#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Ideally, this would be able to handle the following gracefully:
# wrt ls 2016 # all entries for 2016
# wrt ls 2016/4 # all entries for April 2016
# wrt ls 2016/4/1 # everything for April 1, 2016
# ...but I think doing that right requires a much cleaner separation of how
# entries are _structured_ from how they're _displayed_, probably by moving
# more operations into WRT::EntryStore.
# It makes some sense that wrt-ls would just expose the interface of
# EntryStore in a relatively safe way, including the operations that find
# things by depth, locate the next/previous entry, etc. All of these could
# be useful in scripting and publishing pipelines.
=head1 NAME
wrt-ls - list
=head1 USAGE
wrt ls # all entries
wrt ls --days # entries for individual days
wrt ls --months # entries for individual months
wrt ls --years # entries for years
wrt ls --props # all properties
# Display help:
wrt ls --help
# Specify a different config file:
wrt ls --config ./wrt.json ...
Lists entries in the current wrt archive.
This interface is experimental and subject to revision in upcoming releases.
Detailed documentation can be found in the L<App::WRT> man page or at
=head1 LICENSE
wrt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
=head1 AUTHOR
Brennen Bearnes <code@p1k3.com>
use 5.10.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
use Pod::Usage;
use App::WRT;
use Carp;
# If invoked directly from the command-line, caller() will return undef.
# Execute main() with a callback to print output directly, and a copy of
# our real @ARGV:
if (not caller()) {
my $output = sub { say @_; };
main($output, @ARGV);
# main() takes an output callback and an @ARGV to pass in to
# GetOptionsFromArray(). This allows relatively simple integration
# tests to be written. See also: t/bin-wrt-ls.t
sub main {
my ($output, @local_argv) = @_;
# Handle options, including help generated from the POD above. See:
# - http://perldoc.perl.org/Getopt/Long.html#User-defined-subroutines-to-handle-options
# - https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Usage
# - http://michael.thegrebs.com/2014/06/08/Pod-Usage/
my $config_file = 'wrt.json';
my $with_titles = 0;
my $list_days = 0;
my $list_months = 0;
my $list_years = 0;
my $list_props = 0;
my $list_all = 1;
'config=s' => \$config_file,
help => sub { pod2usage(0) },
days => \$list_days,
months => \$list_months,
years => \$list_years,
props => \$list_props,
'with-titles' => \$with_titles,
) or pod2usage(2);
# Allow only one of --days, --months, --years, --props. Default to listing
# all entries if none of these are specified.
my $option_count = 0;
foreach ($list_days, $list_months, $list_years, $list_props) {
$option_count += $_;
if ($option_count > 1) {
croak("Please specify at most one of --days, --months, --years, --props.");
} elsif ($option_count == 1) {
$list_all = 0;
unless (-e $config_file) {
croak("No wrt config file found. Tried: $config_file");
my $w = App::WRT::new_from_file($config_file);
# Define the function that'll return the base list of entries to match
# against:
my $base_list;
if ($list_days) {
$base_list = sub { $w->{entries}->all_days(); };
} elsif ($list_months) {
$base_list = sub { $w->{entries}->all_months(); };
} elsif ($list_years) {
$base_list = sub { $w->{entries}->all_years(); };
} elsif ($list_props) {
$base_list = sub { $w->{entries}->all_props(); };
} elsif ($list_all) {
$base_list = sub { $w->{entries}->all(); };
foreach my $entry ($base_list->()) {
# When invoked from command line, this will normally be a simple
# routine that does `say $entry`. Under testing, it may instead
# accumulate output for checking elsewhere.
if ($with_titles) {
$output->($entry . "\t" . $w->get_title($entry));
} else {