- WORM - DAL / ORM code generation framework
- Copyright (C) 2011 Erik Winn (sidewalksoftware at gmail dot com)
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- 2013: Version 0.2.1
- WORM is a Data Abstraction Layer for access to database servers and an
- Object Relational Mapping system. It consists of libraries providing a
- generic API for database access and database metadata mapping of schema
- structure. On top of this there is a tool to generate C++ class files for a
- given arbitrary database schema - "wormgen". wormgen accepts a few
- arguments setting the database to use and optionally username, password,
- output directory, etc. - "wormgen -h" shows usage. See "USING WORM"
- below for more information.
- Why "Yet Another ORM" - simple: I could not find a C++ ORM class
- generator for linux that would take the schema from an existing
- database and generate the ORM layer. Everything I found did things
- like force one to create an XML description of the schema from which
- both SQL and C++ would be generated. Or do the database in C++
- classes first (with some special syntax or #pragmas) .. I like SQL - it is
- a good language for design, I frequently do the schema (aka "Model")
- first when I am designing and then derive the architecture from that.
- I didn't want to be forced to do that in OO - just a personal design
- preference (aka "Model Driven Architecture"). Erm, plus I happened
- to _have_ an existing database and wanted to port an app from PHP
- to C++ .. why do what you could do manually in 3 days by hand
- when you can spend a month automating it? Really - which is going
- to be more fun, huh?
- Hence, libworm and wormgen.
- At this writing the framework only supports SQLite3 and MySQL
- databases. and the default output supports Wt's Dbo library.
- (Web Toolkit http://webtoolkit.eu) It generates header files that
- (with a little adjustment sometimes) will work with Wt::Dbo for
- existing database schemata. There are also example templates that
- generate *.h/*.cpp pairs containing CRUD methods for Qt and
- generic C++ with SQL (See below under "Templates")
- The output is configurable using the WORM template system which uses
- google's ctemplate for output templating.
- Additionally the libraries provide a general API for basic database access
- including query execution with structured result sets and runtime metadata
- including column information such as name, data type, defaults, extras, etc.
- NOTE: This API is not fully stable! I expect there to be some changes and
- do not yet recommend building off the API for anything serious. wormgen
- is functional (if simple) and changes there should not cause problems but
- the libraries are still under development. There may be modifications
- and these should be expected until this message is removed.
- You have been warned :).
- linux or Unices should be ok.
- Requirements:
- * cmake, make, gcc, libstdc++, stl
- * SQlite3 libraries - you may comment out the sqlite driver in
- src/CMakeLists.txt if you don't want SQlite3 support
- * libmysqlclient - same applies, you may comment this out
- * ctemplate 1.0; libctemplate (currently the no threads version - this can
- be changed in the cmake files)
- Build Instructions:
- You can either clone the repository with git:
- git clone https://github.com/erikwinn/worm.git
- - which will create a directory named "worm" in your current working
- directory.
- Or, download a tar.gz and do(the number corresponds to the
- current version):
- tar xzvf erikwinn-worm-79a2021.tar.gz
- mv erikwinn-worm-79a2021 worm
- cd worm
- cd ./build && cmake ../
- make
- This will build the libraries and wormgen under build/src. By default
- the static library is built - you can uncomment the shared library in
- src/CMakeLists.txt and comment out the static to change this
- (todo: add a configure script ..)
- libraries: libworm.so libworm.a
- binary: wormgen
- Installation(optional):
- You must be root to install.
- make install (OR) sudo make install
- ldconfig
- * This will install the libraries to /usr/local/lib/libworm.* and the
- * binary to /usr/local/bin/wormgen. Code generation templates will
- * be installed to /usr/local/share/worm/
- NOTE: You can also use wormgen without installing by doing something
- like this if it was built with the shared libraries:
- (use a full path to work outside this directory):
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./build/src
- ./build/src/wormgen
- Uninstall:
- rm /usr/local/bin/wormgen
- rm /usr/local/lib/libworm*
- rm -rf /usr/local/share/worm
- Alternately you can do:
- cat install_manifest.txt | xargs rm
- *************** USING WORM *******************
- wormgen Usage:
- wormgen -h gives help on usage.
- The database argument is the only required argument - you must
- have a database already set up and access to it. By default it assumes
- the username is root with no password - for an SQlite3 database pass
- the filename as the argument for -d database; eg.:
- wormgen -d ./examples/blog.db
- This will generate files in the current directory - to specify a different
- output directory use:
- wormgen -o /path/to/output
- Other commandline arguments include:
- -D driver ([default]mysql or sqlite)
- -t template directory (default ./src/orm/templates)
- -u username
- -p password
- -h help - use this to see all the arguments ..
- Output:
- The output can be configured by editing or creating new template files
- in the template directory - any files in this directory are assumed to be
- templates to use. These are the supported template types:
- base class header - generates FooBase.h:
- ClassDeclarationBase, //class_declaration_base.tpl
- base class source - generates FooBase.cpp:
- ClassDefinitionBase, //class_definition_base.tpl
- class header - generates Foo.h:
- ClassDeclaration, //class_declaration.tpl
- class source - generates Foo.cpp:
- ClassDefinition, //class_definition.tpl
- These are not yet implemented but will be soon (read someday..):
- EditViewDeclarationBase, //edit_view_declaration_base.tpl
- EditViewDeclaration, //edit_view_declaration.tpl
- EditViewDefinitionBase, //edit_view_definition_base.tpl
- EditViewDefinition, //edit_view_definition.tpl
- ListViewDeclarationBase, //list_view_declaration_base.tpl
- ListViewDeclaration, //list_view_declaration.tpl
- ListViewDefinitionBase, //list_view_definition_base.tpl
- ListViewDefinition //list_view_definition.tpl
- Database and class naming conventions:
- A table in the database should be named in lowercase with underscores
- for best results (Note: this is optional but will avoid naming conflicts
- - wormgen will still generate files for camel case naming schema).
- Eg: some_persons will be transformed to a class SomePerson. Columns
- like first_name will transform to firstName. Underscores for private
- variables, accessors, etc can be established in the templates. Table names
- should be plural and will be transformed to singular class names -
- eg. users table becomes class User. Wormgen tries to be clever about
- irregulars (eg. fly -> flies) - but isn't yet brilliant and only speaks english,
- so ..
- *************** USING WORM TEMPLATES *******************
- Templates:
- (examples are under <worm_directory_where_ever>/src/orm/templates.)
- The templates use ctemplate and currently support the following tags:
- ******* Top Level ********
- (These may be used at any level)
- ****** Sections (lists) *******
- "BELONGS_TO" = appears when a class has a many to one relationship with another class
- "COLUMNS" = contains a list of COLUMN dictionaries
- "HAS_MANY" = appears when a class has a one to many relationship with another class
- "INCLUDES" = #include <string>, #include "footableclass.h", etc. (hopefully correctly ..)
- "FORWARD_DECLARATIONS" = forward declarations when there are pointers in a header
- "PK_SECTION" = appears when a table has an identifiable primary key. Note: compound keys are not handled - wormgen will simply generate multiple versions of the section and you will have to select/edit as needed
- "UNSUPPORTED" = appears when an unsupported variable type is encountered (eg. BLOB)
- ******* List Items ***********
- "CURRENT_COLUMN_NUMBER" = the current column number (0...COLUMN_COUNT - 1)
- "COLUMN_COUNT" = number of colums found in table. This also holds CURRENT_COLUMN_NUMBER + 1 during COLUMNS loops
- "COLUMN_NAME" = eg. "user_name"
- "COLUMNS_separator" = Actually a section - strings inside will be repeated for every column except the last.
- "DATATYPE" = int, char, short, std::string, etc.
- "FOREIGNKEY_CLASSNAME" = eg. Session (foreign key in users table) -- one to many; HAS_MANY section
- "REFERENCED_CLASSNAME" = eg. UserType (foreign key to user in user_type table) -- many to one; BELONGS_TO section
- "REFERENCED_TABLENAME" = eg. "user_type" -- many to one; BELONGS_TO section
- "REFERENCED_VARIABLE_NAME" = eg. "userTypeId" - the foreign key variable -- many to one; BELONGS_TO section
- "VARIABLE_NAME" = eg. userName
- "VARIABLE_GETTOR" = eg. getUserName
- "VARIABLE_SETTOR" = eg setUserName
- "UNSIGNED" = Actually a section, appears if variable is unsigned ..
- "INCLUDE" = eg. "#include usertype.h"
- "PK_VARIABLE_NAME" = the class member that represents the primary key column, eg. userName or userId
- "PK_COLUMN_NAME" = the database name the primary key column, eg. user_name or user_id
- Note that multi column keys will generate duplicate sections for each key - edit/select as needed in the generated classes (or don't use multi column keys)
- There are several example templates under:
- <worm_directory_where_ever>/src/orm/templates.
- These show some tag usage possibilities - Note however that the templates
- probably won't work "out of the box". They will do most of the heavy lifting
- of ORM boilerplate but the generated classes will likely need at least some
- tweaking to work, YMMV. However, since the output _is_ templated it is of
- course possible to tweak the templates themselves or create new ones - maybe
- even a perfect "out of the box" example (which would be a welcome
- contribution).
- The out put is not restricted to C++ (except that currently wormgen will
- create std::string variables for VARCHAR - this may change to be more
- flexible in future).
- The current default template generates Wt::Dbo object headers.
- A more thorough introduction to ctemplate syntax is available at the
- ctemplate website ( http://ctemplate.googlecode.com ).
- *************** USING WORM LIBRARY (libworm) *******************
- Library Usage and Documentation:
- There are some small example programs under examples/ - I recommend
- starting with these. Also, the code is heavily commented - and there are
- copious amounts of HTML formatted documentation under doc/html.
- Although wormgen itself is now pretty stable the library is still mostly a
- Pull model and needs more work to be useful in a general sense - still you
- may find use for it. Documentation for library usage will probably appear
- sometime after the library itself is more complete.
- peace,
- -e