The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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  1. Date: 2 Oct 1995 02:20:19 -0400
  2. Subject: Re: B5 and ST: the men
  3. "...wearing the red silk dress, like we'd agreed...."
  4. Oh.
  5. YOU were supposed to be wearing the red silk dress.
  6. Then I definitely got the message confused. Most unfortunate, though
  7. several nice men *did* buy me drinks that night....
  8. jms
  9. Date: 3 Oct 1995 03:13:26 -0400
  10. Subject: attn: JMS after B5, Azimov?
  11. I think the rights to all Asimov's works are taken, alas.
  12. jms
  13. Date: 3 Oct 1995 03:13:29 -0400
  14. Subject: = ATTN. JMS: New Story Editor?
  15. No, there is no story editor currently on the show; nothing to do with
  16. ego, just not enough outside work to really merit it.
  17. jms
  18. Date: 3 Oct 1995 03:25:12 -0400
  19. Subject: Re: Space:Above&Beyond (Opinio
  20. Saw the second installment of "Space" the other day; very good, I
  21. thought. Vastly encouraging. Continued good luck to them.
  22. (One aspect of this general discussion...when the B5 area goes up on
  23. AOL, and then later on the web, it's designed to have sections dedicated
  24. to *other* SF shows as well, to encourage folks to check them out, on the
  25. theory that other shows in the genre are not a threat, but a bonus for
  26. everyone, healthy competition.)
  27. jms
  28. Date: 5 Oct 1995 03:43:50 -0400
  29. Subject: Delenn And Sherdian
  30. You're assuming, of course, that the Delenn/Sinclair relationship was
  31. based on romantic love...might be something just as deep, but very
  32. different....
  33. jms
  34. Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:56:29 -0400
  35. Subject: Attn JMS:'Fall FX Question (TF
  36. A wire harness was used; and the effect you ask about was a mix of
  37. CGI, live action, and rotoscope.
  38. jms
  39. Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:58:48 -0400
  40. Subject: KBHK (San Francisco Ch 44) B5
  41. There must be an error in your transcription, because "Matters of
  42. Honor," season 3's debut, should be on the list between "Fall" and
  43. "Convictions."
  44. jms
  45. Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:59:01 -0400
  46. Subject: JMS:Re: Space:Above&Beyond (Op
  47. I agree; SPACE has a great deal of potential. I watched the second
  48. episode, and enjoyed it.
  49. jms
  50. Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:59:16 -0400
  51. Subject: ATTN JMS: Question on script w
  52. You have to write toward the act breaks, so that each act ends on a
  53. strong point or hook to bring the audience back after the commercial.
  54. jms
  55. Date: 5 Oct 1995 17:59:38 -0400
  56. Subject: ATTN JMS: Cards Illustrated gi
  57. Great news about the review; let me know when it appears.
  58. jms
  59. Date: 6 Oct 1995 19:11:38 -0400
  60. Subject: Schedule in LA?
  61. The first of the final four airs next week in LA on Wednesday 9 p.m.
  62. jms
  63. Date: 6 Oct 1995 19:36:07 -0400
  64. Subject: Re: JMS on Compuserve: October
  65. Of course, bear in mind that there *is* no correct answer to
  66. Sebastian's question...because no matter what answer you give, the
  67. question will be repeated. It's a process, not a goal, designed to
  68. tear down the artifices we construct around ourselves until we're left
  69. facing ourselves, not our roles. At some point the "answer," such as it
  70. is, must transcend language.
  71. Since the episode aired, I've received many notes from philosophy
  72. teachers and religious instructors and those who ran the Synanon game
  73. noting that they've used that technique as well, or intend to do so from
  74. now on.
  75. jms
  76. Date: 6 Oct 1995 19:36:17 -0400
  77. Subject: ATTN JMS : today ?
  78. Jeez...I've already forgotten much of what I've done today, it goes
  79. so fast, but....
  80. Grabbed a few hours sleep (dropped at 3 a.m., a bit early for me
  81. most days), came in for a production meeting, which is when we bring in
  82. all the department heads and go over the script page by page one more time
  83. before getting ready to shoot. Went over specifics on extras, types of
  84. wardrobe we're going to need, monitor playback stuff, endless details.
  85. Proofread the first issue of the B5 collector's magazine for error
  86. and revisions (should be out shortly from Sendai). Made last minute
  87. revisions to script for "Messages From Earth" prior to shooting. Viewed
  88. dailies. Returned calls to Warners and others. Spoke with PR person about
  89. series launch, getting copies of the first two year 3 eps to reviewers in
  90. time for print deadlines. Finalized outline for my next script, title not
  91. yet set. Lunch. Went over contracts for B5 fan club that have finally
  92. come in, making revisions on a couple of points, hope to announce this
  93. formally soon.
  94. Jumped to script 10 and made some revisions I'd been thinking about
  95. last night. Walked on set and spoke to the director, made sure the scene
  96. was going right, also checked with Jason Carter on a few things. Took
  97. care of some fan mail. Finalized casting on "Messages." Booked director
  98. for the two-parter, Adam Nimoy, whose first ep for us is dynamite, and
  99. checked on casting for several episodes down the road, to make sure the
  100. actors would be available.
  101. Made final changes to new main title, and met with Christopher Franke
  102. to go over his first pass at the new music, made some suggestions, and
  103. he'll get a new version to me over the weekend. Received and reviewed
  104. director's cut of "Dust to Dust," in preparation for going in next week to
  105. edit the producer's cut. Went over new costume designs for some cast
  106. members with wardrobe, made final suggestions. Approved some new patches
  107. for use down the road, and additional artwork for parts of the station.
  108. Gave interview for article.
  109. Called several actors to go over various things with them; met with
  110. the director for "Messages" again to go over some possible new EFX; ditto
  111. later with another EFX person. Got first draft of #10 "Severed Dreams"
  112. out the door to WB/PTEN.
  113. Approved casting breakdown so it could go out to casting agencies for
  114. #9, "Point of No Return."
  115. That's it for so far today; it's now 4:00 straight up, and I've still
  116. got another 3 and a half hours to go (I generally leave the studio about
  117. 7:30 p.m., go home, grab a fast bite, and get to writing.) Oh, yeah, and
  118. took a moment to log on (big cluster of new messages finally, about 500 or
  119. so), and plow through some of them, including the one to which this is a
  120. response.
  121. jms
  122. Date: 6 Oct 1995 20:01:29 -0400
  123. Subject: ATTN JMS: your Foundation arti
  124. As I have not yet received my OWN copy of FOUNDATION that has my
  125. extensive B5 article in it (hello? Mr. Edward James, Editor and
  126. Publisher? are you out there?), I can't exactly help others finding the
  127. darned thing....
  128. jms
  129. Date: 6 Oct 1995 20:01:53 -0400
  130. Subject: How did Billy Mumy connect wit
  131. Bill Mumy came in to audition, same as everybody else. It was known
  132. then that it was a recurring role (contrary to his recollection of things),
  133. and when he walked in the door, I knew he was right.
  134. jms
  135. Date: 6 Oct 1995 20:14:10 -0400
  136. Subject: Re: Majel Barrett-Rodenberry
  137. Patrick: at Toronto Trek, Majel told an assembled crowd that she
  138. felt badly about the misunderstanding, and wanted to call and apologize;
  139. she went to either Berman or Pillar to get my number (can't recall now
  140. (3v`Wr$dwhich she said)...and told a very funny story of what happened then.
  141. jms
  142. Date: 6 Oct 1995 20:14:21 -0400
  143. Subject: ATTN JMS: "The Sky" as deliber
  144. Some references to the sky are just that and no more; other times
  145. it is a process of playing to archetypes and sensibilities. There are a
  146. number of recurring images and thematic elements in the series, which
  147. sometimes combine into new elements. This coming year we'll hit the
  148. topic of pride quite a bit, and loyalty, and what loyalty *means* when
  149. the house of cards begins to fall sense is that for all the
  150. stuff going on on the surface, there has to be an equal or larger amount
  151. of subtext, stuff going on sub rosa, like a shark gliding beneath the
  152. water. 'Cause that's where all the *really* interesting stuff happens.
  153. jms
  154. Date: 8 Oct 1995 04:47:46 -0400
  155. Subject: Re: JMS IS FULL OF SHIT!!! (Wa
  156. Since this has come up, I went back and checked the source, and did
  157. a verbatim quote of the article that appeared in a recent (this past week)
  158. edition of the Los Angeles Times. Because nobody should accept info minus
  159. attribution and provenance. The comments came from Kerry McCluggage, the
  160. head of the Paramount Television Group; other comments were from Berman.
  161. jms
  162. Date: 8 Oct 1995 04:59:40 -0400
  163. Subject: ATTN JMS - Season 4: we'd all
  164. All you can do is make your voices heard at the local level; station
  165. programmers are required by FCC rules to operate "in the public's interest,
  166. necessity and convenience." So they have to be responsive to letters and
  167. petitions. Beyond that, it's all beyond my control; only local voices will
  168. make a difference.
  169. jms
  170. Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:00:01 -0400
  171. Subject: JMS: 3rd Season Questions
  172. B5 does not get new 'furies in the premire; the Asimov will likely
  173. return, though not a big story point; the Aggy does have 'furies aboard,
  174. yes, and it's considerably more powerful than the Hyperion, though both are
  175. jump capable.
  176. jms
  177. Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:25:37 -0400
  178. Subject: Attn JMS: dubbing of Delenn in
  179. Nothing was changed per se; I trimmed the scene by a few lines here
  180. and there for time, something that happens a lot, so that's probably what
  181. you're noticing, a bridge between snippets.
  182. jms
  183. Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:25:40 -0400
  184. Subject: Two B5 movies coming?
  185. Formal reply: NO B5 movies are currently "in the pipeline," not one,
  186. let alone two. It's something Doug (my partner) has said he'd like to do
  187. someday, but then he'd also like to fly under his own power. There have
  188. been NO formal discussions on this at all.
  189. jms
  190. Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:37:38 -0400
  191. Subject: Re: JMS IS FULL OF SHIT!!! (Wa
  192. Dave Thomas: exactly...a rumor is exactly that, and sometimes it's
  193. a way of testing the waters. If DS9 fans want to make sure the show stays
  194. around, they need to support it. Right now, nothing's been decided, and
  195. I made that eminently clear in my original message about this. There's
  196. much still being discussed; even Berman in that LA Times article worried
  197. that they may have "gone to the well too often." I think they're going to
  198. wait until the 30th anniversary hoopla is over before making a final
  199. determination.
  200. Meanwhile, thanks for confirming what I said, that this stuff is out
  201. and in the streets around town, as well as being indicated in industry
  202. related articles.
  203. jms
  204. Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:37:42 -0400
  205. Subject: ATTN: JMS Another scripting q
  206. Act Breaks: FADE OUT, [End Act One] - new page - [Act Two] FADE IN:
  207. B5 as teaser, acts 1-4, tag.
  208. Establishers aren't numbered in a treatment, or called out.
  209. Credits aren't listed in a script; and don't worry too much about
  210. the margins being *exactly* right; they vary considerably.
  211. jms
  212. Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:37:45 -0400
  213. Subject: ATTN JMS! Question from a tre
  214. Majel will appear in year 3 episode 9, "Point of No
  215. Return."
  216. jms
  217. Date: 8 Oct 1995 05:37:50 -0400
  218. Subject: Re: JMS on Compuserve: October
  219. BTW, to Jeannette, Laura, JM Egolf, Sarah, all the others, thanks
  220. for openly discussing what are surely difficult issues; it's been very
  221. instructive, and helpful for the future. And the discussion itself has
  222. been moving and insightful; thanks for risking and giving in this way.
  223. jms
  224. Date: 10 Oct 1995 22:01:47 -0400
  225. Subject: Re: WHY DID JMS POST THE RUMOR
  226. Why did I post it? Real simple. I was in the midst of an ongoing
  227. discussion on the STAR TREK forum on Compuserve. I wasn't in the B5
  228. area. The topic at hand was Voyager, and people wondering about it and
  229. its relation to DS9, the latter not generally getting the respect that
  230. they feel it deserves. Having just heard the story around town that the
  231. friendly folks at Paramount are worried about DS9 pulling viewers away
  232. from Voyager/UPN for a second time in just a few days (from a high ranking
  233. person with Star Trek), a concern that others have confirmed here has been
  234. floating around for a while now, that they too have heard...and having
  235. just had a number of articles coming out in the mainstream press asking
  236. very similar questions about whether or not there's too much ST around
  237. (including the LA Times and TV Guide), it was timely, it was of potential
  238. interest to ST fans, it was in the ST area, so I mentioned it...the same
  239. as I'd mention any other piece of news. No more, no less.
  240. There can be no agenda because there's nothing to achieve that would
  241. be to the detriment of ST or the elevation of B5. The implicit
  242. assumption is that if ST folks want DS9 to continue, they should make that
  243. eminently clear via continued support. That is the only possible result
  244. of that information. Yes, indeedy, one can clearly see how that benefits
  245. B5, can't we?
  246. The other day, in a similar ST topic, I mentioned that I *very much*
  247. liked the episode of VOYAGER that aired on Monday. Heaven only knows
  248. what dire conspiracies that comment will imply to some with no fucking
  249. life (viz: Mr. Thaxton). I mentioned it on CIS for *exactly* the same
  250. reason that I mentioned the bit on DS9...because I figured it might be
  251. of interest to the readers, and because that's what was on my mind at
  252. that time.
  253. As opposed to the estimable Mr. Thaxton, who has been spreading all
  254. kinds of vicious rumors here which ARE destructive, which are and have
  255. been hurtful, and which are without support. It seems to me more than
  256. a little hypocritical that someone who does nothing but spread lies,
  257. gossip, rumor, character assassination and innuendo would go into
  258. meltdown over a rather reliable story that has been picked up by major
  259. newspapers, and confirme by others here.
  260. And then, when these facts come out, he falls back on the only tool
  261. he has left: to villify, impugn or otherwise call into question the
  262. motives for doing so. Never mind that it's actually a Real Thing, why
  263. did you SAY it? For the reasons given. If that's not enough for some
  264. pinheads among us, tough.
  265. And haven't we all gotten tired of the game by now? Ford or one of
  266. his few netbuddies posts something outrageous, eliciting responses taht
  267. are justifiably angry, and then proceeds to make fun of the replies because
  268. their anger is perfectly in tune with the offense.
  269. This is the classic bully's tactic...hit you and hit you and hit you
  270. until he gets the reaction he wants, and then he makes fun of your
  271. reaction, hoping to get another one.
  272. How much longer does this have to go on before people catch wise to
  273. his game? How much longer can one justify falling for the old "pull my
  274. finger" gag?
  275. If you're doing this on my behalf...don't. Just *ignore* the man; I
  276. get FAR more upset when I see others being attacked for the simple crime
  277. of defending me against baseless attacks than I ever would get over the
  278. original attack, in large measure because I simply Do Not Read his posts
  279. anymore. He is irrelevant to my life, to the life of anyone involved
  280. with the show, and to the show itself, and to all of you.
  281. We all know that no matter what is said or done, somehow he or one
  282. of his three or so ilk (and that's ALL THEY ARE), will attempt to twist
  283. it around to make it sound somehow dubious. That's because they are
  284. sick, lifeless, twisted individuals who have nothing else to do. So if
  285. we know this is always going to happen...why even bother reacting to it?
  286. I have 543 messages sitting in my mailbox right now; the majority of
  287. them are the "SHIT" thread in one of its various incarnations. Is this
  288. really the best use for this rec.arts area?
  289. If you have killfiles...use them. Don't you understand that by
  290. responding in any way, manner shape or form, you are giving him *exactly*
  291. what he wants...and *encouraging* him to do more of it? You are creating
  292. the problem by giving him validation...validation that only comes in the
  293. form of the echo caused by his voice. Stop being the echo.
  294. I don't read his posts anymore; if I see it come up on the header,
  295. I just delete it. The only way I know something's going on is when I
  296. see a big thread, and sometimes run across an imbedded quote. And
  297. y'know, I'm much happier about it.
  298. You must understand that this is simply what he does. One of the
  299. benefits of being one of his many targets is that you tend to hear from
  300. others...people at record industry magazines, radio stations, other
  301. composers and producers who have been targeted by Ford, harrassed and
  302. stalked on the nets. HE STAYS UNTIL PEOPLE UNIFORMLY IGNORE HIM. The
  303. more you ignore him initially, the more outrageous, defamatory, libelous,
  304. smarmy and ultimately desperate his comments will become. But eventually
  305. if he is frozen out, he will go away in search of new prey.
  306. This is how he gets off, people. Pure and simple. Some of the horror
  307. stories I've heard from others similarly targeted would curl your hair.
  308. And along the way, I've learned a lot about Mr. Thaxton, more than I
  309. really wanted to know. More, I suspect, than he would be happy to know
  310. that I know.
  311. We have new episodes beginning this week. Ignore the jerk. I ask
  312. this as a personal favor; I get more upset by seeing this drag on, and
  313. seeing others get hurt and insulted, than by *anything* Ford can ever say
  314. to me.
  315. Because anything he has to say is a fiction, or simply irrelevant.
  316. So stop this. Please. As a personal favor.
  317. jms
  318. Date: 11 Oct 1995 05:30:21 -0400
  319. Subject: ATT: JMS -- WAS JMS on Cmpsrv:
  320. "What's the difference between 'having a Minbari soul' and 'having
  321. been a Minbari in a previous life'?"
  322. The difference, Jamie, is *huge*. And extremely significant.
  323. Here, I'll give you a freebie...there's something massively,
  324. mind-bendingly significant in a throwaway line in one of the first three
  325. episodes of year three that seems to have little bearing on this, but in
  326. fact is hugely involved in this *exact* issue.
  327. You'll know what it was much later in the season. But this heads-up
  328. might point you in the right direction. Suffice to say there's a very
  329. definite reason I phrased that as I did.
  330. jms
  331. Date: 11 Oct 1995 05:42:45 -0400
  332. Subject: > ATTN. JMS: Ratings and Reru
  333. Franklin: I'm sure they still think it was a good idea.
  334. If you need me, I'll be on the roof....
  335. jms
  336. Date: 11 Oct 1995 05:55:13 -0400
  337. Subject: ATTN: JMS You Got Competition
  338. I'm quite happy to have competition. The more the merrier. As an SF
  339. fan myself, I love nothing more than seeing good SF on the air, and I have
  340. to say I *very* much enjoyed the last Voyager episode, I'm quite happy
  341. with X-Files, I'm in love with a lot of the dialogue and camerawork on
  342. American Gothic, I've enjoyed all the Space episodes to date...the more
  343. voices, the more competition, the leaner and better the overall result.
  344. jms
  345. Date: 12 Oct 1995 03:59:34 -0400
  346. Subject: ATTN JMS: (Spoilers) Divided L
  347. No, the Ivanova revelation in "Loyalties" has nothing to do with
  348. replacing Talia; that is a moot point in many ways, since Lyta is back,
  349. and since other things happen which take that issue off the table in
  350. any event.
  351. jms
  352. Date: 12 Oct 1995 03:59:44 -0400
  353. Subject: ATTN JMS: Inquisitor Question
  354. I'd say there's a very good chance that the Vorlons have more than
  355. one Inquisitor.
  356. jms
  357. Date: 12 Oct 1995 04:11:38 -0400
  358. Subject: Ellison CITY Note
  359. Harlan Ellison has requested that I post this in places where
  360. those likely to have ordered the forthcoming CITY ON THE EDGE
  361. OF FOREVER limited-edition hardcover can find it.
  362. Message begins:
  363. Here is the answer to the question of why a three-week delay in
  364. shipping THE CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER became necessary.
  365. A minor production glitch.
  366. Nothing more mysterious or ominous than that.
  367. Once the book had gone to Thomson-Shore in Dexter, Michigan for
  368. printing, and was in production, it was discovered that more
  369. than 150 corrections to the text--some significant, others of a
  370. niggling nature--but all troublesome to a greater or lesser
  371. degree--had slipped past, and had not been integrated.
  372. Tom Monteleone of Borderlands Press was out of the country. But
  373. his concerns for shipping on time--we've been paying the price
  374. for a premature announcement of this title four years ago ever
  375. since that miscalculation was made--were preeminent. Nonetheless,
  376. because of my insistence that this book (a book of great personal
  377. importance to me) be as close to perfect as possible, I took
  378. the necessary action to hold the production at a pre-final stage
  379. till Tom returned and we could get the changes made.
  380. That has been accomplished. Tom Monteleone has been very
  381. gracious in accommodating my concerns, and the book is back in
  382. the tube at Thomson-Shore right now. Three weeks max is what
  383. Dave Raymond, Customer Services Manager, tells us. Three weeks
  384. and the book, a beautiful beautiful package, will be in the
  385. hands of those who've ordered it.
  386. It is unfortunate that Tom Monteleone's interim message on the
  387. Borderlands Press 800-order line has been misinterpreted by
  388. some people. All is well, and the CITY is on its way to waiting
  389. eyes and hands. Thank you for asking.
  390. Harlan Ellison
  391. Date: 12 Oct 1995 04:24:28 -0400
  392. Subject: Attn: JMS Bab5 Soundtrack Seas
  393. Actually, there is some year two music on the CD, on the last two
  394. suites. No schedule yet on disks.
  395. jms
  396. Date: 13 Oct 1995 01:45:53 -0400
  397. Subject: Attn: JMS -- why were specific
  398. They tended to go from what photos and art was available from WB, and
  399. in large measure...that ain't a lot.
  400. jms
  401. Date: 13 Oct 1995 06:06:32 -0400
  402. Subject: The Great War of rastb5
  403. "Somebody please tell me what the hellis going on?"
  404. Easy. Somebody accidentally let humanity in here.
  405. Noisy lot, aren't they?
  406. jms
  407. Date: 13 Oct 1995 06:18:58 -0400
  408. Subject: ATTN JMS: B5 Comic #11 -- Mark
  409. There's nothing that I'm aware of in comic #11 that would place it
  410. after "Confessions." It's a general pamphlet prepared by Psi Corps some
  411. time before.
  412. jms
  413. Date: 13 Oct 1995 06:33:41 -0400
  414. Subject: Re: JMS' powers of prediction
  415. Actually, the plan to run TNG originally for just 5 years was
  416. specifically *stated by Paramount* to the news media, nothing to do with
  417. predicting anything. Also, at that time, I knew a lot of folks who were
  418. working over at TNG as writer/producers, and that was what they had all
  419. been told was the case. When the show finally began to kick into gear,
  420. ratings-wise, they decided to extend it to seven years, and it took quite
  421. a bit of finageling to get everyone back on board (that was why they did
  422. the Borg two-parter with Patrick Stewart...if he had decided not to sign,
  423. they would've used this as a means of getting rid of the character); you
  424. don't have to do this IF YOU HAVE OPTIONS ON THE ACTORS.
  425. There was no predicting involved. I reported what was being said by
  426. those directly involved with ST:TNG at the time, what was in the press,
  427. and what was being told to agents. Nothing more, nothing less. Five
  428. years WAS the original plan; check the first newspaper articles about the
  429. show, it's all over the place.
  430. jms
  431. Date: 13 Oct 1995 06:33:56 -0400
  432. Subject: Re: WHY DID JMS POST THE RUMOR
  433. I disagree with the term ego in this connection. (Big surprise,
  434. right?) On one level, anyone who is involved in any aspect of the arts
  435. has exercised ego in the sense of, "I am going to make little black marks
  436. on this piece of paper," or "I am going to make colored brushstrokes on
  437. this canvas, and they will be sufficiently impressive that you will want
  438. to pay money for them." That aspect is part and parcel of working in any
  439. form of the arts.
  440. But B5 specifically? I don't think so. First off, there's a great
  441. deal of misunderstanding in this discussion about how television works.
  442. In a TV series, the story editor *NEVER, EVER* rewrites the executive
  443. producer. It would be a hideous breach of protocol. On MURDER, SHE WROTE
  444. or JAKE, or other shows, I *never* touched my exec's scripts. The network
  445. puts an executive producer/writer on premises for one singular reason
  446. (not counting the one billion others): to set the tone for the writing for
  447. everyone else to follow. They rely on YOU to absolutely govern that
  448. aspect, or you're not doing your job, and betraying your commitment to the
  449. network.
  450. So when someone says "It's ego not to let the story editor revise the
  451. executive producer's scripts," that betrays a total lack of understanding
  452. of how television production works.
  453. Finally, working 5 years to get B5 produced had nothing to do with
  454. ego and everything to do with obsession. There's this story that I like,
  455. which I hope others will like. The ONLY way that this story will ever be
  456. told is if one person fights for it tooth and nail for every day of every
  457. year required to tell it. I have an obligation to this story to see it
  458. through. Getting doors slammed in your face for five years takes its toll
  459. on the ego; ego says, "Screw it, go find a nice cushy job on another show
  460. where nobody'll slam the door on you." Obsession says, "Keep going."
  461. Ego hates to fail. Obession *requires* that you fail from time to time,
  462. in striving for something greater.
  463. jms
  464. Date: 13 Oct 1995 07:25:13 -0400
  465. Subject: ATTN JMS: Production Question
  466. Flashback scenes are usually part of a prior scene, and thus are
  467. shot in color, shown the first time, and transferred to black and white
  468. for flashback use.
  469. jms
  470. Date: 13 Oct 1995 08:20:45 -0400
  471. Subject: Re: jms is anti-Trek?
  472. "JMS loves the fact that you worship him...."
  473. Yessir, boy-howdy, and there ain't nothin' like signing onto your
  474. account and seeing ten gazillion messages titled JMS IS SOMETIMES / ALWAYS
  475. / GENERALLY / 99.9% FULL OF SHIT to make you feel like the living
  476. reincarnation of Thor hisownself.
  477. "you ain't never gonna be on the show" ... actually quite a few folks
  478. on the nets have come by the Babylon 5 stages, have been paid to edit music
  479. videos, have even come to *work* for us...PwdrdTstMan from AOL now works at
  480. the B5 stages, another internetter known to most folks here is now working
  481. at WB on the B5 AOL page, others have come here as well, even as extras a
  482. few times.
  483. "and you ain't havin' dinner at Master JMS' estate." As soon as
  484. Master JMS *gets* an estate instead of a fairly simple 3 bedroom house in
  485. a reasonably nice neighborhood, I'll let you know if this happens or not.
  486. In the interim, I've had dinner and lunches with folks from the nets for
  487. quite some time now.
  488. "thrill of a lifetime feeling that they are actually interacting with
  489. their 'god'" See paragraph 2 above. Amazing how if anyone does anything
  490. of merit, and some folks acknowledge that, others have to characterize
  491. that in Deity terms. Is there no in-between? Oh, silly me, it's just a
  492. rhetorical device to deride the issue at hand; sorry, for a moment there I
  493. thought you were interested in accuracy, Ross. My apologies.
  494. And frankly, if I were ANY kind of deity, I'd have a LOT more hair and
  495. a *MUCH* deeper voice.
  496. jms
  497. Date: 13 Oct 1995 20:25:13 -0400
  498. Subject: ATTN: JMS Your opinion on comi
  499. I wasn't terribly pleased with the artwork on 9 and 10, I thought it
  500. could've been much better. As for the story, David Gerrold had proposed
  501. (and written) that as an outline for an episode; I said I didn't think it
  502. worked for our show. Which opened the door for DC to pick it up, and since
  503. he felt so strongly that it *did* work, I figured I'd let him proceed.
  504. jms
  505. Date: 13 Oct 1995 20:37:22 -0400
  506. Subject: ATTN JMS- Peter David.
  507. I'm certainly open to his doing more for us.
  508. jms
  509. Date: 13 Oct 1995 20:37:35 -0400
  510. Subject: Re: jms is anti-Trek?
  511. To John Lawrence Morgan: no, I don't get to watch ST very often;
  512. that's because doing this job is a 25-hour-a-day responsibility. I'm at
  513. the B5 offices from early in the day until 7:30-8:00 at night, I grab a
  514. fast meal, sometimes just a sandwich, and charge into my home office and
  515. start writing. I try to break away for a very few shows; American Gothic,
  516. Space, the Simpsons, X-Files and 60 Minutes during the course of the week.
  517. I have no time for anything else. That's why I log on here often at 3 a.m.
  518. because that's the only time I have left after work. (Today's an
  519. exception; I get to work at home today since we've given the crew a couple
  520. days off to catch their breath.)
  521. And yeah...given the choice between spending those last couple of
  522. hours vegged out watching TeeVee, and coming on-line and hanging out with
  523. people, almost my last vestige of human (sorta) contact...I choose the
  524. latter. What in this do you have a problem?
  525. jms
  526. Date: 17 Oct 1995 04:15:18 -0400
  527. Subject: JMS: You did it to me again!
  528. Ben....we try.....
  529. jms
  530. Date: 17 Oct 1995 04:27:54 -0400
  531. Subject: ATTN JMS: Lyta's P Rating (Dis
  532. Didn't say Talia WAS a psi-cop, Talia said she *interned with* the
  533. PsiCops. Bear in mind that you're going to need support staff, lower
  534. level liaisons, and a bunch of other positions as well as the actual cops.
  535. jms
  536. Date: 18 Oct 1995 06:17:43 -0400
  537. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: B5 Comic #11 --
  538. Tritium: you actually believe *anything* in a PsiCorps propaganda
  539. booklet? Only about 10% of what's recorded in that booklet is true, and
  540. even that's distorted. The character in the booklet is totally fictional.
  541. jms
  542. Date: 18 Oct 1995 06:18:05 -0400
  543. Subject: Re: JMS on Compuserve: October
  544. Jamie: I don't consider myself an "abuse survivor." I think that
  545. term has been so over-used, exploited and trivialized in some corners by
  546. application to the smallest of problems ("My father once hit me when I
  547. was 12 so now I'm an axe murderer/going through regression therapy in
  548. search of one more time when it might've happened") that it takes away
  549. from people who've had terrible, mind-bendingly awful backgrounds with
  550. serious personal violence, sexual violation, psychological torture and
  551. other aberrations. I'll probably get roasted for this, but it does seem
  552. to me that talking about one's "abusive childhood" has become the newest
  553. trend, and one more way of denying personal responsibility for who one is
  554. and what one does...and, ultimately, detracts from the attention and
  555. needs and real problems of those who *have* suffered terribly.
  556. Yeah, I had a crummy childhood, followed by a crummy adolescence;
  557. vast sections of it were a nightmare. what? I never
  558. considered that anyone's had a Leave It To Beaver childhood. Some were
  559. better, some were worse. Doesn't mean I still don't get pissed about it,
  560. doesn't make me any more willing to have contact with my family, but I
  561. have never considered myself in the light of those two words. That, to
  562. me, is one more manifestation of the victim mentality that seems to be
  563. all OVER the place.
  564. People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much
  565. energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and
  566. not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past,
  567. and getting on with their lives.
  568. And, again, I *very carefully and specifically* exclude from this
  569. discussion, and the preceding paragraph, those who've gone through true,
  570. serious abuse in childhood, who must spend years rebuilding their lives
  571. and their trust and their emotional infrastructure.
  572. jms
  573. Date: 19 Oct 1995 07:02:42 -0400
  574. Subject: TLTS: Opinion (no spoilers)
  575. Dennis: thanks, we're starting to get better at this stuff. It's a
  576. nifty episode.
  577. jms
  578. Date: 19 Oct 1995 07:09:00 -0400
  579. Subject: To JMS: Congratulations!! <DL
  580. Christian: I quote Mark Twain: "The test of any good fiction is that
  581. you should care something for the characters; the good to succeed, the
  582. bad to fail. The trouble with most fiction is that you want them all to
  583. land in hell, together, as quickly as possible."
  584. jms
  585. Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:34:11 -0400
  586. Subject: ATTN JMS : Important KOSH ques
  587. The more people who have to *see* Kosh as one of their own, the
  588. greater the strain on Kosh, as you'll note in the first ep of year three.
  589. jms
  590. Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:36:14 -0400
  591. Subject: JMS: dumb DL question (really
  592. What was the passwor? I'm hideously tempted to say, "Z'ha'dum."
  593. jms
  594. Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:36:48 -0400
  595. Subject: ATTN JMS: Murder1 & B5
  596. I for one would love nothing more than to claim that B5 "paved the
  597. way...for Murder One," but truth is...the network folks probably haven't
  598. even noticed. From all I hear, Murder 1 has more to do with the long
  599. term fascination with the OJ trial than anything B5.
  600. jms
  601. Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:37:50 -0400
  602. Subject: ATTN JMS: Going to Loscon?
  603. I'll be at LosCon over Thanksgiving because, well, I have no life;
  604. if anyone else attends depends on their schedules.
  605. jms
  606. Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:38:11 -0400
  607. Subject: ATTN JMS:Metaphysical question
  608. Nia: I'd say you're reading WAY too much into this.
  609. jms
  610. Date: 19 Oct 1995 19:38:39 -0400
  611. Subject: ATTN JMS: Back door into plot?
  612. Yeah, originally it was the Kosh-scan that would've gotten Lyta in
  613. trouble; the TK aspect was originally going to come in from another angle,
  614. but I was able to collapse the two in Talia, and then bring Lyta in from
  615. a different direction, as you'll see in one of the first batch of new
  616. year 3 eps.
  617. jms
  618. Date: 21 Oct 1995 06:10:48 -0400
  619. Subject: ATTN JMS: Explain editing proc
  620. Film is shot on the stage, then transferred to video, which is then
  621. digitized onto the Avid computer editing system, which holds every take of
  622. every scene. A scene is shot many times from various angles: wide master
  623. shot, three-shots (3 people), two-shots, singles, raking twos, close
  624. ups, medium shots, extreme closeups and sometimes downshots (as well as
  625. CGI and composite shots).
  626. John Copeland and I then go in and work on the version of the episode
  627. edited by the director to do the producer's cut. We sit down with the
  628. editor, and go scene by scene. The usual construction is as follows: you
  629. get a wide master shot so we know the geography, where we are, and where
  630. everyone is in relation to that. Gradually you go closer, into threes or
  631. twos, then singles or closeups for dramatic emphasis, coming out into the
  632. master from time to time when someone has to move, or to break the sense
  633. of claustrophobia.
  634. When you get in close, you have over-the-shoulder shots, meaning
  635. you're shooting past one character's shoulder to the other. Then you do
  636. the same thing in reverse, so you see both sides of the conversation.
  637. You do these one at a time, for lighting purposes; you light one side of
  638. the room for the scenes looking left-right, then move the camera and the
  639. lighting around for the scenes when you're on the right side looking
  640. left (or, phrased differently, you light for Susan looking at Talia,
  641. then Talia looking at Susan). The actors then do the scene again, with
  642. the camera on the other side.
  643. The actor has to be very careful to always repeat each movement
  644. exactly; if he picks up a teacup on the word "quibble," he has to make
  645. absolutely sure he picks up the cup on exactly that same word, every
  646. time, in every take, in the same way, in the correct hand. If the
  647. actor slips (and this sometimes happens), when you go to show the other
  648. side of the scene, you suddenly find you have a matching problem; in
  649. the shot over Talia's shoulder to Susan, the actor raised a hand; in
  650. the shot over Susan's shoulder to Talia, the actor (generic term that
  651. includes women) *didn't* raise a hand. So when you edit the two, you
  652. have a matching problem. You can sometimes avoid this by just staying
  653. on one side of the shot, but then you can't get the other character's
  654. on-face reaction to what's being said. And in that scene in particular,
  655. we *needed* to see both sides.
  656. jms
  657. Date: 21 Oct 1995 06:10:55 -0400
  658. Subject: Query: Will the Shadows attac
  659. Babylon 5 is still needed for their own purposes, as an easy way to
  660. keep an eye on things and get to the people they need to get to, so
  661. there's no need for them to attack B5. They certainly wouldn't do so
  662. just because Morden was busted...that's beneath their concern, as long
  663. as he keeps his mouth shut. Which he did. Doesn't mean, though, that
  664. in fairly short order they won't take steps to be as sure as they can be
  665. that, in fact, the secret *is* still secure....
  666. jms
  667. Date: 21 Oct 1995 09:31:04 -0400
  668. Subject: ATTN JMS: You got some bad, BA
  669. Two things transcend all human understanding: the concept of god,
  670. and PTEN publicity.
  671. jms
  672. Date: 21 Oct 1995 19:34:27 -0400
  673. Subject: Attn JMS: Question (& mild SPO
  674. In part it's John's take on the character, but what I indicated to him
  675. was that Draal's gone through some considerable changes by entering the
  676. heart of the machine; it's given him greater understanding, and the freeing
  677. aspects of greater humor. It's almost like -- and I hate to even use the
  678. reference because somebody'll say "Oh, that's what he's doing," and I ain't
  679. it's just a point of comparison -- Tom Bombadil in LoTR...quite funny, but
  680. also someone not to be trifled with.
  681. jms
  682. Date: 21 Oct 1995 19:34:29 -0400
  683. Subject: ATTN: JMS - A few questions...
  684. Land armies, deliberating Shadows, probably not, for various reasons;
  685. gloss off CGI, 3D starmaps, new tech and better rendering, yes.
  686. jms
  687. Date: 21 Oct 1995 19:57:37 -0400
  688. Subject: ATTN JMS: Internauts coming fo
  689. There's not much sense to it; it just happens with some folks.
  690. jms
  691. Date: 21 Oct 1995 20:09:14 -0400
  692. Subject: Attn JMS: Scripted Facial Nuan
  693. Generally, you don't so much indicate the face (with some exceptions)
  694. as the parentheticals in dialogue (growing horror) (with
  695. meaning) (sotto voce) and in narrative description (his face fall as he
  696. sees Morden enter).
  697. jms
  698. Date: 21 Oct 1995 20:09:17 -0400
  699. Subject: Attn JMS: Rehearsals and Takes
  700. The number of scenes varies depending on the amount of action
  701. required. On balance, the average TV script has about 60-75 scenes or
  702. shots in it. From time to time, in B5, we've gone as high as 130 shots
  703. in episodes like "Twilight" or "Fall." I think we just blew out our
  704. record here with "Severed Dreams," which has close to 140.
  705. Number of scenes shot on any day depends on how long the scene; you
  706. can do 4 really long shots or 8 fairly short scenes. The amount of
  707. rehearsal varies depending on the scene, how many extras or what kind of
  708. action/stunts are required. The more action, the more you rehearse, to
  709. ensure nobody gets hurt.
  710. jms
  711. Date: 21 Oct 1995 20:20:54 -0400
  712. Subject: ATTN JMS: Episodes 19 &20
  713. No, Divided precedes Twilight.
  714. jms
  715. Date: 21 Oct 1995 20:32:29 -0400
  716. Subject: Attn:jms authorship of B5?
  717. For starters, I have problem with the auteur term. What most folks
  718. forget is that this term originated with the Cahiers du Cinema (I think I
  719. may have hideously misspelled that) which actually began a series of
  720. screenings/presentations on each aspect of film-making, the writer, the
  721. director, the cinematographer...started with the director...and basically
  722. got so caught up in that aspect that they dropped the rest.
  723. So let's stick with "author" for the moment. To that question, yes,
  724. I do consider myself the author of the B5 story, the creator of itsz
  725. characters and universe. Insofar as we enter other areas, my position is
  726. that of navigator...I point to a spot on the horizon, and say "That's
  727. where we're all going." Each department/artistic aspect of the show,
  728. from props, to costumes, to the director, works to most accurately create
  729. what I see in my head. The most common question is, "Is this what you had
  730. in mind when you wrote it?"
  731. I keep an eye on every aspect of the show, to make sure it's what I
  732. see in my head. If something isn't right, it's redone until it *is*
  733. right. Nonetheless, I try to provide as much latitude as possible to my
  734. people, to let them be as creative as they have the potential to be.
  735. Sometimes there's some irony in the situation; in "And the Sky Full
  736. of Stars," for instance, Janet is noted for the notion of having Sinclair
  737. standing facing these lights that go out, one by one, except for the one
  738. that spotlights him, when he's confronted by Knight Two, people say, "Oh
  739. what a great directorial idea," but that's spelled out to the smallest
  740. detail in the script. Ditto for the intercutting of scenes in the fall
  741. of the emperor in "Coming." That's often attributed to the director, but
  742. it was specifically scripted that way, right down to the use of slow-mo
  743. for some shots, the way in which he falls, all of it.
  744. This is because of that nutty auteur theory that many directors have
  745. wrapped around themselves like a flag. With the obvious exception of
  746. writer/directors, I've never seen any director do much with the auteur
  747. theory and 100 blank pages.
  748. jms
  749. Date: 23 Oct 1995 21:56:55 -0400
  750. Subject: JMS: Talia and Ivanova *spoile
  751. I didn't show a kiss because, in my experience, it's easier on all
  752. around if one steps into the shallow end of the pool first, and walks
  753. into the deep end rather than diving in and splashing everybody in the
  754. process.
  755. jms
  756. Date: 25 Oct 1995 03:39:32 -0400
  757. Subject: ATTN JMS: RAVES and KUDOS for
  758. Cecil: my deepest thanks for that.
  759. jms
  760. Date: 27 Oct 1995 00:58:49 -0400
  761. Subject: Re: DS9's life or death
  762. To the inquiry about TV contracts...when an actor gets a contract on
  763. a show, it's not a guarantee of anything; it's all one season at a time.
  764. ALL TV series are like this: you (the producer/studio) have an OPTION on
  765. the actor, by contract. Meaning you own the actor for that period of time
  766. AT YOUR DISCRETION. In other words, if you're renewed for a given season,
  767. you have the option of hiring (or not hiring) the actor back for the
  768. next season. The actor does *not* have the option. If you then hire the
  769. actor, it's pay-or-play for that season, meaning if you decide to let the
  770. actor go mid-season, you must still pay him for the balance of episodes
  771. committed for.
  772. So an actor's contract is not a guarantee of *anything*.
  773. As for the budget on the two-parter...DS9's ratings have been on a
  774. steady decline for the last several seasons, according to the trades and
  775. newspaper articles. Paramount sells advertising based on the ratings; if
  776. they drop below the promised level, they have to start giving money back
  777. to the advertisers (not a good thing). So regardless of a series
  778. projected duration, they *must* start improving the ratings...hence you
  779. spend a little more up front, grab some ratings, give the show a boost,
  780. and maybe make it up here and there later in other shows, or simply write
  781. off the additional shooting costs against the benefit of not giving money
  782. back to advertisers.
  783. No judgment here, no predictions, just answering the questions that
  784. came up about how things work in TV.
  785. jms
  786. Date: 27 Oct 1995 00:59:17 -0400
  787. Subject: Kosh's appearance (Spoilers_)
  788. This is not a bad assessment, Nicholas. And yes, I remember that
  789. quote from CS Lewis, very evocative. (Have read the Screwtape Letters,
  790. Perelandra, That Hideous Strength and others. He sometimes indulged in
  791. straw-man logic, but always written entertainingly.)
  792. jms
  793. Date: 27 Oct 1995 19:57:32 -0400
  794. Subject: ATTN JMS: A couple of question
  795. Actually, what's been referred to is the Jump Gate off Io; we saw
  796. this colony facility before, in isn't *on* Io as much as
  797. in orbit near it.
  798. jms
  799. Date: 27 Oct 1995 19:59:15 -0400
  800. Subject: ATTN JMS: What did the actors
  801. I try avoiding telling the actors anything more than what is needed
  802. for each episode as it comes, otherwise you risk them subconsciously
  803. playing the result rather than the process.
  804. jms
  805. Date: 27 Oct 1995 19:59:52 -0400
  806. Subject: Attn Jms: More PKD in B5, wha
  807. Nope, sorry. "Garibaldi" comes from the Italian war hero of the
  808. same name. Have never read Dick's "Exegenis," and that has nothing to
  809. do with "Exogenesis" the episode. Don't know anything about any row
  810. between PKD and HE.
  811. I'm chagrined to say that I've read *very* little of Dick's work,
  812. though I did read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep," which of course
  813. became Blade Runner. He just got a wee bit weird, even for me.
  814. jms
  815. Date: 27 Oct 1995 20:00:27 -0400
  816. Subject: ATTN JMS: Influences?
  817. Have not read Rice's "The Adding Machine" or seen it, but from the
  818. apparent time period, it's likely of the school of playwriting that has
  819. most influenced my work in general, mainly in terms of style.
  820. I somewhat tend to moderate my writing style between the fairly
  821. straightforward and simple to slightly more theatrical in nature, more of
  822. the Serling/Chayefsky/Corwin mode. I like playing with language, and
  823. English is a terrific language to play with. There was a time in this
  824. country when literate syntactical construction was something honored; now
  825. everything tends to be more toward the y'know, I was, you know, hanging
  826. around the corner store, y'know, and Bob comes up to me, and he says....
  827. If you look at the original Twilight Zone, some episodes of the
  828. original Star Trek, the Outer see a kind of reflective
  829. writing that delights in slamming nouns and verbs together to see what
  830. kind of explosion you get when the syntax hits critical mass.
  831. It saddens me a bit now that anybody who sounds too literate is
  832. often put down as showy or being theatrical. Listen to the speeches of
  833. Kennedy and Churchill and FDR, look to the great orators of our long
  834. history of a nation, from Lincoln to Jefferson. Their use of language,
  835. of an idea well formed and delivered, propelled this nation toward its
  836. current destiny, forged one country out of dozens of squabbling states.
  837. I listen now to politicians, hoping and waiting for the one who
  838. understands that the words have to dig into our souls and take root,
  839. must have power and the purity of language well-used. And I just don't
  840. hear it anymore...which is perhaps why we have consensus takers and not
  841. leaders these days.
  842. It saddens me that literacy has become suspect, and degraded, given
  843. how many millions of years of evolution spent developing the ability to
  844. create language. The quality of our thoughts is bordered on all sides by
  845. our facility with language. The less precise the useage, the less clear
  846. the process of language, the less you can achieve what you want to
  847. achieve when you open you mouth to say something. We have slowly
  848. bastardized and degraded and weakened the language, abetted and abided
  849. by a growing cultural disdain for literacy, a cyclical trend toward
  850. anti-intellectualism.
  851. So I write my characters as sharp, and as witty, and as intelligent,
  852. and as literate as I wish I would be under those sorts of circumstances,
  853. which of course I never am. Maybe to remind people of the power of
  854. language...mainly because I just love the sound of words carefully
  855. stitched together. My dramatic conceit is that in 2259, we have had a
  856. moderate rebirth of formality, and the kind of literacy you would often
  857. see in letters from the turn of the century, and the 1930s. Because it
  858. allows me to write it the way I want.
  859. jms
  860. Date: 28 Oct 1995 04:42:12 -0400
  861. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Explain editing
  862. Sometimes we do use two cameras, yes, usually for big scenes with
  863. crowds and lots of action. If you're in tight, it's hard to light for
  864. both sides; the light generally goes just one way, then you relight for
  865. each new angle. Even so, we run two cameras often, but not always, as
  866. the cost is prohibitive.
  867. jms
  868. Date: 28 Oct 1995 04:42:37 -0400
  869. Subject: Attn JMS: Q's not asked from
  870. What's been happening the last few days? Well, we're now shooting
  871. episode #9, "Point of No Return," and today was Majel Barrett's second
  872. day of shooting on the show; she has two more days to shoot. So far the
  873. episode looks very good. We're finishing the last EFX shots on "Voices
  874. of Authority," episode #4, which will air after episode #5, "Passing
  875. Through Gethsemane" because the latter requires almost zip EFX, and is a
  876. better cap to the Novemer sweeps.
  877. I just finished writing episode #12, "A Late Delivery From Avalon,"
  878. and we're in pre-production on #10, "Severed Dreams." I'm currently
  879. breaking out the story for #13 (not titled yet), which I'll probably start
  880. writing this weekend. We should get the director's cut on "Messages From
  881. Earth" (#8) sometime middle of next week.
  882. jms
  883. Date: 28 Oct 1995 04:43:07 -0400
  884. Subject: Attn JMS: I (think I) got it!
  885. Shadows weren't trolling, just passing through; the Narn fall is not
  886. in the best interests of the army of light.
  887. jms
  888. Date: 27 Oct 1995 21:51:25 -0400
  889. Subject: ATTN JMS : expression
  890. There have been many explanations for where this phrase comes
  891. from. SoMost of them are obviN%=yously spook etymology, but the first one I
  892. heard -- and who knows if this is right -- comes from WW I, where just
  893. before one side would go into battle, they'd send one man up in a hot
  894. air balloon to scout the enemy's location. If you saw the balloon
  895. going up, you knew combat wasn't far behind.
  896. Wherever it comes from, though, that's the general meaning of
  897. the phrase.
  898. jms
  899. Date: 27 Oct 1995 22:04:38 -0400
  900. Subject: ATTN JMS: Notes to actors abou
  901. No, I don't believe I gave any voice direction on that one.
  902. But certainly, the most trouble is always caused by people who are
  903. sure they know what they're doing.
  904. jms
  905. Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:18 -0400
  906. Subject: ATTN JMS: Caitlin Brown in CtI
  907. No, no Caitlin.
  908. jms
  909. Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:22 -0400
  910. Subject: Who is Norman Corwin?
  911. He is only one of the finest writers this country has ever produced.
  912. Go to your local library and look up his work. Take it home and read it
  913. (or listen to it). In addition to being one of our preeminent essayists,
  914. and a primary influence on such notables as Edward R. Murrow, Charles
  915. Kuralt, Walter Cronkite, Stan Freberg, Rod Serling, and is possibly *the*
  916. primary reason Ray Bradbury decided to become a writer in the first place,
  917. he was this nation's finest and most regarded radio drama writer of his
  918. time, moreso than Arch Oboler or Orson Welles. He write the radio drama
  919. "On A Note of Triumph" aired on *all three* radio networks on VE day,
  920. wrote cantatas for the UN, was a contemporary and friend of Carl
  921. Sandburg, wrote the feature film "Lust For Life" about Van Gogh...look
  922. into any copy of "Who's Who." The listing goes on forever.
  923. Unfortunately, at the height of his career, he was one of many who
  924. ended up grey-listed, because one little creep who owned a chain of
  925. supermarkets published a rag called Red Channels, which one day listed
  926. Norman's name because some of what he'd written struck this jerk as being
  927. maybe sympathetic to the Reds (never mind that this was stuff he had been
  928. commissioned by the government to write during WW 2 to demonstrate
  929. solidarity during the war). Despite this, his niche remains secure, and
  930. he is what's known in the biz as a *writer's writer*. He has been a
  931. friend and a mentor for over 15 years, and I've learned much from him
  932. about what it is to be a writer, and a human being.
  933. I'm serious. Go to your local library and look up his work. Or to
  934. your local bookstore and track down a copy of his latest book, a collection
  935. of his letters (cunningly entitled Norman Corwin's Letters), published in
  936. hardcover by Barricade Books, containing his correspondence to friends,
  937. family, and such notable long-term friends as Ray Bradbury, William
  938. Shatner, Rod Serling, Robert Altman, Ken Burns, Philip Dunne, Charles
  939. Kuralt, Walter Cronkite, Burgess Meredith, Philip Roth, Gregory Peck,
  940. Eric Sevareid, Bill Moyers, Erik Barnouw, Groucho Marx, Carl Sandburg,
  941. Leonard Bernstein, Bette Davis, Edward R. Murrow...well, you get the
  942. idea.
  943. jms
  944. Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:26 -0400
  945. Subject: Video Video I want it on VIDEO
  946. If someone wants to pull out the address I listed on Compuserve,
  947. there's the name and address of the person who makes the decision on
  948. video releases, B5's in particular.
  949. jms
  950. Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:30 -0400
  951. Subject: ATTN JMS: ISN question - How c
  952. There are other networks, but the cost of a hyperspace/tachyon link
  953. to places like B5 is prohibitive, so they're fairly local. ISN has
  954. relays and branches in lots of places. It would be fair to say that ISN
  955. is taking heat from the EA gov't to portray things a certain way, yes.
  956. Where this leads, we'll have to see.
  957. jms
  958. Date: 28 Oct 1995 17:41:38 -0400
  959. Subject: ATTN JMS: Patrick McGoohan?
  960. We'll go after Patrick when we get another script suited for him.
  961. jms
  962. Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:41:49 -0500
  963. Subject: ATTN JMS, Vorlon singing & mis
  964. Peter David wants to re-use the teddy bear in his new series, Space
  965. we'll see.
  966. jms
  967. Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:54:19 -0500
  968. Subject: ATTN JMS: Could you clear some
  969. I could address those issues here, but I'd rather do them in the
  970. show...otherwise it kinda defeats the purpose in making it.
  971. jms
  972. Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:17:40 -0500
  973. Subject: JMS and Coincidences
  974. It's real simple. Ron Thornton showed me three variations on the
  975. Great Machine shot. Because you're looking at a composite shot, you have
  976. to shoot either sharply angled down, or dead across, and full-figured,
  977. since you have to put them into another piece. That meant either a
  978. horizontal shot, or a 3/4's vertical shot.
  979. Two of the shots on the storyboards were horizontal; one showed our
  980. characters way off in the distance on a ribboned path lined by crystals.
  981. It'd be pretty, but it looked like another tunnel shot, and I wanted to
  982. show something that wasn't claustrophobic. Also, we'd be limited in the
  983. camera move, and our characters would look kinda like peanuts. Not
  984. terribly dramatic. The second shot just didn't work for me, I don't
  985. entirely recall the reason now. The third possibility seemed the most
  986. was a high angle shot, it had depth, it would let us start
  987. on our characters and do a camera move/pullback in post production, it
  988. worked on every level.
  989. My second thought was, "Shit, somebody's going to gig us on the
  990. Forbidden Planet thing." Nonetheless, it was the right shot, for the
  991. right reasons, and we chose to go with it.
  992. jms
  993. Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:17:45 -0500
  994. Subject: Attn JMS: CTI Thoughts/Feeling
  995. Will: thanks, and you're quite right; it does say something about the
  996. Vorlons that they'd use Jack for this purpose. Now we just have to further
  997. define what that is.
  998. BTW, just to append it here, not strictly appropos of your message...
  999. I've noted a number of people say, in essence, "Boy, was I disappointed
  1000. that he said Jack at the end, what does he think we are, morons?" And I've
  1001. seen plenty of comments from people who didn't know it was Jack until that
  1002. very last moment, for whom it was a revelation.
  1003. It's pretty clear, to lots of folks, that the test was in some ways
  1004. (most, actually) more for Delenn's benefit than Kosh's...lots of folks got
  1005. this...and then others have said, "Well, if that's what he meant, why
  1006. didn't he just have one of them come out and SAY this, say what was learned
  1007. or that this was for THEIR benefit?"
  1008. So frankly, whether one comes out and says something, or does not come
  1009. out and say something, someone on one side or the other is going to give
  1010. you a hard time about it.
  1011. jms
  1012. Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:17:49 -0500
  1013. Subject: ATTN JMS: To whom would we wri
  1014. I'll try to post the address later, but in the interim, I gave the
  1015. address of the person at WB video over on CIS, so somebody'd probably
  1016. already got it here. ('s)
  1017. jms
  1018. Date: 29 Oct 1995 23:17:52 -0500
  1019. Subject: ATTN JMS : Theo & his Brothers
  1020. No, these are not the monks Sheridan met earlier.
  1021. jms
  1022. Date: 30 Oct 1995 16:13:22 -0500
  1023. Subject: ATTN JMS: Maybe setting recor
  1024. Actually, it was pointed out to me recently that as far as can be
  1025. determined (and if there's any solid info to the contrary, I'll gladly
  1026. take it) that no one has ever single-handedly written a full season of
  1027. a dramatic, one-hour series. Even David Kelley often uses co-writers on
  1028. many of his episodes of ER and Picket Fences. I have not yet set this out
  1029. as a personal challenge, because I think you have to be open to what may
  1030. come your way from other places. But it's something I'm keeping a vaguely
  1031. interested eye on....
  1032. jms
  1033. Date: 30 Oct 1995 23:20:16 -0500
  1034. Subject: Re: Attn Jms: More PKD in B5,
  1035. Okay, I've just read a bunch more of these...okay, I admit it, you
  1036. got me...I'm doing Philip K. Dick right down the line...and I'm also
  1037. doing George Orwell right down the line...and I'm doing Lord of the
  1038. Rings beat for beat...and Chalker...and...and Cherryh...and I'm doing
  1039. a variation on the Bible, and King Arthur, and the history of Babylon,
  1040. and the Idylls of the King....
  1041. What? What's that you say? You can't be doing all of these right
  1042. down the line, all at the same time? Sure I can. Because there IS no
  1043. B5. There's a blank signal that registers in your brain, triggering the
  1044. last thing you read, or the most important thing you read. It's a
  1045. carefully rigged US Government psychological warfare experiment.
  1046. I give up.
  1047. jms
  1048. Date: 30 Oct 1995 23:20:37 -0500
  1049. Subject: JMS: Alice Cooper influence o
  1050. No, no nod there. (Again, same thing as my last note.) It's a
  1051. longstanding device, used by therapists, it's a big part of the Synanon
  1052. game (for those who know what that is)...Alice Cooper used that kind of
  1053. structure, but so did Meatloaf in "Life Is A Lemon And I want My Money
  1054. Back." (What about your childhood? What about love?) It's in many
  1055. poems from the Beat Poetry's a device with a long tradition.
  1056. (Heck, read the book of Job sometime.)
  1057. jms
  1058. Date: 30 Oct 1995 21:36:46 -0500
  1059. Subject: "Comes The Inquisitor" SPOILE
  1060. There have been a great number of films and TV programs with one sort
  1061. of interrogation scene or other; I'd commend "Closetland" for something
  1062. else on this order.
  1063. jms
  1064. Date: 30 Oct 1995 21:36:50 -0500
  1065. Subject: Attn. JMS: AOL B5 site - SHIP1
  1066. I believe that's an alien probe from "A Day in the Strife."
  1067. jms
  1068. Date: 30 Oct 1995 21:36:55 -0500
  1069. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Explain editing
  1070. Cameras don't run themselves; along with the cost of renting a second
  1071. camera (we don't own them), there's the cost of the crew to operate it,
  1072. camera operator per se, you double the cost of your people on the floorl.
  1073. Er, floor.
  1074. jms
  1075. Date: 30 Oct 1995 21:37:02 -0500
  1076. Subject: ATTN JMS:The Quintara Marathon
  1077. No, I've never read them. "I am wondering if they had any relation
  1078. to B5." No, because that is called plagiarism.
  1079. I'm not yelling at you, James, I'm just taking a moment here to make
  1080. a general comment.
  1081. Ahem. To everyone looking on.
  1083. That is called plagiarism. It's called theft. It's not a question
  1084. that novel writers get, only TV writers. I know that's not your intent,
  1085. but that's what it is. I didn't fight for five years to make this show to
  1086. do somebody else's story. This is its own story. Nobody else's. It may
  1087. not occur to you -- likely does not -- but this is a *supremely* offensive
  1088. comment to any writer. It implies that one cannot come up with one's own
  1089. story, one has to borrow or rip off from somebody else...again, a comment
  1090. usually directed toward TV writers. I've never seen a novelist asked if
  1091. he was doing somebody else's novel.
  1092. I may sometimes nod in tribute to those works that have come before,
  1093. but that's all it ever is.
  1094. jms
  1095. Date: 30 Oct 1995 22:55:11 -0500
  1096. Subject: ATTN JMS: Childhood -How was i
  1097. Without going on overlong, as some of this has already been covered,
  1098. it wasn't terrific as a kid. We moved every 6 months to a year, blowing
  1099. from town to town (economic reasons), always the new kid, hence very few
  1100. friends at any time. None that lasted more than that 6-12 months. No
  1101. one town that constituted a home town. So I read a lot...novels, comics,
  1102. you name it.
  1103. Wasn't a nerd in high school; I just passed through their ranks
  1104. unnoticed, like some kind of translucent Eisenglass figurine at the back
  1105. of the room. I went back to the 20th find that only one
  1106. person sorta kinda remembered me. No one else.
  1107. As for writing...I always knew that I'd be a writer, for as long as
  1108. I can remember. Even as a kid I collected pens, had an interest in all
  1109. things writing. The second that I was old enough to take typing classes,
  1110. I did. Ended up taking 4 semesters of it, until by the time I left I was
  1111. the fastest typist they'd ever produced, 'cause I knew full well I'd need
  1112. that skill when I got going. In my senior year, having studied the style
  1113. and structure of most of my favorite writers (I can do a lethal imitation
  1114. of just about any writer's style), I decided, at 17, that I'd prepared
  1115. enough...time to start Writing, and selling. And I did, right then.
  1116. And I've never looked back.
  1117. jms
  1118. Date: 30 Oct 1995 22:55:17 -0500
  1119. Subject: ATT JMS: Shorter episodes?
  1120. I don't believe the length of the show has changed much more than a
  1121. few seconds; if there are minutes missing, it's something happening at
  1122. your end of the signal.
  1123. jms
  1124. Date: 31 Oct 1995 02:05:20 -0500
  1125. Subject: JMS: A Opening Naration Quest
  1126. If one simply makes up a costume for one's own use, I can't see any
  1127. problem with that.
  1128. jms