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4 years ago
  1. /*
  2. * Device Tree overlay for Adafruit Mini PiTFT 1.14" Display
  3. *
  4. */
  5. /dts-v1/;
  6. /plugin/;
  7. / {
  8. compatible = "brcm,bcm2835", "brcm,bcm2708", "brcm,bcm2709";
  9. fragment@0 {
  10. target = <&spi0>;
  11. __overlay__ {
  12. status = "okay";
  13. spidev@0{
  14. status = "disabled";
  15. };
  16. };
  17. };
  18. fragment@1 {
  19. target = <&gpio>;
  20. __overlay__ {
  21. pitft_pins: pitft_pins {
  22. brcm,pins = <25>; /* dc pin */
  23. brcm,function = <1>; /* out */
  24. brcm,pull = <0>; /* no pull */
  25. };
  26. };
  27. };
  28. fragment@2 {
  29. target = <&spi0>;
  30. __overlay__ {
  31. /* needed to avoid dtc warning */
  32. #address-cells = <1>;
  33. #size-cells = <0>;
  34. pitft: pitft@0{
  35. compatible = "multi-inno,mi0283qt";
  36. reg = <0>;
  37. pinctrl-names = "default";
  38. pinctrl-0 = <&pitft_pins>;
  39. spi-max-frequency = <32000000>;
  40. rotation = <90>;
  41. width = <136>;
  42. height = <240>;
  43. col_offset = <53>;
  44. row_offset = <40>;
  45. dc-gpios = <&gpio 25 0>;
  46. backlight = <&backlight>;
  47. };
  48. };
  49. };
  50. fragment@3 {
  51. target-path = "/soc";
  52. __overlay__ {
  53. backlight: backlight {
  54. compatible = "gpio-backlight";
  55. gpios = <&gpio 22 0>;
  56. };
  57. };
  58. };
  59. __overrides__ {
  60. speed = <&pitft>,"spi-max-frequency:0";
  61. rotation = <&pitft>,"rotation:0";
  62. width = <&pitft>,"width:0";
  63. height = <&pitft>,"height:0";
  64. col_offset = <&pitft>,"col_offset:0";
  65. row_offset = <&pitft>,"row_offset:0";
  66. };
  67. };