- '''jFeed: jQuery feed parser plugin'''
- Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Jean-François Hovinne - http://hovinne.com/<br />
- Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt) and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses.
- == Usage ==
- <pre lang="javascript">jQuery.getFeed(options);</pre>
- '''Options:'''
- * <code>url</code>: the feed URL (required)
- * <code>data</code>: data to be sent to the server. See [http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ <code>jQuery.ajax</code>] data property
- * <code>success</code>: a function to be called if the request succeeds. The function gets passed one argument: the <code>JFeed</code> object
- '''Example:'''
- <pre lang="javascript">
- jQuery.getFeed({
- url: 'rss.xml',
- success: function(feed) {
- alert(feed.title);
- }
- });
- </pre>
- == JFeed properties ==
- * <code>feed.type</code>
- * <code>feed.version</code>
- * <code>feed.title</code>
- * <code>feed.link</code>
- * <code>feed.description</code>
- * <code>feed.language</code>
- * <code>feed.updated</code>
- * <code>feed.items:</code> an array of JFeedItem
- == JFeedItem properties ==
- * <code>item.title</code>
- * <code>item.link</code>
- * <code>item.description</code>
- * <code>item.updated</code>
- * <code>item.id</code>
- Please see the provided examples for more information.
- A basic PHP proxy is also available (<code>proxy.php</code>), if you need to load external
- feeds (for testing purposes only, do not use it on public websites).