Dotfiles, utilities, and other apparatus.
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# set window notifications - disabled for the moment because pretty annoying
# in practice. could be i'm doing something wrong that makes it trigger too
# often:
# setw -g monitor-activity on
# set -g visual-activity on
set -g status-bg blue
set -g status-fg white
# set-option -g status-left '[#S] '
# deal with Esc timing weirdness in vim:
set -s escape-time 0
# get 256 colors, hopefully:
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
# per advice in neovim :checkhealth -
# ## tmux
# - OK: escape-time: 0ms
# - INFO: $TERM: screen-256color
# - WARNING: Neither Tc nor RGB capability set. True colors are disabled. |'termguicolors'| won't work properly.
# - Put this in your ~/.tmux.conf and replace XXX by your $TERM outside of tmux:
# set-option -sa terminal-overrides ',XXX:RGB'
# - For older tmux versions use this instead:
# set-option -ga terminal-overrides ',XXX:Tc'
# set-option -sa terminal-overrides ',XXX:RGB'
set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc"
# Does this work?
set -g mouse on
# Vi copy and paste in tmux
# by way of thcipriani
bind-key Escape copy-mode
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'v' send -X begin-selection
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'y' send -X copy-selection