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export PORT="/dev/ttyUSB0"
export MPYCROSS=`realpath ../../../micropython/mpy-cross/mpy-cross`
export COPY="cp --parents "
export ROOT="/media/cefn/PYBFLASH/"
# switch to test sources
cd ../src
# compile source .py files to .mpy
find . -type f -name '*.py' | \
xargs -n1 -I {} sh -c "echo compiling {} ...; ${MPYCROSS} {}"
# upload bytecode .mpy files
find ./ -type f -name '*.mpy' | \
sed "s|^\./||" | \
xargs -n1 -I {} sh -c "echo uploading {} ...; ${COPY} {} ${ROOT}"
#switch to test libraries
cd ../libraries/
# Compile adafruit libraries to bytecode and upload
for SUBMODULE in gps # `find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d `
# compile adafruit library .py files to .mpy
find . -type f -name '*.py' | \
grep -v -E "(^./|^./docs/|^./|^./example.*)" | \
xargs -n1 -I {} sh -c "echo compiling {} ...; ${MPYCROSS} {}"
# upload adafruit library .mpy files
find ./ -type f -name '*.mpy' | \
sed "s|^\./||" | \
xargs -n1 -I {} sh -c "echo uploading {} ...; ${COPY} {} ${ROOT}"
cd ../
# switch to adafruit_blinka source
cd ../../src
# compile adafruit blinka .py files to .mpy
find . -type f -name '*.py' | \
xargs -n1 -I {} sh -c "echo compiling {} ...; ${MPYCROSS} {}"
# upload adafruit blinka .mpy files
find ./ -type f -name '*.mpy' | \
sed "s|^\./||" | \
xargs -n1 -I {} sh -c "echo uploading {} ...; ${COPY} {} ${ROOT}"