package Test::HTML::W3C; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT); $VERSION = "0.02"; =head1 NAME Test::HTML::W3C - Perform W3C HTML validation testing =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test::W3C::HTML tests => $test_count; # or use Test::W3C::HTML 'show_detail'; # or when using both use Test::W3C::HTML tests => $test_count, 'show_detail'; is_valid_markup($my_html_scalar); is_valid_file("/path/to/my/file.html"); is_valid(""); # Get the underlying WebService:;Validator::W3C::HTML object my $validator = validator(); =head1 DESCRIPTION The purpose of this module is to provide a wide range of testing utilities. Various ways to say "ok" with better diagnostics, facilities to skip tests, test future features and compare complicated data structures. While you can do almost anything with a simple C function, it doesn't provide good diagnostic output. =head1 ABUSE Please keep in mind that the W3C validation pages and services are a shared resource. If you plan to do many many tests, please consider using your own installation of the validation programs, and then use your local install by modifying the local validtor: my $v = validator(); $v->validator_uri($my_own_validator); See the documentation for WebService:;Validator::W3C::HTML and the W3C's site at for details =over 4 =cut use WebService::Validator::HTML::W3C; use base qw(Test::Builder::Module); @EXPORT = qw( plan diag_html is_valid_markup is_valid_file is_valid validator ); my $v = WebService::Validator::HTML::W3C->new(); my $not_checked = 1; my $show_detail = 0; sub import_extra { my ($class, $list) = @_; my @other = (); my $idx = 0; while( $idx <= $#{$list} ) { my $item = $list->[$idx]; if( defined $item and $item eq 'show_detail' ) { $show_detail = 1; $v = WebService::Validator::HTML::W3C->new(detailed => 1); } else { push @other, $item; } $idx++; } @$list = @other; } =item validator(); B Returns the underlying WebService::Validator::HTML::W3C object B None. B $validator =cut sub validator { return $v; } =item plan(); B Returns the underlying WebService::Validator::HTML::W3C object B None. B $validator =cut sub plan { __PACKAGE__->builder->plan(@_); } sub _check_plan { $not_checked = 0; if (! __PACKAGE__->builder->has_plan()) { plan("no_plan"); } } =item is_valid_markup($markup[, $name]); B is_valid_markup tests whether the text in the provided scalar value correctly validates according to the W3C specifications. This is useful if you have markup stored in a scalar that you wish to test that you might get from using LWP or WWW::Mechanize for example... B $markup, a scalar containing the data to test, $name, an optional descriptive test name. B None. =cut sub is_valid_markup { _check_plan() if $not_checked; my ($markup, $message) = @_; if ($v->validate_markup($markup)) { _result($v, $message); } else { _validator_err($v, "markup"); } } =item is_valid_file($path[, $name]); B is_valid_file works the same way as is_valid_markup, except that you can specify the text to validate with the path to a filename. This is useful if you have pregenerated all your HTML files locally, and now wish to test them. B $path, a scalar, $name, an optional descriptive test name. B None. =cut sub is_valid_file { my ($file, $message) = @_; _check_plan() if $not_checked; if ($v->validate_file($file)) { _result($v, $message); } else { _validator_err($v, "file"); } } =item is_valid($url[, $name]); B is_valid, again, works very similarly to the is_valid_file and is_valid_file, except you specify a document that is already online with its URL. This can be useful if you wish to periodically test a website or webpage that dynamically changes over time for example, like a blog or a wiki, without first saving the html to a file using your browswer, or a utility such as wget. B $url, a scalar, $name, an optional descriptive test name. B None. =cut sub is_valid { my ($uri, $message) = @_; _check_plan() if $not_checked; if ($v->validate($uri)) { _result($v, $message); } else { _validator_err($v, "URI"); } } sub _validator_err { my ($validator, $type) = @_; __PACKAGE__->builder->ok(0, "Failed to validate $type."); __PACKAGE__->builder->diag($v->validator_error()); } sub _result { my ($validator, $message) = @_; if ($validator->is_valid()) { __PACKAGE__->builder->ok(1, $message); } else { my $num = $validator->num_errors(); my $plurality = ($num == 1) ? "error" : "errors"; __PACKAGE__->builder->ok(0, $message . " ($num $plurality)."); } } =item diag_html($url); B If you want to display the actual errors reported by the service for a particular test, you can use the diag_html function. Please note that you must have imported 'show_detail' for this to work properly. use Test::HTML::W3C 'show_detail'; is_valid_markup(", "My simple test") or diag_html(); B $url, a scalar. B None. =cut sub diag_html { my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder(); if ($show_detail) { my @errs = $v->errors(); my $e; foreach my $error ( @{$v->errors()} ) { $e .= sprintf("%s at line %d\n", $error->msg, $error->line); } $tb->diag($e); } else { $tb->diag("You need to import 'show_detail' in order to call diag_html\n"); } } 1; __END__ =back =head1 SEE ALSO L for creating your own testing modules. L for another popular testing framework, also based on Test::Builder L for detils about how test results are interpreted. =head1 AUTHORS Victor Evictor73@gmail.comE with inspiration from the authors of the Test::More and WebService::Validator::W3C:HTML modules. =head1 BUGS See F to report and view bugs. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2006 by Victor Evictor73@gmail.comE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See F