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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Execute shell commands and include their output in the current buffer.
# This is brittle and probably very subject to quoting problems, but in
# practice it's been a useful hack for local notes and technical writing.
# See also:
# - filter-exec for formatted output including the original command
# - filter-exec-stdin for a version that passes the contained block to
# stdin of the executed command
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.0;
my $text;
# Line separator:
local $/ = undef;
$text = <>;
# HTML quote markers / commands:
$text =~ s{
<!--[ ]exec-raw[ ](.*?)[ ]-->
<!--[ ]end[ ]-->
handle_block('<!-- ', $1, ' -->', '<!-- end -->');
# Vim/VimWiki-style markers:
$text =~ s/
[{]{3}exec-raw[ ](.*?)$
handle_block('{{{', $1, '', '}}}');
print $text;
sub handle_block {
my ($start, $command, $command_end, $end) = @_;
# Note that we're redirecting stderr here, so it shows up inside the
# output block rather than at the top of the filtered file:
my $result = qx{$command 2>&1};
unless (defined $result) {
# TODO: Make this handle malformed or missing commands better by
# piping the command string to a shell instead of system()ing
# directly.
$result = "Command not found? Exit status: $?\n";
return "${start}exec-raw ${command}${command_end}\n${result}${end}";
A self-test - use ,r in vim to check:
{{{exec-raw date
Sun 04 Jun 2023 12:25:56 PM MDT
<!-- exec-raw date -->
Sun 04 Jun 2023 12:25:56 PM MDT
<!-- end -->
<!-- exec-raw pwd -->
<!-- end -->
<!-- exec -->
$ ls -lah ~/bin/filter-exec-raw
-rwxr-xr-x 1 brennen brennen 1.8K Jun 4 12:25 /home/brennen/bin/filter-exec-raw
<!-- end -->
{{{exec-raw ls adfasdfsf
ls: cannot access 'adfasdfsf': No such file or directory
{{{exec-raw command-which-does-not-exist
error: -1