, I try to provide as much latitude as possible to my
- people, to let them be as creative as they have the potential to be.
- Sometimes there's some irony in the situation; in "And the Sky Full
- of Stars," for instance, Janet is noted for the notion of having Sinclair
- standing facing these lights that go out, one by one, except for the one
- that spotlights him, when he's confronted by Knight Two, people say, "Oh
- what a great directorial idea," but that's spelled out to the smallest
- detail in the script. Ditto for the intercutting of scenes in the fall
- of the emperor in "Coming." That's often attributed to the director, but
- it was specifically scripted that way, right down to the use of slow-mo
- for some shots, the way in which he falls, all of it.
- This is because of that nutty auteur theory that many directors have
- wrapped around themselves like a flag. With the obvious exception of
- writer/directors, I've never seen any director do much with the auteur
- theory and 100 blank pages.
- jms
- Date: 23 Oct 1995 21:56:55 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Talia and Ivanova *spoile
- I didn't show a kiss because, in my experience, it's easier on all
- around if one steps into the shallow end of the pool first, and walks
- into the deep end rather than diving in and splashing everybody in the
- process.
- jms
- Date: 25 Oct 1995 03:39:32 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: RAVES and KUDOS for
- Cecil: my deepest thanks for that.
- jms
- Date: 27 Oct 1995 00:58:49 -0400
- Subject: Re: DS9's life or death
- To the inquiry about TV contracts...when an actor gets a contract on
- a show, it's not a guarantee of anything; it's all one season at a time.
- ALL TV series are like this: you (the producer/studio) have an OPTION on
- the actor, by contract. Meaning you own the actor for that period of time
- AT YOUR DISCRETION. In other words, if you're renewed for a given season,
- you have the option of hiring (or not hiring) the actor back for the
- next season. The actor does *not* have the option. If you then hire the
- actor, it's pay-or-play for that season, meaning if you decide to let the
- actor go mid-season, you must still pay him for the balance of episodes
- committed for.
- So an actor's contract is not a guarantee of *anything*.
- As for the budget on the two-parter...DS9's ratings have been on a
- steady decline for the last several seasons, according to the trades and
- newspaper articles. Paramount sells advertising based on the ratings; if
- they drop below the promised level, they have to start giving money back
- to the advertisers (not a good thing). So regardless of a series
- projected duration, they *must* start improving the ratings...hence you
- spend a little more up front, grab some ratings, give the show a boost,
- and maybe make it up here and there later in other shows, or simply write
- off the additional shooting costs against the benefit of not giving money
- back to advertisers.
- No judgment here, no predictions, just answering the questions that
- came up about how things work in TV.
- jms
- Date: 27 Oct 1995 00:59:17 -0400
- Subject: Kosh's appearance (Spoilers_)
- This is not a bad assessment, Nicholas. And yes, I remember that
- quote from CS Lewis, very evocative. (Have read the Screwtape Letters,
- Perelandra, That Hideous Strength and others. He sometimes indulged in
- straw-man logic, but always written entertainingly.)
- jms
- Date: 27 Oct 1995 19:57:32 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: A couple of question
- Actually, what's been referred to is the Jump Gate off Io; we saw
- this colony facility before, in Chrysalis...it isn't *on* Io as much as
- in orbit near it.
- jms
- Date: 27 Oct 1995 19:59:15 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: What did the actors
- I try avoiding telling the actors anything more than what is needed
- for each episode as it comes, otherwise you risk them subconsciously
- playing the result rather than the process.
- jms
- Date: 27 Oct 1995 19:59:52 -0400
- Subject: Attn Jms: More PKD in B5, wha
- Nope, sorry. "Garibaldi" comes from the Italian war hero of the
- same name. Have never read Dick's "Exegenis," and that has nothing to
- do with "Exogenesis" the episode. Don't know anything about any row
- between PKD and HE.
- I'm chagrined to say that I've read *very* little of Dick's work,
- though I did read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep," which of course
- became Blade Runner. He just got a wee bit weird, even for me.
- jms
- Date: 27 Oct 1995 20:00:27 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Influences?
- Have not read Rice's "The Adding Machine" or seen it, but from the
- apparent time period, it's likely of the school of playwriting that has
- most influenced my work in general, mainly in terms of style.
- I somewhat tend to moderate my writing style between the fairly
- straightforward and simple to slightly more theatrical in nature, more of
- the Serling/Chayefsky/Corwin mode. I like playing with language, and
- English is a terrific language to play with. There was a time in this
- country when literate syntactical construction was something honored; now
- everything tends to be more toward the y'know, I was, you know, hanging
- around the corner store, y'know, and Bob comes up to me, and he says....
- If you look at the original Twilight Zone, some episodes of the
- original Star Trek, the Outer Limits...you see a kind of reflective
- writing that delights in slamming nouns and verbs together to see what
- kind of explosion you get when the syntax hits critical mass.
- It saddens me a bit now that anybody who sounds too literate is
- often put down as showy or being theatrical. Listen to the speeches of
- Kennedy and Churchill and FDR, look to the great orators of our long
- history of a nation, from Lincoln to Jefferson. Their use of language,
- of an idea well formed and delivered, propelled this nation toward its
- current destiny, forged one country out of dozens of squabbling states.
- I listen now to politicians, hoping and waiting for the one who
- understands that the words have to dig into our souls and take root,
- must have power and the purity of language well-used. And I just don't
- hear it anymore...which is perhaps why we have consensus takers and not
- leaders these days.
- It saddens me that literacy has become suspect, and degraded, given
- how many millions of years of evolution spent developing the ability to
- create language. The quality of our thoughts is bordered on all sides by
- our facility with language. The less precise the useage, the less clear
- the process of language, the less you can achieve what you want to
- achieve when you open you mouth to say something. We have slowly
- bastardized and degraded and weakened the language, abetted and abided
- by a growing cultural disdain for literacy, a cyclical trend toward
- anti-intellectualism.
- So I write my characters as sharp, and as witty, and as intelligent,
- and as literate as I wish I would be under those sorts of circumstances,
- which of course I never am. Maybe to remind people of the power of
- language...mainly because I just love the sound of words carefully
- stitched together. My dramatic conceit is that in 2259, we have had a
- moderate rebirth of formality, and the kind of literacy you would often
- see in letters from the turn of the century, and the 1930s. Because it
- allows me to write it the way I want.
- jms
- Date: 28 Oct 1995 04:42:12 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Explain editing
- Sometimes we do use two cameras, yes, usually for big scenes with
- crowds and lots of action. If you're in tight, it's hard to light for
- both sides; the light generally goes just one way, then you relight for
- each new angle. Even so, we run two cameras often, but not always, as
- the cost is prohibitive.
- jms
- Date: 28 Oct 1995 04:42:37 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Q's not asked from
- What's been happening the last few days? Well, we're now shooting
- episode #9, "Point of No Return," and today was Majel Barrett's second
- day of shooting on the show; she has two more days to shoot. So far the
- episode looks very good. We're finishing the last EFX shots on "Voices
- of Authority," episode #4, which will air after episode #5, "Passing
- Through Gethsemane" because the latter requires almost zip EFX, and is a
- better cap to the Novemer sweeps.
- I just finished writing episode #12, "A Late Delivery From Avalon,"
- and we're in pre-production on #10, "Severed Dreams." I'm currently
- breaking out the story for #13 (not titled yet), which I'll probably start
- writing this weekend. We should get the director's cut on "Messages From
- Earth" (#8) sometime middle of next week.
- jms
- Date: 28 Oct 1995 04:43:07 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: I (think I) got it!
- Shadows weren't trolling, just passing through; the Narn fall is not
- in the best interests of the army of light.
- jms
- Date: 27 Oct 1995 21:51:25 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS : expression
- There have been many explanations for where this phrase comes
- from. SoMost of them are obviN%=yously spook etymology, but the first one I
- heard -- and who knows if this is right -- comes from WW I, where just
- before one side would go into battle, they'd send one man up in a hot
- air balloon to scout the enemy's location. If you saw the balloon
- going up, you knew combat wasn't far behind.
- Wherever it comes from, though, that's the general meaning of
- the phrase.
- jms
- Date: 27 Oct 1995 22:04:38 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Notes to actors abou
- No, I don't believe I gave any voice direction on that one.
- But certainly, the most trouble is always caused by people who are
- sure they know what they're doing.
- jms
- Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:18 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Caitlin Brown in CtI
- No, no Caitlin.
- jms
- Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:22 -0400
- Subject: Who is Norman Corwin?
- He is only one of the finest writers this country has ever produced.
- Go to your local library and look up his work. Take it home and read it
- (or listen to it). In addition to being one of our preeminent essayists,
- and a primary influence on such notables as Edward R. Murrow, Charles
- Kuralt, Walter Cronkite, Stan Freberg, Rod Serling, and is possibly *the*
- primary reason Ray Bradbury decided to become a writer in the first place,
- he was this nation's finest and most regarded radio drama writer of his
- time, moreso than Arch Oboler or Orson Welles. He write the radio drama
- "On A Note of Triumph" aired on *all three* radio networks on VE day,
- wrote cantatas for the UN, was a contemporary and friend of Carl
- Sandburg, wrote the feature film "Lust For Life" about Van Gogh...look
- into any copy of "Who's Who." The listing goes on forever.
- Unfortunately, at the height of his career, he was one of many who
- ended up grey-listed, because one little creep who owned a chain of
- supermarkets published a rag called Red Channels, which one day listed
- Norman's name because some of what he'd written struck this jerk as being
- maybe sympathetic to the Reds (never mind that this was stuff he had been
- commissioned by the government to write during WW 2 to demonstrate
- solidarity during the war). Despite this, his niche remains secure, and
- he is what's known in the biz as a *writer's writer*. He has been a
- friend and a mentor for over 15 years, and I've learned much from him
- about what it is to be a writer, and a human being.
- I'm serious. Go to your local library and look up his work. Or to
- your local bookstore and track down a copy of his latest book, a collection
- of his letters (cunningly entitled Norman Corwin's Letters), published in
- hardcover by Barricade Books, containing his correspondence to friends,
- family, and such notable long-term friends as Ray Bradbury, William
- Shatner, Rod Serling, Robert Altman, Ken Burns, Philip Dunne, Charles
- Kuralt, Walter Cronkite, Burgess Meredith, Philip Roth, Gregory Peck,
- Eric Sevareid, Bill Moyers, Erik Barnouw, Groucho Marx, Carl Sandburg,
- Leonard Bernstein, Bette Davis, Edward R. Murrow...well, you get the
- idea.
- jms
- Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:26 -0400
- Subject: Video Video I want it on VIDEO
- If someone wants to pull out the address I listed on Compuserve,
- there's the name and address of the person who makes the decision on
- video releases, B5's in particular.
- jms
- Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:30 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: ISN question - How c
- There are other networks, but the cost of a hyperspace/tachyon link
- to places like B5 is prohibitive, so they're fairly local. ISN has
- relays and branches in lots of places. It would be fair to say that ISN
- is taking heat from the EA gov't to portray things a certain way, yes.
- Where this leads, we'll have to see.
- jms
- Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:38 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Patrick McGoohan?
- We'll go after Patrick when we get another script suited for him.
- jms
- Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:41:49 -0500
- Subject: ATTN JMS, Vorlon singing & mis
- Peter David wants to re-use the teddy bear in his new series, Space
- Cases...so we'll see.
- jms
- Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:54:19 -0500
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Could you clear some
- I could address those issues here, but I'd rather do them in the
- show...otherwise it kinda defeats the purpose in making it.
- jms
- Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:17:40 -0500
- Subject: JMS and Coincidences
- It's real simple. Ron Thornton showed me three variations on the
- Great Machine shot. Because you're looking at a composite shot, you have
- to shoot either sharply angled down, or dead across, and full-figured,
- since you have to put them into another piece. That meant either a
- horizontal shot, or a 3/4's vertical shot.
- Two of the shots on the storyboards were horizontal; one showed our
- characters way off in the distance on a ribboned path lined by crystals.
- It'd be pretty, but it looked like another tunnel shot, and I wanted to
- show something that wasn't claustrophobic. Also, we'd be limited in the
- camera move, and our characters would look kinda like peanuts. Not
- terribly dramatic. The second shot just didn't work for me, I don't
- entirely recall the reason now. The third possibility seemed the most
- dramatic...it was a high angle shot, it had depth, it would let us start
- on our characters and do a camera move/pullback in post production, it
- worked on every level.
- My second thought was, "Shit, somebody's going to gig us on the
- Forbidden Planet thing." Nonetheless, it was the right shot, for the
- right reasons, and we chose to go with it.
- jms
- Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:17:45 -0500
- Subject: Attn JMS: CTI Thoughts/Feeling
- Will: thanks, and you're quite right; it does say something about the
- Vorlons that they'd use Jack for this purpose. Now we just have to further
- define what that is.
- BTW, just to append it here, not strictly appropos of your message...
- I've noted a number of people say, in essence, "Boy, was I disappointed
- that he said Jack at the end, what does he think we are, morons?" And I've
- seen plenty of comments from people who didn't know it was Jack until that
- very last moment, for whom it was a revelation.
- It's pretty clear, to lots of folks, that the test was in some ways
- (most, actually) more for Delenn's benefit than Kosh's...lots of folks got
- this...and then others have said, "Well, if that's what he meant, why
- didn't he just have one of them come out and SAY this, say what was learned
- or that this was for THEIR benefit?"
- So frankly, whether one comes out and says something, or does not come
- out and say something, someone on one side or the other is going to give
- you a hard time about it.
- jms
- Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:17:49 -0500
- Subject: ATTN JMS: To whom would we wri
- I'll try to post the address later, but in the interim, I gave the
- address of the person at WB video over on CIS, so somebody'd probably
- already got it here. ('s)
- jms
- Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:17:52 -0500
- Subject: ATTN JMS : Theo & his Brothers
- No, these are not the monks Sheridan met earlier.
- jms
- Date: 30 Oct 1995 16:13:22 -0500
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Maybe setting recor
- Actually, it was pointed out to me recently that as far as can be
- determined (and if there's any solid info to the contrary, I'll gladly
- take it) that no one has ever single-handedly written a full season of
- a dramatic, one-hour series. Even David Kelley often uses co-writers on
- many of his episodes of ER and Picket Fences. I have not yet set this out
- as a personal challenge, because I think you have to be open to what may
- come your way from other places. But it's something I'm keeping a vaguely
- interested eye on....
- jms
- Date: 30 Oct 1995 23:20:16 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn Jms: More PKD in B5,
- Okay, I've just read a bunch more of these...okay, I admit it, you
- got me...I'm doing Philip K. Dick right down the line...and I'm also
- doing George Orwell right down the line...and I'm doing Lord of the
- Rings beat for beat...and Chalker...and...and Cherryh...and I'm doing
- a variation on the Bible, and King Arthur, and the history of Babylon,
- and the Idylls of the King....
- What? What's that you say? You can't be doing all of these right
- down the line, all at the same time? Sure I can. Because there IS no
- B5. There's a blank signal that registers in your brain, triggering the
- last thing you read, or the most important thing you read. It's a
- carefully rigged US Government psychological warfare experiment.
- I give up.
- jms
- Date: 30 Oct 1995 23:20:37 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Alice Cooper influence o
- No, no nod there. (Again, same thing as my last note.) It's a
- longstanding device, used by therapists, it's a big part of the Synanon
- game (for those who know what that is)...Alice Cooper used that kind of
- structure, but so did Meatloaf in "Life Is A Lemon And I want My Money
- Back." (What about your childhood? What about love?) It's in many
- poems from the Beat Poetry period...it's a device with a long tradition.
- (Heck, read the book of Job sometime.)
- jms
- Date: 30 Oct 1995 21:36:46 -0500
- Subject: "Comes The Inquisitor" SPOILE
- There have been a great number of films and TV programs with one sort
- of interrogation scene or other; I'd commend "Closetland" for something
- else on this order.
- jms
- Date: 30 Oct 1995 21:36:50 -0500
- Subject: Attn. JMS: AOL B5 site - SHIP1
- I believe that's an alien probe from "A Day in the Strife."
- jms
- Date: 30 Oct 1995 21:36:55 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Explain editing
- Cameras don't run themselves; along with the cost of renting a second
- camera (we don't own them), there's the cost of the crew to operate it,
- camera operator per se, you double the cost of your people on the floorl.
- Er, floor.
- jms
- Date: 30 Oct 1995 21:37:02 -0500
- Subject: ATTN JMS:The Quintara Marathon
- No, I've never read them. "I am wondering if they had any relation
- to B5." No, because that is called plagiarism.
- I'm not yelling at you, James, I'm just taking a moment here to make
- a general comment.
- Ahem. To everyone looking on.
- That is called plagiarism. It's called theft. It's not a question
- that novel writers get, only TV writers. I know that's not your intent,
- but that's what it is. I didn't fight for five years to make this show to
- do somebody else's story. This is its own story. Nobody else's. It may
- not occur to you -- likely does not -- but this is a *supremely* offensive
- comment to any writer. It implies that one cannot come up with one's own
- story, one has to borrow or rip off from somebody else...again, a comment
- usually directed toward TV writers. I've never seen a novelist asked if
- he was doing somebody else's novel.
- I may sometimes nod in tribute to those works that have come before,
- but that's all it ever is.
- jms
- Date: 30 Oct 1995 22:55:11 -0500
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Childhood -How was i
- Without going on overlong, as some of this has already been covered,
- it wasn't terrific as a kid. We moved every 6 months to a year, blowing
- from town to town (economic reasons), always the new kid, hence very few
- friends at any time. None that lasted more than that 6-12 months. No
- one town that constituted a home town. So I read a lot...novels, comics,
- you name it.
- Wasn't a nerd in high school; I just passed through their ranks
- unnoticed, like some kind of translucent Eisenglass figurine at the back
- of the room. I went back to the 20th reunion...to find that only one
- person sorta kinda remembered me. No one else.
- As for writing...I always knew that I'd be a writer, for as long as
- I can remember. Even as a kid I collected pens, had an interest in all
- things writing. The second that I was old enough to take typing classes,
- I did. Ended up taking 4 semesters of it, until by the time I left I was
- the fastest typist they'd ever produced, 'cause I knew full well I'd need
- that skill when I got going. In my senior year, having studied the style
- and structure of most of my favorite writers (I can do a lethal imitation
- of just about any writer's style), I decided, at 17, that I'd prepared
- enough...time to start Writing, and selling. And I did, right then.
- And I've never looked back.
- jms
- Date: 30 Oct 1995 22:55:17 -0500
- Subject: ATT JMS: Shorter episodes?
- I don't believe the length of the show has changed much more than a
- few seconds; if there are minutes missing, it's something happening at
- your end of the signal.
- jms
- Date: 31 Oct 1995 02:05:20 -0500
- Subject: JMS: A Opening Naration Quest
- If one simply makes up a costume for one's own use, I can't see any
- problem with that.
- jms