Almost-minimal filesystem based blog.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

46 lines
1.4 KiB

17 years ago
  1. ##################
  3. ##################
  4. %WalaConf = (
  5. RecentChangesMaxLines => 50,
  6. DefaultUserName => 'Anonymous',
  7. StyleSheet => '',
  8. DefaultPageText => "Write something.\n",
  9. CookieSurvivalDays => 90,
  10. HomePage => "HomePage",
  11. TimeZone => "UTC",
  12. TitleString => "p1k3 wala::",
  13. ScriptName => "",
  14. CheckSetup => 0,
  15. # No trailing slash on RootDir, please.
  16. RootDir => "/home/bbearnes/wala",
  17. FeedURL => "",
  18. ShowSearchlinks => 1,
  19. UseCache => 1,
  20. );
  21. $WalaConf{LogFile} = $WalaConf{RootDir} . '/log';
  22. $WalaConf{PagesDir} = '/home/bbearnes/wala/pages';
  23. $WalaConf{CacheDir} = '/home/bbearnes/wala/cache';
  24. $WalaConf{DiffDir} = '/home/bbearnes/wala/diffs';
  25. ########################
  26. # options #
  27. ########################
  28. %DISPLAY_CONF = (
  29. ROOT_DIR => "/home/bbearnes/",
  30. URL_ROOT => "",
  31. IMAGE_URL_ROOT => "",
  32. HEADER => 'header',
  33. FOOTER => 'footer',
  34. stylesheet_url => '',
  35. favicon_url => '',
  36. feed_url => '',
  37. author => 'Brennen Bearnes',
  38. description => '',
  39. license => '',
  40. );