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13 years ago
13 years ago
  1. " vim:foldmethod=marker:foldlevel=0:foldenable
  2. "
  3. " this is my vimrc; part of
  4. "
  5. " to use:
  6. "
  7. " mkdir -p ~/.vim
  8. " cp [this file] ~/vim/vimrc
  9. " mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
  10. " git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  11. " vim +PluginInstall
  12. "
  13. " if there are funny-looking folded sections below and you're confused,
  14. " hitting zR will unfold them all, while zr will unfold the one your
  15. " cursor is on. this note is as much for my benefit as yours.
  16. "
  17. " an increasing percentage of this config is very specific to my preferences.
  18. " there are keybindings for filters i use regularly, things that automatically
  19. " happen when i open certain files, and shortcuts bound to the F-keys. quite
  20. " a lot of the behavior here also assumes it'll have scripts found in ~/bin
  21. " - see home/bin in this repo - and may rely on tools i haven't yet published.
  22. "
  23. " items particularly likely to be personal preference are marked with the
  24. " string CUSTOMIZE and a note.
  25. "
  26. " -- bpb | |
  27. set nocompatible
  28. " Temporarily disable modelines (like the one at the top of this file), per:
  29. "
  30. " TODO: Patch and/or look at securemodelines plugin
  31. set nomodeline
  32. " use comma for the leader key - this is used as a prefix for
  33. " a bunch of bindings, mostly in the keybindings section. it's up
  34. " here for things that might require it before plugins are invoked,
  35. " such as vimwiki mappings.
  36. let mapleader = ","
  37. " let mapleader = " "
  38. " vundle setup & vundle-managed plugins {{{
  39. filetype off
  40. set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/
  41. call vundle#begin()
  42. " let Vundle manage Vundle - required:
  43. Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
  44. "
  45. " TODO: language server stuff
  46. " Plugin 'prabirshrestha/async.vim'
  47. " Plugin 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'
  48. " if executable('pyls')
  49. " " pip install python-language-server
  50. " au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
  51. " \ 'name': 'pyls',
  52. " \ 'cmd': {server_info->['pyls']},
  53. " \ 'whitelist': ['python'],
  54. " \ })
  55. " endif
  56. " really nice file tree - see keybindings section below for some tweaks:
  57. Plugin 'preservim/nerdtree'
  58. Plugin 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
  59. " double click to open nodes:
  60. " (for directory nodes with a single click, set to 2)
  61. " (for all nodes with a single click, set to 3)
  62. let NERDTreeMouseMode = 1
  63. " fancy start screen with recent files & bookmarks
  64. " CUSTOMIZE: you'll probably want different bookmarks
  65. let g:startify_bookmarks = [
  66. \ {'v': '~/.vimrc'},
  67. \ {'l': '~/notes/vimwiki/log/' },
  68. \ '~/.zshrc',
  69. \ '~/notes/',
  70. \ '~/p1k3',
  71. \ ]
  72. Plugin 'mhinz/vim-startify'
  73. let g:startify_custom_header_quotes = [
  74. \ ['the purpose of the system is what it does'],
  75. \ ['incremental progress is the only kind'],
  76. \ ['reality has a surprising amount of detail'],
  77. \ ]
  78. let g:startify_change_to_dir = 0
  79. let g:startify_change_to_vcs_root = 1
  80. " Vim Outliner of Markups - see :help voom - really nice
  81. Plugin 'vim-voom/VOoM'
  82. " align text vertically on a string:
  83. Plugin 'Align'
  84. " wrap common version control commands:
  85. Plugin 'vcscommand.vim'
  86. Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
  87. " visual marking of changes in working tree:
  88. Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
  89. " match lots of things - this repo seems defunct; not sure who is
  90. " currently maintaining this one:
  91. " Plugin 'edsono/vim-matchit'
  92. " commands for surrounding chars:
  93. Plugin 'tpope/vim-repeat' " used by vim-surround, commentary
  94. Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
  95. " readline-style keybindings in command line / insert:
  96. Plugin 'tpope/vim-rsi'
  97. " gc[motion] to comment, gcc to comment current line
  98. Plugin ''
  99. " a yank/paste ring - hit ctrl-p after pasting:
  100. " let g:yankring_history_dir = '$HOME/.vim'
  101. " Plugin 'vim-scripts/YankRing.vim'
  102. " a bunch of colorschemes + a gui menu listing them:
  103. Plugin 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'
  104. Plugin 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
  105. Plugin 'chriskempson/vim-tomorrow-theme.git'
  106. Plugin 'desert-warm-256'
  107. Plugin 'ColorSchemeMenuMaker'
  108. Plugin 'ScrollColors'
  109. " some useful icons in various plugins, if you were willing to deal
  110. " with the font hassles (i am not)
  111. " Plugin 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
  112. "
  113. Plugin 'mileszs/ack.vim'
  114. " navigate & control tmux windows + vim buffers - see also .tmux.conf
  115. " Plugin 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator'
  116. " Plugin 'benmills/vimux'
  117. " find files / buffers / etc.:
  118. " Plugin 'L9' " - required by FuzzyFinder
  119. " Plugin 'FuzzyFinder'
  120. " this seems really powerful & i've never quite gotten my head around it
  121. " Plugin 'Shougo/unite.vim'
  122. " fzf - fuzzy finding {{{
  123. "
  124. let g:fzf_launcher = '/usr/bin/xterm'
  125. Plugin 'junegunn/fzf'
  126. " Some utility wrappers around fzf stuff:
  127. Plugin 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
  128. " Example git grep wrapper from fzf.vim readme
  129. command! -bang -nargs=* GGrep
  130. \ call fzf#vim#grep(
  131. \ 'git grep --line-number -- '.shellescape(<q-args>), 0,
  132. \ fzf#vim#with_preview({'dir': systemlist('git rev-parse --show-toplevel')[0]}), <bang>0)
  133. " Use fzf for multi-definition tags:
  134. Plugin 'zackhsi/fzf-tags'
  135. nmap <C-]> <Plug>(fzf_tags)
  136. " }}}
  137. " distraction-free mode:
  138. Plugin 'junegunn/goyo.vim'
  139. " preview contents of named registers - this is brilliant
  140. Plugin 'junegunn/vim-peekaboo'
  141. " ASCII art
  142. Plugin 'DrawIt'
  143. " most recently used files - my fork allows for a top-level menu
  144. let g:MRU_Menu_Path = '&Recent\ Files'
  145. let g:MRU_Max_Menu_Entries = 30
  146. let g:MRU_Max_Submenu_Entries = 30
  147. Plugin ''
  148. " database stuffs
  149. " Plugin 'dbext.vim'
  150. " do stuff with tables - used by some vim-markdown features
  151. Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
  152. " filetypes / modes / language support {{{
  153. let g:go_version_warning = 0
  154. Plugin 'fatih/vim-go' " golang
  155. Plugin 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
  156. Plugin 'chikamichi/mediawiki.vim'
  157. Plugin 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
  158. " Plugin 'nginx.vim'
  159. " Plugin 'jceb/vim-orgmode'
  160. " }}}
  161. " apt-get install shellcheck for shell linting
  162. " apt-get install perl-critic for perl
  163. " syntax checking {{{
  164. Plugin 'dense-analysis/ale'
  165. " an alternative is syntastic - used this for ages, works pretty well but
  166. " doesn't have the async thing going on:
  167. " Plugin 'vim-syntastic/syntastic'
  168. " let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
  169. " let g:syntastic_php_checkers = ['php']
  170. " let g:syntastic_enable_perl_checker = 1
  171. " let g:syntastic_perl_lib_path = ['./lib', './lib/auto']
  172. " let g:syntastic_perl_checkers = ['perl', 'podchecker']
  173. " " shut up, pylint:
  174. " let g:syntastic_python_checkers = []
  175. " amenu Syntax.Toggle\ Syntastic :SyntasticToggleMode<CR>
  176. " }}}
  177. " add option to show a diff when there's a swapfile on disk:
  178. " Plugin 'chrisbra/Recover.vim'
  179. " CUSTOMIZE: fancy status line; laststatus can be set so it always shows up
  180. Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
  181. Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
  182. " set laststatus=2
  183. " let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
  184. let g:airline_theme = 'luna'
  185. if has("gui_running")
  186. let g:airline_theme = 'base16_ashes'
  187. endif
  188. " integrate ale with airline:
  189. let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1
  190. " Dr. Chip's debugging for syntax highlighting:
  191. Plugin 'gerw/vim-HiLinkTrace'
  192. " GUI font size - use <Leader><Leader>+ or - to adjust
  193. Plugin 'drmikehenry/vim-fontsize'
  194. " Ctrl-A increment / Ctrl-X decrement various date formats with this one:
  195. " try, for example: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 23:59:59 +0000
  196. Plugin 'tpope/vim-speeddating'
  197. " open files at the cursor position where you left off (awesome):
  198. Plugin 'farmergreg/vim-lastplace'
  199. " handle .editorconfig files:
  200. "
  201. "
  202. Plugin 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'
  203. " a calendar - used in conjunction with vimwiki diaries
  204. let g:calendar_keys = {
  205. \ 'goto_next_month': '<C-Right>',
  206. \ 'goto_prev_month': '<C-Left>',
  207. \ 'goto_next_year': '<C-Up>',
  208. \ 'goto_prev_year': '<C-Down>'
  209. \ }
  210. Plugin 'mattn/calendar-vim'
  211. Plugin 'mbbill/undotree'
  212. " Vdebug should work with xdebug - see help for XDEBUG_CONFIG stuffs,
  213. " although they don't seem to have been translated for Xdebug 3.x. I've
  214. " namespaced all the keymaps here so that when this is enabled it doesn't
  215. " stomp all over my usual bindings.
  216. " let g:vdebug_keymap = {
  217. " \ "run" : "<Leader><F5>",
  218. " \ "run_to_cursor" : "<Leader><F9>",
  219. " \ "step_over" : "<Leader><F2>",
  220. " \ "step_into" : "<Leader><F3>",
  221. " \ "step_out" : "<Leader><F4>",
  222. " \ "close" : "<Leader><F6>",
  223. " \ "detach" : "<Leader><F7>",
  224. " \ "set_breakpoint" : "<Leader><F10>",
  225. " \ "get_context" : "<Leader><F11>",
  226. " \ "eval_under_cursor" : "<Leader><F12>",
  227. " \ "eval_visual" : "<Leader>e",
  228. " \}
  229. " let g:vdebug_options = { 'port' : 9003 }
  230. " Plugin ''
  231. " minimap of code
  232. " TODO: does this actually work?
  233. " Plugin 'severin-lemaignan/vim-minimap'
  234. " CUSTOMIZE: vimwikis - for notes, daily logs, etc. {{{
  235. " main personal wiki
  236. let wiki = {}
  237. let = 'notes'
  238. let wiki.path = '~/notes/vimwiki/'
  239. let wiki.path_html = '~/workspace/notes-html/'
  240. let wiki.auto_tags = 1
  241. let wiki.auto_diary_index = 1
  242. let wiki.automatic_nested_syntaxes = 1
  243. " i don't use this, but it seems to have regressed recently and I'll
  244. " need to test it again eventually
  245. " let wiki.links_space_char = '-'
  246. " a markdown wiki for testing purposes
  247. let markdownwiki = {}
  248. let = 'markdownwiki'
  249. let markdownwiki.path = '~/notes/markdownwiki'
  250. let markdownwiki.path_html = '~/notes/markdownwiki/html/'
  251. let markdownwiki.auto_tags = 1
  252. let markdownwiki.auto_diary_index = 1
  253. let markdownwiki.automatic_nested_syntaxes = 1
  254. let markdownwiki.syntax = 'markdown'
  255. let markdownwiki.ext = '.md'
  256. " testing for
  257. " let g:vimwiki_markdown_link_ext = 1
  258. " To test customwiki2html:
  259. " let markdownwiki.custom_wiki2html = $HOME . '/.vim/bundle/vimwiki/autoload/vimwiki/'
  260. " do syntax highlight in preformatted blocks - it's worth noting that if
  261. " wiki.automatic_nested_syntaxes is on (it defaults to 1) this may not
  262. " be necessary. it's off here for the moment because it was causing
  263. " some weird collisions between embedded syntaxen - notably if the
  264. " markdown one was loaded before the mediawiki one, indented lists in
  265. " mediawiki blocks were getting false hits for markdown's bold. this
  266. " may be a bug in vim-markdown, which is a little flaky to begin with.
  267. "
  268. " let wiki.nested_syntaxes = {
  269. " \ 'python': 'python',
  270. " \ 'ruby': 'ruby',
  271. " \ 'perl': 'perl',
  272. " \ 'sh': 'sh',
  273. " \ 'dockerfile': 'dockerfile',
  274. " \ 'go': 'go',
  275. " \ 'yaml': 'yaml',
  276. " \ 'mediawiki': 'mediawiki',
  277. " \ 'markdown': 'markdown',
  278. " \ }
  279. " completion and dictionary stuff for Ctrl-P,Ctrl-N - uses an
  280. " index built by an embedded script on my vimwiki index for
  281. " keyword completion:
  282. set dictionary+=~/notes/tag-index
  283. set complete=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
  284. " You can adjust this to set the header level for a contents section
  285. let g:vimwiki_toc_header_level = 1
  286. " Don't change working directory to page of current wiki, since
  287. " that'd mess with how I use my ~/notes (this is the default,
  288. " just wanted it documented here):
  289. let g:vimwiki_auto_chdir = 0
  290. " there can be many of these
  291. let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki, markdownwiki]
  292. " span is here so :VimwikiColorize will work - it's weird that it's not in
  293. " the default list, since that's supported.
  294. let g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags = 'b,i,s,u,sub,sup,kbd,br,hr,span'
  295. " i think this _replaces_ the existing comment markers, in theory - not
  296. " clear if it works:
  297. " let g:vimwiki_commentstring = '<!--%s-->'
  298. " don't make temporary wikis based on file extensions in the list - this
  299. " is necessary to avoid .md files getting a filetype of vimwiki instead of
  300. " markdown:
  301. let g:vimwiki_global_ext = 0
  302. let g:vimwiki_folding = ''
  303. " let g:vimwiki_folding = 'expr'
  304. " let g:vimwiki_folding = 'syntax'
  305. " let g:vimwiki_folding = 'list'
  306. " links concealing, etc.
  307. " let g:vimwiki_conceallevel = 0
  308. " don't obscure URLs in links
  309. let g:vimwiki_url_maxsave = 0
  310. " make links clickable and such
  311. let g:vimwiki_use_mouse = 1
  312. " use colors in header highlighting
  313. let g:vimwiki_hl_headers = 1
  314. " highlight checked list items
  315. " highlight VimwikiCheckBoxDone ctermbg=darkgrey ctermfg=white guibg=darkgrey guifg=white
  316. let g:vimwiki_hl_cb_checked = 2
  317. " set to 0 to have newlines in list items get rendered to <br>
  318. let g:vimwiki_list_ignore_newline = 1
  319. " disable table mappings:
  320. let g:vimwiki_key_mappings =
  321. \ {
  322. \ 'table_mappings': 0,
  323. \ 'table_format': 0
  324. \ }
  325. " hit ,S to debug current syntax highlighting groups
  326. "
  327. "
  328. map <Leader>S :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<'
  329. \ . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<"
  330. \ . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">"<CR>
  331. " map <Leader> b to go back - the plugin will check for this
  332. " mapping and not associate it with regular backspace (which
  333. " i kept hitting by accident)
  334. " NOTE: <C-BS> doesn't work here; I tried
  335. nmap <Leader>b <Plug>VimwikiGoBackLink
  336. " au FileType vimwiki :set tw=80
  337. " override default vimwiki link handling - could be extended to add
  338. " custom link types, etc. Right now all it does is use vim itself
  339. " to handle files, crudely.
  340. function! VimwikiLinkHandler(link)
  341. if a:link =~# '^file:'
  342. try
  343. " chop off the leading file: - see :h expr-[:] for syntax:
  344. execute ':split ' . a:link[5:]
  345. return 1
  346. catch
  347. echo "Failed opening file in vim."
  348. endtry
  349. elseif a:link =~# '^workspace:'
  350. try
  351. " chop off the leading file: - see :h expr-[:] for syntax:
  352. execute ':split ' . '~/workspace/' . a:link[10:]
  353. return 1
  354. catch
  355. echo "Failed opening workspace location in vim."
  356. endtry
  357. " elseif a:link =~# '^https\?:'
  358. " try
  359. " execute ':terminal lynx ' . a:link
  360. " return 1
  361. " catch
  362. " echo "Failed executing Lynx."
  363. " endtry
  364. endif
  365. return 0
  366. endfunction
  367. Plugin 'vimwiki/vimwiki'
  368. augroup bpb_vimwiki
  369. " TODO: i _think_ a lot of this could be pushed out into some file under
  370. " ~/.vim/ftplugin/vimwiki/*.vim - should it be? maybe!
  371. " clear any existing commands in this group:
  372. autocmd!
  373. " selectively activate foldcolumn:
  374. au FileType vimwiki setlocal foldcolumn=3
  375. " vimwiki diary links for the ,td datestamp alias:
  376. au FileType vimwiki map <buffer> <Leader>td :.-1r !fragment-vimwiki-diarylink<Esc>
  377. " regenerate vimwiki diary on file load:
  378. " (with auto_diary_index, the index is updated every time you use
  379. " ,wi to open - this covers the rest of the cases, i guess)
  380. au BufReadPost,BufNewFile *vimwiki/diary/ :VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks
  381. " run new diary entry template:
  382. au BufNewFile *vimwiki/diary/*.wiki :0r !fragment-vimwiki-diary '%'
  383. " run new log entry template:
  384. au BufNewFile *vimwiki/log/*.wiki :0r !fragment-vimwiki-log
  385. " set up linewrapping so that long lines more or less work
  386. au BufRead,BufNewFile *.wiki call <SID>LonglineMode()
  387. " XXX: this is a vulnerability - should only happen in _my specific_
  388. " vimwiki:
  389. au BufReadPost *vimwiki/*.wiki call <SID>WikiBufReadPostOverrides()
  390. au BufWritePost *vimwiki/*.wiki call <SID>WikiBufWritePostOverrides()
  391. augroup END
  392. " }}}
  393. " snippets
  394. " Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips'
  395. " Plugin 'honza/vim-snippets'
  396. " " trigger configuration
  397. " " don't use <tab> if you use
  398. " let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<tab>"
  399. " let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<c-b>"
  400. " let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<c-z>"
  401. " " if you want :UltiSnipsEdit to split your window.
  402. " let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit="vertical"
  403. call vundle#end()
  404. filetype plugin on
  405. filetype indent on
  406. " }}}
  407. " misc UI {{{
  408. " set the window title (usually to filename plus some metadata)
  409. set title
  410. " pretty colors
  411. set t_Co=256
  412. syntax on
  413. " pretty characters
  414. set encoding=utf-8
  415. " do not beep or flash at me
  416. " vb is needed to stop beep
  417. " t_vb sets visual bell action, we're nulling it out here
  418. " note also that this may need to be repeated in .gvimrc
  419. set visualbell
  420. set t_vb=
  421. " enable mouse for (a)ll, (n)ormal, (v)isual, (i)nsert, or (c)ommand line
  422. " mode - seems to work in most terminals
  423. set mouse=a
  424. "
  425. set ttymouse=xterm2
  426. " render a useful popup menu for right-click instead of extending
  427. " selection (good for spellchecking, etc.):
  428. set mousemodel=popup_setpos
  429. " let me delete stuff like crazy in insert mode
  430. set backspace=indent,eol,start
  431. " see :help virtualedit - you probably don't want this
  432. " set virtualedit=onemore
  433. " display commands as-typed + current position in file
  434. set showcmd
  435. set ruler
  436. " height of command line area - having it greater than one avoids
  437. " some hit-enter prompts
  438. set cmdheight=2
  439. " display a visual menu for tab-completion of files
  440. set wildmenu
  441. " add git status to statusline; otherwise emulate standard line with ruler
  442. " -- mostly supplanted for the moment by vim-airline
  443. set statusline=%<%{fugitive#statusline()}\ %f\ %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
  444. " keep lots of command-line history - 10000 is currently the max value:
  445. set history=10000
  446. " search:
  447. set incsearch
  448. set ignorecase
  449. set smartcase
  450. set wrapscan
  451. " CUSTOMIZE: neovim defaults hlsearch to on, which annoys me personally
  452. set nohlsearch
  453. " for gvim. no toolbar, otherwise these are the defaults
  454. " set guioptions=aegimrLt
  455. " use + register (x window clipboard) as unnamed register (copy to system
  456. " clipboard on yy, for example):
  457. if has('nvim')
  458. set clipboard+=unnamedplus
  459. else
  460. set clipboard=unnamedplus,autoselect
  461. endif
  462. " include '-' in words. counts for both movement commands and autocomplete.
  463. " to test, try moving across and autocompleting for some-words-bunched-up
  464. " this is an experiment - mainly i want to use inline dashes in identifiers
  465. " in markdown documents, and so forth
  466. set iskeyword+=-
  467. " }}}
  468. " file saving/loading/swap/backups {{{
  469. " read (unchanged) buffers when they're modified on filesystem.
  470. " this saves me a lot of time and agony because i switch git branches
  471. " constantly, but it might not be what you want.
  472. set autoread
  473. " CUSTOMIZE: disable swapfiles (you may not want this (but you probably do)):
  474. set noswapfile
  475. " }}}
  476. " CUSTOMIZE: whitespace {{{
  477. " display tabs and trailing spaces:
  478. set listchars=tab:⇾\ ,trail
  479. set list
  480. " display tab characters as 8 spaces, indent 2 spaces,
  481. " always use spaces instead of tabs:
  482. set tabstop=8
  483. set shiftwidth=2
  484. set softtabstop=2
  485. set expandtab
  486. set autoindent
  487. " set smarttab
  488. " set smartindent
  489. " for c code, no tab expansion, turn off softtabstop
  490. au FileType c setlocal noexpandtab
  491. au FileType c setlocal shiftwidth=8
  492. au FileType c setlocal softtabstop=0
  493. " turn off tab expansion for Makefiles and calendar files:
  494. au FileType make setlocal noexpandtab
  495. au FileType calendar setlocal noexpandtab
  496. " wrap entire words in markdown files
  497. "
  498. au FileType markdown setlocal wrap linebreak breakat&vim
  499. " }}}
  500. " misc. autocommands {{{
  501. " to get a list of current autocommands:
  502. "
  503. " :redir @a
  504. " :autocmd
  505. " :redir END
  506. " "ap
  507. " assume *.t files are PHP - i was doing this to override the assumption
  508. " that they're perl
  509. " au BufRead,BufNewFile *.t set filetype=php
  510. " retain view/folds on a specific file:
  511. " au BufWinLeave notes.txt mkview
  512. " au BufWinEnter notes.txt silent loadview
  513. au BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.md set filetype=markdown
  514. " CUSTOMIZE: this invokes a function for doing some custom filetype
  515. " overrides, like treating blog entries as markdown. it is mostly
  516. " for places where i couldn't figure out an autocmd, or needed something
  517. " more complex than the pattern matching offered by au
  518. "
  519. " this used to fail for files named `index`, because of a fugitive bug:
  520. "
  521. au BufReadPost,BufNewFile * call <SID>FiletypeOverrides()
  522. au BufNewFile * call <SID>NewFileOverrides()
  523. " TODO: make a colorscheme logger here - it'd be nice to know all the
  524. " schemes i ever use for later reference:
  525. " au ColorScheme * call <SID>ColorSchemeOverrides()
  526. " }}}
  527. " keybindings {{{
  528. " CUSTOMIZE: my keybinding habits may be idiosyncratic
  529. " aside from function keys, i try not to stomp on the main keybinding
  530. " 'namespace' too much, with the exception of replacing K with something
  531. " useful.
  532. " a handful of functions are called here, all with a prefix of <SID> -
  533. " they can be found in the "functions" section below
  534. " many things here have menu entries under 'Cheatsheet', as a cheatsheet for
  535. " all the stuff i've defined. these can also be accessed with :emenu in
  536. " terminal vim.
  537. " wait longer than the default (1000ms) for keycodes and mapped keys:
  538. set timeoutlen=3000
  539. " i use the F-keys a _lot_. this is what makes NERDTree usable.
  540. " F2 toggles the nerdtree file browser pane
  541. map <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
  542. imap <F2> <Esc>:NERDTreeToggle<CR>
  543. 650amenu Cheatsheet.NERDTree<Tab>F2 <F2>
  544. " F3 finds the current file in nerdtree
  545. map <F3> :NERDTreeFind<CR>
  546. amenu Cheatsheet.NERDTreeFind<Tab>F3 <F3>
  547. " F4 toggles line numbers
  548. map <F4> :set invnumber<CR>
  549. imap <F4> <Esc>:set invnumber<CR>
  550. " this version cycles through a couple versions of relative and absolute
  551. " line numbers:
  552. " map <F4> :call <SID>CycleLineNumbers()<CR>
  553. " imap <F4> <Esc>:call <SID>CycleLineNumbers()<CR>
  554. amenu Cheatsheet.Toggle\ Line\ Numbers<Tab>F4 <F4>
  555. " F5 saves everything
  556. map <F5> :wall<CR>
  557. imap <F5> <Esc><F5>
  558. amenu Cheatsheet.Write\ All<Tab>F5 <F5>
  559. " F6 brings up a recently-used file list using MRU
  560. " map <F6> :MRU<CR>
  561. " Bring up an fzf history window
  562. map <F6> :History<CR>
  563. imap <F6> <Esc><F6>
  564. amenu Cheatsheet.Most\ Recently\ Used<Tab>F6 <F6>
  565. " F7 opens ~/.vim/vimrc (in existing tab if open, new otherwise)
  566. " (7 kind of looks like a rotated v)
  567. " see for
  568. " rationale - the idea is to make changing vim configuration trivial
  569. if has('nvim')
  570. map <F7> :call <SID>TabDrop("~/.vim/vimrc")<CR>
  571. else
  572. map <F7> :call <SID>TabDrop($MYVIMRC)<CR>
  573. endif
  574. imap <F7> <Esc><F7>
  575. amenu Cheatsheet.Open\ vimrc<Tab>F7 <F7>
  576. " F8 inserts an ISO-8601 datestamp (mnemonic: eight rhymes with date)
  577. " (used to open the options window; use :options for that)
  578. " map <F8> :r !date -I<CR>kJ
  579. map <F8> <Leader>w<Leader>w
  580. imap <F8> <Esc><F8>
  581. amenu Cheatsheet.Current\ Diary<Tab>F8 <F8>
  582. " ,td / ,tD insert dates (mnemonic: toDay)
  583. " this is overridden in vimwiki files to link to diary pages
  584. map <Leader>td :r !date -I<CR>kJ
  585. map <Leader>tD :r !date -Is<CR>kJ
  586. " F9 toggles search highlighting and some other noise
  587. map <F9> :call <SID>Crosshairs()<CR>
  588. imap <F9> <Esc><F9>
  589. amenu Cheatsheet.Crosshairs<Tab>F9 <F9>
  590. " F10 starts a git commit for recent changes
  591. map <F10> :Gcommit -av<CR>
  592. amenu Cheatsheet.Gcommit<Tab>F10 <F10>
  593. " F11 i'm leaving unbound because of fullscreen shortcuts in various
  594. " terminals and window managers
  595. " in normal or insert mode, <F12> copies all in buffer
  596. " in visual/select modes, it just yanks the selected bit
  597. nmap <F12> :%y+<CR>
  598. imap <F12> <Esc><F12>
  599. vmap <F12> y+
  600. amenu Cheatsheet.Copy\ All<Tab>F12 <F12>
  601. " add a menu separator
  602. menu Cheatsheet.-misc- :
  603. " split lines under the cursor (modeled on, maybe, emacs?)
  604. map K i<CR><Esc>g;
  605. amenu Cheatsheet.Split\ Line<Tab>K K
  606. " an FZF fragment menu
  607. nmap <Leader>F :call <SID>FragmentMenu()<CR>
  608. amenu Cheatsheet.Fragment\ Menu<Tab>,F <Leader>F
  609. " CUSTOMIZE: randomize certain text decorations - silly
  610. nmap <Leader>D :call <SID>RunFilter("filter-decorate")<CR>
  611. amenu Cheatsheet.Randomize\ Decorations<Tab>,D <Leader>D
  612. nmap <Leader>d i<p class="centerpiece"> <Esc>:r !fragment-bullet<CR>kJA </p><Esc>
  613. amenu Cheatsheet.Insert\ Decoration<Tab>,d <Leader>d
  614. " CUSTOMIZE: find files with fzf fuzzy-finder (assumes FZF is installed)
  615. "
  616. " was :FZF, but :Files has a preview pane - which is awesome
  617. nmap <Leader>f :Files<CR>
  618. amenu Cheatsheet.FZF\ Find<Tab>,f <Leader>f
  619. " i didn't wind up using this much, and it potentially messes
  620. " with vimwiki mappings:
  621. " nmap <Leader>w :call <SID>CommandOutputInNewWindow("dict <cword>"))<CR>
  622. " visual select inner word
  623. nmap <Leader>v viW
  624. " pull up the last hundred git commits in a scratch buffer
  625. " nmap <Leader>l :vnew<CR>:set buftype=nofile<CR>:set bufhidden=hide<CR>:setlocal noswapfile<CR>:r !git log -100<CR>:set ft=git<CR>gg<C-w>r<C-w>l
  626. nmap <Leader>gl :Glog<CR>:copen<CR>
  627. amenu Cheatsheet.Git\ Log<Tab>,gl <Leader>gl
  628. nmap <leader>m :make<CR>
  629. amenu Cheatsheet.Make<Tab>,m <Leader>m
  630. " requires git-do, from bpb-kit, to execute make in root of current git repo
  631. nmap <leader>M :!git do make<CR>
  632. amenu Cheatsheet.Make\ (git\ root)<Tab>,M <Leader>M
  633. " jump to next, previous errors
  634. nmap <Leader>n :cnext<CR>
  635. amenu Cheatsheet.Next\ Error<Tab>,n <Leader>n
  636. nmap <Leader>p :cprev<CR>
  637. amenu Cheatsheet.Prev\ Error<Tab>,p <Leader>p
  638. " generate a password-like string with apg
  639. " nmap <Leader>pw :r !apg -a 0 -m 20 -n 1<CR>
  640. " -a 0: use fully random string instead of pronounceable
  641. nmap <Leader>pw :r !apg -a 1 -m 20 -n 1<CR>
  642. amenu Cheatsheet.APG<Tab>,pw <Leader>pw
  643. " reformat a paragraph
  644. nmap <Leader>q gqip
  645. amenu Cheatsheet.Reformat\ Para<Tab>,q <Leader>q
  646. " Q mapping (it usually enters ex mode) based on this mail from bram:
  647. "!search/vim/vim_use/iXH_Zxj8iBA/H7YDtbACBAAJ
  648. " note this is done by default in neovim
  649. map Q gq
  650. " CUSTOMIZE: these are simple filter scripts to preprocess some
  651. " shell commands in HTML or Markdown files - see scripts for details
  652. nmap <Leader>r :call <SID>RunFilter("filter-exec-raw")<CR>:call <SID>RunFilter("filter-exec")<CR>:call <SID>RunFilter("filter-exec-stdin")<CR>
  653. amenu Cheatsheet.Run\ Filters<Tab>,r <Leader>r
  654. " delete trailing whitespace, file-wide
  655. nmap <Leader>s :%s/\s\+$//e<CR>
  656. amenu Cheatsheet.Zap\ Trailing\ Space<Tab>,s <Leader>s
  657. " tab navigation somewhat like firefox
  658. "
  659. nmap <C-S-Tab> :tabprevious<CR>
  660. nmap <C-Tab> :tabnext<CR>
  661. map <C-S-Tab> :tabprevious<CR>
  662. map <C-Tab> :tabnext<CR>
  663. imap <C-S-Tab> <Esc>:tabprevious<CR>i
  664. imap <C-Tab> <Esc>:tabnext<CR>i
  665. " new tab:
  666. nmap <Leader>tn :tabnew<CR>
  667. amenu Cheatsheet.New\ Tab<Tab>,tn <Leader>tn
  668. " run timeslice script for current file:
  669. nmap <Leader>ts :call TimesliceForFile()<CR>
  670. amenu Cheatsheet.Timeslice<Tab>,ts :call TimesliceForFile()<CR>
  671. " trigger unite.vim
  672. map <Leader>u :Unite<CR>
  673. " split window navigation (ctrl-j/k, alt-arrows)
  674. map <C-J> <C-W>j<C-W>_
  675. map <M-Down> <C-W>j
  676. map <C-K> <C-W>k<C-W>_
  677. map <M-Up> <C-W>k
  678. map <M-Right> <C-W>l
  679. map <M-Left> <C-W>h
  680. " search the current vimwiki - fails if not in a vimwiki, which i should
  681. " really do something about
  682. map <Leader>w/ :GGrep<Space>
  683. " create a new 'log' entry in vimwiki
  684. map <Leader>l :tab drop `fragment-vimwiki-log-path`<CR>kA<Space>
  685. " view log for current file
  686. " TODO: consider extending this to all files in some way...
  687. map <Leader>wl :call <SID>NotesLogsForFile()<CR>
  688. map <Leader>wf :call <SID>NotesFullLogsForFile()<CR>
  689. " view backlinks for current file
  690. map <Leader>wL :call <SID>NotesLinksForFile()<CR>
  691. " view summary for current wiki page
  692. map <Leader>wS :call <SID>NotesMeta()<CR>
  693. map <Leader>. :call <SID>VimwikiMakeLink()<CR>
  694. map <Leader>J :call <SID>VimwikiJumpToPage()<CR>
  695. " }}}
  696. " functions {{{
  697. " run the file through a custom filter, leaving the cursor at its original
  698. " location in the file (or close) - there might be a better way to do this,
  699. " but i don't know what it is
  700. function! s:RunFilter(filter)
  701. let l:currentline = line('.')
  702. execute ":%!" . a:filter
  703. execute ":" . l:currentline
  704. endfunction
  705. " do some normal-mode commands and return the cursor to its previous location
  706. function! s:ExecNormalAndReturnCursor(commands)
  707. let l:currentline = line('.')
  708. " see
  709. execute "normal! " . a:commands
  710. execute ":" . l:currentline
  711. endfunction
  712. " set custom filetypes for some things - invoked by an autocommand above
  713. function! s:FiletypeOverrides()
  714. " make sure NERDTree windows don't get messed up
  715. if bufname("%") =~ "NERD_tree"
  716. return
  717. endif
  718. " using expand('%:p') instead of bufname("%") for full path, per:
  719. "
  720. " \v is "very magic" - see :help \v
  721. " the initial slash in the regex seems to be necessary to make \v work
  722. " =~? is ignore case
  723. " =~# is match case
  724. " =~ uses the value of ignorecase
  725. if expand('%:p') =~# "\\vp1k3\/archives.*\/([0-9]|[a-z])+$"
  726. " echom 'p1k3 match - setting filetype to markdown'
  727. set filetype=markdown
  728. endif
  729. endfunction
  730. " take some custom actions after reading a wiki page:
  731. function! s:WikiBufReadPostOverrides()
  732. let realpath = system('readlink -fn ' . shellescape(expand('%')))
  733. " regenerate wiki pages with `%% exec-raw auto` on load
  734. " (except for log scratch files - that could get real messy)
  735. if search("%% exec-raw auto", "nw")
  736. if match(realpath, '_logscratch') > -1
  737. " no-op for the moment, might be other things to do here?
  738. " i'm not honestly sure if this is reachable because i'm not sure
  739. " that the postread here actually gets triggered at all.
  740. echom "logscratch - not honoring exec-raw auto"
  741. else
  742. call <SID>RunFilter("filter-exec-raw")
  743. endif
  744. endif
  745. " turn off wrapping for wiki pages with `%% nowrap` on load
  746. if search("%% nowrap", "nw")
  747. set nowrap
  748. endif
  749. endfunction
  750. " take some custom actions after writing a wiki page:
  751. function! s:WikiBufWritePostOverrides()
  752. " update link database
  753. let realpath = system('readlink -fn ' . shellescape(expand('%')))
  754. if match(realpath, '_logscratch') > -1
  755. return
  756. endif
  757. silent execute ":!notes-collect-metadata " . realpath
  758. endfunction
  759. " if editing a new p1k3 entry, auto-populate with a datestamp
  760. function! s:NewFileOverrides()
  761. if expand('%:p') =~# "\\vp1k3\/archives.*\/([0-9]|[a-z])+$"
  762. silent 0r !fragment-entry
  763. endif
  764. endfunction
  765. " spit out a date for today, using ~/bin/fragment-today, on the current line
  766. " TODO: ideally this would context sensitive: if called inside a vimwiki
  767. " diary file or a p1k3 blog entry, it would use that date instead.
  768. function! s:Datestamp()
  769. " . is current line, -1 is 1 line above that, r would otherwise read
  770. " the output onto the line below the cursor
  771. .-1r !fragment-today
  772. endfunction
  773. " select a fragment script using fzf and include its output in the
  774. " current buffer
  775. function! s:FragmentMenu()
  776. call fzf#run({
  777. \ 'options': ['--reverse', '--preview={}'],
  778. \ 'sink': '.r !',
  779. \ 'source': 'find ~/bin/ -maxdepth 1 -name "fragment-*" -printf "%f\n"',
  780. \ 'down': '50%'
  781. \ })
  782. endfunction
  783. " spit out a current timestamp
  784. function! s:Timestamp()
  785. .-1r !rightnow
  786. endfunction
  787. function! s:ColorSchemeOverrides()
  788. endfunction
  789. " make things more amenable to editing long soft-wrapped lines
  790. " mostly an attempt to make vimwiki a bit more ergonomic, this
  791. " version adapted from:
  792. "
  793. function! s:LonglineMode()
  794. setlocal wrap linebreak
  795. set virtualedit=
  796. setlocal display+=lastline
  797. noremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> gk
  798. noremap <buffer> <silent> k gk
  799. noremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> gj
  800. noremap <buffer> <silent> j gj
  801. noremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> g<Home>
  802. noremap <buffer> <silent> <End> g<End>
  803. inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> <C-o>gk
  804. inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> <C-o>gj
  805. inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> <C-o>g<Home>
  806. inoremap <buffer> <silent> <End> <C-o>g<End>
  807. endfunction
  808. " via maya:
  809. "
  810. function! TwoWide()
  811. call setpos(".", [0, 1, 1, 0])
  812. wincmd v
  813. call setpos(".", [0, 1, 1, 0])
  814. execute "normal L"
  815. execute "normal zt"
  816. set scrollopt "ver,jump"
  817. windo set scrollbind
  818. endfunction
  819. " add some display sugar that helps highlight cursor, searches, and
  820. " textwidth. good for fiddling with alignment, reflowing text, etc.
  821. function! s:Crosshairs()
  822. set invhlsearch
  823. set invcursorcolumn
  824. set invcursorline
  825. " toggle a colorcolumn - will get weird if it's set outside this function
  826. if &colorcolumn == "+1"
  827. set colorcolumn=0
  828. else
  829. " i think this is relative to textwidth
  830. set colorcolumn=+1
  831. endif
  832. endfunction
  833. " cycle between no, absolute, and relative line numbers
  834. function! s:CycleLineNumbers()
  835. if (&number)
  836. set nonumber
  837. return
  838. endif
  839. if (&relativenumber)
  840. set number norelativenumber
  841. else
  842. set number relativenumber
  843. endif
  844. endfunction
  845. " this is pretty much horked from:
  846. "
  847. function! s:CommandOutputInNewWindow(cmdline)
  848. echo a:cmdline
  849. let expanded_cmdline = a:cmdline
  850. for part in split(a:cmdline, ' ')
  851. if part[0] =~ '\v[%#<]'
  852. let expanded_part = fnameescape(expand(part))
  853. let expanded_cmdline = substitute(expanded_cmdline, part, expanded_part, '')
  854. endif
  855. endfor
  856. botright new
  857. setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap
  858. " uncomment calls here for debug info:
  859. " call setline(1, 'Command: ' . a:cmdline)
  860. " call setline(2, 'Expanded: ' . expanded_cmdline)
  861. " display underline with = to length of previous line (pretty clever):
  862. " call setline(3, substitute(getline(2), '.', '=', 'g'))
  863. execute '$read !' . expanded_cmdline
  864. 0delete " delete blank first line - get rid of this if you need debug msgs
  865. setlocal nomodifiable
  866. " enable folding with a column:
  867. setlocal foldenable
  868. setlocal foldcolumn=3
  869. 1
  870. endfunction
  871. " tab drop (edit in existing or new tab) a file's real path, in case it is a
  872. " symlink - useful for, frex, symlinked .vimrc. does wildcard expansion on
  873. " the path. as usual, there are probably better ways to do all of this.
  874. function! s:TabDrop(path)
  875. let realpath = system('readlink -fn ' . shellescape(expand(a:path)))
  876. echom realpath
  877. execute 'tab drop ' . realpath
  878. endfunction
  879. " try to run timeslice for current path
  880. function! g:TimesliceForFile()
  881. let realpath = system('readlink -fn ' . shellescape(expand('%')))
  882. call <SID>CommandOutputInNewWindow('timeslice -f ' . realpath)
  883. endfunction
  884. " run notes-links for current path and populate location list,
  885. " like using grep:
  886. function! s:NotesLinksForFile()
  887. let realpath = system('readlink -fn ' . shellescape(expand('%')))
  888. " override default grep so we can populate the location list:
  889. setlocal grepprg=notes\ links\ --format\ location\ --file\ $*
  890. silent execute "silent lgrep! " . shellescape(realpath)
  891. "
  892. "
  893. " in short, this is necessary because otherwise the silent grep above can
  894. " leave the display in a bonk state:
  895. redraw!
  896. " an alternative to the above:
  897. " call <SID>CommandOutputInNewWindow('notes links --file ' . realpath)
  898. " restore global setting for grepprg:
  899. setlocal grepprg<
  900. lopen
  901. endfunction
  902. " this is fucking ridiculous
  903. "
  904. function! s:AppendAtCursor(string)
  905. execute "normal! a\<C-r>\<C-r>=a:string\<CR>\<Space>\<Esc>"
  906. endfunc
  907. function! s:AppendAtCursorAsVimwikiLink(string)
  908. let bracketed = '[[/' . a:string . ']]'
  909. call <SID>AppendAtCursor(bracketed)
  910. endfunc
  911. " Make a link from an fzf-found known tag name:
  912. function! s:VimwikiMakeLink()
  913. call fzf#run({
  914. \ 'options': [
  915. \ "--reverse",
  916. \ "--multi",
  917. \ "--preview=notes-tag-summary --color {}",
  918. \ ],
  919. \ 'sink': function("<SID>AppendAtCursorAsVimwikiLink"),
  920. \ 'source': "notes-tag-index",
  921. \ 'up': '50%'
  922. \ })
  923. endfunction
  924. " Open a page in the default Vimwiki:
  925. function! s:VimwikiGotoPage(page)
  926. if ! exists(':VimwikiGoto')
  927. " :VimwikiGoto isn't a global command, so is only available if there's
  928. " a wiki open. Jump to the index of the default one:
  929. execute ':VimwikiIndex'
  930. endif
  931. execute ':VimwikiGoto ' . a:page
  932. endfunction
  933. " Jump to an fzf-found page or known tag name:
  934. function! s:VimwikiJumpToPage()
  935. call fzf#run({
  936. \ 'options': ["--reverse", "--multi", "--preview=notes-tag-summary --color {}"],
  937. \ 'sink': function("<SID>VimwikiGotoPage"),
  938. \ 'source': "notes-tag-index",
  939. \ })
  940. endfunction
  941. " Catenate log entries for current wiki page
  942. function! s:NotesFullLogsForFile()
  943. let realpath = system('readlink -fn ' . shellescape(expand('%')))
  944. let hash = sha256(realpath)
  945. echom 'Finding logs for ' . realpath
  946. botright new
  947. " XXX: This should use the current wiki, not a harcoded path:
  948. execute 'edit ~/notes/vimwiki/_logscratch/' . hash . '.wiki'
  949. 1,$d " delete everything in file
  950. execute '$read !' . 'notes links --with-date --format full --file ' . shellescape(realpath)
  951. 0delete " delete blank first line - get rid of this if you need debug msgs
  952. 1
  953. endfunction
  954. " Location list with log entries for current file:
  955. function! s:NotesLogsForFile()
  956. let realpath = system('readlink -fn ' . shellescape(expand('%')))
  957. " override default grep so we can populate the location list:
  958. setlocal grepprg=notes\ links\ --with-date\ --format\ location\ --file\ $*
  959. silent execute "silent lgrep! " . shellescape(realpath)
  960. redraw!
  961. " restore global setting for grepprg:
  962. setlocal grepprg<
  963. lopen
  964. endfunction
  965. " Jump to an fzf-found page or known tag name:
  966. function! s:NotesMeta()
  967. let realpath = system('readlink -fn ' . shellescape(expand('%')))
  968. let hash = sha256(realpath)
  969. echom 'Finding logs for ' . realpath
  970. botright new
  971. " XXX: This should use the current wiki, not a harcoded path:
  972. execute 'edit ~/notes/vimwiki/_logscratch/meta-' . hash . '.wiki'
  973. 1,$d " delete everything in file
  974. execute '$read !' . 'notes tag-summary --file ' . shellescape(realpath)
  975. 0delete " delete blank first line - get rid of this if you need debug msgs
  976. 1
  977. endfunction
  978. " get a list of key bindings, along with where they were defined, and
  979. " open it in a tab. this variant of redir and map seen at:
  980. "
  981. function! g:ListBindings()
  982. redir! > ~/vim_keys.txt
  983. silent verbose map
  984. redir END
  985. call <SID>TabDrop("~/vim_keys.txt")
  986. endfunction
  987. amenu Cheatsheet.List\ Keys<Tab>:call\ ListBindings() :call ListBindings()<CR>
  988. " }}}
  989. " colors {{{
  990. " CUSTOMIZE: you are gonna want some other colors i bet - i have used
  991. " these all at one time or another and liked them for various reasons
  992. " colorscheme brookstream
  993. " colorscheme mustang
  994. " colorscheme dark-ruby
  995. " colorscheme Tomorrow-Night-Bright
  996. " colorscheme pyte
  997. " colorscheme wargrey
  998. " colorscheme hybrid
  999. " colorscheme icansee
  1000. " colorscheme candycode
  1001. " colorscheme peppers
  1002. " colorscheme inkpot
  1003. " colorscheme ingretu
  1004. colorscheme iceberg
  1005. " colorscheme earthburn
  1006. " }}}
  1007. " folding {{{
  1008. " turn off folding by default - i constantly open some file and have to
  1009. " expand folds to see what's going on; this is easy to get back with zi
  1010. set nofoldenable
  1011. " use {{{ and }}} to denote a folded section (these can be adjusted by
  1012. " setting foldmarker, but i'm sticking with the vim defaults):
  1013. set foldmethod=marker
  1014. " for custom foldline colors:
  1015. " highlight Folded guibg=grey guifg=blue
  1016. highlight FoldColumn ctermbg=darkgrey ctermfg=white guibg=darkgrey guifg=white
  1017. " forked from:
  1018. function! BPB_NeatFoldText()
  1019. let line = ' ' . substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '^\s*"\?\s*\|\s*"\?\s*{{' . '{\d*\s*', '', 'g') . ' '
  1020. let lines_count = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1
  1021. let lines_count_text = '| ' . printf("%10s", lines_count . ' lines') . ' |'
  1022. let foldchar = matchstr(&fillchars, 'fold:\zs.')
  1023. let foldtextstart = strpart('+' . repeat(foldchar, v:foldlevel*2) . line, 0, (winwidth(0)*2)/3)
  1024. let foldtextend = lines_count_text . repeat(foldchar, 8)
  1025. let foldtextlength = strlen(substitute(foldtextstart . foldtextend, '.', 'x', 'g')) + &foldcolumn
  1026. return foldtextstart . repeat(foldchar, winwidth(0)-foldtextlength) . foldtextend
  1027. endfunction
  1028. set foldtext=BPB_NeatFoldText()
  1029. " }}}