Almost-minimal filesystem based blog.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Brennen Bearnes ab4c85429a Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago
Wala Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago
lib Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago
Makefile Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago
README Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago
TESTING Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago
VALIDATION Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago
log Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago
wala.css Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago Added a copy of Wala and its libs. Yes, this is retarded. 17 years ago


NAME - easy minimalist wiki

As a standalone wiki app:

use Wala;
my $w = Wala->new;

Pulling content into other scripts:

$text = $w->print_page('SandBox');

This is a Wala, which is a derivation of a wiki that incorporates
appending text directly to pages, turning a wiki into something more
like a forum while retaining all the wonderful full-page editing
features of a wiki.

This script is a self-contained package, which makes the code easy to
test. To actually use it as a wala, create a script named "" in
the same directory, containing the following three lines:

use Wala;
my $w = Wala->new();

You can experiment with the wala by use'ing it and calling its functions
without calling "run". By default, required directories and files should
be created as needed, but you can visit in your browser,
or call "setup()" from a script at any time.

You can set options directly from the calling script, like so:

use Wala;

my $w = Wala->new(
RecentChangesMaxLines => 50, # Max lines to display in RecentChanges
DefaultUserName => 'Anonymous', # Default user name
StyleSheet => 'wala.css', # URL of style sheet
DefaultPageText => "Write something.\n",
CookieSurvivalDays => 90, # Number of days for cookies to remain
RootDir => '.', # No trailing slash, please
HomePage => 'HomePage', # Name of default page
TimeZone => 'UTC', # Currently just a string to display
TitleString => 'wala::', # Display before page names in titles
ScriptName => '', # substr( $0, rindex( $0, "/" ) + 1 );
ShowSearchlinks => 1, # Display "see also" box on pages
CheckSetup => 1, # Check for setup files every time
UseCache => 0, # Don't use caching behavior


Feeds are practically a requirement these days. While it wouldn't be the
hardest thing in the world to roll my own Atom or RSS within, it
was much less painful to look to CPAN, which offers

I've included a simple, which relies on the aforementioned
module. It shouldn't be too hard to customize.

If you do something along the lines of:

FeedURL => '',

in your configuration, will link to your feed in page headers so
that browsers like Firefox will auto-discover it.

No warranty of any kind is made regarding this software's fitness or
suitability for any purpose. The authors explicitly disclaim any
liability or responsibility for the results of its use.

This software is dedicated to the public domain. In any jurisdiction
where a dedication to the public domain is not permitted by law, the
authors grant you a perpetual, non-exclusive license to modify and/or
redistribute the software in any medium, world-wide, forever and ever.

Though there is no legal requirement, credit would be appreciated.

Wala was originally written by Brent P. Newhall. This version contains
substantial modifications by Brennen Bearnes; following Brent's lead,
all changes are placed in the public domain. Egregious bugs are probably
Brennen's fault.

Brennen's version, branched from Brent's at 1.1.4
Last updated Thu Jun 7 13:45:31 PDT 2007