Dotfiles, utilities, and other apparatus.
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  1. This is a place to collect some useful cheatsheets, with the view that I may
  2. eventually streamline accessing them in some way.
  3. git-commit.txt is a terse and evolving version of some of the things found in
  4. Vicky Lai's .gitmessage[0] and Tyler Cipriani's larger .git-commit-zomg[0].
  5. It's pointed at by my ~/.gitconfig's commit.template value. I found the longer
  6. version of these templates useful, but after a while realized that I was
  7. routinely scrolling to the bottom of the commit to see the list of staged
  8. files, and really only need a few of the prompts as general reminders most of
  9. the time.
  10. git-meta.txt includes a bunch of optional fields for commit messages, and is
  11. pointed at by git-commit.txt so I can quickly access it with ctrl-w f in vim
  12. while writing a commit.
  13. [0].
  14. [1].