#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME XML::Atom::SimpleFeed - No-fuss generation of Atom syndication feeds =head1 VERSION This document describes XML::Atom::SimpleFeed version 0.8 =head1 SYNOPSIS use XML::Atom::SimpleFeed; my $feed = XML::Atom::SimpleFeed->new( title => 'Example Feed', link => 'http://example.org/', link => { rel => 'self', href => 'http://example.org/atom', }, updated => '2003-12-13T18:30:02Z', author => 'John Doe', id => 'urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6', ); $feed->add_entry( title => 'Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok', link => 'http://example.org/2003/12/13/atom03', id => 'urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a', summary => 'Some text.', updated => '2003-12-13T18:30:02Z', category => 'Atom', category => 'Miscellaneous', ); $feed->print; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a minimal API for generating Atom syndication feeds quickly and easily. It supports all aspects of the Atom format, but it has no provisions for generating feeds with extension elements. You can supply strings for most things, and the module will provide useful defaults. When you want more control, you can provide data structures, as documented, to specify more particulars. =head1 INTERFACE =head2 C XML::Atom::SimpleFeed instances are created by the C constructor, which takes a list of key-value pairs as parameters. The keys are used to create the corresponding L. The following elements are available: =over =item * C (I) =item * C (I, multiple) =item * C (B<required>) =item * C<author> (optional, multiple) =item * C<category> (optional, multiple) =item * C<contributor> (optional, multiple) =item * C<generator> (optional) =item * C<icon> (optional) =item * C<logo> (optional) =item * C<rights> (optional) =item * C<subtitle> (optional) =item * C<updated> (optional) =back To specify multiple instances of an element that may be given multiple times, simply list multiple key-value pairs with the same key. =head2 C<add_entry> This method adds an entry into the Atom feed. It takes a list of key-value pairs as parameters. The keys are used to create the corresponding L<Atom elements|/ATOM ELEMENTS>. The following elements are available: =over =item * C<author> (B<required> unless there is a feed-level author, multiple) =item * C<id> (I<omissible>) =item * C<link> (B<required>, multiple) =item * C<title> (B<required>) =item * C<category> (optional, multiple) =item * C<content> (optional) =item * C<contributor> (optional, multiple) =item * C<published> (optional) =item * C<rights> (optional) =item * C<summary> (optional) =item * C<updated> (optional) =back To specify multiple instances of an element that may be given multiple times, simply list multiple key-value pairs with the same key. =head2 C<no_generator> Suppresses the output of a default C<generator> element. It is not necessary to call this method if you supply a custom C<generator> element. =head2 C<as_string> Returns the XML representation of the feed as a string. =head2 C<print> Outputs the XML representation of the feed to a handle which should be passed as a parameter. Defaults to C<STDOUT> if you do not pass a handle. =head1 ATOM ELEMENTS =over =item C<author> (L</Person Construct>) The author of the feed or entry. If you supply at least one author for the feed, you can omit this information from entries; the feed's author(s) will be assumed as the author(s) for those entries. If you do not supply any author for the feed, you B<must> supply one for each entry. =item C<category> One or more categories that apply to the feed or entry. You can supply a string which will be used as the category term. The full range of details that can be provided by passing a hash instead of a string is as follows: =over =item C<term> (B<required>) The category term. =item C<scheme> (optional) A URI that identifies a categorization scheme. It is common to provide the base of some kind of by-category URL here. F.ex., if the weblog C<http://www.example.com/blog/> can be browsed by category using URLs such as C<http://www.example.com/blog/category/personal>, you would supply C<http://www.example.com/blog/category/> as the scheme and, in that case, C<personal> as the term. =item C<label> (optional) A human-readable version of the term. =back =item C<content> The actual, honest-to-goodness, body of the entry. This is like a L</Text Construct>, with a couple of extras. In addition to the C<type> values of a L</Text Construct>, you can also supply any MIME Type (except multipart types, which the Atom format specification forbids). If you specify a C<text/*> type, the same rules apply as for C<text>. If you pass a C<*/xml> or C<*/*+xml> type, the same rules apply as for C<xhtml> (except in that case there is no wrapper C<< <div> >> element). Any other type will be transported as Base64-encoded binary. XXX Furthermore, you can supply a C<src> key in place of the C<content> key. In that case, the value of the C<src> key should be a URL denoting the actual location of the content. FIXME This is not currently supported. XXX =item C<contributor> (L</Person Construct>) A contributor to the feed or entry. =item C<generator> The software used to generate the feed. Can be supplied as a string, or a hash with C<uri>, C<version> and C<name> keys. Defaults to reporting XML::Atom::SimpleFeed as the generator, which can be calling C<no_generator>. =item C<icon> (URI) The URI of a small image that should have the same height and width. =item C<id> (URI) A URI that is a permanent, globally unique identifier for the feed or entry that B<MUST NEVER CHANGE>. You are encouraged to generate a UUID using L<Data::UUID> for the purpose of identifying entries/feeds. It should be stored alongside the resource corresponding to the entry/feed, f.ex. in a column of the article table of your weblog database. To use it as an identifier in the entry/feed, use the C<urn:uuid:########-####-####-####-############> URI form. If you do not specify an ID, the permalink will be used instead. This is unwise, as permalinks do unfortunately occasionally change. B<It is your responsibility to ensure that the permalink NEVER CHANGES.> =item C<link> A link element. You can either supply a bare string as the parameter, which will be used as the permalink URI, or a hash. The permalink for a feed is generally a browser-viewable weblog, upload browser, search engine results page or similar web page; for an entry, it is generally a browser-viewable article, upload details page, search result or similar web page. This URI I<should> be unique. If you supply a hash, you can provide the following range of details in the given hash keys: =over =item C<rel> (optional) The link relationship. If omitted, defaults to C<alternate> (note that you can only have one alternate link per feed/entry). Other permissible values are C<related>, C<self>, C<enclosure> and C<via>, as well as any URI. =item C<href> (B<required> URL) Where the link points to. =item C<type> (optional) An advisory media type that provides a hint about the type of the resource pointed to by the link. =item C<hreflang> (optional) The language of the resource pointed to by the link, an an RFC3066 language tag. =item C<title> (optional) Human-readable information about the link. =item C<length> (optional) A hint about the content length in bytes of the resource pointed to by the link. =back =item C<logo> (URI) The URI of an image that should be twice as wide as it is high. =item C<published> (L</Date Construct>) The date and time the entry was first published. This should never change. =item C<rights> (L</Text Construct>) A human-readable statement of legal rights for the content of the feed or entry. =item C<subtitle> (L</Text Construct>) An optional additional description of the feed. =item C<summary> (L</Text Construct>) A short summary of the entry. =item C<title> (L</Text Construct>) The title of the feed or entry. =item C<updated> (L</Date Construct>) The date and time at which the feed or entry was last updated. In entries, you can use this to signal changes at your discretion. Defaults to the current date and time if omitted. =back =head1 COMMON ATOM CONSTRUCTS A number of Atom elements share a common structure. The following sections outline the data you can (or must) pass in each case. =head2 Date Construct A string denoting a date and time in W3CDTF format. You can generate those using something like use POSIX qw( strftime ); my $now = strftime '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', gmtime; =head2 Person Construct You can supply a string to Person Construct parameters, which will be used as the name of the person. The full range of details that can be provided by passing a hash instead of a string is as follows: =over =item C<name> (B<required>) The name of the person. =item C<email> (optional) The person's email address. =item C<uri> (optional) A URI to distinguish this person. This would usually be a homepage, but need not actually be a dereferencable URL. =back =head2 Text Construct You can supply a string to Text Construct parameters, which will be used as the HTML content of the element. FIXME text/html/xhtml =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item * Atom Enabled L<http://www.atomenabled.org/> =item * W3CDTF Spec L<http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime> =item * RFC 3066 L<http://rfc.net/rfc3066.html> =item * L<XML::Atom::Syndication> =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS In C<content> elements, the C<src> attribute cannot be used, and non-XML or -text media types do not get Base64-encoded automatically. There are practically no tests. Support for C<xml:lang> and C<xml:base> is completely absent. This should be partially addressed in a future version, though there are no plans to allow these attributes on arbitrary elements. There are no plans to ever support generating feeds with arbitrary extensions, although support for specific extensions may or may not be added in the future. The C<source> element is not and may never be supported. Nothing is done to ensure that text constructs with type C<xhtml> and entry contents using either that or an XML media type are well-formed. This is by design. You should strongly consider using an XML writer if you want to take use such content types. If you find bugs or you have feature requests, please report them to L<mailto:bug-xml-atom-simplefeed@rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org>. =head1 AUTHOR Aristotle Pagaltzis, L<mailto:pagaltzis@gmx.de> API designed largely by by H. Wade Minter. =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Aristotle Pagaltzis. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. =cut use warnings; use strict; package XML::Atom::SimpleFeed; use vars qw( $VERSION ); $VERSION = "0.8"; use Carp::Clan; use POSIX qw( strftime ); sub _ATOM_NS () { 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' } sub _XHTML_NS () { 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' } sub _PREAMBLE () { qq(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>\n) } sub _W3C_DATETIME () { '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' } sub _DEFAULT_GENERATOR () { { uri => 'http://search.cpan.org/dist/XML-Atom-SimpleFeed', version => $VERSION, name => 'XML::Atom::SimpleFeed' } } # named @$self indices sub _HAVE_DEFAULT_AUTHOR () { 0 } sub _GLOBAL_UPDATED () { 1 } sub _DO_ADD_GENERATOR () { 2 } sub _FEED_DATA () { 3 } # this one must always be last #################################################################### # superminimal XML writer # sub _cdata { local $_ = shift; s{ ( < ) | ( > ) | ( [&'"\x80-\x{10FFFF}] ) }{ $1 ? '<' : $2 ? '>' : '&#' . ord( $3 ) . ';' }gex; return $_; } # actually, it permits more than just #PCDATA, since it lets angle brackets pass sub _pcdata { local $_ = shift; while( -1 < ( my $loc = index $_, "<![CDATA[" ) ) { my $end = index $_, "]]>", $loc + 9; croak "Incomplete CDATA section" if $end == -1; substr $_, $loc, $end - $loc + 3, _cdata substr $_, $loc + 9, $end - $loc - 9; } s{ ( [\x80-\x{10FFFF}] ) }{ '&#' . ord( $1 ) . ';' }gex; return $_; } sub _tag { my $name = shift; my $attr = ''; if( ref $name eq 'ARRAY' ) { my $i = 1; while( $i < @$name ) { $attr .= ' ' . $name->[ $i ] . '="' . _cdata( $name->[ $i + 1 ] ) . '"'; $i += 2; } $name = shift @$name; } @_ ? "<$name$attr>" . join( '', @_ ) . "</$name>" : "<$name$attr/>"; } #################################################################### # misc utility functions # sub _is_blessed($) { UNIVERSAL::can( $_[0], 'can' ) } # only legitimate use of UNIVERSAL::can as function!! sub _natural_enum { my @and; unshift @and, pop @_ if @_; unshift @and, join ', ', @_ if @_; join ' and ', @and; } sub _permalink { my ( $link_arg ) = ( @_ ); if( ref $link_arg ne 'HASH' ) { return $link_arg; } elsif( not exists $link_arg->{ rel } or $link_arg->{ rel } eq 'alternate' ) { return $link_arg->{ href }; } return; } #################################################################### # actual implementation of RFC 4287 # sub _person_construct { my ( $name, $arg ) = @_; my @content = ref $arg eq 'HASH' ? do { croak "name required for $name element" if not exists $arg->{ name }; map _tag( $_ => _cdata $arg->{ $_ } ), grep exists $arg->{ $_ }, qw( name email uri ); } : do { _tag name => $arg; }; return _tag $name => @content; } sub _text_construct { my ( $name, $arg ) = @_; my ( $type, $content ); if( ref $arg eq 'HASH' ) { # FIXME doesn't support @src attribute for $name eq 'content' yet $type = exists $arg->{ type } ? $arg->{ type } : 'html'; croak "content required for $name element" unless exists $arg->{ content }; # a lof of the effort that follows is to omit the type attribute whenever possible # if( $type eq 'xhtml' ) { $content = _pcdata $arg->{ content }; if( $content !~ /</ ) { # FIXME does this cover all cases correctly? $type = 'text'; $content =~ s/[\n\t]+/ /g; } else { $content = _tag [ div => xmlns => _XHTML_NS ], $content; } } elsif( $type eq 'html' or $type eq 'text' ) { $content = _cdata $arg->{ content }; } else { croak "type '$type' not allowed in $name element" if $name ne 'content'; # FIXME non-XML/text media types must be base64 encoded! $content = _pcdata $arg->{ content }; } } else { $type = 'html'; $content = _cdata $arg; } if( $type eq 'html' and $content !~ /&/ ) { $type = 'text'; $content =~ s/[\n\t]+/ /g; } return _tag [ $name => $type ne 'text' ? ( type => $type ) : () ], $content; } sub _empty_tag_maker { my ( $required_attr, @optional_attr ) = @_; sub { my ( $name, $arg ) = @_; HACK: { # omit atom:link/@rel value when possible # no other simple tag needs such a feature so it's easiest to hack it in here # instead of providing an indirection to implement it delete $arg->{ rel } if $name eq 'link' and ref $arg eq 'HASH' and exists $arg->{ rel } and $arg->{ rel } eq 'alternate'; } if( ref $arg eq 'HASH' ) { croak "$required_attr required for $name element" if not exists $arg->{ $required_attr }; my @attr = map { $_ => $arg->{ $_ } } grep exists $arg->{ $_ }, $required_attr, @optional_attr; _tag [ $name => @attr ]; } else { _tag [ $name => $required_attr => $arg ]; } } } # tag makers are called with the name of the tag they're supposed to handle as the first parameter my %make_tag = ( icon => \&_tag, id => \&_tag, logo => \&_tag, published => \&_tag, updated => \&_tag, author => \&_person_construct, contributor => \&_person_construct, title => \&_text_construct, subtitle => \&_text_construct, rights => \&_text_construct, summary => \&_text_construct, content => \&_text_construct, link => _empty_tag_maker( qw( href rel type title hreflang length ) ), category => _empty_tag_maker( qw( term scheme label ) ), generator => sub { my ( $name, $arg ) = @_; if( ref $arg eq 'HASH' ) { croak 'name required for generator element' if not exists $arg->{ name }; my $content = delete $arg->{ name }; _tag [ generator => map +( $_ => $arg->{ $_ } ), grep exists $arg->{ $_ }, qw( uri version ) ], _cdata( $content ); } else { _tag generator => _cdata( $arg ); } }, ); sub _container_content { my ( $name, %arg ) = @_; my ( $elements, $required, $optional, $singular, $deprecation, $callback ) = @arg{ qw( elements required optional singular deprecate callback ) }; my ( $content, %permission, %count, $permalink ); undef @permission{ @$required, @$optional }; # populate while( my ( $elem, $arg ) = splice @$elements, 0, 2 ) { if( exists $permission{ $elem } ) { $content .= $make_tag{ $elem }->( $elem, $arg ); ++$count{ $elem }; } else { croak "Unknown element $elem"; } if( $elem eq 'link' and defined ( my $alt = _permalink $arg ) ) { $permalink = $alt unless $count{ 'alternate link' }++; } if( exists $callback->{ $elem } ) { $callback->{ $elem }->( $arg ) } if( not @$elements ) { # end of input? # we would normally fall off the bottom of the loop now; # before that happens, it's time to defaultify stuff and # put it in the input so we will keep going for a little longer if( not $count{ id } and defined $permalink ) { carp 'Falling back to alternate link as id'; push @$elements, id => $permalink; } if( not $count{ updated } ) { push @$elements, updated => $arg{ default_upd }; } } } my @error; my @missing = grep { not exists $count{ $_ } } @$required; my @toomany = grep { ( $count{ $_ } || 0 ) > 1 } 'alternate link', @$singular; push @error, 'requires at least one ' . _natural_enum( @missing ) . ' element' if @missing; push @error, 'must have no more than one ' . _natural_enum( @toomany ) . ' element' if @toomany; croak $name, ' ', join ' and ', @error if @error; return $content; } #################################################################### # implementation of published interface and rest of RFC 4287 # sub new { my $self = bless [], shift; $self->[ _DO_ADD_GENERATOR ] = 1; $self->[ _FEED_DATA ] = _container_content feed => ( elements => \@_, required => [ qw( id title updated ) ], optional => [ qw( author category contributor generator icon logo link rights subtitle ) ], singular => [ qw( generator icon logo id rights subtitle title updated ) ], callback => { author => sub { $self->[ _HAVE_DEFAULT_AUTHOR ] = 1 }, updated => sub { $self->[ _GLOBAL_UPDATED ] = $_[ 0 ] }, generator => sub { $self->[ _DO_ADD_GENERATOR ] = 0 }, }, default_upd => strftime( _W3C_DATETIME, gmtime ), ); return $self; } sub add_entry { my $self = shift; my @required = qw( id title updated ); my @optional = qw( category content contributor link published rights summary ); push @{ $self->[ _HAVE_DEFAULT_AUTHOR ] ? \@optional : \@required }, 'author'; # FIXME # # o atom:entry elements that contain no child atom:content element # MUST contain at least one atom:link element with a rel attribute # value of "alternate". # # o atom:entry elements MUST contain an atom:summary element in either # of the following cases: # * the atom:entry contains an atom:content that has a "src" # attribute (and is thus empty). # * the atom:entry contains content that is encoded in Base64; # i.e., the "type" attribute of atom:content is a MIME media type # [MIMEREG], but is not an XML media type [RFC3023], does not # begin with "text/", and does not end with "/xml" or "+xml". # # XXX these can be implemented by playing games with the req/opt arrays # from within callbacks push @$self, _tag entry => _container_content entry => ( elements => \@_, required => \@required, optional => \@optional, singular => [ qw( content id published rights summary ) ], default_upd => $self->[ _GLOBAL_UPDATED ], ); return $self; } sub no_generator { my $self = shift; $self->[ _DO_ADD_GENERATOR ] = 0; return $self; } sub as_string { my $self = shift; my $metadata = $self->[ _FEED_DATA ]; if( $self->[ _DO_ADD_GENERATOR ] ) { $metadata .= $make_tag{ generator }->( generator => _DEFAULT_GENERATOR ); } _PREAMBLE . _tag [ feed => xmlns => _ATOM_NS ], $metadata, @$self[ _FEED_DATA + 1 .. $#$self ]; } sub print { my $self = shift; my ( $handle ) = @_; local $, = local $\ = ''; defined $handle ? print $handle $self->as_string : print $self->as_string; } sub save_file { croak q{no longer supported, use 'print' with a passed in filehandle instead} } ! ! 'Funky and proud of it.';