#!/usr/bin/perl =pod =head1 NAME validate.pl - W3C validate markup from Display.pm =head1 SYNOPSIS Given a working installation and configuration file: ./validate.pl =head1 DESCRIPTION These tests are aimed at a working installation with several files in place, and require Test::HTML::W3C as well as Test::Simple. For the time being, I'm using "valid W3C HTML" as a proxy for "not broken", and a number of larger pages as a proxy for their component features. =head1 SEE ALSO Test::HTML::W3C. =cut use strict; use warnings; use lib 'lib'; use Test::HTML::W3C 'show_detail'; use Test::Simple tests => 12; use Display qw(%WalaConf %DISPLAY_CONF); # TESTS section ('configuration'); ok (do("conf.pl"), "configuration on conf.pl"); # This will turn off stuff that breaks testing. $WalaConf{TestMode} = 1; section ('starting markup validation'); render('2006', 'Year validates.'); render('2006/7', 'Month validates.'); render('2007/7/14', 'Day validates.'); # END OF TESTS # Utility routines. sub pause { my $time = shift; #print " pausing $time seconds\n"; sleep $time; } sub section { my $msg = shift; print "\n-- $msg --\n\n"; } sub render { my $page = shift; my $msg = shift; is_valid_markup ( Display::handle($page), $msg ) or diag_html(); pause(1); }