- ##################
- ##################
- %WalaConf = (
- RecentChangesMaxLines => 50, # Max lines to display in RecentChanges
- DefaultUserName => 'Anonymous', # Default user name
- StyleSheet => 'wala.css', # URL of style sheet
- DefaultPageText => "Write something.\n",
- CookieSurvivalDays => 90, # Number of days for cookies to remain
- RootDir => '.', # No trailing slash, please
- HomePage => 'HomePage', # Name of default page
- TimeZone => 'UTC', # Currently just a string to display
- TitleString => 'wala::', # Display before page names in titles
- ScriptName => 'wala.pl', # substr( $0, rindex( $0, "/" ) + 1 );
- ShowSearchlinks => 1, # Display "see also" box on pages
- UseCache => 0, # Don't cache generated pages
- # Check for important files every time we run the script.
- # This can be changed to 0 for faster load times once everything
- # is working:
- CheckSetup => 1,
- # Uncomment and set to use a feed script:
- #FeedURL => "http://path/to/wala/feed.pl",
- );
- # Set some important paths relative to our root directory:
- $WalaConf{LogFile} = $WalaConf{RootDir} . '/log';
- $WalaConf{PagesDir} = $WalaConf{RootDir} . '/pages';
- $WalaConf{CacheDir} = $WalaConf{RootDir} . '/cache';
- $WalaConf{DiffDir} = $WalaConf{RootDir} . '/diffs';
- # Should be empty unless we're going to use display.pl:
- );