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package config
import (
// LocalArtifactKeyword defines a special keyword indicating
// file/directory artifacts to be copied from the local build host context.
const LocalArtifactKeyword = "local"
// CopiesConfig holds configuration for which files to copy into the variant
// from local and other variant sources.
type CopiesConfig []ArtifactsConfig
// Expand returns a version of this CopiesConfig with its shorthand
// configurations expanded.
func (cc *CopiesConfig) Expand(appDirectory string) CopiesConfig {
expanded := CopiesConfig{}
// expand all artifact definitions
for _, artifact := range *cc {
expanded = append(expanded, artifact.Expand(appDirectory)...)
return expanded
// InstructionsForPhase delegates to its member ArtifactsConfig.
func (cc CopiesConfig) InstructionsForPhase(phase build.Phase) []build.Instruction {
instructions := []build.Instruction{}
for _, artifact := range cc {
instructions = append(instructions, artifact.InstructionsForPhase(phase)...)
return instructions
// Merge takes another CopiesConfig and overwrites this struct's fields.
// Artifacts are merged additively and duplicates are removed. Uniqueness is
// ensured by taking the latest definition over the previous.
func (cc *CopiesConfig) Merge(cc2 CopiesConfig) {
// efficient search of the other CopiesConfig using a map
newlyDefined := make(map[ArtifactsConfig]bool, len(*cc))
for _, artifact := range cc2 {
newlyDefined[artifact] = true
dupesRemoved := CopiesConfig{}
// omit any previously defined artifacts that are among the new
for _, artifact := range *cc {
if !newlyDefined[artifact] {
dupesRemoved = append(dupesRemoved, artifact)
*cc = append(dupesRemoved, cc2...)
// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler to handle both shorthand and
// longhand copies configuration.
func (cc *CopiesConfig) UnmarshalJSON(unmarshal []byte) error {
shorthand := []string{}
err := json.Unmarshal(unmarshal, &shorthand)
if err == nil {
*cc = make(CopiesConfig, len(shorthand))
for i, variant := range shorthand {
(*cc)[i] = ArtifactsConfig{From: variant}
return nil
longhand := []ArtifactsConfig{}
err = json.Unmarshal(unmarshal, &longhand)
if err == nil {
*cc = CopiesConfig(longhand)
return nil
return err
// Variants returns a unique slice of variant names that are referenced by
// artifact definitions.
func (cc *CopiesConfig) Variants() []string {
existing := map[string]bool{}
variants := []string{}
for _, artifact := range *cc {
if v := artifact.From; v != "" && v != LocalArtifactKeyword && !existing[v] {
existing[v] = true
variants = append(variants, v)
return variants