jQuery RSS/ATOM feed parser plugin
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.2 KiB

function JRss(xml) {
JRss.prototype = {
_parse: function(xml) {
if(jQuery('rss', xml).length == 0) this.version = '1.0';
else this.version = jQuery('rss', xml).eq(0).attr('version');
var channel = jQuery('channel', xml).eq(0);
this.title = jQuery(channel).find('title:first').text();
this.link = jQuery(channel).find('link:first').text();
this.description = jQuery(channel).find('description:first').text();
this.language = jQuery(channel).find('language:first').text();
this.updated = jQuery(channel).find('lastBuildDate:first').text();
this.items = new Array();
var feed = this;
jQuery('item', xml).each( function() {
var item = new JFeedItem();
item.title = jQuery(this).find('title').eq(0).text();
item.link = jQuery(this).find('link').eq(0).text();
item.description = jQuery(this).find('description').eq(0).text();
item.updated = jQuery(this).find('pubDate').eq(0).text();
item.id = jQuery(this).find('guid').eq(0).text();