- Babylon 5 posts by JMS on GEnie for Second half of March, 1994
- This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
- Straczynski in the Babylon 5 category. The posts are copyright by
- JMS (and compilation copyright is by GEnie).
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- Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
- SF-MARSHALL [Dave ] at 18:50 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - The Series (Non-Spoiler)
- Welcome to the Babylon 5 category and main topic for the new series. Here is
- the place for all general information on the series. Topic 2 is the location
- for SPOILERS. And please, NO STORY IDEAS are to be posted either.
- 773 message(s) total.
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 627 Fri Mar 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:19 EST
- Less than one week left of filming on Year One. Eek.
- ]*D,2
- If I can put a word out onto the electronic web...usually, in the network
- shows, a series runs its course, and at the end of the season, the network
- decides whether or not to renew. Because of the schedule of PTEN, the
- decision to renew or not comes in April/May.
- While the ratings are good -- mention of the B5 ratings got a headline in
- today's "Hollywood Reporter" along with ST -- there's a new wrinkle in the
- situation. The new Paramount Network. They're making deals with stations as
- fast as they can, snatching up the independent stations and trying to secure
- the few remaining available timeslots (which with the glut of programs now are
- continually growing smaller in number). So for a station, it's a choice
- between two or more shows that might rate equally fine, but there's outside
- pressure.
- Point being this (and anyone who wants to upload this entire message to
- other nets, feel free): if -- IF -- you genuinely enjoy the show, and would
- like to see it renewed, this would be a very good time to drop your local TV
- station a letter indicating this. The stations have a direct input as to
- whether or not shows are renewed. It certainly couldn't hurt.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 634 Fri Mar 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:35 EST
- The reference was not to "V," but to the military use of this over the
- last several decades, particularly in WW II. (And I didn't work on the V
- series, only the new (and never produced) 4-hour miniseries that was intended
- to revive the series.)
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 679 Mon Mar 21, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:37 EST
- Whenever I have spoken of Berman and Pillar to the press, I have
- characterized them as honorable people. The press goes out of its way to
- foment controversy, and after my initial reaction to the DS9 premise, it was
- my eventual decision to simply produce the show and, at that point, it
- survives or falls on its own merits. If Pillar is going to get into name-
- calling and characterizations and this kind of playground vernacular, I see no
- reason to join him there.
- BTW...flew back this morning from Houston, where on behalf of B5, I
- received the award from the Space Frontier Foundation for Best Vision of the
- Future. Based in part on our attempt -- within the confines of dramatic TV --
- to stick with real science...ships that move the right way in space,
- commercial use of space surveying, civilian ships, the use of an O'Neill-type
- station for the first time in TV or movies, and so on. At my table was co-
- recipient astronaut Pete Conrad. (I commented to him that, as someone who
- *writes* about space, to sit across from someone who LIVED there, was like
- being a lay priest called upon to say High Mass at the Vatican, before the
- Pope, on Easter sunday. He laughed.)
- We have worked hard to make B5 as accurate a presentation of a possible
- future as we can, and the receipt of this award, from a national group of
- scientists, engineers, astronauts, researchers and others (some involved
- heavily in the Delta Clipper project) makes it equal to the Emmy, in my view,
- however much more emphasis the media may place on the former.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 719 Sun Mar 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:19 EST
- Some international info...B5 goes on the air May 16th on Channel 4 in the
- UK. Other places that'll be carrying the show starting around that same time:
- AUM Trinidad; Canal Plus, France; Set Eitz, Germany; RCTI, the Philipines; Sky-
- TV; 7 Network, Australia; and miscellaneous places I don't have full info on
- (some just station IDs, some areas): Taipei, TV3, TVNZ, TTV, IBC, BEC, Canal
- Sinco, ICP, Proziba, and Italy.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 733 Mon Mar 28, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:31 EST
- Actually, we came very close to doing a black-and-white segment this
- season, and might do so next.
- Well, last night was the B5 wrap party, at Pickwick Bowl here in the
- valley, opposite the equestrian center. I think I bowled about nine games in
- a row, and currently ache in muscles I didn't know I had. About 325 cast,
- crew, writers and producers. Harlan showed up, and after a slow start bowled
- 180 and whomped hell out of us. I averaged about 160 in my later games. Or
- less. David Gerrold showed up, Larry, Andreas, Michael, Peter, Mira, Caitlin,
- Bill...and the B5 Blasters, the art department bowling team with their own
- bowling shirts. When I left, about 12:30 am, things were still going pretty
- strong.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 742 Wed Mar 30, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:37 EST
- Well, now I've heard it all...was speaking to Walter Koenig tonight,
- and he mentioned being at a convention this past weekend, and hearing a
- lot of positive B5 comments. Along the way, he overheard a discussion
- between a bunch of folk, many of whom were defending TNG and DS9's rather
- minimal SFX and smaller cast and other stuff by saying that it wasn't
- a fair comparison, "since B5 has a lot more money to spend than TNG or
- DS9."
- I could've plotzed.....
- P.S. A schedule for those interested:
- CONFIRMED schedule....
- April 20th, "Deathwalker," by Lawrence G. DiTillio
- April 27th, "Believers," by David Gerrold
- May 4th, "Survivors," by Marc Scott Zicree
- May 11th, "Signs and Portents," by jms
- May 18th, "By Any Means Necessary," by Kathryn M. Drennan
- May 25th, "The Quality of Mercy," by jms
- Then repeats from June 1 through October 5th, in order to stretch
- new episodes through the November sweeps. TENTATIVE schedule of final
- episodes....
- October 12th, "Grail," by Christy Marx
- October 19th, "Eyes," by Lawrence G. DiTillio
- October 26th, "TKO," by Lawrence G. DiTillio
- November 2nd, "A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1," by jms
- November 9th, "A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 2," by jms
- November 16th, "Babylon Squared," by jms
- November 23rd, "Legacies," by D.C. Fontana
- November 30th, "Chrysalis," by jms
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 746 Wed Mar 30, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:59 EST
- About time you started to put out....
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 760 Thu Mar 31, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:22 EST
- Quickies...apparently (I'm told) Howard Stern mentioned B5 favorably in
- both his Tuesday AND Wednesday broadcasts, though I haven't heard it myself.
- This after a prior mention some time ago.
- We must be doing *something* right.
- Also...apparently, at a convention, Rick Sternbach from ST said that the
- ST shows (DS9 and, subsequently, Voyager) would be shifting over to primarily
- computer EFX rather than models. They're going to start coming over to OUR
- turf...and engaging in the usual learning curve, trial and erros, which we've
- already gone through.
- Me...I just sit here and smile...and on one level, despite the way it may
- appear, I'm pleased. It shows we were right. And if they start doing CGI,
- it'll force both sides to again be competitive in terms of doing more, pushing
- things. And that friendly competition is good for the blood, it should keep
- both shows on the cutting edge. It'll also enable other shows to come in
- using CGI, meaning more SF on the air.
- It also ties into what I've heard lately, that Paramount is getting
- hammered by some of the stations asking why the hell DS9 episodes often cost
- 1.7 to 2 million dollars an episode to produce, where B5 is doing more, with
- half the budget. I would love to hear the response to that.
- We're putting the finishing touches on the two-parter this week, and this
- one's really a blow-out episode. More and bigger sets, more CGI than just
- about any prior episode, and more *elaborate* CGI, a big story...we keep
- trying to get more ambitious as we go along. So far it looks like we'll have
- at *minimum* one real blow-out action episode in each ratings cycle; "Signs
- and Portents" in May, and the two-parter in November (though I probably should
- include "Babylon Squared" and "Chrysalis" in that same category...November is
- going to be the month we fry VCRs around the country).
- As well as appearing at ICON mid-April, I plan to be at the Chicago Comic
- Convention around July 1-3, and at San Diego ComicCon afterward.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 2 Wed Nov 20, 1991
- STARR [Arne] at 19:41 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 -- The Series!! >>SPOILERS<<
- Babylon 5 offically became a series on May 28 '93. There will be 22 hour eps
- for season one (in addition to the pilot). Airs Wednesdays at 8PM in most
- places starting Jan. 26 '94. This is the SPOILER topic where anything goes.
- 833 message(s) total.
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 713 Wed Mar 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:11 EST
- Longshot: it was a tip of the cap to the Prisoner, yes.
- Episodes are all in various stages of post-production; they come out
- helter-skelter, higgeldy-piggeldy, you name it. We're pretty much caught up
- on all the episodes filmed; we have to finalize editing on the two-parter,
- then edit the last episode, and that's done. A bunch of the others are still
- being scored, mixed, composited, you name it. So that's really a very hard
- question to answer. Just today finished editing on "Babylon Squared," which
- looks really cool, will mix "Signs and Portents" in two days, and finalized
- the mix on "The Quality of Mercy" today.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 767 Tue Mar 22, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:02 EST
- Teaser, four acts, tag.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 789 Fri Mar 25, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:39 EST
- Mike: see my comment in 19.
- There's some more fun between Garibaldi and Talia down the road, and one
- elevator scene in particular that I think you'll like.
- We've killed off all of Ivanova's close family, yes. Maybe some cousins
- are left, but that's about it.
- A little aside for you...at one point this season, Delenn goes to the
- Grey Council. There's a ritual she has to observe when she joins the ranks of
- the Nine. Part of it is this statement she makes upon entering the circle: "I
- am Grey. I stand between the candle, and the star. We are Grey. We stand
- between the darkness, and the light."
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 4 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:12 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Cast & Characters
- For discussion of the actors who will be bringing BABYLON 5 to life with their
- performances...for information before, and discussion after the airing of "The
- Gathering" pilot.
- 439 message(s) total.
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- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 418 Sun Mar 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:41 EST
- I don't think Mira or her husband have that much direct communication
- with her countrypersons anymore. But that's an assumption based on some but
- not a lot of talk with her on this subject. Obviously it's a delicate
- subject.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 420 Mon Mar 28, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:23 EST
- Episode 9 and a bunch of others are finished and delivered; have been for
- some time. The stations need to stretch episodes through the November sweeps,
- hence staggered reruns.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 433 Thu Mar 31, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:28 EST
- Well, I'd love to try to get Patrick McGoohan again...we'll have more
- appearances by Koenig, of course...possible we'll see Christopher Neame again
- (he said mysteriously)...I'd like to use Robert Vaughn, Robert Culp, and even
- some actors without Robert as their first name. If I applied a real wish-
- list, it wouldn't do any good, since the actors I'd love most to use are way
- beyond TV syndication prices (Edward Woodward, for instance). I'd kinda love
- to drag Bill Windom over from M,SW to do a quick episode for us. Tom Baker,
- definitely. I've spoken to Colin Baker about the possibility, and that could
- probably be arranged easily enough. Anyway, a lot of it depends on the
- scripts, and on schedules. So we'll see....
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 13 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- T.ORTH [Mr. Rico] at 21:00 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Science & Technology
- Jump gates, nanotech, high-tech weapons, starship drives, sound in space, and
- other subjects of science and technology in Babylon 5.
- 596 message(s) total.
- ************
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- Category 18, Topic 13
- Message 573 Mon Mar 21, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:44 EST
- I dunno...that's an *awful* big cruiser, given the specs. The thing to
- bear in mind is that in space, you don't really have a reference point. So if
- something is in the foreground, it can look large against the background (the
- cruiser), making the cruiser look small. (It's the same effect as holding a
- tennis ball in front of your eye, and using it to block out the sun; the
- tennis ball isn't bigger than the sun, it's a matter of where you're
- standing.) Sinclair's ship is a LONG ways from the cruiser when last you see
- it. That maw is a massive launch area. It's really *huge*. Perhaps you'll
- get a better understanding of how big it is in a certain later episode, where
- you'll be able to see a single ship entering the maw *at* the maw itself,
- which should put it all into the correct perspective.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 13
- Message 575 Tue Mar 22, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:14 EST
- Will look into some new gifs soonest....
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 23 Fri Feb 12, 1993
- V.VAIDY1 [Vijay] at 23:00 EST
- Sub: "OtherWorks" by JMS
- Before there was "B5" and when "JMS" was just another Plain Joe, there was
- OtherSyde
- [A discussion of the other works of J. Michael Straczynski]
- 168 message(s) total.
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- Category 18, Topic 23
- Message 163 Mon Mar 21, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:55 EST
- I wrote a total of, as I recall, 12 or so episodes of new TZ. Some of
- the better ones of mine include "The Mind of Simon Foster" (which you noted),
- "Dream Me a Life," "Special Service," "Acts of Terror" and "Rendezvous in a
- Dark Place."
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 23
- Message 166 Sat Mar 26, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:04 EST
- Yep; the Zone with Skerrit was mine, and all the CBS TZs were edited to
- fit into the half-hour slot.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 23
- Message 168 Sun Mar 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:43 EST
- Thanks; that one came out pretty well, actually.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 24 Fri Jun 04, 1993
- J.ROY18 [Jonathan] at 21:11 EDT
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Weapons and Warfare!
- For discussion about the weapons, counter weapons, armor, shielding, tactics,
- logistics, and so forth, of small combat and large scale war in the Babylon 5
- universe.
- 545 message(s) total.
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- Category 18, Topic 24
- Message 504 Mon Mar 21, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:57 EST
- It's 23E, yes. And the ships have been somewhat upgraded, but the basic
- configuration remains. Also, after the war, a LOT of the EA's fleet was wiped
- out, so it's been a very slow process of putting out new ships. Even B5 isn't
- completely armed as of this time; they'll be getting in their final squadron,
- Zeta Squadron, in "Survivors." (Right now all they have are Delta and Alpha
- flights.) The budget is very tight.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 24
- Message 513 Wed Mar 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:31 EST
- Correct; the fighters enter via the main docking bay, are lowered into
- maintainance bays, repaired/recharged, then set back in place. You will see a
- goodly portion of this in "Survivors."
- And the Narns didn't really have the resources for an invasion of Earth
- at that time.
- Nor would much be gained, either.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 25 Fri Mar 12, 1993
- S.SHELLENBAR [>> SHANE <<] at 08:47 EST
- Sub: J. Michael Straczynski Speaks in Public
- This is the place to find out where and when JMS will be appearing next. JMS
- has honed his skills as a public speaker and is taking his act on the road.
- 434 message(s) total.
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- Category 18, Topic 25
- Message 434 Wed Mar 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:32 EST
- Saturday, April 2nd, Burbank Airport Hilton, 2:00, appearing at Phil and
- Ed's convention.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 3 Sat Oct 16, 1993
- STARR [Arne] at 10:43 EDT
- Sub: The Gathering -- the pilot film
- This topic is for discussion of the 2 hour pilot film.
- 104 message(s) total.
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- Category 19, Topic 3
- Message 99 Wed Mar 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:01 EST
- Kosh was the only occupant that we know of, and the ship is still there,
- except when he takes it out on occasion.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 4 Sat Oct 16, 1993
- STARR [Arne] at 10:46 EDT
- Sub: Midnight on the Firing Line (#103)
- The first episode of the new series appearing in late January.
- 197 message(s) total.
- ************
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- Category 19, Topic 4
- Message 192 Wed Mar 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:21 EST
- The fighters are launched from the cobra bays. The cobra bays rotate.
- jms
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- Category 19, Topic 4
- Message 195 Thu Mar 24, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:52 EST
- No comment.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 9 Sat Oct 16, 1993
- STARR [Arne] at 22:58 EDT
- Sub: And the Sky Full of Stars (#106)
- by JMS. Time to find out about Sinclair's "hole in his mind".
- 216 message(s) total.
- ************
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- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 32 Wed Mar 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:44 EST
- What? Who, me? Near as I remember, the Question was, "What happened at
- the Battle of the Line?" Answer: Sinclair was taken aboard the Minbari
- cruiser, tortured, interrogated, mind-wiped and shoved back into his ship.
- The Question *now* is, "WHY was Sinclair taken aboard the Minbari
- cruiser, tortured, interrogated, mind-wiped and shoved back into his ship?"
- That question was not asked heretofore...so how could it be still
- unanswered?
- jm(who took two semesters of Logic in college)s
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 34 Wed Mar 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:34 EST
- Nope. You can't string folks along that long. A goodly portion of it
- will be out by season's end. Not all, but a *lot*.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 58 Thu Mar 17, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:01 EST
- Goodman: the CGI won't look as good in slow motion because we step-
- printed them deliberately, in order to give them a more dream-like appearance.
- For us, this wasn't about the ships, it was about one of the men in the ship,
- which is why we kept him in sharp focus, and went to step-printing whenever we
- went outside (and since we're seeing this from his memory, clearly he wouldn't
- actually have *seen* most of this, it's his *sense* of what happened). You'll
- get plenty of clear CGI in "Signs and Portents," airing in May.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 79 Fri Mar 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:10 EST
- Some random thoughts:
- I would *never* pull a "he wakes up and it was all a dream" on the
- series. I hate that kind of story.
- There's more in that newspaper than meets the eye....
- Note in the episode that when Sinclair's wheeled down the hall, still in
- his uniform, he's not bloodied up. But is later.
- This is, as stated, one of my favorites from this season. (And the
- person behind the lighting is the same one behind all the episodes, John
- Flinn, our cinematographer, working with Janet Greek, our director.) I would
- put at this approximate level (some better, some as good) the following
- episodes (for varying reasons): "By Any Means Necessary," "Babylon Squared,"
- "Signs and Portents," "A Voice in the Wilderness," and of course "Chrysalis."
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 137 Tue Mar 22, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:10 EST
- What will be revealed over the course of the series? All of it.
- By the time the series has run its five-year course (Neilsen willing),
- there will only be ONE unanswered question left: "NOW what?"
- jms
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- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 143 Wed Mar 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 14:45 EST
- The platform is the zero-g cargo area; you'll see it in more detail later
- in the season.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 162 Fri Mar 25, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:35 EST
- Let me just offer an observation here.
- A number of people have commented that they weren't much surprised by
- Sinclair being taken aboard, because on the nets -- and this has ONLY taken
- place on the nets -- this speculation has been bandied about for some time.
- We now have ten zillion speculations on the reason *why*. I will not comment
- on them one way or another (though I suppose I could point, without making the
- real comparison between types of typists, to the idea that an infinte number
- of monkeys typing on an infinite number of keyboards would eventually produce
- Hamlet simply by chance combination; sooner or later, something close to the
- reality might be stumbled upon...and let me ask a simple question: what
- purpose does that serve? It only lessens the enjoyment of those who would
- simply like to enjoy what happens WHEN it happens).
- Any good detective knows that you can't really begin to speculate about
- motive until you have all the information right at hand. At this point there
- is information you don't have...and absent that, any guesses will either be
- wrong, or close enough to hinder the fun but still essentially incorrect.
- It's like trying to guess the contents of a box without knowing the size of
- the box...it could be a marble, it could be an elephant or a pre-fabricated
- house.
- All I'm suggesting is that you consider not trying to come up with every
- possible angle, and let the show progress on its own. Right now everybody
- seems to be scrambling to make sure every even remotely feasible possibility
- is covered, and there an infinite number. As an organized activity, this will
- in time only prove frustrating. By the end of the season, as with being near
- the end of a movie, you'll have enough info on hand to start making some
- educated guesses. To do so now is to begin the process of calling out
- possible endings during the first five minutes of a movie...you'll miss the
- important things, and annoy the people sitting behind you.
- I'm not saying stop; I'm just saying...relax, a little, I guess, and
- simply be aware that you *cannot* scatter-shot this thing without having
- access to all the information. It's like trying to guess the beginnings of
- World War One without knowing *any* of the background of the countries
- involved. Suffice to say that the reason would not be simplistic, or cliched,
- or *easily deduced*. One thing I learned in two years on "Murder, She Wrote"
- was to come up with a fairly complex mystery, something that can't be easily
- solved going in, but which makes perfect sense after you have all the facts
- and know which clues were the real ones, and which were simply red herrings.
- Just a thought....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 170 Sat Mar 26, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:42 EST
- It's not so much story ideas (though I suppose there is some validity to
- that point) as...I dunno...just seeing one speculation after another after
- another, going through every conceivable possibility and
- combination...granted, some is inevitable, it was just the systematic and
- extremely...*energetic* hammering that made me wonder if this might not end up
- hindering people's enjoyment of the show and its revelations rather than
- assisting it.
- jms
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- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 178 Sat Mar 26, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:58 EST
- There are no apologies to be made, and I do understand, that's the point.
- I was just echoing the comments just preceding this one. Which is all I'll
- say on it henceforth. Just trying to help.
- jms
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- Category 19, Topic 9
- Message 191 Sun Mar 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:36 EST
- The episode of "Mind War" broadcast henceforth will be the one with
- slight alteration.
- What's the difference between a story idea and a speculation...eek. The
- problem with this whole discussion -- perhaps the main problem -- is the
- fuzziness, because it *hasn't been defined yet*. We are now in the OF
- defining it via this exchange. It's what a person might choose to sue over.
- And there's no way to quantify or predict that.
- I do think there's *some* difference between the two. I think that
- primary way this discussion can get into trouble is in the level of detail.
- It's pretty much impossible to sue for a brief *idea*; but the more elaborate
- a suggestion or speculation gets, the more points of potential comparison
- emerge, and the greater the liability. "See, your honor? My speculation on
- what happened contained 57 specific plot points, and what Straczynski later
- produced had 54 of those points. I submit that he saw what I wrote, decided
- it was better, stole my idea, and took it for his own!"
- Bottom line...I only got into this discussion, really, because I didn't
- want people futilely spinning their wheels, because minus the 4 or 5 main plot
- points you don't have yet, it's nearly impossible to guess what's going on.
- It's like trying to determine who committed a murder when all you've been told
- is that there's a dead body...not when it was committed, or where, or how the
- person died, or what clues were found, or where all the suspects were at the
- time. My primary concern was in not letting the frustration level get too
- high. The other matter was tangential.
- But since it has come up...again, I'd say that the main point of
- differentiation is in the level of complexity. The longer and more detailed
- the speculation, new histories for characters, new behind the scenes stuff,
- plot complications, motivations, on and on -- the more something is built that
- one could sue over.
- This is a very difficult area, and there are all kinds of ways that it
- can bite you. Over on CIS, for instance, Paramount came down on a series of
- messages with speculative plot info on ST 7 with lawyers and in injunction and
- major-leage threats against the people involved, CIS itself and anyone else
- they could think of. We're trying to find a more personable way of handling
- this situation. And for the most part, I think we're doing fine. But every so
- often this little issue raises its ugly head, and has to be dealt with.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 10 Sat Oct 16, 1993
- STARR [Arne] at 22:59 EDT
- Sub: The War Prayer (#107)
- by Dorothy Fontana.
- 95 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 10
- Message 83 Wed Mar 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:05 EST
- It wasn't a reference to the Heinlein book, only to the historical use of
- that design. Re: the breather masks...in cases of riot, sometimes they pump
- in gas. Also, if they have to chase any of the aliens into the alien sector's
- alternate-atmosphere sections, they have to be wearing breathers. (Believe
- me, we had a *long* discussion about this.)
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 13 Sun Oct 17, 1993
- STARR [Arne] at 15:15 EDT
- Sub: Mind War (#110)
- by JMS. Co-Starring Walter Koenig.
- 206 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 13
- Message 202 Wed Mar 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:06 EST
- "Commander" wasn't dubbed onto Walter. That was Ironheart speaking with
- his back to us.
- jms
- ------------