- -- This is my xmonad configuration. Take it as read that I do not know what I
- -- am doing in this file. It is pure magpie behavior with little underlying
- -- logic. I do not know Haskell.
- -- Some sources:
- -- Things I have bookmarked: https://pinboard.in/search/u:brennen?query=xmonad
- -- Tyler Cipriani's setup: https://github.com/thcipriani/dotfiles/blob/master/xmonad/xmonad.hs
- -- Ben LeMasurier's setup: https://github.com/benlemasurier/ben/blob/master/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
- -- http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Config_archive/John_Goerzen%27s_Configuration
- -- http://www.xmonad.org/xmonad-docs/xmonad-contrib/XMonad-Doc-Configuring.html
- -- http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/xmonad-contrib/0.8.1/doc/html/XMonad-Doc-Extending.html
- -- http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/xmonad-contrib/0.8.1/doc/html/XMonad-Actions-CycleWS.html
- -- http://xmonad.org/xmonad-docs/xmonad-contrib/XMonad-Actions-GridSelect.html
- import XMonad
- import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS
- import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
- import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
- import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
- import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
- import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers(isFullscreen, isDialog, doFullFloat, doCenterFloat)
- import XMonad.Layout.Accordion
- import XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen
- import XMonad.Layout.Grid
- import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
- import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
- import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
- import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
- import XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns
- import XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts
- import XMonad.Util.EZConfig(additionalKeysP) -- Easier keybindings
- import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
- import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows
- import XMonad.Util.Run(hPutStrLn)
- import XMonad.Util.Run(runInTerm) -- Need this guy for keybindings to external commands
- import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe) -- Need this guy for talking to xmobar
- import XMonad.Util.Run(unsafeSpawn) -- Need this guy for keybindings to external commands
- import XMonad.Util.Scratchpad
- import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W -- used by the scratchpad stuff below
- -- Tomorrow Night Colors:
- colorBackground = "#1d1f21"
- colorCurrent = "#282a2e"
- colorSelection = "#373b41"
- colorForeground = "#c5c8c6"
- colorComment = "#969896"
- colorRed = "#cc6666"
- colorOrange = "#de935f"
- colorYellow = "#f0c674"
- colorGreen = "#b5bd68"
- colorAqua = "#8abeb7"
- colorBlue = "#81a2be"
- colorPurple = "#b294bb"
- myTerminal = "konsole"
- -- i3lock is a locking mechanism presumably designed originally for i3.
- -- It has a nice little input indicator thingy, and with -i can show an
- -- image:
- myLockScreen = "i3lock -t --image tree_bg.png"
- -- rofi is a launcher similar to dmenu, with some neat extra features.
- -- It's in Debian - apt-get install rofi
- myLauncher = "rofi -show run -font 'mono 28'"
- manageScratchPad :: ManageHook
- manageScratchPad = scratchpadManageHookDefault
- myManageHook = composeAll
- [ resource =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore
- , className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
- , className =? "Vncviewer" --> doFloat
- , className =? "Nautilus" --> doFloat
- , className =? "Svkbd" --> doFloat
- , className =? "Google-chrome" --> doShift "web"
- , className =? "Firefox" --> doShift "web"
- , isFullscreen --> doFullFloat
- , namedScratchpadManageHook scratchpads
- ]
- -- Named scratchpads - a terminal and a tmux session for editing notes in. I
- -- use gnome-terminal with a role for both of these instead of uxterm with a
- -- title, because title gets changed by running stuff inside of xterms, seemingly
- -- no matter how things are configured. See also /bin/notesession.
- scratchpads =
- [ NS "scratch" "gnome-terminal --role scratch" (role =? "scratch")
- -- this goes: start-x, start-y, width (1.0 is full screen), height:
- (customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5)
- , NS "notes" "gnome-terminal --role=notesession -e notesession" (role =? "notesession")
- (customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.95)
- ] where role = stringProperty "WM_WINDOW_ROLE"
- myTabConfig = def
- { inactiveBorderColor = colorBackground
- , activeBorderColor = colorGreen
- , activeColor = colorCurrent
- , inactiveColor = colorBackground
- , inactiveTextColor = colorComment
- , activeTextColor = colorForeground
- , fontName = "xft: Droid Sans 20"
- , decoHeight = 50
- }
- myLayout = avoidStruts
- $ toggleLayouts tiledSpace
- $ smartBorders
- $ basicRotate
- where
- basicRotate = tabbed shrinkText myTabConfig |||
- fullTiled |||
- Mirror fullTiled
- --- Full |||
- -- ||| Grid
- -- ||| ThreeColMid 1 (3/100) (1/2)
- tiledSpace = spacing 60 $ ResizableTall nmaster delta ratio []
- fullTiled = ResizableTall nmaster delta ratio []
- -- The default number of windows in the master pane
- nmaster = 1
- -- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
- ratio = toRational (2/(1 + sqrt 5 :: Double))
- -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
- delta = 5/100
- -- A breakdown of desired workspaces:
- -- [NSP] - named scratchpads; created implicitly by namedScratchpad stuff
- -- - one gnome-terminal
- -- - one gnome-terminal with a tmux containing a vim with notes
- -- ...plus:
- myWorkspaces =
- [ "top" -- monitoring, logs, and remote shells
- , "mail" -- originally for thunderbird, now a rarely-used spare
- , "irc" -- chat clients (weechat, hipchat, slack, signal, etc.)
- , "code" -- development and writing
- , "browse" -- web browser(s)
- , "org" -- a vim with notes file and such
- , "media" -- photos, graphics work, video, file managers, etc.
- ]
- -- ewmh is Extended Window Manager Hints, useful for wmctrl(1):
- -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Window_Manager_Hints
- main = do
- config_with_xmobar <- statusBar myBar myPP toggleStrutsKey defaults
- xmonad $ ewmh config_with_xmobar {
- manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook,
- modMask = mod4Mask
- }
- -- xmobar setup:
- -- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xmonad#More_configurable
- -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21218309/how-to-use-dzen-instead-of-xmobar-in-this-unusual-setup#21445159
- myBar = "xmobar"
- myPP = xmobarPP { ppCurrent = xmobarColor "green" "" . wrap "@" "" . shorten 50 }
- toggleStrutsKey XConfig { XMonad.modMask = modMask } = (modMask, xK_b)
- defaults = def {
- terminal = myTerminal
- , borderWidth = 3
- , normalBorderColor = colorGreen
- , focusedBorderColor = colorBlue
- , layoutHook = smartBorders $ myLayout
- , manageHook = manageScratchPad <+> myManageHook
- , workspaces = myWorkspaces
- , handleEventHook = XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops.fullscreenEventHook
- } `additionalKeysP`
- -- http://xmonad.org/xmonad-docs/xmonad-contrib/XMonad-Util-EZConfig.html
- [ ("M-<Right>", nextWS)
- -- , ("M-s", scratchpadSpawnActionTerminal $ myTerminal)
- , ("M-p", spawn myLauncher)
- , ("M-S-l", spawn myLockScreen)
- , ("M-<Left>", prevWS)
- , ("M-S-<Down>", shiftToNext)
- , ("M-S-<Up>", shiftToPrev)
- , ("M-S-<Right>", shiftNextScreen)
- , ("M-S-<Left>", shiftPrevScreen)
- , ("M-z", toggleWS)
- , ("M-g", goToSelected def)
- , ("M-S-g", spawn "jump-to-window")
- -- Invert screen colors using https://github.com/zoltanp/xrandr-invert-colors
- -- can be helpful for legibility in really bright or dark environments:
- , ("M-i", spawn "xrandr-invert-colors")
- -- A basic scratchpad, by analogy to the ~ console in Quake:
- , ("M-`", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "scratch")
- -- Notes - I am not sure why I can't use mod-n here, but works with mod-shift-n:
- , ("M-S-n", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "notes")
- -- Special laptopish media keys
- , ("<XF86AudioMute>", spawn "amixer set Master toggle")
- , ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer set Master 2%- unmute")
- , ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer set Master 2%+ unmute")
- , ("<XF86MonBrightnessDown>", spawn "xbacklight -dec 5")
- , ("<XF86MonBrightnessUp>", spawn "xbacklight -inc 5")
- ]