Dotfiles, utilities, and other apparatus.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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use strict;
# taken from:
# The command line arguments are:
# xtfix 004000 set bgcol to greenish
# xtfix 000000 555555 set bgcol to a random color between the two given values
# xtfix -r reset the terminal (useful after 'cat /bin/sh' :-)
# xtfix -f4 choose font size (3-6 are ok)
# Default args (subtle random shade, reset, font 4):
my $args = "@ARGV" || "080808 202020 -r -f4";
# Basic color map, feel free to edit:
my @cols = qw(000000 cc6666
33cc66 cc9933
3366cc cc33cc
33cccc cccccc
666666 ff6666
66ff66 ffff66
6699ff ff66ff
33ffff ffffff);
# Full reset
print "\033c" if $args =~ s/-r//;
# Select font
print "\033]50;#$1\007" if $args =~ s/-f(\d)//;
# Parse the 'black' value
my @ofs = map hex, $args =~ /([0-9a-f]{2})/gi;
if(@ofs>3) {
$ofs[$_] = $ofs[$_] + rand($ofs[$_+3]-$ofs[$_])
for 0..2;
for my $i(0..15) {
my $c = $cols[$i];
my $Z;
$c =~ s{..}{
my $a = hex $&;
my $b = $ofs[$Z++];
sprintf("%02x", $a + $b - ($a*$b)/255);
printf "\033[%d;3%dm(%d)", $i/8, $i&7, $i if $args =~ /show/;
print "\033]4;$i;#$c\007";
print "\033]11;#$c\007" if !$i; # 0 is also 'background color'
print "\033]10;#$c\007" if $i==7; # 7 is also 'plain foreground color'