- Babylon 5 posts by JMS for Jan 16, 1993 - Jan 31, 1993
- This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
- Straczynski in the Babylon 5 topic. The posts are copyright 1993 by
- J. Michael Straczynski with compilation copyright by GEnie.
- ************
- Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
- SF-FANTASY [Yog Sysop] at 18:50 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5
- Welcome to the Babylon 5 category! As always, offering or requesting copies
- of copyrighted material, whether it's the B5 Newsletter, photos, or the actual
- movie/episodes violates copyright law and SFRT policy.
- 555 message(s) total.
- ************
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 337 Sat Jan 16, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:36 EST
- Actually, JoJo's...uhm...outfit is probably the best thing about the
- show...not for pure asthetics, of course, just...I dunno...I just kinda like
- the dynamics of it...
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 342 Sat Jan 16, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:22 EST
- Indeed, they might withhold such participation, which the PC would be
- obligated to honor. Non-PC telepaths would be a different situation entirely,
- of course...and a danger...which only a PC (or one of the other government's
- own 'paths, if any) could work against.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 355 Sun Jan 17, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:01 EST
- The "Making of B5" piece is being re-edited; originally, the E! piece was
- going to be the one shown, but...well, no need to rehash all of that. The
- piece is being recut, and new stuff put in to replace the old stuff. It
- should be finished next week, I hear, and then provided to the stations.
- Great news about Arisia, Arne. Any other reactions come to mind?
- Re: using my posts for articles...by all means, proceed.
- BTW, it appears that the deal for a B5 game has been closed, and the
- winner is Electronic Arts.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 358 Mon Jan 18, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:47 EST
- This goes back to a very basic philosophical question: can you have
- thought without language, or language without thought? At one point in our
- evolution, we became conscious...was there language, or did language then come
- as a *result* of consciousnes? Or did the slow development of language *lead
- to* the development of true consciousness?
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 375 Mon Jan 18, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:38 EST
- I'll know more about the game in the weeks ahead.
- Apparently, Creation has licensed some stuff...mainly shirts and mugs and
- patches and the like, nothing major, but it's there. I got the first t-shirt
- design roughs today, and have some notes, but nothing too major. More as this
- is developed.
- BTW, does anyone know if there are any SF conventions this coming weekend
- in Dallas?
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 379 Tue Jan 19, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:00 EST
- Licensing Corporation of America. Based in New York.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 403 Fri Jan 22, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:03 EST
- You say, "New characters and sets apparently do not work." The basic
- problem, you seem to feel, is that it's the same show, and how do we go about
- making B5 different?
- I think that the question is more accurately phrased as, "How does one
- make DS9 more like TNG?" I'm going to do this absolutely as non-pejoratively
- as humanly possible, because this is fundamentally the truth.
- When TNG first went on the air, a lot of the legwork was done for them
- already. Much of the universe was established: phasers, the Enterprise,
- starfleet, klingons, warp speed, doors, terminology, on and on. There was
- additional material added on, but the basic *foundation* is the same. This is
- neither good nor bad. One can do (and there have been) good stories within
- this format. What it *is* is a continuation of the same universe. You can do
- good stuff with that, but it's still fundamentally the same universe.
- Now comes DS9, and again, it's much the same situation: it builds upon
- and integrates what went before. We have the Federation, stuff introduced in
- TNG (Bajorans, Cardassians), some overlapping characters, and a carry-through
- of many pre-existing stories and themes. Once again, and let me be clear
- about this, this doesn't mean you can't do good stories here.
- It's just that it's the same universe. It's not a question, really, of
- "sets and characters," it's a question of the universe overall, and the fact
- that it's really a repackaging of the same show, with some modifications.
- B5 simply does not take place within that universe. Every frame of film
- reminds you of this. Without making a qualitative judgment for a moment,
- consider ST vs. Battlestar Galactica. Both are space shows, but very
- different in tenor, tone and universe. (BG and Star Wars is, of course, a
- very different discussion.)
- The comparison I've always made has been to say "What if all the space
- science fiction stories ever published were written by Larry Niven?"
- Yes, they would be fine stories...but one kinda wants something different
- after a while. He might change characters, create different empires, but it's
- still a Niven point of view.
- And that -- to get to the heart of your question -- is the point re: B5.
- It's a question of *voice* as well as all the physical elements you see on
- your television. The *voice* is the underlying philosophy of a show and its
- creators, the perspective they bring to it. Babylon 5 brings in a whole
- different voice. Better or worse, that's a question for the viewer to
- decide...but it IS different.
- We don't really have to try to be different from DS9 or TNG because we
- were never like them in the first place. As opposed to DS9, which is linked
- to another show, and proceeds from the same producers/writers, and to which
- they have an obligation to make it, to whatever degree, much the same as TNG.
- Those who have seen the two shows have no problem telling them apart.
- And future B5 stuff will continue to remain separate and fresh for the same
- reason that the pilot is different and fresh: because it proceeds from another
- voice. Just as Clarke's stories have always been different from Asimov's has
- been different from Ellison's have been different from Bova's have been
- different from...well, you get the idea.
- No comparison of quality implied there, only as examples of voice. (One
- final note: B5 has always been conceived as, fundamentally, a five year story,
- a novel for television, which makes it very different as well.)
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 405 Sat Jan 23, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:33 EST
- That's not a bad notion. As it is, the date given in each season of the
- show will change. I.e., "I was there at the dawn of the third age of mankind.
- It began in the year 2257." Then, "I was there at the dawn of the Third Age
- of Mankind. It was the year 2258." And so on. So it not only tracks the
- storyline, it'll be easier for folks to know which season they're coming into
- as soon as they tune in.
- BTW, y'know, I was thinking about this discussion as I sat chewing my
- lemon sesame chicken at the Good Earth Restaurant in Glendale this evening (my
- Spousal Overunit insists that I eat something healthy once in a while,
- apparently not believing that one can actually SURVIVE on beef jerky and
- little chocolate donuts and Crystal Pepsi)...and I was thinking about how this
- on-line discussion has now generated -- what? -- 7,000+ messages even before
- the show airs.
- So I got to thinking...what's going to happen AFTER this sucker airs?
- I kinda suspect that either a) we will see a lot of "I WUZ ROBBED!" notes
- followed by a silence vast as space, or b) this category is going to explode
- in the biggest blast since Tunguska.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 421 Sat Jan 23, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:28 EST
- So, Denny, any comments of David's that you'd like to repeat here, or
- provide for PR use? If not, that's okay.
- Yeah, I'm inclined to think that there will be an upswing in interest.
- What intrigues me is the notion that we actually will have two audiences out
- there: those who've followed this discussion, and will be able to read into
- things the various background information posted here...and those who will see
- it totally absent any background on the characters or the universe. An
- offhand comment in the pilot would have more meaning for those who've been
- following this, and can fill in the blanks.
- As a writer, though, you can't expect anyone to bring prior knowledge of
- your story TO the story, it has to be self-sufficient, so we'll see how well
- it functions on that level when the new folks arrive.
- I'm sorry if it seems like there's an awful lot of self-examination going
- on here...my tendency is toward being hyper-critical of the work, rather than
- to try and make excuses for it. And again, I must selfishly admit that I
- learn a *lot* from these exchanges, and the diversity of opinions here, and
- the depth of the answers to questions asked, is quite striking and most
- invaluable.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 436 Sun Jan 24, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:47 EST
- Funny thing is, I hadn't checked to see when the pilot would be aired in
- L.A. Kind of amusing...and appropriate, given the probability that the
- audiences will overlap.
- (The article to which Brett refers, btw, is a piece in the Palm Latitudes
- section of the LA Times Magazine that hit the newsstands today, which talks
- about the discussion here on GEnie, and has a photo of yr obdnt srvnt stuck
- inside a computer monitor which should probably be burned...the photo, that
- is...and as if that weren't bad enough, it's a Mac.)
- One other aside...Denny's friend David is the *first* civilian on theh
- planet to see the totally completed B5 pilot, with sound, music and credits.
- Hence the current sub rosa exchange.
- Katherine: yeah, I know there's a Good Earth in Studio City...was hoping
- Spousal Overunit wouldn't find out about it, but she did...sigh. By gosh,
- give me a hamburger, fries and a chocolate shake! The heck with this so-
- called health food.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 447 Mon Jan 25, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:02 EST
- Hah! Phooey! Why do you think I grew up...as much as I did, anyway? So
- I wouldn't have to eat that stuff anymore. When I'm found dead at 90 in front
- of my TV watching Babylon 5: The Next Generation, let it be with a coke in one
- hand and a chocolate bar in the other. As Mark Twain said, "If you can't get
- to 70 by a comfortable road, don't go."
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 450 Mon Jan 25, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:37 EST
- BTW, I'm giving some thought, since I'm going to be appearing at Con-Dor
- in San Diego this March as GoH, to bringing along some of the scenes we ended
- up cutting from the pilot, just to see folks' reaction to the stuff. (Filmed
- and cut, not cut before filming. There are about half a dozen extensive
- scenes available.)
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 454 Tue Jan 26, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:57 EST
- Don't know if these will ever show up down the road; in a few cases,
- where they're set pieces, we may actually be able to take one whole scene
- which is pretty much independent of the plot and drop it into an episode as
- part of a teaser. (One, for instance, is an encounter with an alien hooker,
- the other invovles a smuggler.) They were cut for reasons of time: we were 25
- minutes over length, and something had to go. Several somethings,
- actually....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 470 Wed Jan 27, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:34 EST
- Correct, that's the shot seen in the magazine.
- Re: the B5 commercials...please drop me a line reminding me of this prior
- to con-dor, or I'll forget. (Jeez, between the commercials and the cut
- scenes, this is starting to add up to some considerable viewing time.)
- Coke, Pepsi, who cares as long as it's got caffeine?
- Katherine: I made a discovery, a better deli than Jerry's or Arts:
- Solley's, on Van Nuys two blocks up from Ventura, in the same complex as the
- multicinema. A good deli, and a great restaurant, with stuff I haven't seen
- elsewhere. (Corned beef and fried egg sandwich...might as well inject the
- cholesterol right into your veins and get it over with.)
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 478 Wed Jan 27, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:45 EST
- How the various shows interface, and how one is linked to the other, is
- best understood only by deities and studio guys; we'll have to see.
- Only problem with coke is that they changed the formula and now use
- sweeteners other than sugar. Though apparently they put out kosher Coke at
- passover. Eventually I'll have to get a proper dispenser with Coke syrup and
- seltzer, since the syrup apparently *does* still have the s ugar in it.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 494 Thu Jan 28, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:57 EST
- No, I have no knowledge of the article in question; could you upload it
- to me in email?
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 519 Fri Jan 29, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:00 EST
- Katherine: my condolences on your recent assignment to a previously
- undiscovered circle of Dante's Inferno. Surely your current task is
- prohibited under the Geneva Convention....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 535 Sat Jan 30, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:13 EST
- So, I like the number 5. Actually, the length was something set with Ron
- at the time, and he produced the 5 miles figure (which is a bit short, in
- fact, of the "actual" length as it came out).
- And I didn't make up the L5 stuff...hey, it's synchronicity. Ohmygosh --
- and I've been typing this with five fingers on either hand (well, nine
- actually, the left thumb doesn't actually DO anything that I'm aware of).
- Re: NATPE...Warners DID have a presentation doing on B5 there. Not a big
- presence, because they've already sold it to just about all the stations
- that'll be carrying it, and selling is pretty much the point of NATPE, but in
- any event, it was there.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 548 Sat Jan 30, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:41 EST
- (BTW, Walter Koenig saw the pilot and said it was "a winner," adding that
- he thinks it "should get a lot of the Trek fans, plus a lot of more mainstream
- viewers.")
- How much of the basic "saga" is in the pilot? Some...bits and pieces.
- The problem, always, is that we have a whole new universe to establish, with
- all the backstory that goes with that. As it is, it's fairly "information
- intensive," as one person put it. We find out about the Earth/Minbari war,
- the curious surrender, Sinclair's past, the missing 24 hours, the relations
- between the various governments and their own personal agendas, and a hint of
- what's to come. This while establishing the backstory of all our characters,
- and telling a story in present time (for them).
- I think you will find indications of what we've talked about for the
- series present in the pilot. Which is why it bears watching more than once;
- you'll pick up more information and more of a sense of the world the more
- closely you inspect it. (We tried to come up with a pilot that actually
- BENEFITS from close inspection, rather than falling apart if you look at it
- too closely.)
- Had a meeting the other day with the folks who're going to be doing the
- B5 games. (As to platform...variations are being planned for ALL of the
- various platforms...CD-ROM, IBM, Amiga, Mac, Sega and so on.) It was a
- terrific meeting, with top of the line people. What was interesting was the
- fact that they seemed shell-shocked from dealing with other producers, the
- heavy restrictions, the interference, the hassles...my attitude on this show
- has always been, "Here...we're creating a whole universe for you to go and
- play in. Do so." So they're going to have a lot of freedom to come up with
- stuff. I *want* to be surprised. Hell, I want to play the games.
- Because of the need to avoid any substantial conflicts with the general
- arc of the story, I gave them a peek into the five year arc, a few things that
- had to happen. As long as things didn't cross into these areas, the territory
- was completely open. And knowing that going in, there are no surprises down
- the road to sabotage them. They seemed...well, there were a lot of very wide
- eyes when I explained some of what we were going to do. They also saw the
- pilot at the screening that night, and apparently loved it. We're cooking
- along, folks....
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 2 Wed Nov 20, 1991
- SOARON [Bio-Dread] at 19:41 EST
- Sub: General Information
- Babylon 5 will premiere with a two-hour movie entitled "The Gathering" early
- in 1993. The creator of the series, J. Michael Straczynski joins us on-line
- to answer your questions. (No story ideas please...)
- 394 message(s) total.
- ************
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- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 114 Fri Jan 15, 1993
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:25 EST
- Speaking of EFX, I was talking to Ron Thornton during the final mix down
- the other day, and as we were watching it, he kept shaking his head at all the
- things he would've done differently if he'd known then what he knows now, and
- if he'd had the programs/techniques then that he has now. Just the few months
- since we finished photography have given him a number of tools that he didn't
- have then.
- We talked a little about what's capable now, what he can do now, and
- what's coming up, and it makes what's in the pilot look like nothing by
- comparison. (A lot of the critics talked about the extensive work that went
- into the DS9 jello-man effect, not to mention the cost involved; he turned his
- associate Paul into the same thing in a test that worked just as well and took
- one night and no money, just a little while behind the keyboard.) Once we get