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package docker
import (
// NewInstruction takes a general internal build.Instruction and returns
// a corresponding compilable Docker specific instruction. The given internal
// instruction is partially compiled at this point by calling Compile() which
// applies its own logic for escaping arguments, etc.
func NewInstruction(bi build.Instruction) (Instruction, error) {
i := instruction{arguments: bi.Compile()}
switch bi.(type) {
case build.Run, build.RunAll: = "RUN"
case build.Copy, build.CopyAs, build.CopyFrom: = "COPY"
i.array = true
switch bi.(type) {
case build.CopyAs:
switch bi.(build.CopyAs).Instruction.(type) {
case build.Copy:
i.flags = []string{"chown"}
case build.CopyFrom:
i.flags = []string{"chown", "from"}
case build.CopyFrom:
i.flags = []string{"from"}
case build.EntryPoint: = "ENTRYPOINT"
i.array = true
case build.Env: = "ENV"
i.separator = " "
case build.Label: = "LABEL"
i.separator = " "
case build.User: = "USER"
case build.WorkingDirectory: = "WORKDIR"
if == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Unable to create Instruction")
return i, nil
// Instruction defines an interface for instruction compilation.
type Instruction interface {
Compile() string
type instruction struct {
name string // name (e.g. "RUN")
flags []string // flags (e.g. "chown")
arguments []string // quoted arguments
separator string // argument separator
array bool // format arguments as array (enforces ", " separator)
// Compile returns a valid Dockerfile line for the instruction.
// Output is in the format "<name> <flags> <arguments>", e.g.
// "COPY --chown=123:223 ["foo", "bar"]" and flag values are taken from the
// beginning of the arguments slice.
func (ins instruction) Compile() string {
format := + " "
numFlags := len(ins.flags)
args := make([]interface{}, numFlags+1)
for i, option := range ins.flags {
format += "--" + option + "=%s "
args[i] = ins.arguments[i]
separator := ins.separator
if ins.array {
separator = ", "
format += "[%s]"
} else {
format += "%s"
format += "\n"
args[numFlags] = join(ins.arguments[numFlags:], separator)
return fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
func join(arguments []string, delimiter string) string {
return removeNewlines(strings.Join(arguments, delimiter))
func removeNewlines(instructions string) string {
out := strings.Replace(instructions, "\n", "\\n", -1)
return out