Turns on syntastic checking for Perl, and adds podchecker so it'll also
catch errors in POD.
Changes the marker xmobar is using for currently active workspace.
...seems like a more lightweight way of providing various settings to
Gtk apps (and maybe other stuff? I'm not sure).
Various other font tweaks and such in this commit.
- messes with DPI & fonts
- changes trayer height
- rewrites chunks of xmonad.hs to use EZConfig style bindings, rofi for
launcher and i3lock for a lock screen (thanks @benlemasurier), and a
slightly different set of layouts. also handles some fancy laptop keys
like volume adjustment. still need to steal casey & tyler's stuffs for
backlight handling, probably.
for now, i'm going to keep these changes in a separate branch rather than
attempt to make them work on all of my systems. I'm running Debian Stretch
on here and the monitor is giant, so it would likely be a hassle, and it's
small enough that i can probably just manage as a separate branch as long
as needed.
...by removing a doFloat. Things seem normal, minus this, since
(evidently) dialogs are floated by default. I was getting this horrible
flickering effect before. In my mind, I added this in the first place
to try to solve that problem, but obviously something has changed.
I'm not sure why it doesn't work yet, but I have some guesses. There's
got to be a way to run scrot such that it can grab mouse control but
unsafeSpawn doesn't seem to be it.