Almost-minimal filesystem based blog.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

389 lines
9.3 KiB

package App::WRT::Markup;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature "state";
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(line_parse image_markup eval_perl);
use App::WRT::Image qw(image_size);
use App::WRT::Util qw(file_get_contents);
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use Text::Textile;
use Text::Markdown::Discount;
# Some useful defaults:
my %tags = (
retcon => q{div class="retcon"},
freeverse => 'p',
list => "ul>\n<li"
my %end_tags = (
retcon => 'div',
freeverse => 'p',
list => "li>\n</ul"
my %blank_lines = (
freeverse => "</p>\n\n<p>",
list => "</li>\n\n<li>"
my %newlines = (
freeverse => "<br />\n"
my %dashes = (
freeverse => ' &mdash; '
=item line_parse
Performs substitutions on lines called by fragment_slurp, at least. Calls
image_markup(), textile_process(), markdown_process().
Returns string.
Parses some special markup, specifically:
<textile></textile> - Text::Textile to HTML
<markdown></markdown> - Text::Markdown::Discount to HTML
optional alt tag
optional title text</image>
${variable} interpolation from the WRT object
<perl>print "hello world";</perl>
sub line_parse {
my $self = shift;
my ($everything, $file) = (@_);
# Take care of <include>, <textile>, <markdown>, and <image> tags:
include_process($self, $everything);
$everything =~ s!<image>(.*?)</image>!$self->image_markup($file, $1)!seg;
foreach my $key (keys %tags) {
# Set some replacements, unless they've been explicitly set already:
$end_tags{$key} ||= $tags{$key};
$blank_lines{$key} ||= "\n\n";
$newlines{$key} ||= "\n";
$dashes{$key} ||= " -- ";
# Transform blocks:
while ($everything =~ m/(<$key>.*?<\/$key>)/s) {
my $block = $1;
# Save the bits between instances of the block:
my (@interstices) = split /\Q$block\E/s, $everything;
# Tags that surround the block:
$block =~ s{\n?<$key>\n?}{<$tags{$key}>}gs;
$block =~ s{\n?</$key>\n?}{</$end_tags{$key}>}gs;
# Dashes, blank lines, and newlines:
$block = dashes($dashes{$key}, $block);
$block =~ s/\n\n/$blank_lines{$key}/gs;
$block = newlines($newlines{$key}, $block);
# ...and slap it all back together as $everything
$everything = join $block, @interstices;
return $everything;
=item eval_perl
Evaluate embedded Perl in a string, replacing blocks enclosed with <perl> tags
with whatever they return (well, evaluated in a scalar context). Returns the
modified string.
Also handles simple ${variables}, replacing them from the keys to $self.
sub eval_perl {
my $self = shift;
my ($text) = @_;
while ($text =~ m{<perl>(.*?)</perl>}s) {
my $block = $1;
# Run the $block, and include anything returned:
my $output = eval $block;
if ($@) {
# Errors - log and return an empty string:
$output = '';
$text =~ s{<perl>\Q$block\E</perl>}{$output}s;
# Interpolate variables:
$text =~ s{
\$\{ ([a-zA-Z_]+) \}
if (defined $self->{$1}) {
} else {
# TODO: Possibly this should be fatal.
return $text;
sub newlines {
my ($replacement, $block) = @_;
# Single newlines (i.e., line ends) within the block,
# except those preceded by a double-quote, which probably
# indicates a still-open tag:
$block =~ s/(?<=[^"\n]) # not a double-quote or newline
# don't capture
\n # end-of-line
(?=[^\n]) # not a newline
# don't capture
return $block;
# might need a rewrite.
sub dashes {
my ($replacement, $block) = @_;
$block =~ s/(\s+) # whitespace - no capture
\-{2} # two dashes
(\n|\s+|$) # newline, whitespace, or eol
return $block;
=item include_process
Inline replace <include>filename</include> tags, replacing them with the
contents of files.
sub include_process {
my $wrt = shift;
$_[0] =~ s{
<include> # start tag
(.*?) # anything (non-greedy)
</include> # end tag
retrieve_include($wrt, $1);
=item retrieve_include
Get the contents of an included file. This probably needs a great
deal more thought than I am presently giving it.
sub retrieve_include {
my $wrt = shift;
my ($file) = @_;
# Trim leading and trailing spaces:
$file =~ s/^\s+//;
$file =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($file =~ m{^ (/ | [.]/) }x) {
# TODO: Leads with a slash or a ./
croak('Tried to open an include path with a leading / or ./ - not yet supported.');
} else {
# Use the archive root as path.
$file = $wrt->{root_dir} . '/' . $file;
if ($wrt->{cache_includes}) {
if (defined $wrt->{include_cache}->{$file}) {
return $wrt->{include_cache}->{$file};
unless (-e $file) {
carp "No such file: $file";
return '';
if (-d $file) {
carp("Tried to open a directory as an include path: $file");
return '';
if ($wrt->{cache_includes}) {
$wrt->{include_cache}->{$file} = file_get_contents($file);
return $wrt->{include_cache}->{$file};
} else {
return file_get_contents($file);
=item textile_process
Inline replace <textile> markup in a string.
# This is exactly the kind of code that, even though it isn't doing anything
# especially over the top, looks ghastly to people who don't read Perl, so I'll
# try to explain a bit.
sub textile_process {
# First, there's a state variable here which can retain the Text::Textile
# object between invocations of the function, saving us a bit of time on
# subsequent calls. This should be equivalent to creating a closure around
# the function and keeping a $textile variable there.
state $textile;
# Second, instead of unrolling the arguments to the function, we just act
# directly on the first (0th) one. =~ more or less means "do a regexy
# thing on this". It's followed by s, the substitution operator, which can
# use curly braces as delimiters between pattern and replacement.
$_[0] =~ s{
# Find tags...
<textile> # start tag
(.*?) # anything (non-greedy)
</textile> # end tag
# ...and replace them with the result of evaluating this block.
# //= means "defined-or-equals"; if the var hasn't been defined yet,
# then make a new Textile object:
$textile //= Text::Textile->new();
# Process the stuff we slurped out of our tags - this value will be
# used to replace the entire match from above (in Perl, the last
# expression evaluated is the return value of subs, evals, etc.):
# x: eXtended regexp - whitespace ignored by default, comments allowed
# e: Execute the replacement as Perl code, and use its value
# s: treat all lines of the search subject as a Single string
# g: Globally replace all matches
# For the genuinely concise version of this, see markdown_process().
=item markdown_process
Inline replace <markdown> markup in a string.
sub markdown_process {
state $markdown;
my $flags = Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_EXTRA_FOOTNOTE();
$_[0] =~ s{
$markdown //= Text::Markdown::Discount->new;
$markdown->markdown($1, $flags);
=item image_markup
Parse out an image tag and return the appropriate html.
Relies on image_size from App::WRT::Image.
sub image_markup {
my $self = shift;
my ($file, $block) = @_;
# Get a basename and directory for the file (entry) referencing the image:
my ($basename, $dir) = fileparse($file);
# Truncated file date that just includes date + sub docs:
my ($file_date) = $dir =~ m{
[0-9]{4}/ # year
[0-9]{1,2}/ # month
[0-9]{1,2}/ # day
([a-z]*/)* # sub-entries
# Process the contents of the <image> tag:
my ($image_url, $alt_text, $title_text) = split /\n/, $block;
$alt_text ||= q{};
$title_text ||= $alt_text;
# Resolve relative paths:
my $image_file;
if (-e "$dir/$image_url" ) {
# The path is to an image file in the same directory as current entry:
$image_file = "$dir/$image_url";
$image_url = "${file_date}${image_url}";
} elsif (-e $self->{entry_dir} . "/$image_url") {
# The path is to an image file starting with the entry_dir, like
# 2005/9/20/candles.jpg -> ./archives/2005/9/20/candles.jpg
$image_file = $self->{entry_dir} . "/$image_url";
# Get width & height in pixels for known filetypes:
my ($width, $height) = image_size($self->{root_dir_abs} . '/' . $image_file);
# This probably relies on mod_rewrite working:
$image_url = $self->{image_url_root} . $image_url;
return <<"IMG";
<img src="$image_url"
title="$title_text" />