#!/usr/bin/perl =pod =head1 NAME display.fcgi - FastCGI wrapper script for Display.pm =head1 DESCRIPTION Pulls in Display.pm and CGI::Fast, runs a configuration file, and loops over FastCGI queries, passing them to Display::handle. =cut use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use lib '../lib'; use lib 'wala'; use CGI::Fast; use Display; # Grab configuration: our (%DISPLAY_CONF, %WalaConf); do 'conf.pl' if -e 'conf.pl'; $WalaConf{'ShowSearchlinks'} = 0; my $d = Display->new(%DISPLAY_CONF); $d->walaconf(%WalaConf); use Data::Dumper; # Handle input from FastCGI: while (my $query = CGI::Fast->new) { print $d->display($query); } exit;