Almost-minimal filesystem based blog.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

231 lines
5.0 KiB

=head1 NAME
Wala::Markup - basic wiki markup for
use Wala::Markup;
my $wikitext = ":'''This''' is some wiki text.";
my $html = wiki_page_to_html($wikitext);
This module isolates all of's original wiki-text-to-HTML-code, with the
notable exception of link formatting, in order to pave the way for (somewhat)
genericized markup plugins.
It's unlikely that this code will change significantly, although at some point
I may use it as a basis for converting existing wala pages to other markup.
My branch of currently treats this as a black box, more or less.
Generally this should produce correct XHTML 1.0 Strict, although it may break
on some markup.
=head1 AUTHORS
Substantially refactored and converted to a module by Brennen Bearnes from
Brent Newhall's original
package Wala::Markup;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(wiki_page_to_html);
# package globals
my $last_line_type = '';
my $current_list_level = 0;
# Wiki Markup #
# The essential function of this module.
# Called by Wala::wikify().
sub wiki_page_to_html {
my ($page) = @_;
$last_line_type = '';
my @lines = split /\n/, $page;
my ($result);
foreach my $line (@lines)
if( ord(substr($line, -1)) < 20 ) {
# Remove EOL
chop( $line );
$result .= line_to_html($line) . "\n";
$result .= finish_tags($result);
return $result;
sub line_to_html {
my( $text ) = shift;
# <brennen> take care of various single characters.
$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
# <brennen> uglyriffic boldification of IRC-style nicknames:
$text =~ s/(^&lt;[\[\]A-Za-z0-9]*?&gt;)/<strong>$1<\/strong>/g;
# <brennen> headers? well, bold, for the moment.
$text =~ s/^(={1,3}) (.*) (\1)/<strong>$2<\/strong>/;
$text = replace_matched_tags($text, "'''", 'strong');
$text = replace_matched_tags($text, "''", 'em');
$text =~ s/----*/<hr \/>/;
my $first_char = substr( $text, 0, 1 );
my %line_types = (' ' => 'pre',
':' => 'blockquote><p',
'*' => 'ul',
'#' => 'ol',
'|' => 'table' );
if ( exists($line_types{$first_char}) ) {
$text = setup_line_type($text, $first_char, "<$line_types{$first_char}>");
} else {
$text = make_paragraph($text);
$text = finish_tags($text) . $text;
return $text;
# Process a Wiki line that starts with a special character like : or #
sub setup_line_type
my ($text, $first_char, $tag) = @_;
my ($index);
my $num_levels = 0;
if ($first_char eq '*' || $first_char eq '#')
# We have a list.
while (substr($text, 0, 1) eq $first_char) {
$text = substr($text, 1);
$text = '<li>' . $text . '</li>';
if ($num_levels < $current_list_level && $last_line_type eq $first_char) {
$text = ('</' . substr($tag, 1)) x ($current_list_level - $num_levels) . $text;
if ($num_levels > $current_list_level && $last_line_type eq $first_char) {
$text = ($tag x ($num_levels - $current_list_level)) . $text;
$current_list_level = $num_levels;
elsif ($first_char eq '|')
# A table.
$text = "<tr>\n<td>" . substr($text, 1);
$text =~ s/\|/<\/td>\n<td>/g;
$text .= "</td>\n</tr>";
elsif ($first_char eq ':')
# A blockquote.
$text = substr($text, 1);
if( $last_line_type ne $first_char )
$text = $tag . $text;
$last_line_type = $first_char;
return $text;
sub finish_tags
my( $result, $index );
my %line_types = (' ' => 'pre',
':' => 'p></blockquote',
'|' => 'table');
if( $last_line_type ne '' )
if( exists( $line_types{$last_line_type} ) )
$result = "</$line_types{$last_line_type}>";
elsif( $last_line_type eq '*' )
$result = '</ul>' x $current_list_level;
elsif( $last_line_type eq '#' )
$result = '</ol>' x $current_list_level;
$last_line_type = '';
return $result;
# Takes text, a type of Wiki markup (like ''), and start and end HTML tags.
# Replaces two occurrences of the markup with the start and end tags.
sub replace_matched_tags
my ($text, $markup, $tag) = @_;
$text =~ s/($markup)
return $text;
sub make_paragraph
my ($text) = @_;
if( $text ne "" && $text ne "<hr />" && $last_line_type eq '' )
$text = '<p>' . $text . '</p>';
return $text;