- ===========================================================================
- | This text is compiled from posts by J. Michael Straczynski on the Usenet
- | group alt.tv.babylon-5. This document contains material Copyright 1994
- | J. Michael Straczynski. He has given permission for his words to be
- | redistributed online, as long as they are marked as being copyright JMS.
- | This document, as well as other Babylon-5 related material, is available
- | by anonymous FTP at ftp.hyperion.com.
- ===========================================================================
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 04:14:51 -0500
- Subject: Scientific nit-picking
- Your description of Earth Standard Time (EST) is fairly accurate.
- RE: the Raider ships...they turned by a less effective system of thrusters
- put in here and there, not nearly as powerful as the systems used by the
- Starfuries. The reason -- verifiable by the shape of the Raider ships --
- is that Raider ships are handicapped by the fact that they're made to
- function both in space *and* within an atmosphere (hence the aerodynamic
- wing shapes), which gives it something of a problem when dealing with the
- Starfuries, which are made ONLY for fighting in space, and are most
- ideally suited to it. The Raider ships make compromises for greater
- utility, which is generally okay unless they run into superior forces of
- ships designed for spaceborne combat.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 04:17:14 -0500
- Subject: Midnight Impressions (Possible
- The quote is correct. And thanks for the feedback, and glad you
- enjoyed the show. I think it's going to be quite a ride....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 04:32:40 -0500
- Subject: Re: CRITICAL COMMENTS: "Midnig
- We did the title sequence in letterbox as a partial nod to the fact
- that we're shooting the series in that aspect ratio, though for now only
- the regular portion is being broadcast.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 04:35:18 -0500
- Subject: *SPOILERS*: MOTFL Episode guid
- My suggestion: classify "Soul Hunter" under "Suspense."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 06:09:58 -0500
- Subject: query to JMS.......
- I don't believe in monolithic aliens who all talk exactly alike,
- with the same accents, any more than I believe in humans who all talk
- exactly alike. Hence, the difference between Vir and Londo.
- When they're together in their quarters, they're talking in Centauri,
- which we hear as English, as in WW II movies, the Germans are obviously
- talking to each other in German, but we hear it in English. (The only
- other alternative is to subtitle whole lengthy segments of the show, which
- is both unworkable, awkward, and unfair to blind viewers.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 06:10:51 -0500
- Subject: sinclair piloting a fighter in
- You'll get a pretty good glimpse into why Sinclair jumps into a
- fighter any chance he can get in "Infection." Part of it is to escape
- from stuff...the other goes much deeper, and much darker....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 07:42:38 -0500
- Subject: Re: +/- Review: Midnight (SPOI
- The whole idea of Talia calling the Psi Corps and having Ivanova
- removed for not liking her is, as you state, utterly absurd. Life is
- like this...sometimes people don't get along. What do you do, call the
- cops?
- Second, Talia works for the Psi Corps, which is a *civilian*
- organization regulated by the government (though it certainly makes it
- (its) pretensions to military in dress and attitude). Ivanova is a
- military officer. A civilian has no authority over that. The Psi Corps
- does not issue orders to the Earthforce Military.
- The problem that I see so often, with some exceptions, is that people
- haven't stopped to think things through. They think, "Well, they should
- just be able to go in and make things right." Wrong. This not only
- doesn't happen in real life, it doesn't happen in 99% of all fiction.
- It is an ST artifact that doesn't touch reality at any two contiguous
- points.
- Just about half of the questions raised could be answered with a
- little thought, such as this one. Similarly, the "Why didn't the Council
- see that Carn Mollari was being forced to read the statement, and act,"
- without stopping to consider a) that not all aliens read human
- expressions properly or well, b) suspicion isn't the same thing as
- proof, c) the smaller worlds would be loathe to take on the Narns, and
- d-f, which I'll list another time. The attitude again is, "Well, this
- is *obviously* what's right, so they should do it." People rarely do
- what is obviously right...and sometimes when they *do*, it's for the
- wrong reasons.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 07:45:23 -0500
- Subject: Re: Opening Narration
- The rotating narrator thing was something that I mentioned en
- passant at the LosCon screening of "Midnight." What I noted was that I
- was considering rotating the narrators each season; Londo for the pilot;
- Sinclair for year one; Ivanova for year two; Garibaldi for year three;
- G'Kar for year four; and Delenn for year five. Haven't decided yet if
- I'm going to do it or not....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 18:49:49 -0500
- Actually, as you'll see in "Sky," sometimes the Good Guys *do* get
- their ships hit; sometimes they blow up and kill the person (as you will
- see), and sometimes they do damage without destroying the ship, in which
- case there is an eject mechanism that separates the cockpit part from
- the rest of the fighter, which contains the volatile reactors.
- So in those circumstances, a flight suit is a *very* good idea....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 18:50:33 -0500
- We will be visiting a planet in the two parter, "A Voice in the
- Wilderness."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 18:51:00 -0500
- Subject: Re: Midnight Comments (*SPOILE
- The inconsistency you mention is not an inconsistency. One fighter
- is always kept in lowered, launch-position when the others are out, so
- that it's ready to drop at a moment's notice. The fighter you saw was
- moving into standby position in case needed quickly.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 18:58:14 -0500
- Subject: Transportation on Earth in the
- There are *definitely* no transporters in the B5 universe.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 19:00:09 -0500
- Subject: Series premier thoughts (some
- Just a quick note re: the idea of sending B5 ships out to safeguard
- all incoming ships...can't really be done. There are only a very small
- number of fighters (comparatively speaking) on B5, and a *LOT* of ships
- coming in on a daily basis. Once they're through the last gate, to B5,
- they're safe. But there are gates in between, where they're vulnerable.
- You'd have to safeguard the whole galaxy, practically. Can't be done.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 19:06:27 -0500
- Subject: MOTFL's Title
- "Midnight on the Firing Line" as a title was more my feelings about
- the episode and the series. I knew we'd come under considerable fire,
- figured it was cool.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 21:10:07 -0500
- Subject: MOTFL Credits...
- There are definitely more credits at the end of the episode; the
- station is NOT alloweed to cut credits like that. They should be put on
- notice. Call them, and tell us who did it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1994 21:21:19 -0500
- Subject: Re: BABYLON 5 To Include Gay/B
- I have not *made* a big issue out of this, and do not intend to do
- so. In addition, when a certain characteristic is revealed in someone,
- it won't be in the center of a story or made into a treatise because at
- the time of our story it *isn't* an issue anymore, any more than being
- left or right handed. No one frankly cares. And it will not be given
- any more weight than that. It will be treated fairly off-handedly.
- A note to those who have taken up this issue to popularize it: there
- is a Monty Python sketch called "The Value of Not Being Seen." Those
- who've seen it will get the reference. To the rest...until something is
- done in a show, particularly something along these lines, it's best to
- keep a fairly subdued profile, because if people start getting hincky
- about something before we've shown how something is actually going to be
- handled -- with taste, discretion and subtlty -- it might cause some folks
- to bring pressure *not* to do it.
- Let's all do one thing at a time...and let me do this according to
- the schedule that's set out for this. Don't jump the gun.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Feb 1994 06:06:55 -0500
- Subject: Babylon 5 Writers Guide Re: Mi
- Your pyramid of something happens, it's critical, confrontation,
- resolution, is not something *bad* in shows...it happens to be universal
- dramatic structure. Introduction of the problem, rising action, climax,
- and denouement. If you don't think this is appropriate, then you are
- dismissing literally 95% of all literature, all movies, ever created in
- the history of mankind. So B5 meets the standards applied to literature.
- I don't see a problem here.
- The rest of your note is little more than specious and petty. And I
- would defy you to find *any* way to categorize "The Parliament of Dreams"
- by this breakdown. Is there anything that you would *not* just go ahead
- and classify as a soap opera device? From your list, anything you decide
- is soap opera goes on the list.
- Specious and petty.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Feb 1994 06:08:28 -0500
- Subject: Re: Question to JMS (was Excel
- Yeah, I keep flip-flopping on "Purple" and "Midnight" for the number
- 4 and 5 spots...they're prety close.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Feb 1994 16:04:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: About the RFD Process
- Since you raised the question about the explosion of messages...I
- have a small suggestion. Right now, when I log onto GEnie and get the
- alt messages in my email via the Internet gateway, there are now about
- 200+ messages a day. I do read them all, but it's going to get a lot
- busier.
- If there is a message out there by someone that requires a response,
- or is a specific question for me, if you could begin the note with JMS,
- in the subject header, I'll know to read that one first. Others may have
- to sit in the box for a day or so until I can do a massive read.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 14:47:29 -0500
- Subject: Question about Kosh for JMS
- Correct, Christopher Franke designed Kosh's voice.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 14:51:42 -0500
- Subject: New GIFs
- BTW, have named an Earth Alliance Cruiser Hyperion, in notation of
- the library....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 15:10:07 -0500
- Subject: Question re Earth Alliance
- You are correct in that the Earth Alliance consists in the main of
- humans. Aliens are generally not integrated into the system, except in
- very low-level stuff. (In some bronze-tech worlds where humans have come
- in and pulled an India/England relationship, you may have colonial
- governors who are native aliens, but are basically puppets.) There's
- more than just Mars, Earth and the Sol colonies; there are a number of
- other worlds and systems out there into which Earth has made a dent.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 15:10:17 -0500
- Subject: Re: Pain in the butt?
- "...at least it has a fricative."
- HEY!
- Watch that kind of language.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 15:11:11 -0500
- Subject: Re: USA Today Review--Londo is
- Re: Londo as a romantic character...bless your heart. You are the
- first to have nailed it absolutely on the head. If I had to write a
- description of the character, I doubt I could have done any better than
- what you just wrote. There are a *lot* of episodes that bring this out
- in him, including the next one up, "Born to the Purple," which I suspect
- will end virtually all of the hair jokes once and for all.
- Anyway...yes, and thank you, that's it *precisely*.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 15:11:12 -0500
- Subject: Re: Centauri Hair??? (attn: JM
- Generally speaking, yes, hair = status. Very peacock-ian (to coin a
- phrase). Certainly, you could wear your hair longer than your status
- permits, but it's like pretending to a status you don't have, which is
- viewed as pathetic.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 15:31:16 -0500
- Subject: My personal review of the B5 p
- Sinclair's line, "Cut accelleration," was in regards to forward
- momentum, so he could more easily spin the fighter around.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 16:59:51 -0500
- Subject: Midnight on the Firing Li
- Thanks. What you say is correct; we have to look to the past, and
- determine its influence, and either learn from it, or be destroyed by
- it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 17:04:46 -0500
- Subject: Millenial...?
- The turn of the century with B5's conclusion is coincidence.
- Mostly.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 17:05:07 -0500
- Most B5 viewers that I've heard from call themselves Fivers, when
- they identify themselves as anything other than what they are, people of
- infinite taste and sensibility....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 17:05:17 -0500
- Subject: MOTFL's title (was Re: Musings
- Ah, another Chapin fan. Yes, I definitely love his work, albet
- there is, sadly, not nearly enough of it. Also Billy Joel, Indigo Girls,
- everything except country.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 17:11:04 -0500
- Subject: TV Guide advertisments?
- Local ads are placed by local stations, not Warners. If there's no
- ad in your local TV Guide edition, the problem lay with the local station.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 17:11:42 -0500
- Subject: Centauri Precognition and Mili
- Re: precog and Centauri...here, as best I can recall, is exactly
- what I wrote for Londo: "My people, we have a way, you see...we know how,
- and *SOMETIMES* even *when* we are going to die...."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 17:14:34 -0500
- Subject: Questions for JMS
- Starfuries dock in the central docking bay, are repaired, prepped
- and lowered into the cobra bays. And yes, you'll see this.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 17:58:42 -0500
- Subject: Midnight Complaints?
- To have a station commander *and* a rep for Earth can be cumbersome
- in many ways, when someone has to give orders. It's cleaner this way;
- and no different than any of the sailing vessels of the 18th century and
- before, when each captain was viewed as, and expected to perform as, the
- official representative of his country.
- There is, however, a second agenda at work here, which you'll find
- out about a bit in "Raiding Party."
- Re: Sinclair taking risks...watch "Infection" and its tag. As for
- jumping in a fighter every show...no, that we don't do. Of the 17 or
- so episodes we've shot to date, Sinclair only goes out in a fighter in
- maybe 3 episodes. Ivanova, Garibaldi, or other fighter pilots go out
- elsewhere.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 18:01:53 -0500
- Subject: questions...
- The item on the back of Sinclair's hand is a Link, which is their
- personal communications system/powerbook/mainframe access system/pager.
- The blue and green painting on the Starfury is probably the Sea
- Witch, a personal design. The stylized EA seen on the wings, and on the
- EA command staff, is the Earth Alliance symbol. (The EA silhouette is
- then altered within the lines to accommodate different divisions, command
- with a crosshatching, security with a gun sight, and so on.)
- No comment.
- Some alien fonts, yes.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 18:10:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: Musings from my Garden. SP
- Here's what I find curious (not necessarily in direct response to
- anything you said, but in general on this topic)...is that when Ivanova
- makes her remark to Garibaldi about snapping his hands off at the
- wrists, many people have assumed that she was insulting him, berating
- him, being bitchy, truly disliking and threatening him.
- But the same words, put in the mouth of another male, wouldn't have
- drawn that reaction, and would've been classified under, "kidding
- around" or affable sarcasm.
- Which is exactly what it is in this case. In this place and this
- time, they're comfortable enough to mess with each other without it being
- taken seriously (among these characters, that is). There are times they
- kinda like to phuque with each other a bit, just for the hell of it, as
- comrades will sometimes do. ("Babylon Squared" has a great example of
- Sinclair and Garibaldi messing with Ivanova.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 20:35:26 -0500
- Subject: nit-picking, my 2 cents worth.
- We considered for a while using lots of subtitles, but the problem
- is that this is a fairly dialogue-intensive show, and after about 10
- exchanges of dialogue, it becomes hard to keep up with subtitles. The
- other problem is that there is a large viewership, particularly in SF
- circles, of blind people, and thus subtitles seemed a bit unfair.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1994 23:20:38 -0500
- Subject: Starfury launch sequence and m
- Incorrect. The Starfuries are launched from the rotating part of
- the station. They're launched from the cobra bays, which are the cobra
- shaped projections alongside the round front of the station, and attached
- to it. They definitely rotate.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Feb 1994 01:20:44 -0500
- Subject: So when does the merchandising
- Frankly, I'm not in any hurry to see the show merchandised, though
- we're up to our ears in inquiries. I think it's important, at least in
- the early stages, to keep all that stuff at arm's length. Otherwise you
- end up in a situation where the tail begins wagging the dog. Let's make
- the series as good as we can, first, and then worry about the toys later.
- jms*
- (*who already has his B5 patches, watch, shirt, belt, mug....)
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Feb 1994 21:30:37 -0500
- Subject: Kosh's First Words
- The scene was trimmed for time. It may show up again later.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Feb 1994 21:46:42 -0500
- Subject: What are those blue fins?
- The blue fins at the back of B5 are, as I recall, for the purpose
- of radiating internal heat out of and from B5.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 5 Feb 1994 06:43:00 -0500
- Subject: Re: Opening Narration
- Nope, "Purple" wasn't moved up to replace "Infection." The former
- was always scheduled for #3, followed by the latter. The episodes for
- this first batch were put together to alternate action/character,
- so "Midnight" has lots of action, there's a fair amount in "Soul," so
- we give a break in "Purple." Then lots of action in "Infection," not as
- much in "Parliament," and "Mind War" is an absolute blow out.
- These first six are really very much stand-alones, and fairly
- straightforward. Starting with "Parliament," we *really* begin to cook,
- though. The concern was that if we started out too complex, we might
- lose a lot of people. Better to bring them in gradually. Starting from
- "Parliament" onward, each episode gets more ambitious as well, in terms
- of character, story, EFX, sets, you name it, to where we've got 3
- stories running in "Mind War," all interesting, all with great
- performances, nifty character moments, and killer EFX. That's why I've
- made it a point to say, just stick with us for the first six. If you
- don't like what you see after that...you're not going to. I don't think
- anyone should support a show just because it's SF.
- (Though that's not much of a risk here; I've *seen* "Parliament" and
- "Mind War," y'see....)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Feb 1994 18:52:28 -0500
- Subject: MOTFL: Mars Colony & G'Kar's f
- Just as an advisory, I'd ask you to be more careful in your
- language, "...makes me wonder if JMS has lifted some ideas and milieu
- from Kim Stanley Robinson's 'Red Mars.'"
- I do not "lift" ideas. My ideas are my own. The B5 storyline goes
- back 7 years. There seems to be some conception in the public eye that
- TeeVee folks just sorta go out there, look at books, and start lifting
- things. This is not only inaccurate, but I find it personally offensive.
- Partly because I *know* Kim Stanley Robinson, albeit slightly.
- I know you meant no harm, so don't take this as a flame. I just felt
- that it required a response.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Feb 1994 02:15:55 -0500
- Subject: prejudice in B5(was:Re: BABYLO
- You may perceive "alien" as a negative word. It is also a correct
- word. Now, one could refer to them as "atmospherically challenged," or
- "genetically other-abled," or "adhering to DNAlternatives," but among
- humans, talking to one another...they're aliens. And to them, WE'RE
- aliens. No, it ain't polite. Who said it had to be?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Feb 1994 03:18:46 -0500
- Subject: Replay in LA
- B5 is replayed on Channel 13 at 11 p.m. Sunday nights.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Feb 1994 10:32:56 -0500
- Subject: Clive Revill on next week's ep
- Correct, Clive Revill is in "Born to the Purple" this week. We've
- actually had a *lot* of quality actors, drawn by the material, in our
- first season: Clive, David McCallum, David Warner, June Lockhart,
- Theodore Bickell, Morgan Shepherd, William Sanderson, Judson Scott and
- Walter Koenig, to name but a few.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Feb 1994 11:59:19 -0500
- Subject: Re: Opening Narration
- So who says that that order was final or official....?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Feb 1994 12:32:15 -0500
- Subject: Where's JMS
- The Genie/Internnet gateway was down for a few days, hence the
- silence.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Feb 1994 16:35:43 -0500
- Subject: B5 comments (spoilers)
- Just quickie responses: to your charge of sexism -- no female security
- guards, no female pilots -- you've only seen two shows so far. In further
- episodes, we DO have female security guards, AND female pilots (including
- Ivanova, who goes into combat), AND female doctors (one of whom is
- Hispanic, and plays a major part in an episode), and females in every
- other capacity on board the station. Virtually every female shown on this
- show has a career, responsibility, and for the most part is as content
- with that career as the men are.
- Further, not only are our cast members equally male and female,
- we've taken this *behind* the camera...half or a little over half our crew
- are female, many in non-traditional jobs (traditionally male in Hollywood
- terms, in any event). It's not just wardrobe and makeup, it's set
- and prop design, set *construction*, editorial, you name it.
- As for the militarism needing to be repressed...there are already two
- other shows which feature repressed (or absent) military aspects; let's
- have something a little different. I don't think all SF shows should look
- and feel alike.
- As for the notion that it could use "a little of Trek's humanism,"
- I don't much like the way that's been defined there. Seems to me that
- that version of "humanism" is placid, unpassionate, orderly and for the
- most part, with some exceptions, bloodless. To me, humanism means
- embracing our flaws as well as our nobilities, and saying that we don't
- have to shed our basic humanity in order to go to the stars, but that we
- remain *humans*, with all that entails. And we somehow persevere in SPITE
- of our flaws. I find the process of overcoming more interesting, and more
- human, than assuming that we've already overcome everything.
- The kind of humanism you're referring to isn't humanism, by my book.
- It's "we should all be nice to one another, and nobody should have any
- problems except the ones forced on us by bad guy aliens"...it's humanity
- as written by Barney the Dinosaur.
- In any event -- and none of this is directed at you, it's more
- generic woolgathering than anything else -- my feeling is that you've GOT
- two shows already that advance that kind of thinking. We're not Trek, we
- have no obligation to BE Trek, and if we just do what Trek is doing, what
- is the point? It just becomes the same old thing. I didn't fight for
- seven years to get this show on the air, to do Trek's vision of the
- future.
- (The funny thing, of course, is that when TNG went on the air, people
- complained roundly about the lack of militarism and action in the show,
- that Picard surrendered too quickly, that it was too passive and too
- let's-all-be-nice. Now a show that has action and an element of military
- is told that now we have to be like TNG is. TNG was faulted for not being
- TOS. We're faulted for not being TNG. This stuff goes 'round and 'round.
- The series will find its niche.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Feb 1994 05:33:28 -0500
- Subject: Soul Hunter -- B+ / D (Spoiler
- When you say that you don't understand how the small thrust of the
- coffin could've carried it away from the statino since "anything
- released from the statin must also be in orbit," I can't help but wonder
- how closely you were paying attention. A shuttle leaves B5, and moves
- well away from the station, and the coffin is launched from the shuttle,
- NOT from B5.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Feb 1994 12:02:25 -0500
- Subject: Music change from Gathering to
- Copeland decided he wanted to tour, and do another album. That
- kinda took care of doing this season. And in the long run, it's worked
- out well, because Christopher Franke has in many ways, I think, far
- exceeded what Stewart did for us, good as that was. There's some killer
- stuff coming, very aggressive, very moving and powerful. His piece for
- "And the Sky Full of Stars," -Requiem for the Line-, is brilliant, sad,
- emotional, brave...just nifty.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Feb 1994 13:07:08 -0500
- Subject: Re: Midnight: thoughts...
- Actually, only a portion of the music for any given episode of B5
- consists of synthesized music. Much of it is performed by Christopher's
- orchestra in Berlin, which is hooked via digital lines to his studio here
- in town. Not all, certainly, but more than you might think is from that
- live orchestra.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Feb 1994 16:11:59 -0500
- Subject: Re: Thoughts on why some "just
- Your theory that the two different internal-mind views are
- inconsistent is, of course, *entirely* contingent upon the assumption
- that all minds work -- human and alien alike -- work the same way, see
- themselves in the same way, perceive the world around them and their part
- in that world in exactly the same way.
- And, of course, if all minds thought exactly the same...we wouldn't
- be having this disagreement about inconsistency, yes?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1994 00:55:55 -0500
- Subject: teeny problem with soul hunter
- There *is* a beep there; it's just soft. We learned after making
- that episode that some stations crunch down the sound a bit, dropping the
- highs. We later bumped up the lows to make it more apparent. It can be
- heard in most stations, unless they crunch the sound.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1994 00:56:11 -0500
- Subject: Ivanavah is my hero
- I like Ivanova as well; she's got a very sly, very *sharp*
- intelligence going there. She can deadpan you and whap you upside the
- head with a comment delivered almost as an aside, or an afterthought.
- It's the difference between wit and humor. She doesn't tell jokes, but
- she's got a great sense of wit.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1994 00:59:40 -0500
- Subject: soul hunter, ferengis & fired
- First, I'm not "star trekkin" anyone re: the translation on the soul
- hunter (not needing a machine). He *has* been to earth. Whether or not
- I have the opportunity down the road to get into this, that happens to
- be the truth within the B5 "backstory" that's been created. In other
- episodes, when a translation machine is required, it's used. (In
- addition to Kosh's and n'grath's translation devices, we use them in
- other shows, as in "Legacies" with a race called the Pak'ma'ra.) In this
- one instance, he knew the words. I don't consider that "star trekkin'
- anybody.
- Re: your statement that the headwear of the S.H. is "stolen" from
- the Ferengi...may I be so bold as to respond to your rather loud note with
- some volume of my own? To wit: watch something other than Star Trek, and
- maybe spend a little time learning stuff about your own world. The
- headware is based upon the kind used in various african and aboriginal
- tribes. Trek didn't invent it; we have photos of its use through
- history, as well as sketches going back further. As it happens, the
- costume designer has never seen "DS9," doesn't watch TNG, has no idea
- what a Ferengi is. Neither do I intend to not do something, based in
- real history, just because some other show has done drawn on that same
- background.
- You clearly think that if something appeared in ST, then ST must have
- invented it, and that if it appears anywhere else, it must've been
- influence by ST. Wrong on both counts. I would suggest that you have
- been watching too much ST, and not nearly enough of the Discovery
- Channel.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1994 01:05:44 -0500
- Subject: Q to JMS: Make-up Time
- Makeup takes anywhere from 2-3 hours for our main characters on a
- regular basis. In some cases, we've done something pretty close to full
- body prosthetics on G'Kar, and that is nearly double the normal time.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1994 01:14:54 -0500
- Subject: Re: Religion in B5 vs religion
- Yes, ST says that religion is dead by the 23rd century, but a) this
- ain't ST, and b) I think it's hogwash. I'm an atheist, and certainly I
- wouldn't object to more people sharing that attitude. But the reality
- is that the religious/spiritual impulse has been with us for as long as
- we've been alive, and it's not going to just stop suddenly in the next
- 200 years. If anything, if you look at Eastern Europe, you're seeing a
- resurgence there.
- Your statement is predicated upon a) something massive and profound
- permanently changing the belief system of b) every person on the planet.
- At what point does it change for every single person on the planet? And
- elsewhere? Where is the switch thrown?
- People run into problems in extrapolation when they make the
- assumption that things will be *drastically* different (barring some kine
- (kind) of real disaster, obviously; if a meteor crashes into the central
- United States, it's going to have a pretty substantial affect on the
- people living there) from what's going on now. Fr'instance...the B&W
- SF *musical* "Just Imagine," made in the 1930s, set in the 1980s. In
- the movie, people have numbers instead of names, they eat pills instead
- of food, all the usual cliches. And, of course, they were wrong.
- You're looking at 200-300 years as if it's a long time, which is a
- uniquely American point of view. Go to Europe some time, stand in
- buildings that've been around longer than this nation, five, six, seven
- hundred years. Go to New Grange in Ireland, stand as I did in the burial
- mound, the oldest man-made structure in the *world*, made before metal
- tools had been invented...and you get a sense of what *time* is. 300
- years is a blink.
- I am an atheist. But I'm also a writer. And a writer is charged
- with the responsibility of being as honest as he can in his work. The
- religious impulse, little as it appeals to me, remains one part of our
- species' attempt to define itself, and our place in the universe. And
- it must be dealt with with a modicum of respect, and honesty. What you
- like in ST may be more what you like, what you hope, but neither of us
- genuinely *knows* for certain what's going to happen 250 years from now,
- so they're both equally valid views.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1994 01:14:54 -0500
- Subject: Ship Type Grumbling
- Re: non-sleek starships...the commercial transports we use (like the
- one attacked in MOTFL), the Iksha Battleglobe ("Deathwalker"), a very
- interesting ship in "Mind War," and a few others.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1994 09:41:35 -0500
- Subject: Re: BABYLON 5 To elicit attent
- "Tell you what, as soon as JMS publishes a note to the effect that
- he's going to have a realistic hetero character, I'll send him a nice
- note of appreciatoin and support, and see if I can get all the hetero
- newspapers to carry articles about why we should give B5 a chance,
- because it will have unfashionable hetero types in it."
- I'm going to have a realistic hetero character in B5. Several, in
- fact.
- Your serve.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1994 09:53:42 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Larry DiTillio, RPG?
- No word yet on any B5 RPGs, though it would be a perfect candidate.
- And Larry's the right one to write it (assuming I'm not keeping him busy
- on other stuff).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1994 10:02:46 -0500
- Subject: Re: USA Today Review--Londo is
- The hairpiece used for Londo is woven backwards, so it'll hang
- upward, for lack of a better term. Held in place with spray. The
- costume is notable for its detail work...lots of medals, intricate
- symbols (scarab/beetle type jewels on the shoulder and collar), with many
- layers. Beyond that,it's kinda hard to describe.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Feb 1994 01:10:38 -0500
- Subject: Re: BABYLON 5 To Include Gay/B
- I must admit that I am amazed by your ability to fortell the future.
- This must come in very handy in Vegas.
- You start with an assumption of what I might do -- your opinion
- based on what someone else has said -- then make that into a fact that I
- AM going to do it, and then say you have trouble with my decision; you
- assume it's going to be handled in a certain fashion, and then condemn
- that fashion; you say that issues are going to be raised, and you have
- trouble with that issue; you say the genetic factor will be brought up,
- which hasn't been proven, and then question the ethics of doing so.
- Let me state this as simply as possible:
- 1) You are wrong in just about every particular. You do not know
- what I am going to do. To make a guess, based on zip from me, then
- condemn actions based on a guess that is TOTALLY INACCURATE is truly
- the ultimate straw-man. Let me restate: you are completely and totally
- wrong in your speculations on the issues, and how this will be handled.
- You don't have to guess, you don't have to assume, I'm telling you
- straight out: you're wrong.
- 2) You're a boob. Please try to refrain from prophesy until and
- unless you are biblically empowered by a considerably higher source.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 02:18:39 -0500
- Subject: Re: BABYLON 5 To Include Gay/B
- Let me respond only to two points in your message. The rest seem
- hardly worthy of response.
- I am not, as you imply, going for "brownie points" from anyone. I
- am telling a story. I am telling the story that I've wanted to tell for
- seven years. I have no interest in currying favor from any group, any
- organization, any fringe or mainstream elements. You don't work for seven
- years to create the chance to tell your own story just to turn it over to
- the influence of others.
- Did it every occur to you -- for even a *smidgen* of a second -- that
- maybe, just maybe, what I'm doing with B5 is being done BECAUSE IT ADVANCES
- THE STORY? Because it is a legitimate part of the story? You seem to
- think that if someone does something in this area, it HAS to proceed from
- either a personal political agenda, or the enforced agenda of others.
- Which is a load of absolute and utter crap. I don't care who signs
- on board, or who's offended. That's not my concern. My concern is in
- telling a story, as best as I am able. Period.
- To your second point, that if violence on TV is open to congressional
- inquiry, then nothing is wrong in "questioning (how) political and social
- issues are presented in entertainment programming."
- Well, I'm glad someone has finally come out of the woodwork on this
- one.
- This is exactly what happens in this situation. Everybody waves the
- big VIOLENCE bugaboo around to get pressure built behind them...and then
- they begin to use this huge stick to go after their OTHER agendas, the
- legislation of ideas, curtailment of notions and issues that they don't
- personally like. It's happened again and again, in comics, in kid's
- programs, in libraries across the country, in the recording industry, and
- now they're trying to do it to TV.
- The hard part is always getting them to ADMIT that this is on their
- minds.
- Thank you for breaking the silence.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Feb 1994 06:07:47 -0500
- Subject: Questions to JMS
- The only meaning to "All alone in the night" is in its surface; no
- hidden subtext. But it is a cool image.
- There's simply nothing that I can say about Kosh just now.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Feb 1994 18:44:20 -0500
- Subject: Re: Mojo answers FX question
- Mojo is incorrect. The regular footage of live-action stuff on B5
- is shot widescreen, with the regular aspect ratio emphasized generally
- for initial broadcast in that format. We picked footage from various
- scenes already shot for use in the main title sequence; compare Delenn
- and Sinclair walking in the central corridor in the main title, with the
- same identical shot in "Soul Hunter." The widescreen is not a cropped
- image; there's more on either side. Ditto other shots in that opening.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Feb 1994 18:44:23 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Starfury question
- The engines being placed on the ends of the wings was primarily a
- decision based on maneuverability; but as you say, it would also make
- maintenance easier as well.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Feb 1994 18:44:42 -0500
- Subject: Mojo answers FX question
- Mojo...Mojo...c'mere, Mojo...I wanna talk to you...siddown...no,
- look, I'm not gonna hurt you, Mojo...Mojo...we don't film the live
- action stuff on this show in 3:1 aspect ratio. It's widescreen, Mojo.
- Super 1:78:1. Go pick up a copy of dailies, Mojo, it's right at the
- start of the tape. We crop the sides for normal broadcast. Look at the
- main title, Mojo, notice a slight difference between the main title
- shots from "Parliament" and the broadcast version in the episode
- Don't run, Mojo...come back...stand still...it's just a baseball
- bat, Mojo...we're gonna play a little game...Mojo...Mojo...COME BACK HERE!
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Feb 1994 18:45:05 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Outtakes?
- Yes, we're keeping the outtakes...somewhere. I should check, see
- how much we've got now. Very funny stuff.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Feb 1994 18:45:21 -0500
- Subject: Re: Music change from Gatherin
- The "Requiem for the Line" music appears in "And the Sky Full of
- Stars," which airs in about 5 weeks.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Feb 1994 02:24:01 -0500
- Subject: Re: soul hunter, ferengis & fi
- You're correct; information is *not* willingly shared among the
- various races. It's hoarded and used and sold. And yes, humans would
- probably have *heard* of Soul Hunters, distantly, as a legend. I see no
- reason why they would believe they existed, particularly with a title
- like that, unless and until actually encountering one.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Feb 1994 02:27:57 -0500
- Subject: JMS : Babylon 5 legal question
- It's never come up, and probably never will, but in terms of
- backstory, yes, it was legalized quite some time ago. There are only a
- certain number of drugs not allowed on B5; those which would lead to
- destructive, violent behavior that would disrupt the station, and Dust,
- about which you won't be hearing for a while.
- Near as I can figure, all grass makes you want to do is sit around
- eating pizza and watching old Lucy reruns....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Feb 1994 02:28:29 -0500
- Subject: JMS? Who's Vice-Pres.? :-)
- The Earth Alliance Vice-President is a character named Morgan
- Clark.
- But you don't need to know that for a while yet....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Feb 1994 02:30:27 -0500
- Subject: Re: Universe Today on paper?!
- It's very easy to show things being different 250 years from now.
- You just have people running around using numbers instead of names, have
- people eating pills instead of hard food, using personal flyers, having
- their children raised entirely by machine....
- In fact, all of that has been done...in an SF musical called "JUst
- Imagine," made in the 1930s, about life....in the 1980s. And it was
- completely, totally off-base.
- There's plenty of extrapolation in this show...phased plasma weapons,
- hyperspace, the Psi Corps, other political areas, on and on...and that has
- some great interest for me. But for me, what the show is *most* about is
- how we are the same, not how we are different. A key theme in this series
- is that this is US out there, in the stars, recognizeably US.
- You cite the date 1721 as how things were "different." People got
- married, held jobs, raised children, separated, had affairs, fought in
- wars, read books and the few pamphlets that were available, corresponded,
- on and on. We do those same things today. The *chrome* of technology has
- changed, but our basic human nature has not. Nor will it in the next
- 250 years.
- Re: "Universe Today." It's recycled material, light and portable,
- read it and trash it. Even Asimov noted that there is nothing quite so
- portable as a piece of paper, or as efficient. Computers were supposed to
- end the paper mountains inside corporate offices. Have they? No. One
- look at my (or any) office shows that computers have cause MORE paper
- mountains, not fewer. So why not extrapolate to "newspapers" that are
- tied into a major web, printed fresh in your quarters or thereabouts every
- day, with all the news you'd like to see printed, and the stuff you don't
- much care about left out? Customized newspapers, skewed toward your
- interests. THAT is "UT." I just don't much want to sit there and explain
- the darned thing because it's just more exposition.
- And who says the Dodgers won't be here 200 years from now? They're
- still going (reasonably) strong after nearly a century already. What
- will suddenly happen in the world that all the world's baseball teams will
- simply vanish? There seems to be this sense that at some point in the
- coming future, somebody will throw a switch, and suddenly 90% of the
- things we're familiar with will just vanish...and I think that's nonsense.
- What I want to do with this show is to connect our past, our present,
- and our future, melding familiar images with new ones. This isn't what
- you're used to seeing. But it's what I want to *do* with it. Otherwise
- all you have are unattainable futures about people who we barely recognize
- as being humans, doing things we can't relate to. I'm sorry, but that
- just doesn't interest me.
- There's plenty of extrapolation coming down the road. The first and
- foremost mistake people make about this show is seeing one or three
- episodes, that this is all there's going to be. Wrong.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Feb 1994 05:15:04 -0500
- Subject: Re: Concerns about Scientific
- Re: the question of consistency/inconsistency in the B5 universe:
- where you get inconsistency is generally when you have more than one
- voice in the show, creation by committee or different administrations.
- B5 is my show, and it's as consistent as I am...which means sometimes
- you'll catch something small, a glitch between scripts written far apart
- (calling the main console Station One instead of the Primary Console),
- but on the big issues...I doubt very much it'll happen. I've thought out
- this universe pretty thoroughly over the last 7 years.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Feb 1994 05:17:03 -0500
- Subject: June Lockhart (sp?)
- June Lockhart is *not* a regular or recurring character on B5; she
- appears in one episode, "The Quality of Mercy."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 00:42:08 -0500
- Subject: Questions re Centauris in "Pur
- The correct term is the Centauri Republic. It can be called an
- empire, but that's the name. Trakis, Adira's owner, was not a Centauri,
- but (and this is something we may bring up at some point down the road),
- was at one point a Centauri slave.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 06:41:27 -0500
- Subject: Shoes & foreheads
- Don't know if GAribaldi's shoes have a custom tread or not; it's
- possible. Londo's spots don't vary with stress; sometimes they come
- through more depending on the lighting.
- And yeah, I love the costuming.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 06:41:35 -0500
- Subject: Commentary
- Yes, I try to log on here about once a day, and though it's getting
- tougher, I still read through *all* the messages in this area, though at
- times I skim a bit. From my perspective, I try not to get in the way of
- the discussion, by either encouraging or discouraging positive or
- negative comments. If I think someone is being unfair, or is just coming
- in to lob in a firecracker, watch everyone scatter and yell, and then run
- away (as the occasional spineless mindfucker among us is wont to do), I
- either fire back, or simply ignore the post.
- The one major reason I decided to begin this interaction, despite
- CONSIDERABLE discourgement and disbelief from my peers, is that I think it
- may be of some use, and because I think that one should be willing to
- stand publicly with what you create, and because though many criticisms
- are issues of taste or subjective preference, sometimes (fairly often,
- actually), I learn something from the discussion, or I'm corrected in
- something, and that realignment is eventually reflected in the show. I'm
- giving some serious thought to either revamping n'grath or killing him off
- given the reaction (paired with my own). I won't be dictated to, but in
- some cases, as with n'grath, I may be uncertain, but willing to try and
- see if the experiment works. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, and
- the general perception here seems close to my own. In addition, I was
- initially going to gloss over some of the legal aspects of the Psi Corps
- in "The Quality of Mercy," but when so many people expressed interest in
- how that worked, and when I saw some measure of confusion about it, I
- took the time to indicate how the legal aspects work when it came time to
- complete that script, thus answering the questions.
- Sure, there've been more hostile or abusive or insulting messages
- posted here, primarily to get a reaction...I've seen that game before, and
- I'm neither impressed nor annoyed. The general level of the discussion
- -- pro AND con -- is still generally of a high level, and quite
- revealing. The experiment continues.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 06:48:40 -0500
- Subject: Re: Soul Hunter
- Re: Delenn's alien-esque qualities...I have two photos from the set
- that are favorites. I was walking through the offices to the stage, when
- I saw Mira in full make up in her Grey Council robes, picking up the day's
- shooting schedule. I saw her, said hi from down the hall, raised the
- camera. I snapped a picture. Raised the camera again. And in that one
- instant, she straightened, lowered her chin, something about her face and
- her body language absolutely altered. I snapped a second photo.
- Photo #1 is a picture of Mira Furlan made up to look like a Minbari.
- Photo #2 is a picture of Delenn.
- Damndest thing I'ved ever seen....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 06:50:06 -0500
- Subject: JMS-questions for ya
- There's still rock and roll, plus other new musical forms that have
- come along, and still some franchises. TZ3 is being played on various
- local stations, but not everywhere.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 06:50:15 -0500
- Subject: JMS? Actors & Arcs
- Some of the cast know the full extent of their character's story,
- some know a little, some know very little. In those cases where we need
- to set stuff up for down the line, we have to explain some of these
- things. Some of the cast want to know their future, some don't.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 06:57:23 -0500
- Subject: B5 Newbie with Brilliant
- Correct: Tristan Rodgers makes an appearance in "The War Prayer."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 21:12:24 -0500
- Subject: How much does one episode cost
- The B5 budget is, alas, classified. As for more gif files...I
- wouldn't be surprised to see them down the road a piece.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 21:12:29 -0500
- Subject: Re: Starfury Launching
- Negative. If you'll look to the right of your ascii drawing,
- you'll see a square (round in the series) section. Several cobra-shaped
- arms surround that section. That's where the fighters are launched.
- You'll get a better view of this area as we go along, particularly in
- an episode called "Survivors."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 21:22:37 -0500
- Subject: Re: Ban on creative works? Huh
- Let me put this another way, to see if this may have more influence
- on your thoughts.
- BABYLON 5 is owned by PTEN. The names, the characters, *and the
- situations* are all part of what is owned through copyright, trademark
- and other legal means. It can then choose to whom to license the right,
- for a fee, to produce material within that universe...novels, comics,
- whatever. That sub-entity then has the legal right to publish works that
- use the B5 universe. (And it's not just the names; if every character is
- the same, and the context is the same, and a work appears within that
- context with the names just changed, it is still copyright infringement.)
- It is in the vested interests of PTEN to maintain ownership of its
- copyright and trademarks. Otherwise why should any publisher pay for the
- rights to, say, publish novels in that universe? If a work appears in the
- public domain, using copyrighted characters/situations, and is NOT gone
- after legally, then that portion of the original creation has itself
- slipped into public domain. PTEN is currently going after several of the
- companies that have provided services to B5, and then have gone around and
- published ads in various magazines using photos from B5 *without* the
- PTEN copyright notice. Those specific images run the risk now of becoming
- part of the public domain. This has to be stopped and will be stopped, by
- I understand the need, the utility, and the fun of fanzines. I've
- read many and own many. I, however, am not PTEN. I understand the
- desire to play with the characters, in electronic or printed form. But
- that has nothing to do with PTEN's desire to protect its copyright. The
- electronic medium -- BBSing -- has been found in several court hearings
- to constitute a form of publication. There are, in fact, now several
- electronic publishers who circulate books/stories via this medium. Any
- work appearing in this medium is subject to commonlaw copyright, so that
- the writer of that work owns it...which brings that writer into direct
- conflict if that work infringes upon the copyright of someone else.
- If a flood of B5 stories (or camoflaged clones) began to appear on
- this or any other net, it would force PTEN to intervene legally with
- injunctions, cease-and-desist letters, and so on. My own feelings about
- this really don't enter into it.
- It becomes a two-sided risk. On my behalf, I would simply have to
- withdraw rather than run the risk of being sued for something somebody
- might write that I might have seen. It doesn't have to be proven that I
- even saw it as long as I had *access* to seeing it. On the other hand,
- those doing so run the risk of entanglements of their own.
- Is it fun? No. Not for either of us. Part of the reason I created
- the B5 universe was to see what other people would do with it. But this
- is the law. And the law doesn't have to be fair. It simply is.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 21:22:38 -0500
- Subject: Harlan Ellison and Babylon 5
- Harlan is our conceptual consultant. His job is to sit perched on
- my shoulder like Jiminy Cricket and point out to me the chuckholes,
- detours, and disasters-in-the-making that I might otherwise stumble into
- as I galumph my way through this show...and to harangue me and keep me
- on the SF straight and narrow and to challenge me constantly to do better.
- He also reviews stories, helped write the opening narration, has
- given us several good concepts on the running of the B5 station, and
- otherwise...well...consults conceptually.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1994 22:17:43 -0500
- Subject: Why do B5 command staff go out
- Why Sinclair goes out on missions: someone here just left a far
- better reply than I could write. Check it out.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Feb 1994 17:58:00 -0500
- Subject: Did one need USA Today's Permi
- "Universe Today" is a fictional newspaper, and thus no permission
- was required.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Feb 1994 17:58:01 -0500
- Subject: Babylon-5 Fan Clubs?
- Since the series began to air, there's been a flood of mail and calls,
- so some kind of organization will be necessary to handle this, though no
- framework has been finalized yet.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Feb 1994 20:31:55 -0500
- Subject: Re: B5 comments (spoilers)
- You ask, "Why would the Earth Alliance act this way?" The question
- is, why *wouldn't* they? Minus some limited supplementary contributions
- from the Centauri and the Minbari, the EA pays for this. It's their
- dollar, they get to call the shots. This isn't the Federation, where
- everyone's equally part of things. The EA provides B5 as a service to
- other species, and as a meeting place. It reflects the priorities and
- to some extent the prejudices of those who built it. No, it's not a
- perfect or polite setup. Nobody said it had to be. Nor do I feel it HAS
- to be perfect or polite.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 15 Feb 1994 20:43:26 -0500
- Subject: Soul Hunter and General
- Sinclair gets into some real strong arguments in many episodes; he
- is almost *constantly* at odds with Dr. Franklin in "Believers" (and just
- about loses it at one point), he's arguing and exhausted nearly the entire
- episode for "By Any Means" (and *does* lose it at one point, in a way
- that says get-the-hell-out, and is also weirdly funny). Anyway, it's
- definitely there.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Feb 1994 22:17:47 -0500
- Subject: I like everything but....
- Errr....when the ships are hit, they don't just vanish/get totally
- consumed; debris *does* fly off. Check again.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 15 Feb 1994 22:32:37 -0500
- Subject: Re: +/- Review: Midnight
- The symbol Talia wears isn't a Link or any other kind of
- communications system; it is *strictly* a form of identification, tagging
- her as a telepath and a member of the Psi Corps. It serves no other
- function.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 15 Feb 1994 22:32:42 -0500
- Subject: Soul Hunter comments
- In my original B5 material, the leader of the Grey Council was always
- Dukhat, going back 7 years. I saw no reason to change it. The moment I
- begin whipsawing my show back and forth to avoid tripping over somebody
- else, I'm just going to end up tripping over my own two feet.
- And that was Johnny Sekka's actual accent (he's Nigerian-born).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 05:26:25 -0500
- Subject: JMS Question: Earth Alliance
- The EA is fairly large, but not on a par with the Centauri at this
- point. There are various space platforms/colonies, colonies on the Moon,
- Mars, a major transfer point off Io...they've gone in and "helped" a
- number of bronze-tech worlds (that happened to have certain resources
- useful to EA), and are generally spreading like mice in a cheese factory.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 05:26:34 -0500
- Subject: JMS: What else is tabu here be
- Fairly fleshed out stories or detailed suggestions are really the
- only thing that would cause a problem...everything else seems to be fair
- game.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 05:46:18 -0500
- Subject: Re: +/- Review: Midnight
- She wore the Psi symbol on her belt.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 10:53:30 -0500
- Subject: B5 Versus Tekwar in LA
- Forget B5 vs. Tekwar in the ratings...I just realized that one of our
- best episodes in this first batch, "The Parliament of Dreams," is going
- to go right up against the Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan skating part of
- the Olympics.
- We're doomed.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 11:04:14 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: Centauri Republic or
- Sinclair functions within the parameters of Earthforce Command, but
- much in the way as a provisional governor might function. He is answerable
- both to his superior officers in Earthforce, *as well as* the Babylon 5
- Senate Oversight and Appropriations Committee. A senatorial liaison often
- works between Sinclair and Earthdome (the EA capital city).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 11:09:35 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Centauri Republic or Empi
- It was a slip of the tongue, to some extent; it's the Centauri
- Republic. And very definitely there's a Roman influence on that
- particular civilization.
- Re: scripts...a topic for another time....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 02:18:40 -0500
- Subject: "Bab" prefix
- Re: your concern about putting "bab" in front of everything (the
- message to which you responded mentioned babcommand, babalert, babguard
- and so on)...it's not, and we don't. There is only one thing with that
- previx, BabCom. That's all. There ain't no more. The person who
- thought he heard bab-alert misheard MedAlert.
- The concern as raised has *nothing* to do with our show.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 03:35:48 -0500
- Subject: Christy Marx
- Yes, this Christy Marx is the same as the one who writes games and
- has written comics as well.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 03:35:39 -0500
- Subject: Re: What are those blue fins?
- For the record: B5 is *not* purely solar-powered. There's a HUGE
- fusion reactor at the far end of the station that takes up almost that
- entire long section.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 07:12:15 -0500
- Subject: Babylon 5 '89
- Don't really remember what the plan would've been if we'd gotten
- the Go order years earlier; but one way or another we would've made it,
- that's all I know. Nothing's stopping this thing.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 07:36:15 -0500
- Subject: Re: Ban on creative works? Huh
- "Why can't I write a story using the characters from B5 and publish
- it here for all to read?"
- Because it's a violation of copyright and trademark. What part of
- that sentence don't you understand?
- If you write a story and -- using your own terms -- "publish it here"
- that instance of commonlaw copyright is a violation of the PTEN copyright
- and trademark. My own personal feelings notwithstanding, *it's the law*.
- The only thing that really bothers me in this whole conversation is
- that I didn't want to get into a discussion of legalities, or lawyers, or
- copyright infringement...all I said at the beginning was that I would like
- to be here, to stay here, to participate in this experiment. And I asked,
- as a courtesy, to be kept away from any story ideas because it opens me
- up to legal liability. That's all. Just a courtesy, in exchange for the
- 3 hours a day I spend on this system, reading 500 messages a day now, to
- keep the lines of communication open.
- Why is the request for a courtesy insufficient, and people have to
- go to the legal aspect?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 07:12:15 -0500
- Subject: Babylon 5 '89
- Don't really remember what the plan would've been if we'd gotten
- the Go order years earlier; but one way or another we would've made it,
- that's all I know. Nothing's stopping this thing.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 17:47:25 -0500
- Subject: JMS Question: Where Were They?
- The Centauri Republic tended to go after species where they could get
- some advantage; they'd find a world on the fringe of being able to hit
- space, with a technological base, move in and take over. It's sharper
- and easier than taking over a world without tech; not much to offer. By
- the time we got to that point, they had begun the decline of their
- empire, and basically greeted us with a shrug. And there is no EA rule
- about non-interference. The only real rule applies to surveying distant
- worlds for mineral resources, and a restriction against strip-mining
- worlds that contain sentient life.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 21:15:59 -0500
- Subject: JMS: "Infection" -- no spoiler
- Thanks. Sinclair's final speech there is the simplest truth about
- space exploration that I can think of...and the most compelling..and the
- most overlooked. As Henry Kissinger once said, "It has the added benefit
- of being true."
- jms
- 10716
- ::::::::::::::
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Feb 1994 02:42:35 -0500
- Subject: Born to the Purple (Minor Spo
- Fabiana didn't shave her head to play Adira; that's a prosthetic
- head piece. Ditto with all our Centauriy women. (Funnily enough, the one
- time we DID have a bald woman as a background extra, those not in the
- know on stage kept commenting on how fake the bald-cap looked....)
- The planet behind B5 ain't the moon. This is a LOT further out.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Feb 1994 02:57:58 -0500
- Subject: To JMS: They still use paper?
- It's not a paper,but synthetic material. A customized (to each
- person) copy of UT comes out in your quarters, you take it with you, read
- it, dump it in the recycler and get it again the next day. And the
- "help" given by EA to bronze-tech worlds is on a "whether you want it or
- not" basis. No prime directive here.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Feb 1994 03:36:05 -0500
- Subject: The annoying little space shot
- We did a lot of exterior transitional shots in the first few eps of
- B5 to reinforce where we are and what this is; it diminishes in frequency
- the deeper into the series you get.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Feb 1994 04:42:36 -0500
- Subject: Concerns about Scientific real
- Let me ask you a question: let's say we zip back in time for a
- moment. It's now the year 1944. Someone writes a science fiction story
- about life 50 years from now, 1994. And in the course of that story,
- which gets into nuclear powered vessels, Mars probes, space shuttles and
- laser surgery...you get references to such outrageous ideas as Psychic
- hotlines, crop circles, and other things.
- Does it stop being a science fiction story? Perhaps...but it is
- fundamentally more *real* than if you pretended none of that existed, or
- tried to explain it all away. The universe it too big, and 110 episodes
- is too short, to try and explain away *everything*. I think that there
- should be mysteries.
- Because mysteries will always be with us...and any attempt at SF that
- tries to deny that basic element of our existence is being untruthful to
- the history of human experience.
- The whole science fiction/science fantasy argument is fairly recent
- in SF, as various parties drew up sides and closed ranks. There's the
- Analog crowd, and the F&SF crowd...prior to Campbell and a few others
- really hammering down a set of rules, SF encompassed a whole *range* of
- ideas, and freely crossed borders, using various elements. The classic
- Mark Twain story, "Sold to Satan" (I'm pretty sure that's the title)
- combines SF elements (the purposes of this new discovery called radium)
- with the supernatural (said component is a prime ingredient in Satan's
- physiology).
- Now obviously I'm not going to do that, I have no desire to go that
- far. But I don't think that you have to sit down and quantify every single
- mystery in life and reduce it to a catchphrase or some technobabble; why
- can't there still be wonders and mysteries and the unsolved in 2258, as
- we have them today?
- Because you could write that 1944 story about 1994 without crop
- circles, or dial-a-psychic hotlines...and maybe it would be (by the
- lights of some) valid SF, it would *not* be valid extrapolation. It would
- ESPECIALLY not be valid social extrapolation. It comes down to: do you
- want an agenda behind a story, or do you want a story about where people
- may be in 200 years, and the kinds of things they might experience?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Feb 1994 05:22:29 -0500
- Subject: (attn JMS) The New Group Debat
- Correct: when we've told our five year story, the B5 series comes to
- an end in terms of original episodes, and then will, like all other TV
- series, go into long-term reruns. There's one possible spin-off that
- has always been feasible, but it would not be a B5 series, rather following
- one thread in a different direction. But that also has a definite end,
- after which there *can't* be any more followups, for reasons I can't now
- go into.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Feb 1994 06:11:25 -0500
- Subject: Q: JMS: Station ownership
- The EA has owned all of the Babylons; 1-3 were sabotaged early in
- construction, so it wasn't too much of a loss. They dumped a BIG budget
- into B4, and when that died, barely passed the budget for #5, skimping all
- the way, cutting it down to bare bones operating expenses. They will and
- would never approve a #6.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Feb 1994 11:17:48 -0500
- Subject: JMS Query; ref n'grath
- Garibaldi is quite aware of n'grath...and knowing that if he just
- vanished, somebody'd take his place in five minutes, prefers the trouble
- he knows to the trouble he'd have to track down.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Feb 1994 17:35:18 -0500
- Subject: Re: Ban on creative works? Huh
- Obviously, I can't say anything officially here saying "Go write
- fanfic to your heart's content." Because PTEN would (correctly) stick my
- head on a pike in the middle of downtown Hollywood. However, let me be
- ABSOLUTELY clear in this: I have NEVER said, "Don't write it." All that
- I have EVER said is, "Don't put it in a place where I can see it or
- stumble over it."
- Email is a private system; so is a closed mailing list. I'm not
- here to be PTEN's eyes and ears; I really don't care what happens out
- there in that respect. My only real concern is that whatever it is that's
- happening, *I don't see it.* It's better for all concerned if I don't
- see it, or don't have access to it.
- So on a personal level, I have no real problem with what you propose.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Feb 1994 05:29:46 -0500
- Subject: Infection (spoilers)
- I allow a small smile...in the course of any given script, I put in
- little things that I figure nobody will ever notice, but which for me
- help just a bit to keep on track with the character, and which may
- resonate to anyone paying attention. You cite Sinclair's line about
- joining Garibaldi "on the LINE," and Garibaldi noting that Sinclair keeps
- putting his life "on the LINE," and the similarity to the phrase "the
- Battle of the Line."
- It was a throwaway...but a conscious one.
- He's still fighting the same battle. He's never stopped. In one way
- or another, he keeps putting himself out there, caught in a loop....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Feb 1994 05:59:26 -0500
- Subject: Re: Talia's badge
- The Psi Corps identification is worn both with pride and as a
- warning or advisory to others. No bikini-tags yet.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Feb 1994 05:59:40 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Psi Corps Symbol
- Er...the symbol Lyta wears isn't "an interconnected IU that looks
- an awful lot like the greek 'psi,'" ...it *IS* the Greek letter Psi, as
- is appropriate for a group of telepaths. That was always our intent.
- (Funnily enough, while in college getting my first degree in Clinical
- Psychology, I belonged to Psi Chi, the national honor society in
- psychology. Small world.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Feb 1994 21:04:34 -0500
- Subject: Little touches I live for (spo
- Re: "That kind of direction." Not to be nit-picky, but it was
- scripted that we would come to G'Kar just as she got to that line. Not
- everything is from the director....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Feb 1994 21:05:30 -0500
- Subject: JMS - two questions...
- Don't know re: Harlan's photo. The reader doing the Tennyson piece
- was just a regular voice-over actor. The piece is from "Ulysses."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Feb 1994 01:18:43 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Generic EZ Q's
- The Earth/Minbari war started with a Minbari first encounter (by us)
- that went tragically wrong and resulted in a firefight, in which the
- leader of the Grey Council was killed.
- Kosh's ship is still on B5, except when he takes it out.
- Virtually all of the B5 story takes place within one galaxy.
- Yes, Earth religions have had to come to grips with the existence of
- alien cultures; and religions from both sides have filtered into human an
- alien life. We won't be dealing with that this season because we deal
- with the topic of religion a lot this season, and don't want to get too
- bogged down with it.
- Franklin's associate wasn't a Foundationist, no.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Feb 1994 03:42:16 -0500
- Subject: "Infections" vs. Guyver (spoi
- I've never been a big fan of japanese animation, and have never heard
- of Guyver before it came up in this discussion. (I actually thought that
- the Guyver references were some kind of reference to McGuyver for a long
- time, until finally I began to suss out that we were talking animation
- here.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Feb 1994 04:47:58 -0500
- Subject: Re: Infection <spoilers>
- Re: the scene in which Sinclair tells an INS reporter that humanity
- has to stay in space because eventually our local star will go out and
- make futile our million-year struggle through evolution and blood, you
- say, "It's also been done a zillion times before."
- Name five.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 04:47:25 -0500
- Subject: Re: Babylon 5 Grade Report: "M
- For what it's worth, in "Raiding Party," there's a line or two of
- dialogue mentioning that the Raider ships are meant for atmospheric and
- space maneuvering, with the recommendation that someone "aim for the
- airfoils," as that's the most vulnerable spot. So that *is* specified at
- one point.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 04:47:31 -0500
- Subject: JMS (et al.) A treatise on Cha
- Your analysis sounds just about right on from where I sit....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 04:47:35 -0500
- Subject: I liked it.
- Re: the shape of the doors...they're set to notch into the wall,
- and in the case of depressurization, bolts shoot through the "teeth" that
- insert into the wall, to lock it securely into place. It's much more
- airtight that way than a conventional door that swings or opens in the
- middle in case of an accident that opens a portion of the station to
- vacuum.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 04:47:39 -0500
- Subject: Re: "Midnight" reactions
- There was a problem with the initial episodes using the garden: we
- kept turning in good looking shots, and couldn't figure out why they
- looked weird later. Turns out that the people at the color lab/video
- transfer facility (one person in particular) kept adjusting the color and
- gamma TO MATCH HIS MONITOR. We finally found out about this and yelled.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 04:47:42 -0500
- Subject: Re: RFD: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylo
- "I certainly hope B5 can do (Battlestar Galactica) justice!"
- (whoah...must've hit him harder than I thought....)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 05:24:06 -0500
- Subject: Re: query to JMS.......
- There are no immediate plans to expand on the Sinclair Aircraft
- piece; some things are best just left there. The logo is real, btw; we
- found it, and got permission to use it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 05:24:13 -0500
- Subject: Soul Hunter - A review of sort
- Doing the intro was something that PTEN wants for all its shows; if
- you check out Trax and Kung Fu, you'll see it there, as well. It's my
- hope that we can trim the narration down by 1/2 in second and subsequent
- seasons.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 05:24:57 -0500
- Yes, we will. In addition to the Zen garden, and the Fresh Air
- Restaurant, we'll be seeing the Orchard, the Pavillion, and the Maze,
- though you won't see the last one there for some time. I don't think it
- shows up until "Chrysalis."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 05:25:00 -0500
- Subject: JMS at Icon?
- Yes, at this point, I do plan to be at Icon....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1994 05:26:22 -0500
- Subject: Transfer point at Io
- The transfer point off Io is a Jump Gate, the one most generally
- used by Earthforce.
- jms
- (It's not on Io, it's on a station *off* Io.)
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 02:18:40 -0500
- Subject: "Bab" prefix
- Re: your concern about putting "bab" in front of everything (the
- message to which you responded mentioned babcommand, babalert, babguard
- and so on)...it's not, and we don't. There is only one thing with that
- previx, BabCom. That's all. There ain't no more. The person who
- thought he heard bab-alert misheard MedAlert.
- The concern as raised has *nothing* to do with our show.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie5.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 02:18:39 -0500
- Subject: Re: BABYLON 5 To Include Gay/B
- Let me respond only to two points in your message. The rest seem
- hardly worthy of response.
- I am not, as you imply, going for "brownie points" from anyone. I
- am telling a story. I am telling the story that I've wanted to tell for
- seven years. I have no interest in currying favor from any group, any
- organization, any fringe or mainstream elements. You don't work for seven
- years to create the chance to tell your own story just to turn it over to
- the influence of others.
- Did it every occur to you -- for even a *smidgen* of a second -- that
- maybe, just maybe, what I'm doing with B5 is being done BECAUSE IT ADVANCES
- THE STORY? Because it is a legitimate part of the story? You seem to
- think that if someone does something in this area, it HAS to proceed from
- either a personal political agenda, or the enforced agenda of others.
- Which is a load of absolute and utter crap. I don't care who signs
- on board, or who's offended. That's not my concern. My concern is in
- telling a story, as best as I am able. Period.
- To your second point, that if violence on TV is open to congressional
- inquiry, then nothing is wrong in "questioning (how) political and social
- issues are presented in entertainment programming."
- Well, I'm glad someone has finally come out of the woodwork on this
- one.
- This is exactly what happens in this situation. Everybody waves the
- big VIOLENCE bugaboo around to get pressure built behind them...and then
- they begin to use this huge stick to go after their OTHER agendas, the
- legislation of ideas, curtailment of notions and issues that they don't
- personally like. It's happened again and again, in comics, in kid's
- programs, in libraries across the country, in the recording industry, and
- now they're trying to do it to TV.
- The hard part is always getting them to ADMIT that this is on their
- minds.
- Thank you for breaking the silence.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 03:35:39 -0500
- Subject: Re: What are those blue fins?
- For the record: B5 is *not* purely solar-powered. There's a HUGE
- fusion reactor at the far end of the station that takes up almost that
- entire long section.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie4.geis.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1994 03:35:48 -0500
- Subject: Christy Marx
- Yes, this Christy Marx is the same as the one who writes games and
- has written comics as well.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Feb 1994 08:10:21 -0500
- Subject: B-5: What are they wearing on
- The devices on the backs of their hands are Links, which function as
- communications devices, interface with the B5 central computer, can access
- the PA system and so on. They slap on and off easily.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Feb 1994 08:10:21 -0500
- Subject: Re: Concerns about Scientific
- Just a minor correction: I was never involved with the production or
- writing of the original V series or miniseries; I was hired by Warners to
- write a new (and as yet unproduced) 4-hour miniseries to revive the V
- series in syndication. The project was shelved when it was realized that
- it would be too expensive to try it for the syndicated market.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Feb 1994 21:57:42 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Parliament?
- A parliament is a gathering of officials, of representatives, which
- matches the story in terms of representatives of different places, and
- beliefs. The dreams are the belief systems.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Feb 1994 22:10:25 -0500
- Subject: B5 and Cronos
- The only Cronos movie that I know of is "Kronos," a mexican-filmed
- black and white film in which an alien device crash-lands and grows to
- skyscraper size and begins stomping its way across Mexico...looked like
- a cross between a rubik's cube and a peppermill.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1994 02:57:23 -0500
- Subject: Re: Concerns about Scientific
- "I object to the PSI stuff because the show was said to be SF."
- Yes, and telepathy has been dealt with considerably throughout the
- long history of SF. One of the finest novels in the genre is Alfred
- Bester's "The Demolished Man." Telepathy has also been used as a valid
- plot device in SF by Ray Bradbury, Larry Niven, Kurt Vonnegut, Brian
- Aldiss, John Brunner, Kate Wilhelm, Robert Sheckley, Eric Frank Russell,
- Walter M. Miller, Anne McCaffrey, Richard Matheson, Fritz Leiber and
- Samuel Delaney, to name but a FEW.
- If you want to argue that telepathy isn't a valid area for SF, or
- doesn't qualify as SF, then your argument is with them, not with me.
- And you'd lose.
- (With luck, this will close this discussion once and for all.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1994 04:24:31 -0500
- Subject: Re: No more gay talk and Ivano
- Actually, Ivanova gets to play hero a *lot* in this first season;
- in "Raiding Party," a little in "War Prayer," more in "Believers," and
- "A Voice in the Wildereness," and "Legacies," and a whole bunch more.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1994 04:24:44 -0500
- Subject: Stupid Question in "Infection"
- Actually, the reporter's question was *not* (from a 2258 point of
- view) stupid. Earth is far enough from the other major races not to
- have to worry about iminent invasion. At the time of the story, there is
- a VERY strong isolationist movement growing back home, which you'll hear
- more about as we go in. Space travel is *expensive*, even in 2258, and
- there are still a lot of problems to be resolved back home. While the
- Earth administration in Earthdome keeps pressing to go further and
- further, various nation/states in the Earth senate are taxed further to
- finance explorations which they don't always share in equally, the Mars
- Colony is threatening secession...things are falling apart by degrees.
- So in light of all that, the question is *absolutely* valid.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1994 04:25:17 -0500
- Subject: Re: MOJO responds to FX chat
- Re: boring textbooks and keeping you away from physics....
- Ladies and gentlemen, the Amazing MOJO, one of the leading minds of
- the 14th century.
- I gotta get a bigger ball-bat.
- Go ahead. Tell Ron you just wrote that here. But wait until I get
- there first. This one I'd *pay* to see.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1994 04:25:31 -0500
- Subject: Re: ALIEN ACCENTS
- I quote your message verbatim: "What kind of accent (besides FAKE and
- FORCED) does the membari (spelling?) lady use? I mean, what country on
- earth did they model her character's accent from?"
- (rolling up sleeves) Allow me to show you why you are an idiot.
- There is a tendency, among the cerebrally impaired, to automatically
- decide that whatever they don't like is fake, or forced, or cheesy, when
- they are simply ignorant of what it means, or what it is. Because it
- isn't instantly familiar, doesn't instantly match what they've seen before,
- they -- like you -- assume it's being done incorrectly.
- Mira Furlan is a native-born Yugoslavian (back when that was the
- name of the country). She came to this country only a year or two ago,
- fleeing for her life. She had been that nation's premiere actress, having
- won any number of major awards, including the Palm d'Or at Cannes. But
- because she refused to endorse either side in that bloodbath, she was
- hunted by both.
- The "fake and forced" accent to which you refer...is her native
- accent.
- Maybe next time you will take the required moment to *think* before
- shooting off your mouth, and phrase your question in order to get the
- required information before making allegations based on your own lack of
- said information. One doesn't always have to attack something unfamiliar
- or insult someone's ability just because you don't like something.
- Because from time to time, you'll prove yourself a boob.
- Like this time.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1994 04:26:45 -0500
- Subject: Did you need Loyd's of London'
- No need for Lloyd's permission, just for a casual reference.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1994 23:16:20 -0500
- Subject: (JMS) Research Grants
- Thanks. And agreed; the state of research grants, particularly for
- pure-research, but even for more practical applications, is in sorry
- shape. Other nations invest *massive* amounts of money into research and
- development, we invest pennies...and we wonder why we're falling behind.
- No one's looking ahead. It's tragic, and worse than tragic, it's
- dirt-stick-stone stupid. My condolences.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Feb 1994 00:32:10 -0500
- Subject: SPOILERS:The Parliament of Dre
- "There was one big plot hole: Na'Toth should not have had such an
- easy time convincing the assassin that she had been assigned as backup."
- Hmm...as I recall the episode, she *didn't* convince him at all, and
- in fact was inches away from having him blow her brains out when G'Kar
- came barrelling down the hall at them....
- Just a thought.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Feb 1994 00:32:49 -0500
- In terms of visual-media SF, there have been a lot of influences over
- the years, mainly in informing my views of what constitutes SF. There are
- the obvious influences from Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits, as well as
- Blake's 7 and the Prisoner. Also loved Night Gallery, and still hold some
- measure of appreciation for the Invaders. My favorite SF films are still
- (for the most part) those from the fifties and sixties; 2001, The Day The
- Earth Stood Still, Twenty Million Years to Earth and so on, though clearly
- there's been a lot of good work since, with Aliens and the Terminator
- films being favorites.
- Anime has never really done much for me, I'm afraid. It's hard to
- really say why; it's not that it offends me or anything, it just hasn't
- pushed the same buttons for me that other venues have.
- jms
- ::::::::::::::
- gain, putting in
- phasing problems and other stuff. We're trying to backtrack further and
- keep it from happening again. (Part of the problem apparently sets in
- when they do the closed-captioning duping.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Feb 1994 15:50:16 -0500
- Subject: Re: BABYLON 5 To Include Gay/B
- Let me put this as simply as I can...in the year 2258, nobody *cares*
- about your sexual orientation. It doesn't come up. No one makes an issue
- out of it. There are no discussions, no proclamations, no inquiries, no
- "how will they react?" It's like being left-handed or right-handed; no
- one really cares one way or another.
- Can we now move on past all of this?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Feb 1994 15:53:58 -0500
- Subject: B5mojo: Some things I want to
- You've already got your wish. You'll see big ships going *boom* in
- "A Voice in the Wilderness" and firing at each other, and the between the
- fins movement and other stuff even more outrageous in "Raiding Party."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Feb 1994 16:25:38 -0500
- Subject: "Collision course" in SH (spoi
- Re: why soul hunter #1's ship was out of control...the second soul
- hunter comments that they've been tracking him, and caught up with him a
- few days ago. They attacked, "and he escaped, his ship damaged." That
- is what brought him here...and led his pursuers to this place as well.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Feb 1994 19:27:51 -0500
- Subject: JMS: talkshows
- Jerry Doyle was recently on the Dini Petty show up in Canada, but as
- far as I know, no talk show bookings yet, though a few things are in the
- discussions phase.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Feb 1994 05:24:35 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: Are you pulling a "St
- In your complaints regarding the commander flying off on occasional
- missions (and he only does it about 3 times out of 22 episodes, so I
- hardly see this as a problem), you are forgetting several other *realities*
- of military life. If you're a pilot, even as a commander, you have to
- log in X-number of hours flying time per month in order to continue to
- qualify for flight pay. This is a *requirement*. And it doesn't just
- mean flying around the station a few times.
- Second, many commanders -- as recently as Vietnam and afterward --
- did and continue to go out on missions and sorties because it is rather
- expected of them, and because it maintains the respect of the rest of
- the squadron(s).
- Third, and possibly most important, Earthforce is the same as the
- contermporary Air Force in one important respect: promotion up the ranks
- is tied *directly* to combat experience and, in this case, combat
- flying. That's why women fighter pilots and helicopter pilots have been
- fighting so *vigorously* to be allowed to fly combat missions; they know
- that they can't be promoted fully up the line without that. Sinclair has
- no desire to be a commander all his life, he'd like to move on. Hence
- it behooves him to get in combat time whenever possible.
- Your statement that it "doesn't wash" has nothing to do with how
- the military *actually* works, and everything to do with the skewed and
- inaccurate portrayal of the military that you get from Trek. This is
- absolutely legitimate, and the B5 mailbox these days is partly crammed
- with letters from vets thanking us for getting this part right.
- I suppose I could mention this in passing in dialogue, but then it
- becomes a matter of sticking in dialogue not because it's important to an
- episode, but because some folks would like things explained to them. I
- don't think that's my responsibility.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Feb 1994 10:49:18 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Are you pulling a "Star
- I answered you elsewhere here on this topic earlier this evening. To
- just nit for a moment, to say that Sinclair picks up "every derelict
- ship" seems a little unfair...he's picked up *one*, and only one, and
- only picks up one this entire season. Why him? A) Because he's good at
- it, B) he could use the flight pay, C) it'll look good on his record, and
- D) because as he says as he leaves, it's a potential first-contact
- situation. (NOt to mention E, that he has a death-wish.)
- I would submit to you that this is NOT the same as having one
- character do a zillion different jobs on the station. I think that you're
- reacting to something you've seen on Trek, and are assuming based on an
- example of one that we're doing it in B5 as well. We're not. Also, in
- "Purple," Garibaldi sends a different team out to handle the gunfire, so
- there are others who do things. Question becomes, how many new and
- recurring characters do you want to introduce? There are currently *14*
- regular and recurring characters on B5, and there are many folks who are
- saying that's too many. As it is, we do introduce an aide to Garibaldi
- who takes care of some stuff for him. Just as Sinclair delegates to
- Ivanova, and Ivanova delegates to the observation dome techs.
- I just feel that you're leaping to a conclusion based on a paucity of
- evidence, built upon your experiences with another show. We're simply not
- doing this.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Feb 1994 10:49:19 -0500
- Subject: Earthdome: where is it?
- Earthdome is on Earth. In what used to be Geneva.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1994 00:42:46 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Parliament? Dreams?
- You'll get more on the varied Narn beliefs in "By Any Means
- Necessary."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1994 00:42:50 -0500
- Subject: General questions for JMS
- I could've written B5 as a novel per se, as you say, having written
- published novels before...and it would've been one more SF novel. No one
- has really attempted this kind of multi-year story, on this kind of scale
- before for American TV. (The closest I can come to in terms of other
- shows is, interestingly enough, "Brisco County Jr." I've been very
- pleased to see them developing a real story over time.) It's more of a
- real challenge to try and do it for TV, for starters, and B5 has always
- struck me as better *suited* for TV. Generally I can get a good sense of
- what medium a story belongs in, and this one felt like TV.) I enjoy
- challenges, and doing a show like B5 for TV is a *real* challenge.
- As for the characters, for the largest part they were created new
- when they came into replace those characters who were removed from the
- story arc. There's not much carry-over.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1994 10:08:16 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: "See you next Wednesd
- No, Wednesday was just the day she was due to return; she mentions
- that her next job has to be finished by Tuesday, and this makes
- Wednesday the next day she could see him.
- I'm not terribly enamored of Landis, and would not deliberately
- stick ANY reference to his work in an episode of mine.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1994 10:08:45 -0500
- Subject: Something I'd like to see (was
- You've already seen a non-O2 alien wearing a breather in an O2
- section; one of the two victims walking down a hall in "Infection" just
- before they get smeared. Also an alien or two in the gallery in
- "Midnight," though I don't know how clearly they can be seen. We do it
- from time to time....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1994 10:08:49 -0500
- Subject: Telepath a bad idea?
- The point you raise is exactly correct; which is why we've set up
- the Psi Corps in such a way as to *prevent* them from becoming a deus ex
- machina all the time. This is what's always bothered me about the way
- "empaths" are treated on ST; it's a terrible invasion of privacy. The Psi
- Corps has strict rules about who can and can't be scanned, and under what
- conditions. In "Purple," she couldn't just go scan Trakis; she had to be
- hired, had to be already engaged in a business capacity, and had to find
- it *only* in surface thoughts, no deliberate poking. And this is the ONLY
- -- repeat, the ONLY -- time this is done in the entire season, aside from
- the accidental run-in with Londo in the pilot episode.
- We'll get deeper into the rules and regs of the Psi Corps as we go,
- further establishing that there's a lot they're expressly forbidden from
- doing by law.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1994 10:10:12 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Some questions
- We won't see G'Kar's mate this season. In time. And yes, we will
- learn a little more about telepaths in the other species, and how they
- work, in "Legacies" and in "Eyes."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1994 13:36:29 -0500
- Subject: RE: BTTP and semi-clad women (
- I confess I don't see the problem. In real life, some women are
- scientists, and doctors, and atheletes...and some women dance in bars,
- some women hook part- or full-time. Some men are scholars and diplomats
- and teachers...and some men are gigolos and thieves and *also* dance in
- bars. Where exactly is the problem in portraying both sides of this?
- Have we become so concerned with being politically correct that we can
- not show a legitimate part of human existence?
- B5 has all kinds, and both sides of all kinds. Male and female,
- equally. I "chose" exotic dancers for a kind of sleazy, not-entirely
- legitimate operation, a backroom club. What would one *expect* to find
- there? Opera singers? You look at the situation, and you choose
- what is *appropriate to the situation*.
- I would also point out that the dancers didn't "eagerly rush
- forward to betray their friend." Londo was trying to find Adira in hopes
- of helping her. He didn't say he was going to do anything bad to her,
- and he was probably known to more than a few of them. He was simply
- trying to find her. The coin was an added incentive. Back when I was an
- investigative reporter, I did some research on strip joints while I was
- living in SAn Diego. Spent a LOT of time talking to nude dancers (when
- they had their clothes on, I hasten to add). And 99.9% of them had a
- rule: you want to ask questions, you pay. That simple. That's how this
- stuff *works*. My job is to keep the B5 reality as close as possible to
- our reality in that respect.
- Some of them probably wanted to help, knowing Londo was okay. Some
- probably didn't care. And some probably would've betrayed her at the
- tip of a coin. Life's like that. So again, where in this is the
- problem?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1994 16:35:53 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS Attn -- Re: Babylon 5
- The video noise and audio problem is apparently happening between
- the time we deliver the episode on D2s and when it's uplinked to the
- stations. Apparently the show goes through 5 more generations, in order
- to add in commercials (1 pass), add in closed-captioning (another copy),
- and so on. We're trying to track it down and see where in the process
- the glitch is happening.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1994 16:56:35 -0500
- Subject: Comments on "Infection"
- In your review of "Infection," you ask where are the floating
- recorders we saw in the pilot. Just as a point of reference...they were
- in "Infection," in the last scene with the reporter.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 26 Feb 1994 00:23:58 -0500
- Subject: Where is that weapon?
- The weapon to which you refer was not part of B5; it was on Space
- Rangers, and was shown as part of an overall SF-TV report.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 26 Feb 1994 06:12:53 -0500
- Subject: What's Spoo?
- Re: your desire to make and eat spoo at home...deponds on whether or
- not you ever want to have children later....
- jms