Almost-minimal filesystem based blog.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
983 B

use Module::Build;
my $build = Module::Build->new(
module_name => 'App::WRT',
license => 'gpl',
requires => {
'Data::Dumper' => 0,
'Exporter' => 0,
'File::Basename' => 0,
'File::Copy' => 0,
'File::Spec' => 0,
'Getopt::Long' => 0,
'HTML::Entities' => 0,
'Image::Size' => 0,
'JSON' => 0,
'POSIX' => 0,
'Text::Markdown::Discount' => '0.11',
'Text::Textile' => 0,
'Time::HiRes' => 0,
'XML::Atom::SimpleFeed' => '0.8',
'XML::Feed' => 0,
'perl' => '5.10.0',
recommends => {
'CGI::Fast' => 0,
resources => {
repository => {
url => 'git://',
web => '',
type => 'git',