# conf.pl - sample configuration file for Wala.pm # This is the working configuration I use with Wala.pm on p1k3.com. ################## # WALA OPTIONS # ################## our %WalaConf = ( RecentChangesMaxLines => 50, DefaultUserName => 'Anonymous', StyleSheet => 'http://p1k3.com/wala/wala.css', DefaultPageText => "Write something.\n", CookieSurvivalDays => 90, HomePage => "HomePage", TimeZone => "UTC", TitleString => "p1k3 wala::", ScriptName => "http://p1k3.com/wala/wala.pl", CheckSetup => 0, # No trailing slash on RootDir, please. RootDir => "/home/bbearnes/p1k3.com/wala", FeedURL => "http://p1k3.com/wala/wala_feed.pl", ShowSearchlinks => 1, UseCache => 0, ); $WalaConf{LogFile} = $WalaConf{RootDir} . '/log'; $WalaConf{PagesDir} = $WalaConf{RootDir} . '/pages'; $WalaConf{CacheDir} = $WalaConf{RootDir} . '/cache'; $WalaConf{DiffDir} = $WalaConf{RootDir} . '/diffs'; ######################## # display.pl options # ######################## our %DISPLAY_CONF = ( # set the root directory for archived files ROOT_DIR => "/home/bbearnes/p1k3.com/archives", # and the root URLs the world will see on the server URL_ROOT => "http://p1k3.com/", IMAGE_URL_ROOT => "http://p1k3.com/" );