- Messages from Babylon 5 executive producer J. Michael Straczynski on the
- Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.
- Date: 1 Jul 1995 01:20:31 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Fleer B5 Cards!
- The cards will cover all of B5, from the pilot to the present.
- jms
- Date: 1 Jul 1995 00:28:49 -0400
- Subject: Lestat going to jail? ***** IM
- Insofar as I know, there's nothing in the B5 faq that could cause
- any problems for WB.
- jms
- Date: 1 Jul 1995 01:20:40 -0400
- Subject: Some products I noticed:
- I'm never as anyone pictures me. I like it that way.
- jms
- Date: 4 Jul 1995 03:25:03 -0400
- Subject: Lestat reprieved (Send forth y
- Uh-oh.
- When I saw faq in your inquiry to me, insofar as I knew, we were just
- discussing a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file, the same as we've seen
- many times before. I did NOT know that it was essentially a note saying
- that mass reproduction services were being offered for episodes.
- Whether money is charged or not is not the issue; if someone is making
- group copies of episodes for others, that is an infringement of copyright,
- and *believe me*, Warners will come down hard on anyone doing this.
- It's common practice to make 1-2 copies of something for an archive, or
- for a friend, but to make multiples like this and supply them in htis
- (this) fashion is going to put you in deep legal shit with the suits at
- WB, *trust* me on this.
- I would strongly urge you to reconsider. Your heart is in the right
- place, as far as enthusiasm for the show goes, but to do this on the
- scale you are suggesting breaks not only US and UK laws individually, but
- collectively as well, and you could end up in serious trouble.
- jms
- Date: 4 Jul 1995 03:27:25 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Is B5 Limited to the
- For all intents and purposes, our story pretty much takes place
- within the Milky Way Galaxy.
- jms
- Date: 4 Jul 1995 03:27:51 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Would you attend a p
- If fans would be willing to endure such a terrible burden, I would
- kind have to share it. I just can't imagine anyone willingly thinking
- that this was a Good Thing. I mean, sitting through 112 hours of ANYthing
- is a very daunting notin.
- Or notion.
- jms
- Date: 4 Jul 1995 03:28:16 -0400
- Subject: Re: Dave Shao's post bites
- In my orignal reply to Davaid Shao, I specifically asked that people
- NOT pile on him because of this. It's resolved. I'm now on a moderated
- newsfeed, and all is well. No story ideas can now reach me from this
- service. Over, done, forgotten.
- jms
- Date: 4 Jul 1995 03:30:40 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Us nitpicking netter
- I'm not entirely sure I understand the question. Some "nitpicks" have
- contained valid points; some haven't. Some have been based on incorrect
- perceptions that are easily corrected. Some are factual. I
- am not entirely sure what you mean by "not taken into account."
- jms
- Date: 4 Jul 1995 03:32:54 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: What will we see ag
- That would be telling....
- jms
- Date: 6 Jul 1995 01:24:43 -0400
- Subject: JMS: did Delenn's transformati
- Yes, one might well believe that the transformation has had an effect
- on Delenn's lifespan.
- jms
- Date: 6 Jul 1995 01:24:19 -0400
- Subject: So WHO are the "Klingons"?
- I went to *great pains* to indicate that the Fed-co-opted-by-Klingons
- analogy was NOT a one-to-one analogy, only something to indicate the
- magnitude of the change. So this discussion has no bearing on the
- situation.
- jms
- Date: 6 Jul 1995 05:19:23 -0400
- Subject: Attn:jms San Diego Comicon
- The only thing I know for sure is that I'm doing a lengthy B5
- appearance that Saturday at 11 a.m. The rest I haven't heard definitively
- yet.
- jms
- Date: 6 Jul 1995 05:19:43 -0400
- Subject: death of a dream
- Don't give up the dream yet; the next Star Wars movies will use CGI
- and digitech exhaustively; and the word is he's doing to re-do all the
- EFX in the first SW movie this way, as well.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 01:40:14 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Question about Cath
- They did not get married, due to Sinclair's new posting; it was put
- on hold.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 01:44:41 -0400
- Subject: Re: Big Bang
- Eric: BB was *not* a fan-run con, it was a for-profit con, and those
- who put it on made *considerable* mention of the notion that they had done
- Gen-Con for previous years, and thus were absolutely skilled at this.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 01:45:01 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Thank You
- Thanks. It was honestly no trouble at *all*. It was great fun.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 01:45:31 -0400
- Subject: ATTN:JMS - Carolyn Seymour
- We've never had any conversations with Carolyn Seymour re: B5.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 01:47:55 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Casino Painting?
- It's a progress mural, starting with early civilization, the pyramids
- and stuff in the lower right corner, through the development of agrarian
- cultures, technology, cars, planes, jets, all moving left to right on the
- canvas, through space flight and finally, in the upper-right corner, B5.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 01:47:31 -0400
- Subject: S4C and the last 4 eps
- The first new ep in the UK airs July 25; the remaining 3 after that
- each subsequent Tuesday.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 01:47:06 -0400
- Subject: !HEY JMS!: The *B4* Thread?
- The B4 thread will be resolved in detail, yes.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 04:19:42 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Do you read the novel or
- I read both. The Ivanova/Talia thing wasn't handled exactly as I
- had thought it would, and missed some parts of it (it was very late that
- night), and by the time I caught some of it, it was too late. The comics
- version shows creatures that are not the shadows themselves but some of
- the many creatures who serve them. I try to catch all I can. I sent the
- third book back for a *total* rewrite which put it behind a couple of
- months, but that's okay by me. Better right than on time.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 04:26:59 -0400
- Subject: - PTEN - ** double sigh **
- Difference is, Kung Fu started a while *after* we began airing our
- second season, so they had some in the bank, as it were, for July.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 18:08:15 -0400
- Subject: It's Official ! B5 Comics Get
- Nope. The CBG info is old. I was just told yesterday that the
- contract for the B5 comic has been extended through 24 issues total, not
- the 11 noted in the article, which gives us a year and a half or so to
- build the audience further for the book. It's doing well, and having only
- been out for six issues, needs a fair shot at finding its audience.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 18:47:38 -0400
- Subject: Lestat gives up (Victory for t
- Lestat, nothing is served by public displays of self-pity. On the
- electronic screen, it simply comes off as indulgent and "poor me,"
- whether that is the intent or not.
- You say you have been judged by others, and you think unfairly so.
- I have pointed out, as have others, that if you make mass copies of this
- show, for distribution to others, *free or otherwise*, it's illegal, and
- you will get nailed by Warner Bros. This is not judgment, it's a fact.
- It's like saying, "I'm going to take this book from this store and
- not pay for it," and everyone says, "But that's shoplifting," and you
- come back with anger because you're being judged. No, those are the laws,
- and it doesn't matter if you intended to simply give it to someone else
- without cost to yourself.
- Spending months mass-copying B5 episodes from the UK to the US is
- patently illegal; you not only violate US and UK copyright laws
- individuallly, but collectively; you would even violate the federal laws
- regulating the transport of illegal goods via interstate mail. You could
- be *hurt*, and badly. And believe me, if WB found out about it, you
- WOULD be, for doing this on the scale you describe.
- We've recently run into someone who was selling unlicensed B5 tapes
- here in the US. Mass produced. This person has been identified, and
- evidence gathered, and now this person is going to be prosecuted, and
- subpoenad, and spend months in courthouses and giving depositons and
- paying fines and potentially doing time, depending on the breaks. The
- only difference is that one does it for money, the other doesn't, but THAT
- isn't the core of the problem, it's copyright infringement.
- People here, myself included, have gone out of our way to tell you
- that what you proposed was illegal, and would get you in massive amounts
- of trouble, to *save you from getting hurt*. You could be standing on a
- ledge, about to jump, with people telling you not to do it, and then turn
- around and yell at them for interfering in your own business. Well, it
- ain't just your business, and it is for your own good. If you cannot see
- that, it's nobody's fault but your own.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 18:47:12 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Series shown out of
- You may want to call your station and tell them to check with WB
- International Distribution, which knows and understands that they are to
- be shown in broadcast order, and will help them to know what that is.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 23:15:05 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Apologies!
- No problem, Bob.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 23:26:19 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: If you don't mind br
- Okay, lemme see...we're on in Singapore, Thailand, Italy, Germany,
- England, Australia, France, Middle-East TV (covering Israel, Jordan and
- some other places in that area), Greece, parts of South America, and a
- few more beyond. That's all I can recall offhand.
- jms
- Date: 7 Jul 1995 23:28:07 -0400
- Subject: - Attn. JMS: 3rd-hand nun stor
- I'd love to get more information on this; heck, we can use it for PR
- if nothing else. I'd particularly love to know what specifically they
- like about/watch for in the show.
- (In thinking about this, there's some stuff in the second or so
- episode of year three that they're absolutely gonna *love*. All I can say
- is that I hope I get a product placement notation from the Vatican. BTW,
- there were real nuns in the line in "Parliament of Dreams.")
- jms
- Date: 8 Jul 1995 06:00:40 -0400
- Subject: JMS at San Diego Comic Con?
- Yes, I'll be at SDCC, giving a 2-hour presentation that Saturday.
- jms
- Date: 8 Jul 1995 06:00:28 -0400
- Subject: More sci-fi on TV!
- I saw a promo (4-mins) for Space at Chicago Comic Con; my first
- thought was that the CGI was *awfully* blurry/low res, I hope that was
- only test footage for the promo reel. Other than that, with Morgan and
- Wong backing it, at least I have good hopes for the writing.
- jms
- Date: 9 Jul 1995 04:48:43 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS : Has the Great War a
- Wars generally don't just *begin*, they roll into one another and
- grow. When did WW II begin? When Germany annexed the Sudetenland? When
- they invaded Poland? When England got into it? When Pearl Harbor got
- bombed? Did it in a sense begin with the assassination of Archduke
- Ferdinand, which led to WW I, which with a minor pause led into WW II?
- jms
- Date: 10 Jul 1995 02:30:49 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Crystal storage...
- There's a number imbedded inside the crystal; the only way to change
- it is to shatter the crystal. Also, if you pop it in an conventional
- crystal port, it can project the entire directory, source material, and
- other information instantly.
- jms
- Date: 10 Jul 1995 03:38:19 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS - will comics spoil
- There's only one case of this conflict, so if you want to avoid any
- spoilers, here's my recommendation: when the last issue of this current
- story arc comes out, resolving the Mars/Sinclair/Garibaldi thread, pick
- up that last issue and stick it in a bag until after the first new ep
- airs in October. THEN read it. You'll know it when you find it.
- jms
- Date: 10 Jul 1995 03:38:33 -0400
- Subject: Re: Elana leads B5 Group at We
- Okay, Elena, you can be Queen of B5 Fans.
- But I get to wear the tiara.
- *^^^*
- Date: 10 Jul 1995 03:40:48 -0400
- Subject: B5 Fan Name? (was Re: Attn JMS
- Two most frequently used terms: Babylonians and the Grid Epsilon
- Irregulars, for the station's location.
- jms
- Date: 10 Jul 1995 20:12:53 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: When it all over, in
- I'd kinda like to take *all* the remaining months off that are
- allotted to me, and just write when I want to.
- Which, sadly, knowing me, will probably be full-time anyway.
- jms
- Date: 10 Jul 1995 20:13:55 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: L. Ron Hubbard and D
- Never read Dilbert. As for ElRon...I know people who were there the
- night of the party, decades ago, when L. Ron -- then making a penny a word
- for westerns and SF and other genres -- was told, "Look, you want to make
- REAL money, get into the religion biz." That night, he went home and
- began cranking out Dianetics, written on butcher paper (his usual medium,
- which he kept on a roll behind his typewriter, and would rip as needed).
- jms
- Date: 10 Jul 1995 20:14:30 -0400
- Subject: JMS.more viewers!!
- I have, alas, zip control over promos; they're done by the station
- there, and WB. We're not authorized to do that.
- jms
- Date: 11 Jul 1995 01:34:48 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Unanswered Questions
- For their own purposes, the shadows chose to stay on this side of the
- Rim. The other questions will be answered soon enough.
- jms
- Date: 11 Jul 1995 01:41:47 -0400
- Subject: You know you've been watching
- Similarly, I saw "Norton utilities for people," and my brain saw,
- "Morden utilities for people."
- I've been writing too much.
- jms
- Date: 11 Jul 1995 02:02:42 -0400
- Subject: Chicago ComiCon Report (!SPOIL
- BTW, Mark, as promised, we amalgamed your name and Julie's into one
- name (Julie Musante), and that has now been used as a major character in
- "Voices of Authority," as per the auction. It's a big role, and a very
- memorable character who has some...intriguing scenes with Sheridan.
- jms
- Date: 11 Jul 1995 02:02:57 -0400
- Subject: B5 Analysis
- Message received, but not much I can comment on; probably better to
- let the questions be answered in the show than here.
- jms
- Date: 11 Jul 1995 05:25:12 -0400
- Subject: Att JMS: No sidestepping now,
- Yes, Harlan returns next season as our consultant. And believe me,
- he's been VERY busy, mainly with his comic from Dark Horse, DREAM
- CORDIDOR. He's written new stories for every issue, plus all the
- interstitial pages, in addition to his work with me on B5, plus several
- other new stories, a script for a new Showtime anthology that's a
- knockout which has a bunch of big-name directors fighting over it.
- jms
- Date: 11 Jul 1995 05:49:41 -0400
- Subject: Mr. JMS: Kosh = Anagram?
- No, no anagram intended in KOSH.
- jms
- Date: 11 Jul 1995 05:49:50 -0400
- Subject: Mr. JMS: Outer Limits/Twilight
- My favorites from the Outer Limits...Soldier, Demon With a Glass
- Hand, Cold Hands Warm Heart, and others whose titles I've forgotten
- (the sentient tumbleweeds, the house where nobody got old, the kid and
- his alien tutor, and the Zanti misfits, natch).
- From Twilight Zone...Walking Distance, One For the Angels, just
- about all the Serling episodes, actually. In general, TZ is one of my
- overall high-points in TV. Very few drones.
- What often gets ignored is Night Gallery, which had some very decent
- stuff in it, most specifically They're Tearing Down Tim Reilly's Bar,
- which I always fire up when I think I'm getting too confident in my own
- writing. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant writing.
- jms
- Date: 11 Jul 1995 23:59:35 -0400
- Subject: AAITN Question
- The Streib saw an alliance between Earth and Minbar at that moment,
- which is the LAST thing they wanted to go up against. Also, you don't go
- to war at the drop of a hat just because somebody sinks or shoots down
- one of your ships. This is one of the cliches in storytelling. And what
- the Streibs were doing was totally unjustifiable in any event. Do you
- gear up for the massive hassle of total war -- supply lines, fleets, all
- the rest -- because of this incident? Remember, the purpose of the ship
- was to find races weak enough for them to attack with impunity; they don't
- want to go up against a force that can strike back.
- jms
- Date: 12 Jul 1995 02:25:17 -0400
- Subject: Looking for Captain Power
- Yeah, the Siskel and Ebert thing was great. For those who didn't
- hear about this...we worked *very* hard to make Captain Power nominally a
- show for grownups, screw the toys. And we got hammered in the press,
- mainly by people who hadn't watched the show. So one day, I'm watching
- SisBert doing their collective thing, a video round-up installment of
- their review show...and suddenly they say, look, we don't normally talk
- about TV series, but there's this one show you gotta check out, it's got
- a dopey name, and forget the toys, but there's something Going On with
- this show, it's really got a great story.
- It was, alas, too little too late for CP.
- jms
- Date: 12 Jul 1995 02:01:43 -0400
- Subject: B5 Novels....
- The third B5 book from Dell is due out sometime in the next 4-6
- weeks.
- Dell has licensed another 5 novels, and is currently considering
- proposals/outlines *from established SF pros* (with several novels
- published, preferably not just media tie-ins) for these books.
- jms
- Date: 12 Jul 1995 02:26:50 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Mars colony
- Well, the Mars colony grew over time, from a few people to cities.
- It covers about 150 years, though the first 50 of that were very small in
- nature.
- jms
- Date: 12 Jul 1995 02:27:01 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Chicago CC?
- I *greatly* enjoyed the Chicago ComicCon. Lots of fun, many good
- people, a hard-working staff dedicated to making sure things go well, a
- terrific operation. This was only my second year there; I went for the
- first time a year ago, dragged along by Harlan. Glad I went.
- High-points for this convention...helping pile on a shoplifter (me
- and another guy, the one who ran the booth in the dealer's room) trying
- to escape, the two of us holding this guy, struggling to get away, for
- the cops, and a con organizer saying to him, "Hey, you've just been
- arrested by a celebrity," and the shoplifter's response, "Fuck you"....
- the B5 reception, even *with* the MST3Kification of one of my episodes...
- the pleasant, friendly, enthusiastic fans who were a joy to meet...it was
- an unvarnished terrificness.
- jms
- Date: 12 Jul 1995 01:53:14 -0400
- Subject: Big Bang Refunds (aka CMC meet
- To hear that the two numbers for Big Bang/CMC are alternately
- disconnected or no longer answering is most disconcerting. I can't recall
- hearing of anyone getting refunds that weren't put through quite some
- time ago.
- I strongly urge all people who have not yet received refunds from
- these people to get together and jointly consider what actions you might
- take, particularly in terms of the VIP tickets. Because with current
- reports, plus the non-payment of Michael O'Hare's $5,000, I have grave
- concerns about anyone getting their money out of this.
- jms
- Date: 12 Jul 1995 05:18:55 -0400
- Subject: Re: Lestat gives up (Victory f
- Elizabeth: you're correct, in that nothing can stop individual copies
- from floating across the Atlantic. That's going to happen, and has
- happened, for some time. What sent off fireworks and red flags was the
- notion of *mass producing* these things. That's the kind of thing that
- gets you raided by the FBI.
- jms
- Date: 13 Jul 1995 01:57:03 -0400
- Subject: Dressed in Black
- There is no significance to the clothing; that's just what they were
- wearing when Sheridan called.
- jms
- Date: 13 Jul 1995 01:57:08 -0400
- Subject: Keep your day job Vir!!
- Re: the SPACE cgi being blurry...I'm kinda surprised. I'd seen the
- demo reel at Chicago ComicCon, and saw that it was blurry there, even hard
- to focus on, but figured it was a low-res test they used in the earlyl
- promotion reel. I was sure they'd go to something a bit more high-res for
- the real thing. I'm astonished.
- jms
- Date: 13 Jul 1995 04:27:18 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 Novels....
- Of course it's a pain in the ass. It's a PROFOUND pain in the ass to
- keep track of all this. But it's kinda in the job description. As far as
- the novels go, an outline comes in, on spec, and I work with it to make it
- fit in continuity, or at least not contradict anything being done in the
- series. Sometimes that means major changes, sometimes it's minor stuff,
- but something always needs to be done. And done again, as much as can be,
- when the actual manuscript comes in. It's one more thing, but then my
- life is generally "one more thing."
- jms
- Date: 13 Jul 1995 05:08:04 -0400
- Subject: Commander roles in war
- Eric: a very good analysis/contrasting of the roles of the two
- characters. Very much dead-on.
- jms
- Date: 13 Jul 1995 05:24:22 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Vorlon Homeworld(s)
- We'll see the Vorlon homeworld eventually.
- jms
- Date: 13 Jul 1995 05:24:28 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Selling your soul to
- That's a very hard question to answer, if I'm going to try and answer
- it totally honestly. Sitting here now, at this moment, with year 3 a go,
- I'd say, "If they said replace Ivanova and Sheridan, I'd refuse, even if
- it were a condition of pickup." That's what I'd like to think I'd say. I
- hope that it's what I *would* say. At least, at this moment.
- But now I try to put myself in that future frame of mind...I have 200
- or so people who work for me, who'd be out of jobs. The story would be
- aborted, and the series ultimately a failure because it didn't go to term.
- Everything we'd built so carefully these last 2-3 years would be down the
- toilet. We'd have to dismantle the sets, sell old props, vacate the
- stage...emotionally, it would be devastating. Many careers would be hurt.
- At that point, it would come down to, Do I hurt 2 people or 200?
- So I guess, really, the answer is...I don't know. I know what I'd
- like to do, particularly if I felt strongly that I could get them to back
- down. It's a question of who blinks first. Fortunately, WB and PTEN are
- VERY happy with our cast, feel they're doing great jobs, and we're on the
- cusp of breaking through, so I gravely doubt that decision would ever have
- to be made.
- jms
- Date: 13 Jul 1995 05:24:33 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Question on Rangers
- There are female rangers, yes.
- jms
- Date: 13 Jul 1995 05:24:38 -0400
- Subject: Re: Looking for Captain Power
- Thus far, SisBert do not seem to have noticed B5. Re: The Real
- Ghostbusters, that 78 episode first season was a lot of fun...the first
- opportunity I had to just go nuts and do anything I wanted to do, and the
- producers stood by me, however nuts I got.
- jms
- Date: 13 Jul 1995 05:24:43 -0400
- Subject: UK SPOILERS: Courtesy and Cons
- What could also help is if there are specific questions among the
- UK viewers based on the final four, what you can do is send it to me via
- private email, I'll reply, and it can then be reposted openly to the UK
- group.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 03:14:09 -0400
- Subject: JMS: A question about photos
- There's no real hidden meaning in the photos.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 03:14:20 -0400
- Subject: Att JMS: Your Thoughts on the
- The net is like any form of technology; it can be used for good or
- ill depending on who's behind the keyboard.
- On another level (if I can mix metaphors for a moment), the net is
- like a large, and very capricious beast. If you show the least fear, it
- will eat you. It's very clear that most of the folks at ST are afraid of
- the nets, they HATE the nets, because info they don't want out GETS out,
- the criticism can be very harsh...it's tough. In the case of B5, we work
- WITH the nets, to the extent that even after showing an episode, giving
- people new information, and information = power on the nets, if I ask that
- it not be posted publicly until the show airs, in virtually every case
- that request has been granted. Because you know who I am...and I know who
- YOU are. That dialogue doesn't exist with ST.
- For those not plugged in, it can be terrifying. Mira Furlan has
- commented, in one on-line message, that the nets can be very cruel. This
- is true. People forget sometimes that there's a person at the other end
- of the keyboard, and especially when critiquing actors, do so in terms so
- often cruel and unnecessary and hurtful. Michael O'Hare recently commented
- at Chicago comic con that he was *deeply* hurt by many of the things said
- about him on the nets...here in particular.
- So it takes a *very* tough skin to stick it out here, lemme tell you.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 03:42:57 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: A few quick question
- Basically, G'Kar is both laughing and crying in that scene; in
- essence, he's having a nervous breakdown right in front of your eyes.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:23:54 -0400
- Subject: Stupid question for JMS
- Who she's attracted to depends on who bought dinner....
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:24:00 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Comics spoilers #9+?
- There are no spoilers that I'm aware of in the next 3 issues.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:24:05 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: B5 comic #8 question
- I think that non-memory of the event is a good assumption.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:36:18 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Licensing Pins/Patch
- All somebody has to do is approach WB licensing and license the stuff.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:36:24 -0400
- Subject: Horns on the station..?????
- The projections are for stabalizing, and repairing, ships bringing
- in cargo.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:36:35 -0400
- Subject: Re: Looking for Captain Power
- Yeah, I walked off the show when they a) decided to emphasize Slimer,
- and b) make Janine a "mommie" character rather than the hard-as-nails,
- sharp, sarcastic person she'd always been. It wasn't a show I wanted to
- do anymore.
- I've actually walked off a *lot* of shows in my time, something I only
- really realized lately. Walked of The Real Ghostbusters when they softened
- it down and knocked all the corners off; walked off Captain Power when the
- toy company got too much control over the stories; zipped off Jake and the
- Fatman when my exec producers got screwed over (if they went, I went);
- finally left Murder, She Wrote to do B5. All but the last were over story
- control/story integrity. My agent is frequently driven to distraction over
- this. Money doesn't work to hold me. If it ain't right, it ain't right.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:36:47 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Don't forget us
- You're right. Henceforth I shall be sure to separate Britain from
- Scotland, to avoid upset.
- Lord knows, you upset the Scots, you're likely to get kilt.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:36:55 -0400
- Subject: Rumors about character changes
- I don't suppose you could give me the name of this particular SF
- editor (I suspect I know who it is) who's spreading around this particular
- bit of nonsense...?
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:37:03 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Reruns during the long dr
- Alas, ain't squat we can do about this, it's a PTEN decision.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jul 1995 05:51:20 -0400
- Subject: B5 writer(s)
- Re: "he writes at close to Asimov's speed."
- One thing I miss here, and wish there was more of, was more on the
- task of writing. I think there's a good opportunity here for more on the
- technical side of all this...the writing, how the different departemtns
- (departments) come together, all the production stuff nobody tells you.
- So on the writing speed issue, a little something that may be of
- use.
- Mark Twain said, "Never write a scene until you have finished it to
- your satisfaction." Meaning in your head. You should always play the
- scene over and over in your head, filling it out further and further each
- time, until you can play it like a movie. Then, when it's all worked
- out, you sit down and transcribe it.
- This is kinda how I work. I finish a scene, load up what I need to
- do in the next scene...and distract myself, here on the boards, doing
- something else, and gradually filling out the scene over and over until
- it's crystal clear. Then when you sit down to write it, it goes quickly.
- Also helps to type 120 wpm, but the other helps a *lot*.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 00:26:07 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Cause & Effect? (Comic 8
- You didn't *really* expect a public answer on this one, did you...?
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 03:48:50 -0400
- Subject: Quickie from jms
- The weekend of July 29th, I'll be doing a presentation at San Diego
- Comic Con that Saturday from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. If you're anywhere in the
- area, I suggest you try and be there. You may need to get there a bit
- early; each time I've done one of these presentations, even though they
- keep giving me progressively bigger rooms, they keep filling up.
- Couple more merchandising items in the works, looks like they might
- be kinda cool.
- As noted in a side-topic, and thus probably missed, Dell has signed
- to do 5 more B5 novels.
- The B5 stage is getting busier every day, as more folks begi
- reporting back to work. The first batch of scripts are being broken down
- by the Assistant Directors into shooting schedules, construction is going
- bigtime on a couple new sets and a total redesign of another (Medlab), all
- continues on-track for day one of shooting on July 31st.
- To the best of my knowledge, Michael O'Hare has *still* not been paid
- the balance of his fee for appearing at Big Bang, a total of $5,000. Nor
- has there even been any contact from them. Phone calls remain unreturned.
- We hope, in a few weeks, to be announcing, finally, an official
- Babylon 5 Fan Club, which will offer some items not available anywhere
- else. (Some of them will be made by the same people who make the real
- props themselves, thus guaranteeing 100% authenticity to what'd done in
- the show.) (Make that *what's*.)
- We hope that, within a year or so of the fan club getting going, to
- put together a *proper* B5 convention, with not only the actors, but
- people from every department, giving them the chance to show what they
- do, and how, and allow a chance to interact with viewers.
- Lately, from published figures, B5's overnights have been above those
- of Voyager (3.4 compared to 2.7 or thereabouts). Much to the surprise of
- people at PTEN, B5 episodes which have now aired multiple times are still
- doing very well. This is very unusual in reruns.
- There *may* be some movement on the videocassette issue. More on this
- as it develops.
- Finally, expect a big online presence/push for the October/November
- period, possibly with a B5 web page and other new on-line resources
- (multimedia and the like) provided by PTEN.
- My sense is that right now, we're *just* about where X-Files was just
- before it broke through. I think we'll finally break through that glass
- ceiling in our third season.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:08:12 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS - writing CGI ?
- Nothing can be storyboarded until it's written in the script first;
- so usually it's something like
- A giant space aardvark emerges from a jump-point, snarling and spitting.
- There's only been one case where all I wrote was, "They fight. Ron,
- go nuts." Other than that, it's always scripted shot-for-shot, often as:
- As it blows TOWARD CAMERA, and we
- The giant space aardvark turns, prepares to fight.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:08:55 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Delenn Question
- I'd suggest that, in "There All the Honor Lies," it's implied that
- Delenn's reproductive system has come to function more closely to that of
- a human female.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:08:17 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: About your writing
- Sherry: er, uhm...yeah, that's...kinda...it.
- Um.
- In which tree would you like me to leave the money at midnight?
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:19:26 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Real Ghostbuster
- Yes, the events as described in the article you describe (it was in
- "Penthouse") are correct, and happened as written. (I should know, I
- wrote it.)
- When I sent the article in to Penthouse (knowing full it would
- forever firebomb any chance of ever working in animation again), they asked
- why on *earth* I sent an article on kid's TV to *PENTHOUSE* for
- chrissakes.
- "Because I want the creeps at Broadcast Standards and Practices,
- who turn white at the slightest hint of anything improper, to have to
- flip through Penthouse to get to the article about them." The woman at
- the other end of the phone just about croaked laughing.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:19:33 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 writer(s) NOW ATT: JMS:
- Yeah, I think that kind of educational approach would be a hoot.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:36:03 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS Why all the dreams?
- Dreams function on many levels. Some cultures use them as a kind of
- second, or parallel reality. They make good literary devices. Also,
- there's a fair amount of thematic undercurrent about free will vs.
- predestination, and one of the ways to tap into that is to use dreams as
- subtext and metaphor.
- My own dreams are not particularly noteworthy, except in one respect:
- about 90% of them take place in the same place. See, I always moved around
- when I was a kid, spending as little as 6 months, sometimes a full year,
- moving with my family from town to city to state from one end of the
- country to the other. (Don't ask.) So I think in large measure to counter
- that sense of rootlessness, my brain kinda created this "home town" and
- that's where I spend much of my dreamtime. I know the layout of the
- place, where the stores are, my favorite comics/magazine shop, the same
- house (in which the renovations are *finally* finished to the second
- floor, I'm happy to say, and now they've gone on to doing some landscaping
- and suchlike outside), there are even a couple of theaters in which I see
- movies I *almost* remember the next morning. (I actually wrote down one
- of them in some detail, a Star Trek movie, belive it or not; did the
- whole outline beat for beat from the dream. Not bad. Not good, but not
- bad.) We had a third theater in town, but it got cobbled into a mini-mall
- and it's just too much of a mess.
- And *nothing* extraordinary happens there. It's pretty much just a
- mirror for what I do in my waking hours. Story problems I'm working on
- during the day, I'm working on "over there" at night, just in a different
- mental place.
- Back to the show...I have, at times, used early dream images. The
- shot of Londo looking up to seeing huge ships passing overhead in "The
- Coming of Shadows" is a direct dream-steal from years ago.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:44:13 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Selling your sou
- There's always been a side-story that could spin off from B5, but the
- main core story is over at the five-year mark.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:44:18 -0400
- Subject: JMS: The Process of Card Makin
- Re: the Fleer process...I approve the selection of photos, and the
- text, and will approve the final look of the cards as well.
- The process has been wondefully painless, Fleer has been nothing
- but helpful and cooperative. Not much has been omitted. And as for
- why do them: I figured they'd be cool...and I think they will be.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:44:23 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Talk Show Help?
- Frankly, our folks just aren't *asked* much, because the talk shows
- think nobody's interested in B5.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:44:27 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: WoH
- I am woefully and dreadfully ignorant on virtually ALL anime, WOH
- included.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:44:33 -0400
- Subject: + Attn: JMS - Shadows' Timel
- All good answers come to those who wait....
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:46:40 -0400
- Subject: Re: Looking for Captain Power
- I have nothing but good things to say about Angela Lansbury. She is
- probably one of the classiest performers I've worked with, fiercely loyal,
- takes responsibility, wonderfully talented...I think she knew that I was
- flattered and impressed to be working with her, and I kinda suspect she
- thought it was kinda cute, in a dopey kind of way.
- Our offices were not far from the shooting stages on the Universal
- lot, and most of the time I was stuck behind the keyboard. But when it
- was one of my scripts on the floor, I'd try to get out there once or
- twice, just for a few moments. I'd slip in, watch for a little bit, and
- then vanish again...and one day Angela came out and pulled me in, saying
- that she was intrigued by the way I'd just materialize and vanish again,
- that it was like some magical white horse appearing out of nowhere, and
- then vanishing. She and her husband Peter were both very kind to me.
- They even put my novel, OtherSyde, on the bookshelf in the set of
- her New York apartment; it can be seen occasionally in some shots.
- She's tough, but fair.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 06:50:51 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 writer(s)
- Putting the characters through pain is never a problem for me.
- That's where all the *interesting* stuff happens. And growth only comes
- through pain and struggle. So it's for their own good, really.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 22:08:15 -0400
- Subject: JMS - your agent?
- I generally don't give out my agent's name. That information is
- available to those who know how to find it, and have a reason for finding
- it.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 22:08:21 -0400
- Subject: Attn. JMS: Novels, comics, etc
- We've certainly had a substantial number of older actors and
- characters on the show, from June Lockhart to Turhan Bey and Michael
- Ansara and many others. My sense is that with advances in medicine,
- you can be active a LOT longer than is currently considered to be the
- case, so it isn't much of an issue in B5.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 22:21:04 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Re: UK Newsgroup gat
- If it wouldn't be too much of a pain in the ass, if you could just
- forward the reviews of the episodes (first one in each new string), that
- would be more than sufficient, thanks.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 22:21:23 -0400
- Subject: Chrysalis - Did anyone notice?
- The security guard's reaction was due to the chain of command solely.
- We don't let our people off that easily, that it was due to being mentally
- influenced.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 22:37:41 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS! (from Elana) The B5
- I'm sorry, the number you have just dialed has been disconnected,
- and there is no new number. Please check your number and dial again.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 22:39:53 -0400
- Subject: B5 Blooper Reel.
- If we can get the B5 fan club up and running (or when, as it looks
- now), we hope to offer the blooper reel, or a version thereof.
- jms
- Date: 15 Jul 1995 22:40:03 -0400
- Subject: JMS: How bad is the #8 spoiler
- Alas, to tell how bad a spoiler it is, would be to put it into
- context...to put it into context spoils the episode even FURTHER.
- jms
- Date: 16 Jul 1995 04:32:59 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS - writing CGI ?
- That was kinda the problem; Sinclair didn't really *have* a direct
- or personal connection to the Shadows. I figured it'd be too much to do
- that on top of his direct, personal connection to so much else of the B5
- storyline. I figured he'd get into it by virtue of his involvement with
- so many others touched by it; problem is, very soon that turns you into
- an expositional sounding-board or a problem-solver, with the other person
- at the core of the story. It's one of those things you don't really see
- until you're well into the writing of the story, as with any novel.
- jms
- Date: 16 Jul 1995 04:33:05 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS - writing CGI ?
- The "They fight; Ron, go nuts" was in "Coming of Shadows," I believe.
- jms
- Date: 16 Jul 1995 04:57:54 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS:Online presence?
- I think the coming B5 web page will have links with other pre-existing
- web pages, though there will probably have to be understandings and
- the like made before any such site can be even nominally "endorsed" by the
- link. Like a minimum of non-authorized uploaded material (in terms of
- avi files and the like).
- jms
- Date: 16 Jul 1995 04:57:59 -0400
- Subject: Re: Att JMS: Your Thoughts on
- Jeannette: I saw a great commencement speech today by Tom Brokaw on
- CSPAN...he had a lot to say about the Internet, interestingly enough,
- and a great term for the more offensive among us...the "petty
- dysfunctional."
- jms
- Date: 16 Jul 1995 04:58:03 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Why all the drea
- Yeah, I've discussed this here before; sometimes things come up more
- than once around here in answer to questions.
- jms
- Date: 16 Jul 1995 04:58:07 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Just a Few Questions
- All our CGI was being done on Amigas; I think they've now totally
- transitioned to a PC base.
- Re: my computer...I have two, one at my home office, the other at the
- B5 main stage office. They're both pretty much the same, though: Dell
- Pentium 90s, 32 megs ram, 1 gig drive (office) vs. 2 gig drive (home),
- 4x CD Rom, 17" monitor (Nanao vs. Supermatch), 28.8 modem, Imagine 128
- bit video card (office) vs. 64bit #9gxePro (home), Soundblaster 16....
- these systems didn't just arrive, guys with orange vests and cones helped
- them taxi into place.
- If B5 runs it total five years, I'll most likely retire from TV.
- None of the other B5 actors are on the Internet that I know of,
- though some do get printouts from folks.
- Currently, I watch X-Files (though lately it has seemed much in need
- of a good fourth-act every episode), which is about the only genre stuff
- I have time to watch consistently.
- To the last question, authors I'd recommend: Michael Bishop, Jonathan
- Carroll, Connie Willis, Ed Bryant, any of James Blish's stuff (though he's
- no longer with us)...that's all that comes to mind offhand, but there are
- a bunch more I'll think of the second I get offline.
- jms
- Date: 16 Jul 1995 06:19:47 -0400
- Subject: JMS: does Sheridan have a thou
- Joseph Campbell is good if you're looking to analyze something AFTER
- the fact; to do so before the fact, or while you're creating, makes the
- result too by-the-numbers. You have to try NOT to become too aware of the
- myth-process in fiction, or you become like the centipede asked which leg
- goes first.
- jms
- Date: 16 Jul 1995 06:37:31 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Script ownership
- This is a grey area. The WGA says that the show owns the characters
- and the situation unique to the show; but the writer owns the physical
- script. The studios say they own it ALL. This will probably never be
- clearly resolved.
- jms
- Date: 16 Jul 1995 06:37:38 -0400
- Subject: Attn. JMS: Planning B5 Music
- We have an Audio Spotting Session. At this, I sit down with John
- Copeland, Chris Franke, George Johnsen, and screen the newly-finished
- episode (it's been edited and on-lined). I call out the time-code for
- the beginning and endings of sections where I want music. E.g, "Okay,
- in at 03:23:15 (three minutes, 23 seconds, 15 frames), out at 04:15:23."
- Sometimes I will have specific ideas on the kind of music ("I think we
- need to go soft here, mainly strings, some brass, but *light*"), other
- times I just leave it to Chris to get what the sense of the scene is. If
- there is a big EFX sequence going on at the same time, as in a battle
- scene, the sound design people (also in the meeting) and I go over the
- scene with Chris, and decide which elements will be carried by sound, and
- which by music, making sure each carves out sufficient space in either the
- high-end or the low-end to accommodate the other.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 04:50:00 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: In your copious free
- Probably the author I'm biggest on in general, with a very few
- lapses, is Jonathan Carroll, a contemporary dark fantasist who does things
- with language I can't figure out for the life of me; the closest thing in
- literature to close-up magic. It's *right there* but you can't see how he
- created that image. Beyond that, alas, I don't have much time for reading
- right now....
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:07:23 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS About the Emmys...
- What're the odds of B5 getting anything other than a technical Emmy?
- Oh...about the same odds as B5 ever getting produced, back when I
- came up with it in 1986/7.
- Didn't stop me then, either.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:09:33 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS - writing C
- Oh, there's a scripted CGI sequence from "Twilight" that I think
- you'll like even MORE, Scott....
- Two, actually.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:09:37 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: More to the music???
- I work very closely with Chris Franke. As for themes, most of hte
- (the) major characters have their own themes, and there's a B5 theme
- which often gets interpolated in various ways, sometimes in minor chords
- (as in "Signs and Portents"), here and there.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:11:44 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Why all the drea
- I think I picked up 1 or 2 books of the "Worlds Collide" series,
- couldn't make heads nor tails of it, and moved on.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:16:46 -0400
- Subject: Big Bang Con Reports, Please?
- Just heard that, on top of Michael getting stiffed for $5,000 of his
- speaking fee, Mark Hammil's second check for the balance of his fee, a
- remainder of $10,000...bounced. As did the check for his travel
- expenses. As did Walter Koenig's second check (though in his case he was
- lucky in that it happened *before* the convention and he was able to get
- it, at threat of not showing up). These people are amazing.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:16:51 -0400
- Subject: B5 theorys & thoughts
- "I'd come to the conclusion that we were witnessing the continuing
- battle between good and evil."
- Half-right. The other half involes *defining* what good and evil
- ARE, and are not.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:16:55 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Script ownership
- It is conceivable that WB, owning the rights to B5, could take and
- create a sequel of its own, without my participation, except that there
- would have to be payments/arrangements made. I *may* have some clause
- regarding ancillary programs in my contract as far as participation is
- concerned, but not in preventing it from happening in the first place.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:19:02 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Real Ghostbuster
- I've written something on the order of maybe 500 published articles;
- far too much for anyone to start going after or organizing.
- jms
- (And most of 'em were stupid, in retrospect.)
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:19:06 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Souls & God in B5
- Be careful in ascribing too much of an author's work to an author's
- personal beliefs. I do not have to believe in Minbari to write about
- them. Ditto for souls, god, or anything else.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 05:19:10 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: How did you develop
- My main thought on developing Sheridan was to make more of an arc
- to him; Sinclair had already gone on the hero's journey to some
- extent, and where he was was pretty much where he was...in the case of
- Sheridan, I wanted someone who would at first not be up to the challenge
- of what was ahead, and who would grow into that. (Look at Luke
- Skywalker in the first SW movie, then in Jedi; that's the hero's
- journey.)
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 10:20:05 -0400
- Subject: Re: Quickie from jms
- (first progress on tapes, then:) "What about the laser disks...?"
- Let me first move this mountain to Mohammed, then we'll worry about
- that one over there....
- jms
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 10:20:20 -0400
- Subject: Re: Quickie from jms
- Some smaller sets, called "swing sets," do get dismantled at various
- times, including hiatuses (hiatusi?). This is called a "fold-and-hold."
- The bigger sets stay up at all times. They only came down once, briefly,
- after the pilot, because we changed facilities.
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:26:41 -0400
- Subject: 2 Questions for JMS (or anyone
- We're still negotiating/discussing tapes; definately would like to
- get more into what future-music might sound like.
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:27:18 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS - Congrats on Progre
- Thanks. We keep trying, every season, to make it better than the
- one before....
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:27:14 -0400
- Subject: JMS at San Diego Comic-con
- It'll be that Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Be there.
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:31:28 -0400
- Subject: Re: Joe and the Forces of Mark
- Y'know, I really wish I could agree, and say yeah to the "correct
- spelling of integrity is straczynski" notion, but the god's honest truth
- of it is..."the correct spelling for pain-in-the-ass is straczynski."
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:31:35 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Naming Babylon
- Not bad, not bad....
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:33:44 -0400
- Subject: JMS: CGI cover for comic #9?
- Yes, Ron did a CGI cover, though I've only seen a B&W repro, and
- can't vouch for it in detail.
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:33:53 -0400
- Subject: STAR TREK/BABYLON 5 ratings?
- Lately, our overnights have been slightly better than Voyager's,
- interestingly enough.
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:52:17 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Dumb Trivia Query re: Mur
- No idea on the Bill Mumy question. Re: M,SW...yes, I believe that
- Cabot Cove was fairly close to Portland.
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:54:28 -0400
- Individuals paid anywhere from $600-$900 in the auction, designed to
- help make up the shortfall when Big Bang stiffed Michael to the tune of
- $5,000. The total from the auction raised $3,800, to which I added
- $1,200. This does not, in my mind, defer CMC's responsibility to make
- good on the balance of his payment; my hope is that it would show what the
- fan community is REALLY made of, and to shame CMC into doing the right
- thing. So far, from CMC...dead silence.
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:54:34 -0400
- Subject: TV guide B5 art.out
- Here's how my karma works, though...we *finally* get a good article
- on B5 in TV Guide. That kind of press has a brief, week-long effect on
- raising ratings in many cases. So I learn that in quite a few markets,
- including LA, B5 is pre-empted next week, so it's a wash.
- I must've *really* pissed somebody off in a prior life.
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 07:54:39 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 writer(s)
- Re: your (Vinay's) experiences lately with doctors and x-rays, here's
- one I don't know if I've mentioned or not before.
- About, oh, a year ago, I went in for my usual checkup, and my doctor
- took a chest x-ray (I was kinda stressed, and he wanted to take a look).
- So the x-ray comes in, and he says, "You have a shadow across your
- heart."
- "What the hell does THAT mean?" I asked.
- "I don't know," he said, "I've never seen anything quite like it. I
- can't tell if it's an enlarged vessel casting a shadow, or some unusual
- muscle tissue, or what. So I took it downstairs to a cardiologist and
- asked for his opinion."
- "So what'd he say?"
- "He said, "The guy's got a shadow across his heart."
- There've been several x-rays since, no change, nothing ominous,
- except they can't quite figure it out.
- Ah, modern medicine....
- jms
- Date: 18 Jul 1995 08:03:40 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Happy Birthday, Joe!
- That was *just* good enough that I'll probably let you live.
- jms
- Date: 19 Jul 1995 03:36:13 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS - writing CGI ?
- No, there was never a one-to-one correspondence between Sinclair and
- Sheridan. Catherine Sakai would never have developed the shadow link.
- Bear in mind, if it's a straight transposition from A to B, then there's
- no NEED for B. The whole idea was to bring in someone who could be put
- into situations Sinclair couldn't without straining credulity.
- jms
- Date: 19 Jul 1995 03:36:20 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Questions from book
- The starfuries drop for the same reason a bucket flies away from
- you when you're swinging it and let go; the rotation causes the pressure
- of gravity, which pushes the fighters out the bays. Very simple, and
- factually based.
- The scan of Ivanova in the book was a bit more than I'd wanted, but
- that one bit slipped by me.
- jms
- Date: 19 Jul 1995 03:48:49 -0400
- Subject: JMS: animals on b5
- Haven't really gotten into this question on the show; probably should.
- jms
- Date: 19 Jul 1995 03:48:59 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: opening narration
- Laurel was transferred; the narration was always intended to change
- between characters each season.
- jms
- Date: 19 Jul 1995 17:00:16 -0400
- Subject: Curious about JMS thoughts
- I think I generally get a good sense of fan thoughts here without
- having to poke the bear to excess....
- jms
- Date: 19 Jul 1995 17:00:30 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS What's it like befo
- It's really kind of hard to explain; it's a mix of many things, some
- tension (everything has to be ready to go on July 31st, no delays, no
- revisions, no backsies); it's a bit like going back to school after a long
- summer break (less so for me, since my "summer break" is filled with
- the summer school of writing scripts)....
- A dead stage is a dark, depressing thing. No actors, no sound, just
- H8xX[Jedifices standing and waiting for someone to give them life. Now, slowly,
- you have carpenters appearing, set dressers appearing, lighting crews
- appearing, and there's sound, hammers banging and cranes lifting and drills
- whirring...people walking from set to set discussing revisions,
- improvements...the previously empty halls are populated by runners, PAs,
- directors, staff, crew...it's like this huge engine slowly beginning to
- turn, and every day you hear the turbine whine growing just a little
- louder until you know the sucker's about ready to take off.
- So there's a LOT to do; but overall it's a very good time. As of
- now, five scripts have been published in-house and in WB, and everyone is
- nuts about them; the set improvements are great; the actors are excited,
- and everyone's ready to kick butt. It's cool.
- jms
- Date: 20 Jul 1995 02:52:32 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Your dream....
- "You seem to accept the concept of dream predictions."
- Nope. Dreams are ways of working out elements of one's day, problem
- solving, self-analysis and escape. I don't believe they can predict much
- of anything. I used it because it was a very striking image, and the
- subconscious can come up with stuff that resonates. And yes, the image
- long predates B5.
- jms
- Date: 20 Jul 1995 03:25:41 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Ambassadors
- Londo: nobody else wanted the job, it was considered low-priority.
- Delenn: it was the calling of her heart. G'Kar: a good career move to
- ally new forces, and he was an up-and-comer. Kosh: is.
- jms
- Date: 20 Jul 1995 04:01:11 -0400
- Subject: ATTN jms : Some questions...
- The eagle is a traditional Russian eagle/symbol, commonly used in
- Russian heraldry. Draal is, indeed, the minbari who took custody of
- Epsilon 3. We stomped the noisy cricket.
- jms
- Date: 20 Jul 1995 04:06:48 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: The comic book again
- Last I heard, we're still on for 24 issues.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 04:29:13 -0400
- Subject: Re: Why is Ford in rastb5?
- There are any number of simple reasons why Ford is on the nets.
- He is here because he is a petty, vicious, vindictive person who takes
- personal joy in assaulting his "victims" as he puts it on AOL. You want
- to see the true face of FT? Go over to the Neutral Zone in the Star Trek
- main area on AOL. He uses that phrase to describe those he disagrees
- with.
- He's here because he likes the attention, because if he can make you
- angry, it somehow validates his existence, makes him feel important, gives
- him a sick thrill. It is the same mentality witnessed in the juvenile
- who throws a stink bomb into the girls locker room to watch them scurry
- and get mad.
- He's here because he's offended by the very notion that the opinion
- of ANYone else should be considered in any way more valuable, informed or
- popular than his own. If a question is asked of me, he's upset and stamps
- his little foot...why should I be asked for an opinion if HE wasn't? My
- opinion *can't* matter any more than his, the very notion is abhorrent to
- him. He is that sort of creature noted by Kurt Vonnegutt in "Welcome to
- the Monkey House," who if he cannot see well, insists that others be
- blinkered; if he cannot run quickly, others must be hobbled. There is
- just room enough in Ford's universe for Ford; anything else must be
- attacked, dismissed, ridiculed, abused.
- He's here because he's a net-stalker after someone with notoriety,
- no different than the kind of person who follows around celebrities and
- leaves harrassing notes, and when he doesn't like what they say, snarls
- and accuses them of one thing or another. He is here because he's a
- bigot, stating that because of someone's job description -- producer or
- writer -- that person is, de facto, a liar, untrustworthy. A socio
- economic racist. If he were to say such things about jews, or african
- americans, as a class, he would be instantly seen for what he is, but he
- can hide his bigotry behind the notion of accepted cliche.
- He's here because he feels he has a *right* to be here, to say
- anything he wants, and anybody who says otherwise, who squeaks any kind
- of protest, is attacking his freedom, is a kneejerk worshipper of
- the object of his hateful obsession...but who has no compunction
- against sending faxes of my messages to Warner Bros., as he has done, to
- try and force them to force me off the nets and shut off MY opinion.
- Because the universe should rightly favor the opinion of Ford and nobody
- else.
- He's here because he can enjoy the privilege of striking from
- the shadows, of making statements without the least factual proof behind
- them, vanishing when convenient and lashing out when convenient, all from
- the warm recesses of blessed anonymity, because nobody here monitors his
- activities, his words, his job, his off-line truthfulness.
- He makes pretense of being open-minded and fair...but again, those
- on AOL, just go check out the messages referenced above to see his true
- face. He posts ratings when they show B5 not in the top 20, because
- it's rerun time, and carefully omits noting that B5's overnights are now
- higher than Voyager's (1.7 from Voyager to 2.9 for B5, both in reruns),
- because he has staked his opinion on the often-repeated assertion that
- ratings = quality, and the universe of Ford cannot allow, cannout
- countenance, the notion that B5 might be rating higher than Voyager.
- Hence the telling omission.
- He does not sow, neither does he reap. He exists here only to be
- difficult, to insult, to enrage, to inflame and excorciate and belittle
- because it makes him feel like a big man, makes him feel like he's done
- something with his life...he *enjoys* it when the folks here get mad. He
- gets off on it. The worst thing you can do is get upset because that's
- what he likes. You're doing *exactly* what he wants you to do.
- The only thing to do with him is to simply ignore him, and do not
- respond directly. I do not read his messages, I only sometimes run into
- bounce-backs in a quoted message from somebody else. Because he is, in
- the end, a sad and pitiable figure, our resident Gollum who bites and
- snaps because he can do no other, because he sees in the world at large
- only a reflection of himself...it fills his world, and reinforces what he
- believes the world to be.
- If I were to ask *anything* of this group, and I've rarely asked
- much of anything...it'd be to simply ignore him. Don't respond, because
- no matter what you say, however logical or reasoned your argument, it
- will be twisted and turned and distorted, returned with insult and
- derision, regardless of your statement's merit. If you know that going
- in, then it becomes clear that there's no point, really, in writing or
- saying anything to him, because you know what the response will be
- even before you write it. Just leave him be. If he consistently fails
- to find the sustence his obsession demands, he will soon enough leave to
- lick his wounds elsewhere, and complain about the mean people who
- refused out of spite to validate his existence and his opinions by virtue
- of response. He is that kind of person who must verify his existence by
- the echo produced by his shoutings. Do not be that echo.
- (And perhaps this should be reposted when next he comes round, if
- anyone cares to archive it; I frankly can think of nothing else to say
- to or about him or his ilk. If I say anything, it's "Why should HIS
- opinion matter?" If someone else says anything, it's "Why are you talking
- on his behalf?" No win. So maybe keeping this around, and pointing to
- his more obvious tricks, will help keep this a tidier and more pleasant
- place to hang out.)
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 04:31:25 -0400
- Subject: B5's emmy nominations
- Three Emmy nominations is great, from where we sit; we got one on
- the pilot movie (and won), two on the first season (won another), and
- now three on the second season...and there are several vital categories
- we haven't heard from yet, which won't be decided for another couple or
- three weeks: directing, sound editing, music and visual EFX, and we have
- hopes of nailing at least one more in that group.
- It's sobering when you stop to realize that of all the shows on
- network and syndication, only *eleven* dramatic series were chosen for
- nomination in various categories...with B5 earning as many nomations, or
- in some cases more than, Lois And Clark, Murphy Brown, Murder She Wrote,
- The Tonight Show, DS9 (with 2), the Simpsons and many others.
- Actors *always* get overlooked in genre shows, that's unfortunately
- the nature of the beast. So that aside, we're nothing but pleased.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 04:37:38 -0400
- Which reminds me...I wanted to note that just about everyone
- involved with B5 is *ecstatic* over X-File's nomination as best series.
- It's a terrific show, and deserves the nod. It's also maybe only the
- second or so time a genre/nominally SF show has gotten that nomination,
- and that bodes nothing but good for the SF-TV business.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 04:55:18 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Your thoughts on TV
- The lead paragraph notwithstanding...I'm quite pleased by the TV
- Guide article, all things considered. There are a few things one can
- nitpick, but the overall tenor and tone is very complimentary, and after
- all the hassles with Jarvis (now gone, I hear), I think we have a chance
- to get a leg up on next season and some decent PR.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 05:06:12 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Evidence and *witnesses*?
- Certainly a lot of people would like to get to the Vorlon homeworld
- sometime and look around....
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 05:06:20 -0400
- Subject: Adventures of Petey and Joey a
- I was kind of aghast when I saw that Peter had printed what happened
- in the dealer's room at ComicCon, when I helped tackle and bring down a
- shoplifter, holding him for the cops for about ten minutes while he was
- hoping to get away. I found out about it when I went into my local comics
- store and the owner came over and said he felt a lot safer seeing me
- there...and I wondered what the hell he was saying, he was obviously
- kidding on the square...then I found out. Ah, well....
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 05:20:42 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS -- Comic #8 Design yo
- I didn't get too much into that one shot in the comic; it seemed
- reasonable under the circumstances. The one panel where I *did* get
- screwed was saying, "Hey, look, this here episode's going to air just
- before the book comes out, so why don't we REALLY tie the book and the
- show together by inserting this one panel I came up with here...."
- Sometimes I outsmart myself.....
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 05:20:49 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Full or part time o
- It really depends on the breaks. Sometimes a regular cast member
- can be there every day; sometimes they get a day or two off here and there
- within the course of an episode.
- Guest actors are booked by days needed, or if it's a major part, then
- a full-week deal is made.
- What most folks probably don't know is that when you shoot an episode
- you first begin by doing a production board, and what scenes are shot in
- which order is determined by *where the scenes take place.*
- For instance: we have 3 stages. So in the morning, we'll shoot all
- the scenes that take place in medlab. If that takes all day, then that's
- how long we're there. Once we finish, if it's say around lunchtime, we'll
- generally try and stay in the same stage to minimize the hassles of going
- from stage A to C, because then you've got to re-rig and set up and that
- kills time. Sometimes you'll change stages if you've got Actor B only for
- 3 days under contract, and you have to adjust.
- We take it as a matter of pride that in 44 episodes, we've had only
- about 8 days of overtime on a shoot, and never once have we done a forced
- call on an actor.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 05:49:57 -0400
- Subject: JMS: The Child is Father to Th
- I've just written...oh...about 20 messages in the last hour, from
- questions here...none of them stopped me. This one did. I guess I
- didn't see it coming. Some personal stuff I don't generally get into on
- the nets. I'll sometimes talk about it at conventions, but I try not to
- drag it in here. But since it's come up, I guess I can handle the
- answer.
- No, I didn't have a particularly great upbringing. I grew up within
- an abusive, alcoholic, wife-beating environment. We moved every six
- months or every year, trying to stay one step ahead of creditors, used the
- last name "Stark" when Straczynski was too "hot." I really didn't
- understand the situation much; I figured every family was like this. I
- didn't begin to really get a sense of how crummy it was until I began to
- see how other families *did* have normal lives.
- My feeling about it overall is...don't whine or whinge about it,
- deal with it and move on. Too many people use crummy childhoods to
- explain away crummy behavior in the present. That doesn't wash with me.
- Does that "emotional baggage" still "haunt" me, to use your terms? No,
- not really. Am I still pissed about some of it? Hell yes. Why not?
- There's a line in a Billy Joel song..."You still have a rage inside
- you / That you carry with a certain pride / It's the only part / Of a
- broken heart / You could ever save." That's kinda it, but not quite so
- maudlin or self-indulgent. Anybody who had a perfect, blemish-free
- youth and adolescence raise your hand....
- That's what I figured. So we deal with it.
- (Great joke...when Jesus intervened in the stoning of a woman and
- said, "Let you who are without sin cast the first stone," and suddenly a
- rock comes flying into frame, and he says, "Mommmmmmmm!")
- I do tend to use some of it in my work, because it grounds me in
- reality, and the reality of *the scene*. I used a lot of it in an
- episode I wrote for TWILIGHT ZONE, "Acts of Terror," about a wife
- beater...which ended up being used (and is still used) at some shelters
- for battered women in counseling centers, about how to find your own
- power and authority. But that's what a writer does; I've used bits and
- pieces of my life all over the show, including the scene between Sinclair
- and Catherine Sakai when they get back together for the first time, which
- is almost verbatim from stuff I've gone through.
- If there's anything that has stayed with me, it's manifested itself
- in a fierce loyalty to friends, because when you move every 6-12 months,
- you don't get much chance to find them. I grew up in the streets of Newark
- and less terrific places, and you learn a little something about sticking
- together when you grow up in the streets. Anytime somebody wants to take
- on a friend, they have to go through me first. Hurt me and I'll hurt you
- back in equal proportion; hurt a *friend* and I'll tear your fucking head
- off. And then I'll get nasty.
- Is that a particularly salutory trait? No, not really. It sounds
- good on paper, but it puts me into constant trouble. I've tried to
- moderate that a little...but how do you moderate loyalty? When the phone
- rings at 3 a.m. and it's someone you know in pain or in trouble or in
- jail...how do you quantify and decide *this* time you'll go but *next*
- time you won't?
- So yeah, I've had a tough ride. I sacrificed a lot to get here; I
- have zero social life, except for my pal Harlan. I haven't been to a
- party in something like two years; don't get out to see movies but maybe
- 4-6 times a year; when I was breaking in, I had to choose often between
- food and writing supplies...and always chose the latter, and if you look
- in one of the back issues of WD, you'll see a picture of me from taht
- period, at 6'5" weighing about 150-160 pounds. But that was my *choice*.
- We all gotta do what we gotta do; I decided that I'd either make it as a
- writer, or I wouldn't make it at *all*.
- Because sometimes, kiddo, that's what it takes.
- But with all of that...the present-tense reality is that I'm pretty
- reasonably content. I'm doing the only thing in the world I'm the least
- goddamned good at, and people are actually *paying* me to do that which
- I'd have to do for free otherwise, because I can do no other. I have a
- nice house, and I work on a show I enjoy, I write what I want...so I'm not
- angry all the time, as I was once before. Most days I figure that's a
- good thing; other times, I worry if it's taken the edge off the work. But
- in the interim consideration...I'm content.
- As for pursuing a Psychology degree...wasn't out of any particular
- desire to understand myself. Hell, at that time, I hardly even wanted to
- associate with myself, much less understand myself. No, I just went in
- with the assumption that you should never major in writing if you really
- want to BE a writer...learn other stuff, read other books, see other kinds
- of lives...become a generalist, so you can apply a little bit of everything
- to the work. That seemed most conducive to being a generalist.
- Until Skinner came along and suddenly math was involved.
- But that's another story for another time....
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 05:50:06 -0400
- Subject: JMS, JV, et al.: Writing
- The two keys in creating characters for TV are: allies and enemies,
- you create people who you know will come into conflict with one another,
- because conflict is a huge part of drama, not the whole of it, but a
- necessary ingredient. So you also build some who can be sympathetic, or
- funny by turns, but you don't want to minimize or throw away a character,
- you add a layer of depth to it to give meat to the humor when used.
- It's kind of like planning a military campaign, really.
- The world and the characters of B5 kind of came together at the
- same time, one feeding off another until they took on a life of their
- own. And building both was a joy.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 05:50:12 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS What's it like
- The tracking of people, notifying and confirming hirings is the job
- jointly of the Unit Production Manager (Kevin Cremin last season, Skip
- Beaudine this season), and the Line Producer (John Copeland). When we
- gear up, everyone is checked on availabilities, and if there's nay
- (any) problem, they have plenty of time to adjust. Usually there are
- lots of folks in that department who can give recommendations, and there
- is quite a list of folks who want to work with us.
- When there *is* a major change in crew or staff, Doug and I are
- brought into it, to confirm and ratify. If it were a really big change,
- as in a cinematographer, then WB would get into the approvals process.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jul 1995 05:50:17 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: non-television B5 be
- Ask me again in 3 years; I'll probably have a good answer then.
- jms
- Date: 22 Jul 1995 01:49:55 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: The Child is Father t
- No, I don't really think trauma is a requirement for artistry; I
- know a number of writers who had nearly idyllic backgrounds.
- jms
- Date: 22 Jul 1995 02:21:01 -0400
- Subject: JMS:Openning music
- Chris: the point you make is exactly right. The music for each
- season is designed to reflect the progression of that season; some feel
- they don't like season two as much as one, because it doesn't summon up
- the same feelings. But that's the intent; it's not supposed to summon
- up the same emotions. It's kind of the equivilant of creating a
- different cover for every new installment of a series of connected
- novels.
- What do I have in mind for season three? What I indicated to Chris
- Franke was to look at a piece of music he did in "The Long, Twilight
- Struggle" and interpolate some elements of that into the main theme, with
- a very hard sound. The piece in question is about the middle of the
- first really...um...busy scene after the act break.
- jms
- Date: 22 Jul 1995 02:25:05 -0400
- Subject: Attn:JMS:Emmys in Promos?
- We do hope the noms are used in promos, yes.
- jms
- Date: 22 Jul 1995 02:25:08 -0400
- Subject: Eastern Washington - B5 Is Bac
- Are you *sure* they're not going to show the final 4? Last I heard,
- all the stations were going to show them. Could this be a mis-heard
- bit of info about the delay to October?
- jms
- Date: 22 Jul 1995 02:37:16 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS Questions on Ghostbu
- "Ulysses" is probably the most moving of Tennyson's work, for my
- money. It speaks to something profoundly entrenched in the human
- spirit. It's something I try to put in front of people at any
- opportunity.
- As for Janine...the change bothered the hell out of me, to go from
- a strong, smart, fashion-aware (in a weird way), independent woman...to
- a mommy-character. And, in time, they kinda realized that I was right,
- and the consultants were wrong...mainly when the mailbags filled with
- angry letters from mothers and young girls raising ten kinds of hell.
- But by then they didn't have any solution except just change her
- without explanation *again*...which is when I chimed in and said, "I
- can fix this. But you've got to let me do this MY way." They did, and
- it was done.
- I was somewhat disappointed by Ghostbusters II. It took an awful
- long time to get going, and then just fell back on much of what it had
- done in the first movie. It made the producers nuts when they got
- audience responses from lots of people saying that they like the TV
- series better than the movie, and that the movie was "just for kids."
- One of my favorite moments from that was writing an episode called
- "Take Two," in which Hollywood producers come to the guys and say they
- want to make a movie about the team...so they go to LA, have a little
- adventure...and the episode ends with actual footage from the first
- movie...with the result that millions of kids were convinced, totally
- conVINced, that the series *preceded* the first movie.
- It was one of the more wonderfully sick things I've done.
- jms
- Date: 22 Jul 1995 02:37:18 -0400
- Subject: Re: Why is Ford in rastb5?
- John: I don't think FT cares about winning the argument at all;
- it's just pissing in other people's tea that gets him off. And yes, he
- has as much *right* to be here as anyone; that wasn't my point, so much
- as pointing out the contradiction between his feeling that he should be
- here, and his actions to get me off because I don't have that same
- right. The operative term is hypocrisy.
- jms
- Date: 22 Jul 1995 02:20:58 -0400
- This was one of the problems created early on by reporters looking to
- create a feud. What I *said* was, "We hope to kick Star Trek's butt, by
- providing some real competition, and they can kick ours, and in this
- process of each trying to out do the other, the ultimate beneficiary is
- the audience." It's the same point I've made here again and again.
- It's amazing what can happen to a quote when you leave off part of
- it.
- jms
- Date: 23 Jul 1995 01:54:15 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS, JV, et al.: Writing
- Yes, you're correct, the alignments in B5 vary depending on whose
- agenda is in force at that moment; and they change with time. But in
- general you always need conflict, especially in TV, and to varying degrees
- in other works. It's the seed from which drama emanates. When I was on
- Murder, She Wrote, you couldn't just have Jessica go to somebody and get
- the information easily. There had to be some conflict involved, there had
- to be *work* to pry it loose. Otherwise it just falls flat.
- jms
- Date: 23 Jul 1995 01:56:34 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Full or part ti
- Recurring actors can be dealt with in any number of ways; if it's
- a person who appears in, say, 8 episodes, we make a deal for that number
- in general, and have first call on them when needed; if it's a part that
- occurs maybe 2-3 times in a season, you can't make that deal, but in our
- case, I tend to know which episodes a character will appear in long before
- the scripts or outlines are ever written, so we make a deal for those
- specific dates.
- jms
- Date: 23 Jul 1995 01:56:43 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS - The ship that got S
- No, the ship at Sigma 957 was definitely NOT a shadow vessel.
- jms
- Date: 23 Jul 1995 11:35:13 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Episode title questi
- "The Geometry of Shadows" seemed to me a good metaphor for the
- technomages; a mix of science with something dark and mysterious. How do
- you work out the geometry of something that in one sense doesn't really
- exist, but is a projection of something else that DOES exist? That
- seemed to me as good a notion of technomagic as anything else.
- jms
- Date: 23 Jul 1995 11:38:21 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Speaking in Parables
- I think that, by all rights, anybody should be able to "get" each
- episode. The only thing that varies is their degree of..er...getness.
- Getnosity?
- Whatever.
- The stucture is fairly straightforward: the primary story in any
- given episode is relatively self-contained and self-explanatory. You can
- see that one episode, and no others, and be able to follow it. If you
- CANNOT do this, then the episode has failed. The key, as I've noted from
- the start, is that the MORE you see, or know, the MORE you can get out of
- any episode.
- The impact of Talia's situation should be the same whether you saw
- the comic or not. (And, remember, the idea was that the comic would come
- out AFTER the remaining year 2 episodes, as a nice little frisson, not as
- required data.)
- I continue to get email and snail mail from people who are still just
- now finding the show...and they watch one episode, and that's fine, then
- they watch a couple/three more, and THEN they realize that there's an
- overall arc, that this is a bigger story than first appears. For those
- who dig out every last detail, it's hard to imagine following the shw
- (show) minus all this...but it's absolutely possible, and happens
- consistently. It's your *perception* that has altered by virtue of now
- knowing what more is there. If you don't know the rest, you can still
- enjoy pretty much everything there on its most basic level, as an action
- or character story.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 00:06:25 -0400
- Subject: Even Quicker Notes from jms
- Last reminder: next Saturday is San Diego Comic Con, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- and if you're in the area, you may want to drop by for the B5 presentation
- scheduled for that time.
- A company is in the process of licensing a slick, full-color B5
- magazine; looks pretty good. More as this develops.
- For those into this sort of thing...the literary SF review,
- FOUNDATION, published out of England, is doing a whole issue on media SF,
- with particular attention to B5. I've turned in what they say will be the
- ceterpiece of the issue, a 28 page, 7600 word article titled "Approaching
- Babylon." Although it contains a few things mentioned on the nets, about
- 90% of is it new stuff, background info, personal observations and the
- like.
- Finally, one week from tomorrow, we start filming on year three, with
- episode #301, "Matters of Honor," which also introduces a new recurring
- character named Marcus.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 02:52:03 -0400
- Subject: Attention JMS Re: increasing
- There is generally an increase in action when large groups of
- populations go to war....
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 02:52:26 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS - Long Twilight Strug
- As noted here a while back, yes, the title derives from Kennedy's
- speech.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 02:52:13 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Passing Through Geths
- Before one judges the relevance or applicability of a given title to
- a given episode, it might be wise if one first SEES the episode, don't
- you think...?
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 02:52:40 -0400
- Subject: JMS - Actors?
- If I had an unlimited budget...Sean Connery, Peter O'Toole, Jerry
- Lewis, Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Sigourney Weaver.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 03:10:57 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Re Babylon quiz
- I can't really get involved with the quiz on any level.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 03:48:58 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Scripting
- Eventually we may sell scripts of the show; we'll see.
- Re: fourth acts...they're difficult to pull off on the best of days,
- because you've got to pull together a lot of stuff in a very short amount
- of time, and make everything make sense. And sometimes, in the last season
- or thereabouts, I kinda got the feeling that some of the X-Files eps I saw
- somewhat fell apart in the fourth act, where it didn't come together, or
- things happened too conveniently, or what it WAS was less interesting than
- it was SUPPOSED to be. It happens.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 03:49:25 -0400
- Subject: JMS: A comment
- Thanks; I've tentatively decided to keep the beard, I think it's okay.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 03:49:14 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Patrick McGoohan on
- Nothing would make me happier than to someday use Patrick in an ep.
- Well, maybe 10 million dollars in small bills....
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 17:27:08 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Cap. Power writing
- No, I pointedly had zip to do with anything concerning CP
- merchandising.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jul 1995 21:44:18 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Any clues to Final F
- Yeah, several of the elements you raise will be dealt with in the
- final four.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 01:08:31 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Sinclair Focus?
- Delenn is not Sinclair's "romantic consort," to use the phrase you
- invoke. There was a closeness between them, and a relationship there,
- but not romantic. Several of your questions are based on assumptions
- that are not necessarily correct.
- A goodly portion of the Sinclair/Minbar thread will be dealt with
- this coming season.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 11:28:11 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Dreams (again)
- There's a difference between what I believe dreams mean, what the
- Centauri believe dreams mean, and what dreams mean to the Centauri, in
- that universe, and what they mean to me in our universe.
- I suspect the truth lay somewhere between Shroedinger and Jung.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 12:19:10 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Episodes away from B
- We do plan to continue our practice of getting more ambitious each
- season; we saw virtually none of the homeworlds in year one; in year two
- we began to see more of Narn, and Centauri Prime, with some locations in
- the latter. We will continue to expand in each following year; in year
- three, we plan to show Minbar, more of Centauri Prime, the Narn
- homeworld, Earth and *maybe* the Vorlon homeworld, if I can figure out how
- to do it at this stage without totally imploding the show.
- jms
- (Oh, yeah, and Z'ha'dum....)
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 11:48:33 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: ReadMe!
- I think the Kosh stuff is *very* cool...but I don't want to over-sell
- it; best to see it cold.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 11:09:36 -0400
- Subject: Re: Even Quicker Notes from jm
- I think that's mainly because I hadn't settled on a name at the time.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 11:37:32 -0400
- Subject: Re: Why is Ford in rastb5?
- Well, I see that the individual who goes by the handle Rev.
- Commander Wayne has come into the fray, fresh from fabricating nonsense
- on AOL. For those not aware, they're quite a clique these three: Wayne,
- Ford, and a fellow named Randy Hall. Those of you with AOL access should
- go check out their screeds in the Anti-B5 topic on the ST Neutral Zone
- board, and in the ST vs. B5 area in the TV section. Basically, you've
- got 3 people who write dozens and dozens of messages to each other, in
- open forum, as though by doing so they create a sense of there being
- others of similar inclination.
- Another one for those with killfiles. Anyone with the *least*
- suspicion that maybe they have something open-minded to say about
- anything, check out the areas noted above. They're trolls pure and
- simple, folks. We just wasted a lot of time with them over on AOL,
- believe me.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 11:48:59 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Rangers in Season 3?
- Yes, the Rangers will play a more important part in year three, and
- Sinclair's part in it will be revealed.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 11:54:48 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: What are your inspir
- I didn't look to any writers or other works for inspiration for B5;
- I came up with the story mine own self. To "look for inspiration" always
- sounds deliberate to me, "Hmm...whose template can I use...?" I don't
- work that way. It's basically the product of all the stuff I've seen and
- read over the years, my interest in politics, philosophy, literature,
- sagas, SF, language, culture, history...it's this huge, honking stew
- which I more or less fitted into the B5 statin.
- jms (station)
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 19:30:46 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Telepaths in prison?
- Expect more on this topic in third season.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 19:43:36 -0400
- Subject: Clearing the air.
- Good heavens, I was virtually unaware of the degree to which this
- had escalated. To add, quietly, my two-cents...when I found one of my
- posts had been edited by Jay for spoilers, I inquired of him privately
- and indicated that this might not be A Good Thing, since I'd been fairly
- careful in my phraseology. He accepted that, and apologized, and was
- quite gracious about it.
- For my money, you can't keep spoilers out of here, protected or
- unprotected, except by virtue of shared kindness and understanding. The
- whole REASON for my getting a moderated newsfeed, as I now do, was to
- PREVENT the need to moderate the newsgroup for content. It thus seems
- to me slightly unproductive that it's now done for spoilers when we took
- this step of moderating my feed, and inconveniencing many of the rastB5
- Rangers, to avoid moderation.
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 03:51:41 -0400
- Subject: JMS: imposed tv sf format?
- Most TV shows in the 60s were one-story episodes. The medium became
- a bit more complex as time went on, and people wanted to learn more about
- the characters and the world. We've done some episodes that didn't have
- a B or C story at all; it's whatever the story requires.
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 02:52:30 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: jms non-B5 Ques
- My scriptwriting book is not currently in print, though a) it's
- still available in many libraries, and b) I hope to have the new edition
- turned in shortly. Yes, it deals with the agent/writer relationship.
- And currently we're not looking at specs for B5 due to the fact that the
- stories are all pretty much worked out.
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 03:21:19 -0400
- Subject: Attn jms: Suspension of Disbel
- I dunno...one can make the argument, as you do, that because I don't
- believe in relgion, or telepathy, and have thus no axe to grind or agenda
- to advance, I can do so equitably...but something about that logic sounds
- a little too slick and self=contratulatory...so I'll just leave it at...
- I dunno....
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 03:21:26 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: SD ComicCon: will "s
- I don't think there'll be much problem getting in the door or getting
- comic con tickets; but: come early, because the con has 27,000 people or5
- more attending, and the lines to buy tickets can be absolutely hideous.
- Arrive at *minimum* an hour early (10 a.m. or better).
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 03:23:38 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: OtherSyde
- It was okay for a second novel; I can do better, though, I think.
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 03:23:44 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Season 3 Q's & Div.
- My guess is that C4 will begin carrying season 3 in the spring.
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 03:23:51 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: SPOILERS for Divided
- No, nothing was edited out by C4 or anyone; the footage we had to
- work with in editing had a *slight* matching problem.
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 03:23:57 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Pronunciation of "Straczy
- struh-zin-ski
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 03:24:03 -0400
- Subject: How do I submit story ideas?
- We *have* our story ideas for the show. Five years worth. Bear in
- mind that Star Trek is the exception to the rule of how TV series work;
- no other show accepts story ideas from folks out there.
- (I'm speaking specifically of non-established writers. Spec scripts
- can sometimes get through on shows, but nobody else really looks for just
- story ideas. On B5, all but 2 freelance scripts have been based on
- story ideas I've assigned out.)
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 02:47:58 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Zack Allen
- You'll be seeing more of Zack next season, definitely.
- jms
- Date: 28 Jul 1995 02:48:04 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS Psicorps badge
- No, the Psi Corps symbol is not based on the Cummunist hammer and
- sickle; it's the Greek letter psi which stands for the mind.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 19:48:32 -0400
- Subject: + Attn: JMS: Thanks! +
- Just doin' what I do, don't know no other way....
- jms
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 20:03:45 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Divided Loyalties
- Absolutely *nothing* from prior seasons/episodes has been discarded.
- So if that's your concern...don't worry about it.
- Nothing was trimmed by C4. There was a slight matching problem in
- the footage, that's all.
- In very tense situations, some people feel compelled to somehow break
- the tension. Hence, that sequence.
- jms
- Date: 29 Jul 1995 03:54:30 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Your secret writing
- I'm not *sure* I wrote that episode of TRGBs; I know I story edited
- it, but it may have had another writer.
- jms
- Date: 30 Jul 1995 23:59:19 -0400
- Subject: JMS: "Pitching a Winner"
- The short story I'd done in high school -- god, do you *really* want
- to know this? -- was a comic story about the Lady of the Lake popping up
- again in the present to offer Prince Charles Excalibur...and him not quite
- knowing what to do about it, then security was called and...well, it got
- quite interesting, particularly since she'd popped up in his bathtub.
- jms
- Date: 31 Jul 1995 00:04:08 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Favorite Dictionary?
- For everyday use, I tend to yank out the Oxford American Dictionary,
- which is nearest at hand, and I find it very complete; for real, serious
- writing stuff, then I go to my copy of the Oxgord English Dictionary,
- which is sort of the Mount Olympus of dictionaries, both in complexity
- and sheer weight. Other books...Roget's Thesaurus, What's What, and a
- shelf load of books on mythology, history, politics and psychology.
- jms
- Date: 31 Jul 1995 17:36:45 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn jms: Suspension of Di
- Although there have been many interesting anecdotal studies on
- telepathy, in any laboratory model it has not yet been shown consistently
- and reliably to exist. So I'm holding the subject in personal abeyance
- until the day when somebody can walk into a research lab at MIT or
- elsewhere and get 10 out of 10 cards right *consitently* and *repeatedly*
- under strict laboratory conditions.
- jms
- (consistently, that is)
- Date: 31 Jul 1995 17:37:09 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS Will Peter David be
- Peter is currently busy doing not just his comics, but co-writing
- every episode of HIS new TV series, Space Cases, with Bill Mumy...but if
- there's room in there somewhere, we've discussed the possibility.
- jms
- Date: 31 Jul 1995 17:37:37 -0400
- Subject: Attn:JMS Face on Mars
- It's actually a pak'ma'ra butt.
- jms
- Date: 31 Jul 1995 17:39:05 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: X-Files et al
- Actually, my guess is that X-Files does have a larger budget than we
- do, since they do a LOT of location filming, which is very expensive (als0
- David Duchovney just got a bump in salary to $100,000 an episode). And
- yes, one may discuss "Twilight" with those across the pond who've seen it
- here.
- jms
- Date: 31 Jul 1995 17:43:06 -0400
- Subject: Correspondence Note from jms
- To all those who've sent, or are planning to send, any mail to the
- actors, crew or others involved with Babylon 5 at the snail mail address
- 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423....
- BE SURE to have somewhere on the envelope the words C/O BABYLON 5,
- or it may very well be returned. This is not the main studio address,
- which is not disseminated, and sometimes the addresses/names get kind
- of obscure. This will allow the mail to be routed properly. If you do
- not include this line, it may never reach its destination.
- jms